Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Final Eclipse | GA Annihilation of Exegol

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

With Thomas watching on from Mar'Zambul, and Michael deep within the Sith Citadel, Gowrie is fighting the elements if you wish to unleash untold horrors on the Imperial host - I see two optional paths there.

I would duel, but there's loads of replies I need to deal with over the next month or so, but that doesn't stop us from enjoying some horrors of war in the meantime. throw monsters, raiders and firepower at us, and we'll try and give you a good show of it. key idea here is that both mawites and imperials want everyone around them to die, and also each other, so its likely to be expected of us to throw in the most in that regard.

I'll let you mull the beastmaster/commander idea over, as there is potential there for some real fun. something to immerse into, so to speak.

something fitting for the end of exegol ;)

I will bring all that remains of Rhands forces and hopefully make something epic of this!

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