Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Falling to the Earth like Black Snow [Jedi & Sith]


Fire burned bright.

It billowed out from the blown-out structures, great gouts of flame that send ash and smoke high into the blood-tinged sky. Bodies littered the cobbled streets, left to lay where they fell. Most were unarmed, their injuries suffered as they fled for their lives. Some had even been struck after they had expired, the rage of beasts unleashed upon both the living and the dead. A pallor of darkness hung heavy over the settlement, which only hours before had been lively with activity; trade, jubilation, and the hustle of daily life.

When the Jedi came from the stars, the people came out to greet them. They'd been sent on a mission to help strengthen the settlement, to aid in their agriculture, and impart the wisdom of the Alliance. Though a neutral world, the system overall had been making dedicated overtures to the Galactic Alliance for potential admission. But before that could happen, the system needed to be strengthened. For many decades the world had fallen into decline, their trade lines severed by many, many wars. Population decline followed as many sought new lives elsewhere.

But, a shadow had followed the Jedi. It too came from the stars. Those that followed in the shadow's wake did not bring gestures of peace and prosperity, but fire and the sword. They descended without warning, volleys of plasma-fire raining down upon the outlying crop fields until the entire settlement was surrounded by a sea of flame. Then came the soldiers, clad in shimmering black, and utterly devoid of humanity. Even the Jedi, skilled as they were, found themselves on the backfoot as these dark warriors seemed to anticipate their actions; anticipate how they thought. It was only after these bestial soldiers established their own pocket within the settlement that the Sith descended down.

Among them walked a veritable titan, a towering Dark Lord who exuded pain and terror in equal measure. He need not do more than raise a hand and sow destruction, as though it were as effortless as breathing. But now, that devastation was a memory. Most were killed, but there were still many who survived. They were rounded up, settler and Jedi, at blaster-point and herded into the main square, where they were made to kneel and their hands bound by serrated wire. Their leader, the Dark Titan, strode amongst them like a living god. He took seat upon the edge of the great stone fountain at the court's center, a technical crew trailing behind Him as they began to record the prisoner's faces in a slow, deliberate sweep.

They then focused their equipment upon their leader, but He did not speak. He did not need to. The message was clear. Once they finished, they began to prepare the footage for transmission. The Dark Lord, for His part, unsheathed a large dagger from His waist. He inspected it briefly before using it to carve out a chunk of stone from the fountain, the blade easily cutting through stone as though it were paper. Then, almost lackadaisically, began to slice and chip away at the stone piece. He continued to do this for some time.




Jedi & Sith
The serrated wire gripped Jorus' wrists nastily. His bad knee hurt worse — he was kneeling in the square with the rest of the prisoners, and would be until someone took the bait.

By all rights he shouldn't even have been here. He hadn't considered himself a Jedi since before most of these people were born. He sure as feth had no love for the Galactic Alliance apart from a grudging respect for the long peace they'd brought to Corellia. He'd only stopped in for gas and a drink.

Couldn't even blame the drink for how he'd wound up. He'd managed barely half a can of lum before the planet went to shavvit.

The fight had been brief. He was old. No more slinging around an eight-gauge Mandalorian shell gun. (Once upon a time, he'd introduced the stock of that long-lost gun to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's nether regions.) No lightsaber these days either, not that he'd ever been any good with the damn thing. No, when the crunch came, he'd faced it down with nothing more than a blaster. Drop three troopers and a Sith before the others flattened him — a man could be proud of that.

The bruises would be pretty rough tomorrow, if he lived that long. He couldn't even throw himself into hyperspace to escape: there were far too many innocent people, far too close. And sure, they'd likely die anyway, the way today was shaping up, but Captain Jorus Quentin Merrill wouldn't be the one to kill them.

So, absent better options, he knelt there in the dirt with the rest of them and just hoped nobody recognized the man he used to be.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

Equipment: Lightsaber, Sword, Dagger, Robes
Tags: Open!

