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Approved Starship FAE/TIE Series “Aetherstrike” Starfighter

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  • Amphibian - The life support systems, electromotive field motors, and hydrostatic fields allow the Aetherstrike to traverse underwater and remain submerged for an indefinite period of time. In a pinch, this function could be used to hide from pursuing enemy forces or even to initiate a surprise attack.
  • Electromagnetic Control - An ECM array allows the Aetherstrike to exert a level of influence over the electromagnetic environment in a given battlespace, giving it a range of capabilities that add additional utility.
  • Sniper - While the Aetherstrike is not a significantly upgunned starfighter, its defining armament are a pair of sniper cannons mounted in the ventral turret. These cannons allow the pilot to engage targets at extreme ranges, far outside the reach of most sensor systems, point-defense weapons, and missiles. Dealing with even a single Aetherstrike often requires enemy commanders to divert multiple starfighters away from the action to engage the distant threat, tying up resources in the process. And this does not account for the craft’s...
  • Speed - The ability to quickly relocate and traverse across a given battlespace was considered paramount to the Aetherstrike’s survival. In this, the Aetherstrike’s speed was prioritized as a means of survival, allowing it to utilize shoot-and-scoot tactics in a manner akin to mobile artillery.
  • Scope - To fit its combat profile, the Aetherstrike has uprated sensors and targeting systems which are capable of locating, locking onto, and engaging targets at extreme ranges. This ensures that the Aetherstrike’s long-ranged sniper cannons are not limited by the range of its sensors.
  • Sensitive Passive Sensors - The passive sensor array on the hull of the Aetherstrike is an extreme boon to the pilot’s battlespace awareness, especially in conditions where the use of active sensors may reveal the craft’s location. However, they are also very vulnerable, as even glancing blows can destroy or disable the sensors on or around the affected areas. In essence, as the hull takes more hits, the Spyglass’ passive reception array will become increasingly ineffective.
  • Glass Cannon - The Aetherstrike does not have combat-rated shields. It also lacks anti-Ion and EMP systems. In order to survive, it relies on speed, staying at standoff distances, and ECM cover.
  • Straight and Narrow - The SLAM Mk. II provides a significant boost to speed and acceleration, but it compromises maneuverability while active.
  • Automation - The Aetherstrike is supported by a suite of automated processes which govern its targeting systems, power systems, flight control systems, and yet more. In the event that these systems are somehow disabled, whether via EMP/Ion discharge, concentrated slicing, or in rare cases, jamming, the operating efficiency of the craft will be negatively affected.
  • Atmospheric Inferiority - Due to a lack of missiles, mediocre turning performance (relative to the standards of TIE-series starfighters), absence of combat-rated shields, and the poor rate of fire of its sniper cannons, the Aetherstrike is a suboptimal choice for close range atmospheric dogfights. While the craft is serviceable in atmospheric environments, the Aetherstrike is ultimately at home in the void, where it is not inhibited by planetary curvature and thus can leverage longer ranges and better sightlines to engage targets from further distances.
Representing First United Astral Engineering's return to starfighter development, the FAE/TIE Series “Aetherstrike” Starfighter is a TIE variant that is optimized for extreme range combat—a rare capability for small craft. In this, the
Aetherstrike is designed around a ventral turret that mounts two sniper cannons that are capable of engaging targets at extreme distances. These include enemy starfighters, weapon emplacements and external equipment on capital ships, corvettes, bombers, missiles, and yet more. To accommodate this capability, the Aetherstrike has uprated sensors and targeting systems for target acquisition and detection at longer ranges. However, the Aetherstrike does make sacrifices for its long-ranged capabilities, which serve to limit the platform's utility in close-quarters dogfights. It also lacks combat-rated shields.

Nevertheless, the Aetherstrike is hoped to represent a new option in the tactical toolkits of Lost Imperial fleet and starfighter commanders. In this, the Aetherstrike is a starfighter capable of striking targets from standoff distances, complicating the typical tactics and dogfights that define starfighter combat even into the Chaos era.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta

As usual, very nice sub, however I have some concerns about the Low defences, due to the Golem Type plating. True, the fighter has no shields, but it has a very strong defences against ION and any energy attacks:
Layer 1 or the Outer Plating is a desh-terenthium alloy impregnated with minute amounts of hijarna stone designed by Aurora Industries to provide a lightweight but protective layer of armor against energy and ion weaponry due to the absorption abilities of the hijarna stone and the strength of the desh-terenthium alloy.
Hijarna stone was a material found in a fortress on Hijarna, as well as the Hand of Thrawn on Nirauan. A safe belonging to crime lord Avrak Villachor was also made of Hijarna stone. The stone was black, incredibly dense, and had the apparent ability to absorb laser or turbolaser fire like a sponge. This is not to say it was invulnerable to all forms of energy attacks, however - a powerful enough laser blast, such as that from a superlaser, would damage it. Additionally, it could absorb energy somewhat from lightsabers but after enough hits the stone would break.
This is enough so that the laser attack of other starfighters cannot damage them. How would you explain how this can be low? Also taking into account the fact that half of the TIE serieses don't have shields as standard equipment.
Hi! These are the changes that I've made in response to your concerns. I hope these are to your satisfaction.
  • Removed the Golem-type Plating
  • Changed Hull Plating to Titanium-Carboplas Alloy
  • Changed Skeleton to Condensed Matter Composite
  • Replaced Quadanium Steel in Solar Collection Arrays with Hexalloy
  • Added Crew Information
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