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Approved Tech Fire Bow.

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Intent:[background=#080808] A bow created by his father used as a hunting tool turned to weapon. [/background]
Development Thread:[background=#080808] yes[/background]
Hero Unit:[background=#080808] no[/background]
Manufacturer:[background=#080808] Morna's father. [/background]
Model:[background=#080808] Fire Bow[/background]
Affiliation:[background=#080808] Morna. [/background]
Modularity:[background=#080808] yes[/background]
Production:[background=#080808] Unique[/background]
Material: Wood frame, Phrik cover(cover over the wood.), Durasteel fiber cord, leather quiver and grip. Steel arrows.
Description:[background=#080808] Mornas father created the bow to be used for hunting and for self defense. it was originally just a wood bow with stone arrows. Mornas father then found a Asteroid that landed not far from his village and smelted the material known as Phrik. He created covers over the bow to give it a more ornate look to it. Morna father worked for the government and in doing so he stole Durasteel fibers to make the cord it increased the pull of the arrow giving it a longer range, and stronger power. the quiver and grip stayed they same. The steel arrows were made to pierce leather armor and weave armor. it was used in the wars that took place on Kro Var before Morna was born. [/background][background=#080808]Morna then found it when he was searching[/background][background=#080808] his old house after his parents death. [/background]
Classification: Bow
Size: Handheld
Status: limited to Morna
Length: 3.5 feet(1.113 meters)
Weight: 2.5lbs(1.0668Kg)
Ammunition Type: Arrow.
Ammunition Capacity: one shot, possible doule/triple shot.
Range: 70 meters
It looks like a fairly standard bow, with some construction modifications. Is that correct?

As an aside, can you go back and fix your description? I notice that several times the "b" in "bow" has been left out.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Rule of thumb is when in doubt make a submission. Even if its something as simple as a bow if you have a submission and it does anything and someone complains you can go "hey look bro" and point at the submission. It just makes things easier. Asemir is on this, but I just felt like sticking my nose in.
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