"The spaceport is secure my lord, the prisoners in the courtyard are the only survivors." Darth Strosius stood with his back facing the trooper and the courtyard in question, his masked gaze instead fixed upon the now battle damaged spaceport. Securing the main city was essential but robbing the planet of easy evacuation and landing sites was similarly important, and as such plenty of spaceports such as this one had to be under Sith control to ensure no sudden guests and few early exits. Not to mention it was a task that kept him far away from the Dark Lord of the Kainate and his forces, lest his own wrath get the better of him. Being forced to help in this little display at all was enough of a disgrace.

"Prisoners, trooper?" The Sith Lord turned to regard the soldier with a glance before his gaze shifted to where the spaceport workers, security guards, and a few patrons and other personnel had been rounded up. These ones had been smart enough to surrender, or foolish enough to be caught unarmed. Given that the sounds of blaster fire from within the spaceport had stopped it was safe to assume that the ones that had chosen to try and fight back were put down.

"On the contrary, prisoners can't kill such...valued members of our entourage now can they?" Both his and the trooper's gazes drifted over to the only set of corpses outside of the spaceport. A technical crew sent from the Kainites, the only members present that didn't belong to either the locals or the Sith Lord's own troopers, meant to record the helpless pleas and cries of the prisoners. A shame that they all lay dead with still smoking blaster marks in their backs, as though they hadn't been expecting to be shot at all. Being in the back line of an 'allied' force does build such confidence. "No, these people must be militia then. And you know what we do to the soldiers of the enemy, don't you?"

The masked man looked back at the terrified crowd of prisoners as one of the troopers guarding them suddenly threw a spare blaster pistol at their feet. One that would be the exact model that gunned down the technical crew. None of the prisoners, despite their lack of restraints, dared to move and pick up the weapon. "We show them the price of standing with the fools of the Alliance." Finally he looked back at the trooper at his side and nodded, a silent command that signaled for the other troopers in the courtyard to raise their blasters towards the unarmed prisoners.

"Open fire."

He should have felt it. How could he not have? Was he so consumed in what he was doing that he had missed what loomed beyond the veil of his perception? His thick limbs were behind him, joined together by laser bindings that were quite strong, but not so strong that he wouldn't be able to break them. He wasn't sure what was going to happen. When it was all set and done, the battle was all but lost and he was surrounded. He didn't see any point in continuing to fight and die if only to die by sheer numbers. The Wookie calmed his mind and opened his senses.

There is no emotion, there is peace...

He didn't have to turn his head his head from the sith lords before him. He was taking in everyone in the area, from those who held them captive to the captives themselves. He wasn't sure how many options they had, or if there would be any help coming. He was almost sure there wasn't any and so this was something the group would have to deal with themselves. Was he at peace to die right here, right now? It seemed as if the young Wookie was not quite content to simply perish in the moment. After all, he wanted to live.

The bid to escape would not be triggered by one of the prisoners, but by the Sith Lords as they ordered the soldiers to open fire and finish off what was left of the jedi and forces they were aiding. He wanted to draw his lightsaber - the very tool that Jedi were married to. The thing was, he didn't have it. It was removed from him by the sith when they overwhelmed him..and now he had to figure out how he was going to make it through this.

He let the force guide him as the blaster bolts began to fire, sending forth a rushing wall that pushed some of them back. Meanwhile, the force would supplement his physical ability and he would spring into the air into a backward flip once he extended his legs in one fluid motion. He had to figure out to get a hold of his saber or at least...

His furry digits gripped outward, twisting by the wrist as he jerked the hand towards his body. With this motion, he forced one of the blasters from the fallen soldiers to fly towards him, where he drew his other hand out to catch it. He tried to dodge and avoid blaster bolts as he fired some of his own. His eyes were on the sith lords. Was there any way out of this?

"I will not fall here without a fight, sith!"

Of course, unless you spoke wookie, you would not understand the jedi's words.

[I feel I may have got the scene wrong a bit, and if i did - please message me and I'll fix it. Also, sorry if this ooc is inappropriate.)

