Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private First Assignment: Anneliese


Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Another new arrival.

Just recently, Valery had welcomed another new Jedi Padawan to the Order, and now she had the pleasure of doing it again. The Order was growing rapidly, and each new arrival has been incredibly promising as well. Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal was certainly going to be no exception, and Valery was eager to meet her. Though, there was more to the day than just a simple meeting at the Temple. She had specifically requested the Padawan to be ready for an assignment — she had no official Master yet, so Valery felt a need to offer her experience.

What better way to do that, than to have her tag along with an experienced Jedi?

She knew other Knights and Masters would do the same until the young woman had a Master of her own, and even continue bringing her along once she did. That was the true strength of the NJO — their willingness to help each other grow.

For now, Valery stood in the Temple halls near the grand entrance, and waited for her to arrive.


Outfit: Jedi Robes
Wespons: Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

“Omg — Omg — Omg!” The frantic words buzzing through the young woman’s head as she gathered her gear — an exasperated groan heard ans she all but rushed out the door of her living quarters… She’d overslept, and on the day of her first assignment no less. Bolting through the door, the hiss of it closing behind her heard as she hurried down the hallway, pardoning her way through and around others Anneliese made her way towards the Grand Halls where she’d received a personal invite from none other than Master Valery Noble.

Frequent were the whispers and fawning of the Padawans who waited to be chosen and the talk that spawned from the subject of this particular BattleMaster were no exception. Anneliese had been with the NJO for a short time, but the young woman had seen her briefly during class changes and in passing — to Anne, she was someone who she aspired to be like. Lost in thought, but now entering the Grand Hall, the young girl spotted Valery. Heading straight towards her in a light jog, the young girls enthusiasm was evidently seen as she approached the Jedi Master, a smile that was easily a thousand watts. Standing in front of the now increasingly intimidating Master, Anneliese bowed respectfully and coming out of the bow she spoke. “ Hello Master Noble, I am Anneliese Kaohal — I received your summons and tried to pack accordingly for a mission… uh —… I, I just wanted to say thank you for choosing me! I promise to do my best!”

Last edited:


Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

It didn't take long for the Padawan to arrive. Valery felt a presence approaching, and while one Jedi didn't quite stand out in a Temple full of them, it was the young woman's excitement that made Valery's head turn. Once the redhead was close enough a moment later, Valery offered her a smile and dipped her upper body into a bow to return the gesture. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Padawan Kaohal," Valery began once she had risen from her bow.

"I'm glad to see you excited for this mission, and I'm sure you'll do just fine. Most of all, I hope that you're able to learn something, or just get some experience along the way." Once more, Valery offered the younger woman a warm smile. She wanted Anneliese to feel at ease, so it'd be easier for them to work together in the field, and so that she felt comfortable asking questions or speaking her mind.

She wasn't here to just quietly follow after a Jedi Master.

"We'll head to the Hangar in a moment, and I'll explain where we're going. First, though, I'd like to learn just a little more about you. Maybe what you'd really like to learn or improve on as a Jedi?" A question that could potentially help Valery offer her better guidance.


Outfit: Jedi Robes
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Anneliese beamed in adoration as Valery spoke, her inner voice squealing in sheer delight as she had to shut her own innerself out just to focus and pay attention. Valery was so, not what she had expected, but in a insanely awesome way. Already she appeared so down to earth, kind — and just supremely understanding of where Anneliese was as a Padawan — she didn’t push some mold of expectations onto her.

"We'll head to the Hangar in a moment, and I'll explain where we're going. First, though, I'd like to learn just a little more about you. Maybe what you'd really like to learn or improve on as a Jedi?" A question that could potentially help Valery offer her better guidance.

Her eyes looked slightly surprised, her hands tucking a few strands of her wild hair behind her ears as she shifted in spot. Internally, the question was answered without pause — // “How not to be afraid.” \\ Not long ago, Anneliese and her former Master had been in a precarious spot, she was forced to take a life — and not long after this ordeal, her Master disappeared. This, all spawning from the decision made for her to transfer to the NJO. She had avoided missions, trying her best to work out what she felt internally, but over the past few weeks, a healing finally begun to take place in her new home — she was finally letting others back in. The friendships she was forming, the people she was meeting — it was opening her back up to the possibility that everything was going to be ok, that she was not alone.

