Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What is The Holo?
The Holo is a non-state funded section of the holonet, designed to be used in a completely anonymous way by characters with something to hide. Naturally, characters with an illegal agenda on the cards may find themselves drawn to using The Holo in order to evade Law Enforcement.

Does my character have to be near other characters to access The Holo?
No. The Holo is a part of the Galactic Holonet. You could be conversing on The Holo with a character on the other side of the Galaxy, or the person sat next to you.

How does my character purchase goods or services from The Holo?
A character must first exchange their credits for Holo-Coins, also known as HCoins. These HCoins are then used to transact over The Holo. HCoins operate in exactly the same way as their real life counterpart, Bitcoins do.

What is the conversion rate to HCoins from Credits?
A character can purchase approximately one HCoin for every 500 Galactic Credits. This would mean that a transaction of 100 HCoins would be the equivalent of 50,000 Credits.

I've heard something about Infamy on The Holo? What is this?
Infamy on The Holo, or IOTH, is a way for writers to track the exploits of their characters on the more illegal side of the Holonet. All characters start with 0 infamy, and can reach up to 100, where they are considered to be an extremely high profile individual on The Holo. Naturally this infamy could translate to more interactions with law enforcement. On the flip side of reaching 100 infamy, characters can also receive negative infamy, to the cap of -50.

How much infamy can I get or lose for a thread?
A character can potentially gain 5 Infamy or lose 3 infamy in any one thread.

How is IOTH calculated?
Infamy gained or lost is calculated by the length of your thread, the content of the thread, and the outcome of it.
  • A thread that has reached at least the first post of its third page is considered eligible for the maximum amount of infamy gained or lost in that thread.
  • Threads involving three or more writers will immediately generate 2 IOTH for all involved.
  • Threads with a favorable outcome (your character has achieved their goal/etcetera) will generate positive IOTH
  • Threads with an unfavorable outcome (your character has failed to achieve their goal/etcetera) will generate negative IOTH

Will I ever lose IOTH automatically?
Once a character has first reached a point beyond 10 infamy, IOTH will decay on the first day of every month by 10 points. This is to encourage activity, and to allow for a sense of realism - if your character is less active on The Holo, they will become less infamous as a result.

How is IOTH tracked?
This thread.

If there are any further questions about IOTH in specific, please reply to the IOTH thread that has been pinned in this section. For all other questions, post them in here, thanks!

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