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill
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He was back.

Kahlil stared at the holotable as the message played. It was a simple threat as much as it was a trap. They were going to kill everyone there as bate to bring the Jedi. They were going to kill the Jedi that had survived. Part of Kahlil knew these people would likely be dead the moment they arrived. But that wasn't a guarantee.

"They're going to use these people as shields and threats against us when we arrive. So we'll make sure they knew some of us are there. Pull their attention while the other of you find and rescue those you can. Knight Si will be leading the stealth operation. It's our best bet to get as many back alive as we can before the Alliance brings more forces."

He turned to his communicator, hands behind his back as he stood calm. Looked calm. Stealth certainly wasn't something he was skilled at. But being a distraction?

"May the Force be with us."

Hyperspace cut as he dropped from hyperspace and sent his ship right for the surface. It'd be clearly picked up as he wasn't trying to hide. Let the Sith come. He'd make sure they didn't see the rescuers.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill | Targraanak Targraanak


She'd nearly tuned out the pain in her wrist -- her haunching over gave her some brief reprieve, but she traded one uncomfortable position for the next.

She found herself constantly suckling her bottom lip, biting down on the wound inside; she took a full blow to the face in the chaos, which likely was the reason she was knocked out.

She took an assignment to come with the Jedi delegation, getting the experience fell in line with her training, but it also helped draw her mind elsewhere when her thoughts drifted to her mother. She hadn't had a premonition in a...long time, having felt outside the ebb and flow of things lately; That was one of the reasons she came, to explore another side of her training.

She found out today just how the imbalance could cost her, but she had no one to steer her through this block.

Her head whipped up, tossing back loose blonde strands. Oh, it hurt; her face and abdomen were sore.

A beat.

Then the world around her produced sound again, the whimpers, cries, and sounds of struggle all came back to her in one loud wave. She shot glances all around, she seen none of the other Jedi -- "Am I the last one?" her thoughts were her own. Surely some of the others had been captured too?

But she had no other options, no flowing ideas at the current moment. She sat cradled for the moment.



A distress call.

A team had been sent out, and now they were dealing with sith. Stuff like this really did keep Jonyna on edge some days. And yet, Kahlil had trusted her with this rescue.

Jonyna had made an arrangement for a squadron of Deliverances for her team, save for Kahlil. He was the distraction. The bait.

Normally she'd get prettied up in her Panther gear, but given she was put in charge of this squad, she couldn't risk that. No, she'd lead this with pride.

Before they dropped out of hyperspace, Jonyna made sure everyone switched on their sensor jammers. Communication would be impossible until they landed, but it would mean they would be going in quiet.

Landing at the regroup point, a small plateau overlooking the village, a few miles away. Far enough away from the village where the jedi could slip in unnoticed.

She hoped her team would meet her there...

Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Targraanak Targraanak Mother Askani Mother Askani Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...

Location: Cerea

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Kahlil Noble / Jorus Q. Merrill / Targraanak / Cortana Jade / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si (there, happy you nerd! :p)
Foes: Darth Carnifex / Darth Strosius / Malum of House Marr / OPEN

A hero is—as though one should say—a man of high achievement, who performs famous exploits; who does things that are heroical, and in all his actions and demeanor is a hero indeed.“ - Henry Brooke

It wasn’t often these days that Caltin and his son Connell traveled together. Caltin was actually enjoying his free time with his wife and just living and Connell was out carving his own path and name in the galaxy. However it was Chrysa’s birthday coming up and Connell actually wanted to go in on a gift with his father (along with his own) so Caltin jumped at the chance to spend some time with his boyoung mson. It seemed lately like the younger Vanagor seemed to resent him for some reason and though he would not pry, the massive Jedi Master was curious.

The matriarch loved these little individual meat dishes that were made and sold on Cerea, so they were on the way there to pick some up for dinner. It seemed fortuitous, either that or the Force just wanted to take advantage of this chance to have them together and soon there was a distress call being sent out…’

… from Cerea…

Caltin was sitting at the comms station reading the distress call as Connell was grabbing his gear, wondering if this was some sick joke. It was when he saw the stone, and the hastily made engraving that Caltin finally spoke up.