Her lips parted for a moment, as they closed again, her chest rising and falling slightly unevenly, her cheeks flushing. “I — I’d like to work on not feeling this way inside anymore — I want to not be afraid. I’m sorry.” Her hand tilted down, her hand coming up towards her mouth as she bit on her thumb nail, her eyes watering up slightly, she was an exposed nerve and she felt laid bare — By Ashla though, Anneliese thought, that felt amazing to say, but why the hell now? Couldn’t she have had this realization later, in the comfort of her own pillow — after the mission, not before — and with someone she knew?



Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

There was a noticeable change in her demeanor and presence in the Force when Valery asked her question. One moment, Anneliese had been incredibly excited at the idea of their joint assignment, but now she almost felt... sad? Embarrassed, perhaps? Valery's eyes watched her closely, and it was only after Anneliese explained what she wanted to work on, that Valery understood. This was no easy thing to tell someone else, let alone someone you only just met.

"You don't have to apologize," Valery said, her tone filled with an almost motherly warmth, while she reached out to gently place a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Being afraid isn't something to be ashamed of. We've all been there, and someone who denies that, is either lying or probably a psycopath." Her lip twitched up into a slight smirk before she squeezed the girl's shoulder, and withdrew her hand.

"You're going to be with me, so you have my word that I'll protect you and try to help you. With time, experience, and sometimes just a little bit of guidance, you can overcome any fears."


"You don't have to apologize," Valery said, her tone filled with an almost motherly warmth, while she reached out to gently place a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Being afraid isn't something to be ashamed of. We've all been there, and someone who denies that, is either lying or probably a psycopath." Her lip twitched up into a slight smirk before she squeezed the girl's shoulder, and withdrew her hand.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Ashamed — the word she had felt this whole time but hadn’t quite the word to describe it. Quivering, and no longer able to hold back, a quiet sob broke free, tears streaming down her cheeks — it had been inevitable, but something about Val had given her the courage to finally speak that which had festered in the darkness. Anneliese listening to Valery speak, chuckled slightly in between her sobs as she looked at Master Noble, the young Padawan speaking, her voice altered from her crying. “I find it hard to believe you get scared Master Noble — it must take a lot.” It seemed highly unlikely to the young girl as she wiped her tears away, She just couldn’t picture this woman in front of her afraid, but — thanks to the motherly affirmation she’d given instead of admonishment, she had soothed a hurting deep within the girl and gave Anneliese a renewed sense of strength — it reminded her true courage was often at times just being transparent, she didn’t have to be perfect… She just had to be herself.

Wiping her eyes dry once more, she smiled, her cheeks flushed and her eyes slight red as she let out another giggle — a weight lifted, her true personality now poking out, now spoke to Valery. “ Master Noble — I know that was probably a bit of a curve ball — But, I think that Ive met my daily quota of ‘breakdowns before a mission’ .” She teased, now pausing before she spoke again. “ Since my former Master, I haven’t really had anybody to talk too and at my old Enclave, I didn’t have a lot of friends — “ She smiled in adoration as she tucked strands of her unruly hair behind her ear, her eyes looking at the ground slight and her cheeks reddening. “Thank you for listening and for what you said, I needed to hear that more than I realized.”



Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Valery leaned in just a little closer, and wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder for a gentle hug if she allowed it, "If there's something you care about or love, there is also something you'll be afraid of." For Valery, it was her family — whenever they were in danger or being threatened, she was afraid, but she had long learned to confront those fears head-on. Especially if it concerned the safety of her loved ones.

For Anneliese, it might be something very different, but it was only natural.

Valery then pulled back to listen, and smiled warmly when she heard the younger woman's giggle. Seeing her smile again brought a warmth into her heart, though she also realized what Anneliese had been missing out on, "I'm glad I was able to help a little. No matter who your Master is, you can always come to me if you are struggling with something, or just want to talk." She patted the girl on the shoulder and stood back up to her full height.

"It's important for Jedi to be there for each other, after all."


Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The hug was unexpected, but it was so needed, which in turn caused her to start tearing up again. Anneliese grew up with the burden that she was the last of her clan and that she had been the child that wasn’t meant to be — which was why she had been left by her mother at the Enclave. Growing up there — she had allowed the lie to take root that she had to be the “perfect Padawan”, as some well meant but misguided way to pay them back for taking her in and putting up with her. But as the years progressed and she hadn’t been picked, it fed the lie that she was unworthy and it only helped to perpetuate it.

It was before the mission, and already the wisdom being imparted to Anne was invaluable — feth, it was priceless and the fact that she offered her ear anytime for the young girl to talk to her between missions about anything, it was a dream come true — she’d made a friend. Smiling and laughing once again as Val released the hug, she took both her hands and wiped her eyes clean as she fanned them, fixing the strands of hair that had once again managed to find there way back to her face. Taking a deep breath, Anneliese looked up at Valery and spoke. “Ok, so what’s our mission look like Master Noble?”



Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Valery kept Anneliese in the hug for as long as she emotionally needed it. When it eventually broke, she saw that smile again and watched as the younger woman wiped away her tears. Sometimes, it wasn't too difficult to help someone with their problems. All they needed was someone who could listen, or someone to offer them just a bit of comfort. It wasn't an easy thing for everybody to offer those things, but Valery's motherly nature made it feel natural.

That smile on Anneliese's lips is what she'd do just about anything for.

"We're going to a place that isn't the easiest to see, but we can make a difference there. In the Outer Rim, there are a lot of planets without proper authorities, and sometimes, people take advantage of it. A warlord that we know very little about has stirred up some trouble and is subjecting people to his will."

"We're going to look into it, and hopefully stop it."


Listening intently, a air of seriousness came into the young girls face — Val was right, he had to be stopped. Finally - an opportunity, a chance to make a positive impact to help others and make their lives better — this was what Anneliese wanted to do, and how she wanted to live out her own creed as a Jedi.

Shifting her satchel and rechecking that she had everything secured and in place she gave Master Noble a reassuring smile. “I’m ready Master Noble — I want to help make a difference — I will give all that I am to help achieve just that.” Remembering what Valery just spoke to her regarding courage, she took a deep breath and grinned, she could do this — she would be brave — it was time to kick some Warlord butt.


Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

"Very good," Valery said with a proud smile, before she turned to guide the woman away. They were heading up to the Hangar now, where they'd approach a light-freighted called the Bastion. It had been her husband's ship before he met her, but now the two shared it and often used it for missions. It offered more comfort than small fighters and most shuttles, so for a long trip into the Outer Rim, it was ideal.

"We'll also have to make sure we're not recognized as Jedi there," Valery explained while she waited for the ramp to lower. Once the extending metal platform settled against the stone, she held up a hand to gesture for Anneliese to step inside. "Jedi aren't exactly... welcome there." She chuckled and continued walking towards the cockpit.

"Our clothing will be important and we shouldn't openly show our lightsabers. But also... you might not want to call me Master there," Valery said while she got seated. "People there don't use it in the same context, and we don't want to expose ourselves or draw attention."


Valery Noble Valery Noble

Much like a duckling after its mother, Anneliese followed swiftly behind Valery to the ship. Watching almost hypnotically as the ramp lowered, a pit of butterflies formed in her stomach, this however was no pit of fear, but rather excitement. This was the start of something new, a chance to turn the chapter, to begin anew. Noting what Valery was emphasizing regarding discretion, the young girl patted her satchel as she smiled at Master Noble. “I can change once we get settled in, I always have to bring spare clothing in the event I phase on the fly and can’t prepare for it.” Knowing as she spoke, that Valery may not had been made aware of her unique physiology.