This is clearly a message being sent. A sort of reminder that they are around. Feeling silly at the obvious, he looked up. Where do you want to be dropped off?

Then Connell came from around the corner, a somewhat confused expression crawled across his face. I’m going to land in the central farmlands, but it looks like they could use you in the central square.

As Connell walked over, Caltin showed him the layout, he would not be far away, but would be able to do what he needed without worry of being intruded by his father, like he seemed to want. As Caltin walked over to and took over the pilot’s station from the auto-pilot, he nodded at the loading ramp. Go, I’ll see you down there. May the Force be with you.

... is my undivided attention.

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We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
TAGS: Allies:

Kahlil Noble / Jorus Q. Merrill / Targraanak / Cortana Jade / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Foes: Darth Carnifex / Darth Strosius / Malum of House Marr / OPEN

The days that Caltin and Connell Vanagor traveled together regularly were long gone. This was something that the younger Vanagor actually regretted, though one would never know. Caltin Vanagor was a showdown that he would never get out of if he did not do his own thing and go his own way. He had to. Unfortunately it came at the cost of his father’s approval. Connell knew that he shouldn’t be worried about that as much as he used to, he was a Jedi Knight, and an adult, but still. So with mother’s birthday coming up, Connell suggested the idea of maybe going in on a double gift, assuring the patriarch that he had one of his own to give her as well. The old man went fot it.


The only thing left to do was pick up things for dinner, and since it was her day coming up, why not get her favorite batanettas from Cerea. So they were off to the planet, then off to “home” and a couple of nice days before back to the grind.

Then, as if on cue, the distress call rang out… from Cerea.

Those monsters. Channels are hopping with chatter, there are Jedi on the way, but we’re close. Father seemed to have the same idea and they were going to respond to this. It will be interesting to see the old man in action and not just hear the stories about it. He actually did not mind playing second fiddle at all here, and doing whatever father wanted him to. So while Father went to take over piloting the ship, Connell went to gear up.

”Where do you want to be dropped off?”


Walking out of the quarters and closing the belts to his web gear, Connell was clearly confused. I’m sorry, what?

Caltin wanted to drop him off in a completely separate area. Was he going to follow a group or was it Caltin just didn’t trust his son? Then he walked over and looked at the landscape, there was not a great distance that would be between them, but this was something that Connell could use to be able to work on his own and not worry about Father looking over his shoulder. This might be a good thing after all.. As father nodded towards the loading ramp, the rush of air roaring in was brisk and refreshing, He did not want to run into a fight, but he did want to let this incursion stand…

”It doesn’t matter when or where, it matters not the danger,
We race as though to help a friend when called on by a stranger.
And maybe just remind the few, if ill of us they speak,
that we are all that stands between the monsters and the weak.”

Diving out of the screaming vessel into the open air and falling to the earthen ground tucking into a roll, the younger Vanagor was on guard immediately.

Landing on Cerea
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Remain steadfast and you are never without hope


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"


[*]Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor (10 Squadrons)

[*]Elysian class Strike fighter (10 Squadrons)

181st Tactical Starfighter Wing “Voodoo Wing”


[*]NC-1000 X-Wing (10 Squadrons)


[*]Starfury class Starfighter (2 Squadrons)"
[*]Big Fury" class Starfury Starfighter (2 Squadrons)


[*]"AMF" Y-wing Bomber (6 Squadrons)
Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter (5 Squadrons)

78th Support Air Division “Ares Wing


[*]Cherub Gunship (2 Squadrons)
[*]Cherub Transport (2 Squadrons)

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

[*]Jackal Class Starfighter (1 Squadron)
For anyone that wants to read it, The Angellus family history to this point Is here.

Angellus "Ewan Isaacs - CAG/SCAR Teams CO"
SECTOR: Kinyen / Gran Homeworld - Corellian Trade Route
ORDERS: Secure the area and drive out pirates (OBJ I)
WINGMATES: Kahlil Noble / Jorus Q. Merrill / Targraanak / Cortana Jade / Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
ENGAGING: Darth Carnifex / Darth Strosius / Malum of House Marr / OPEN


Force Users bent on power and control,

Liram hated the thought of a force like this who was willing to subjugate anyone and everyone.

With a snap of light, “The Celestial City” dropped out of hyperspace. Immediately “General Quarters” was sounded. The mood was busy and tense, but well under control. Liram ran these simulations whenever there was free time to do so. As the bridge was locking down as well as main engineering, the Well Deck as well as the launch bays were running on overdrive, launching “Super Angel”, and Starfury fighters to secure the system all but immediately. X-wings, as well as Y-Wing Bombers, Elysian Stealth Strike Fighters and Sovereignty Close support craft were prepared for launch as Gunships were loading Marines for a landing and insertion to assist in the defense of the planet and system.

“CONN - Tactical” The outburst from the Tactical supervisor bellowed throughout the bridge. Liram nodded quickly.

Go ahead.

“Sir, we have multiple engagements down on the planet, it’s a soup down there, sir.”

Acknowledged. Continue on the current path. This is the Jedi’s gig and unless larger ships come in, we’ll be needed for backup.

As the Tactical Department went about their work, the Helm was busy steering an intercept course for the planet, and Comms was sending out wide band transmissions Liram was at his command table, pulling up the launch decks. Specifically Ewan “Raider” Isaacs, his SCAR Team leader and C.A.G.



If they try an inch, we blow’em to Mustafar..

We'll give'em hell..

Game on, Yakhead .

Cutting the comm, Liram brought up a layout of IFFs.
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Tags: OPEN

Life Day came and went. What little light the celebrations brought into people's lives was already fading as word of a hostage situation was intercepted by the members of the Ironsides. It came as a wake-up call; complacency was a soldier's worst enemy as thoughts turned to home and family rather than the here and now. He was no different, finding himself cooped up in his quarters replaying old holo-messages from back home. It was like flicking a switch when "Codecracker" Cain barged in with the latest news, reminding all of them of those immortal words all soldiers live by:

Only in death does duty end.

They had descended upon the world like shadows, deploying on the edge of town and moving like ghosts, utilising stealth to their advantage. Hostage situations were delicate, as detection was sure to cost the lives of many innocent folks. There would be no cowboy antics this time. This was not Lohopa II, however. Deadly force authorised.

"Two guys up top. Drop 'em."

In perfect synchronicity, a pair of silenced sniper rounds would expertly find the chinks in the Sith troopers' shiny black armour. Their corpses fell back from the impact only to be caught and dragged behind a nearby dumpster by Thirdas and Mira, preventing any loud noises. Cain snatched a communicator from the helmet of one of the fallen, using his hacking skills to patch into enemy communications and listen for Sith movements as well as word of the hostages.

With the building secured, the rest of his team linked up while Thirdas knelt by one of the fallen, inspecting the corpse closer.

"Blackblades," he scowled with disgust, noting the skull over crossed spears. "Followers of Kaine. This is no ordinary band of Sith."

Appearing before him was his second-in-command, "Commissar" Creed. The old warrior had been with him the longest of all, and the two had received their fair share of scars battling the fanatics of House Zambrano. He too knelt by the corpses, removing the helmet of the one closest to him. Even he was shocked by what he found. The helmet was put back on.

"Monstrous bastards," he spat on one of the corpses.

"Chief, we got movement," Cain reported. Thirdas sidled up to him, mechanical hand upon his shoulder.

"Another patrol?"

"Negative. Jedi."
Wearing: Dooku-Pattern Armor (Blue and Black), Atrisian Mask

Armed With: Nathan's Lightsaber, Epican Lever Action Rifle (Suppressed, Infrared Scope)

Arrived in: Deliverance Fighter

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Nathan was not in a particularly good mood.

Massacres like the one he was heading towards had a bad habit of stoking unpleasant memories.

He listened to the words of Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , but barely. It was a crude, desperate plan, one that Nathan did not at all have any confidence in. The Jedi Master was probably gonna get himself gutted pulling his distraction if desperate measures were not taken.

But Nathan had no standing beyond that of Padawan, and had no official authority to pursue alternatives. But he didn't care about that nuance in the fething slightest.

So reluctantly, he had contacted Syd through their abnormally powerful bond in the Force, and ordered her to find her own way to the planet with whatever House Li-Ves personnel she could find...

For his part, he was taking orders from Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , and he intended to kill any enemy personnel he encountered, by hook or by crook.

His head twitched as he headed to his craft, hearing gunshots that weren't there, echoes of dead battles. The PTSD was acting up the longer he was bound to Syd...which was forever, by the looks of it, and by his own foolish mistake in grafting another Sorceress to her mind to save her life. He should have killed her. Should have just used the disruptor--

Never mind that now. There were Jedi in danger, and Nathan was gonna do his part.

(Terran Federation Citizen: I'm doing my part!)

(Terran Federation Soldier: I'm doing my part!)

(Terran Federation child that has somehow acquired military gear in his size and become embedded in A Federation platoon in a horrific moment of Dark Comedy: I'm doing my part!)

(Terran Federation Platoon: Laughs Bemusedly)


He turned on the sensor jammer, making his way to pre-arranged coordinates, flying carefully to avoid getting detected.

It wasn't long before he made it to the rendezvous point and hopped out of his fighter, heading over to the Cathar Jedi, movements stiff, mechanical, with pacing like a metronome.

"Master Si..." Nathan said impassively, face covered by an unpleasant looking mask used in traditional Atrisian Stage Theatre. A little psychological warfare prepared for the enemies he would face. And perhaps inspired by Alessandra Io Alessandra Io and her constant referral to him as Demon.

"Ready to move out." There was no emotion in the voice, and the way he seemed to appear out of nowhere in the most violent situations the NJO were increasingly facing was ghost like enough to be unsettling.

"Just give the word." (KOTOR REFRENCE #75492308736564553537585899594: 1000 XP)

(NATHAN has now joined your party. Press START to SELECT Party Members)

Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
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Allies: Jedi
Enemies: Sith
Equipment: Varos Cloak, Fennec pistol, lightsaber, raven wing pack, pairs of frags, smokes, and EMP grenades

It was exhilarating to once again heed the call of the force, to follow where it bid him to go. As a younger man, he had travelled to the flashpoints in the galaxy, arriving often, just in time to see as the Tibanna cannister exploded from the spark of war. Now as no different. But with that exhilaration came a sorrow. Bodies strewn in the street, innocent men and women cut down for no crime other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It filled his gut with a burning feeling. Hatred.

Vulpesen Torrevaso was no jedi. he hadn't been for decades, no matter how much he might align himself with the order underneath the galactic alliance. What separated him was plain and simple. He was willing to be angry. The sith weren't something he fought on principle. It was personal, his hate for them as palpable as the hate they seemed to have for the galaxy. A black and gold blade ignited at his side and he lowered his mask before showing down the street, his voice booming for all to hear, "COME AT ME COWARDS! Pick a fight with someone carrying a blade!" The force swirled a wind around the Valde with every step he took, beckoning the wilds to aid the arch Wilder in his newest endeavor. The sith were a plague on the galaxy. He would be the knife that out the disease.

Location: Prisoner holding
Objective: Manage prisoners
Tags: Mother Askani Mother Askani
Indirect: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Wearing: this


The students of the Korriban temple had been encouraged to join this escapade into the territories that the Galactic Alliance sought to control, her own homeworld was one such planet. She had friends in the alliance, Zeltros had much interaction with the huge sprawling empire to the west, but she preferred the independence of her world. She had heard awful stories about the cultural interference that the alliance Senate pushed forth beyond its borders, it could only be worse if the borders crept forwards further. This mission, led by a man she had been taught was one of the great powers pf the galaxy, would seek to draw a line and put a hold on their expansion in this direction.

Her job was fairly minor, keeping check on prisoners of war, as much as her combat skills were growing, her focus lay elsewhere. She walked through the holding area, two dark troopers stood silently at the entry way as she walked in. She was curious whether what was inside that armour was truly mortal, they had a strange feeling to them, and she had not heard them speak. Perhaps one day she would ask one for a selfie and see what happened. She smirked and crossed the threshold. Ahead of her was the location of a pretty blonde jedi. Mother Askani Mother Askani was perhaps a few years her senior. She walked past the small room and glanced at her under the rim of her hat. The woman reminded Annika of her sister, paler of course, but still just a little too pretty for the half-zeltron's tastes, and no doubt just as smug about it as that pink Lump back home.

"Comfortable?" she asked sarcastically as she watched the woman trying to find a position that didn't strain one or more of her muscles. She should be grateful, she had heard rumours of the ways that the Sith treated their prisoners, an uncomfortable position was probably a blessing for the woman. Her hand hovered near her lightsaber She wasn't frightened, just cautious, Jedi.were dangerous, and there had been reports of soldiers already moving to react to Lord Carnifex's actions. She had a bad feeling, but for some reason, that emboldened her.

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Location: Fountain
Allies: None at present
Enemies: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and his cronies
Nearby: Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Mother Askani Mother Askani Annika Starfire Annika Starfire

So. Very. Wasteful.

Lina adjusted her position kneeling in the dirt, her eyes fixed on Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . She had never been a friend the The Sith Order in any of their past or present forms so when they'd descended she'd fought, if not to protect Leilah then to at least ensure they knew she was not on their side, regardless of the colour of her lightsaber. The lightsaber that was hanging comfortably from the belt of one of the troopers that had overpowered her, like a ridiculous trophy. It had been her mothers, and if the great Dark Lord had any memory of her, he would recognise it.

She would have loved this, the drama of it, the senseless violence to draw fear from her prey, the Chaos. It made Lina sick to her stomach.

Beside her, the blue skinned twi'lek trembled, giving her a sharp nudge in her ribs, Lina grunted in pain, tearing her eyes away from him to look at Leilah, whose gaze was fixed firmly on the ground. "Stop staring at him." She hissed "You'll draw his attention." Her lower lip was bleeding, and from what she could see of her face was swollen, and beginning to turn a nasty shade of purple. A sharp stab of anger went through her and she twisted her hands, testing the bindings for the umpteenth time.

"Kaine Zambrano does not scare me." she muttered in response.


Stars exploded in her vision as the butt of a rifle connected hard with the back of her head, toppling her onto her stomach. Leilah gave a squeak of fright.

"No talking." the trooper sneered. Lina's anger was loud now, like a swarm of angry hornets, the air around her seemed to vibrate, pushing herself up with some difficulty shook the rattling from her mind and opened herself up fully to the force, letting the dark side seeping into every pore, pushing away the dull aches and the haze that the blow brought over her brain.

Allies: The Sith

At an appropriate moment, Kadann would explain to Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr that if they wanted to frighten the world away from joining the Alliance that there were less destructive methods.

A few Sith cruisers could have infringed on their sovereign space. Demonstrating freedom of maneuver this close to the Alliance would have made the point quite succinctly.

Join the Alliance at your own risk.

This assault might have the opposite effect, sending the leaders of this world scurrying to the Alliance for protection.

Kadann suspected this was more about the Sith testing the mettle of their apprentices and soldiers. He would offer honest council to Malum because that was his job.

It wasn't the time for it. Jedi were coming.


Thwick. Thwick. Thwick.

The methodic tune of knife scraping against stone filled His ears, briefly drowning out the sounds of renewed conflict further out in the settlement. This was to be expected, He'd anticipated an audience and thusly they had arrived as foretold. Soon they would be at the square, with all the pomp and judiciousness He'd come to expect from the Jedi. Especially these younger generations, the ones who had grown up in an era of peace after the Maw fell. What did they know of conflict and violence?

Thwick. Thwick. Thwick.

But that was the intention. Peace was a lie, and the interim had given rise to many new Jedi who had only seen war in holos or read about the Alliance's grand victory. He suspected the Mandalorians would claim many of them when that conflict boiled into a true war, but He was content with letting the mongrels thin out the herd. When both of His foes were eager to bloody one another, then there was no reason to impede them. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake, went the old proverb.

Thwick. Thwick. Thwi-.

He stopped, knife halfway through the stone. Glancing up, His eyes scanned the grouped together prisoners. They settled on the most recent disturbance, a soldier reprimanding one of the prisoners for speaking. It wasn't the first time, wouldn't be the last, but something had drawn His gaze to this woman. The anger, the rage bubbling within. She radiated with the Dark Side, and this intrigued Him. Raising one leg to rest upon the knee of the other, the Dark Lord's gaze intensified upon the woman. Understanding their Master's will, the Blackblade that had just struck her moved to roughly haul her to her feet. She would be dragged, painfully if need be, until she was kneeling at the Dark Lord's feet.

Darth Carnifex extended His hand, palm up, and the soldier placed the confiscated lightsaber into His waiting grasp. Fingers curled around the hilt, too small for the Epicanthix's hand. He studied it closely, long dormant memories rising to the surface as the fires of recognition burned within His eyes. Then, He activated the blade. A loud snap-hiss filled the courtyard as a crimson blade snarled angrily into existence.

"Such an interesting blade," mused the Dark Lord. He angled the blade so that it was mere inches from the woman's face. "Where did you come upon it, child?"

"Lina!" hissed Leilah as she was hauled to her feet, her face panic stricken.

"Shut.Up." Lina snapped quietly in response. A fist found her kidney and she grunted in pain. "I'm not one for enjoying murder, but you, I'm going to take great pleasure in your death." she growled at him. That earned her another punch, this time to her cheek knocking her back down to the floor. She didn't get the chance to right herself before she was dragged and umped at Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex 's feet.

She stayed kneeling, partially because she was bored of getting punched, but more because it gave her the perfect position to watch Kaine's face as he studied the lightsaber. Her knew who it had belonged too. She didn't flinch when the blade ignited, nor did she take her eyes off him as he moved it closer to her face. Instead she smiled, then proceeded to spit the mouthful of blood at his feet.

"Go feth yourself."


The Dark Lord smiled, the faintest twinge pulling at the corners of His lips. He brought the blade so close that strands of loose hair were singed and burned away, leaving an awful smell lingering in the air. But, ultimately, He deactivated the blade and let it fall onto the ground right within the woman's reach. It was bait, a test, a challenge. The Sith loved to play these little goading games, and the Dark Lord of the Kainate was no exception. This entire world had been used as a pawn in such a game, to goad the Jedi into action and bring them directly to Him. But what He never expected was to find someone like this woman here, someone that He knew from a time long ago.

"Ah yes, there it is. I see your eyes. There was only one another who looked at me that way, but you are not her so that only leaves one option." Those memories of Anaya Fen were buried deep, almost forgotten and discarded, but they emerged all the same. So many of His contemporaries had come and gone, passed on from this world and were relegated to nomads and exiles amongst the endless stars. But never in His life did He believe that today of all days would bring up those memories. The acrid taste of betrayal rose up like bile in the back of His throat, and He allowed Himself to knit His brow in exasperation.

"Hiding and running for so long, only to fall back at my feet. I heard the Twi'lek say the name Lina, which I expect is the assumed name you've chosen. One would expect to choose a name more removed from your previous one." He knelt down on His haunches, though it did nothing to diminish His looming presence. "
Your hatred burns so bright for me, little one. Pick up your weapon and strike me down, your entire body quivers to reach for it."

The Dark Lord licked His teeth.

"If you can."


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