Getting settled in next to Valery, she smiled once again as she mentioned not referring to her as Master… it just felt odd, but she also relished in the fact she would get the honor of addressing her by her name. “Ok — I think I can remember to not be as formal… Valery.” She blushed slightly as she spoke. She understood well why she couldn’t call her by her title, and it was a sad reason — for there were certain evils the universe held, and slavery was among those evils, she grimaced at this thought. As Valery continued in the flight prechecks, Anneliese cleared her throat and spoke. “ So, Master Noble — regarding my comment about “phasing on the fly”… er— I am not sure if anyone informed you, but — I’m a Gurlanin… and how I appear before you now is not necessarily my natural form…” She paused as she elongated the next vowel. “Meaning … I can change… into a rather large — er, uh, wolf.” She exhaled, waiting to gauge Vals reaction. “I just thought you should know… which is why I bring extra clothing. If I phase, without preparation, I am left in a very immodest form.”



Coruscant Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Phase on the fly?

Valery briefly glanced at Anneliese, curious about what it meant. The Jedi Master herself was able to phase using the Force, but she had a feeling that this was different. In Valery's case, she could pass through walls, objects or even people, but it didn't affect her clothing at all. For now, she kept the thought in the back of her mind, so she could ask the younger woman about it later.

The two went inside the ship together, where Valery was quick to guide her into the spacious cockpit. She got seated, and immediately started on take-off procedures. Safety checks first, and not much later, the powerful engines of the Bastion roared to life, sending vibrations through the hull. "It might take some time getting used to, but it'll be important." Valery had a feeling that Anneliese understood why she couldn't refer to Valery as Master there.

It was a horrible thing, but something they had to take into account to avoid trouble.

Slowly but surely, the Bastion began to shift off the Hangar floor, and while Valery maneuvered them out of the Hangar, she looked over at Anneliese, who explained her phasing, "Hmm, that's interesting. I met another species that also goes through a similar transformation once before." Her mind drifted to Aelin Erevos Aelin Erevos , and especially Børre Drage Børre Drage , before she focused on the Padawan again with a smile.

"Thank you for letting me know. I have extra clothes on the ship here too, if you ever need it. For now, we're going to make the Hyperspace Jump. I have the coordinates already set, so... do you want to pull the lever?" her smile shifted into a grin, as she gestured for the hyperspace lever.


Aboard the Bastion

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Her ears perked up at the mention of others like Anneliese; she had never gotten to meet someone like herself — which only contributed and added to the loneliness she often felt. However, in this moment loneliness was the furthest thing on her mind — the way she felt now, in this moment, was all because of Val. Valery was — something altogether, no word she could think of could do her justice, and Anneliese was beyond excited to see her in action and excited what things she would learn on this mission. This was a privilege and she wanted to make the most of it.

Her eyes lit up when Valery asked her about pulling the lever. With as much restraint as she could muster, Anneliese spoke. “Gee — I dunno Val… I mean… if you insist.” Her whole body shook with enthusiasm as she gently put her hand on the lever, until a large full face, and mischievous grin formed across her lips, several of her prominent canines showing. “Cha! — Let’s do this!” With those words, Anneliese pushed the lever all the way forward, the view in front of them obscuring and shifting as the Bastion would jump into hyperspace.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

Oh, she loved it.

Valery could feel Anneliese's excitement the moment she was offered to take them into Hyperspace, and sat back with a grin. The redhead reached for it, pulled back, and the Bastion made its jump across the stars. At that point, Valery turned on the auto-pilot, and stood up from her seat, "I'm going to get changed. After that, we can just relax a little until we arrive." She smiled, and showed Anneliese the way to a few bedrooms.

Valery had her own that she shared with her husband, and some of the bedrooms were set up for the kids. But Anneliese would have the guest room for now.

When Valery eventually made it back, she was wearing some jeans, a simple white t-shirt tucked into her pants, and a jacket over it. Both for the cool looks, and so she could hide her lightsaber inside of it. "We'll be landing shortly. I plan to head into the city, just to get a feel for the situation myself. It'll be crowded there, so stay close, alright?"


Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Following in almost mirror movements, Anneliese got up and followed Valery towards the bedrooms. Walking into the spare room, the door hissed behind Anne. Carefully removing her saber and setting it gently down onto the table beside the bed, she began to undress. Adorning her new outfit within just a few moments, Anne sat on the edge of the bed as she looked down at her hands. This was… nice. Valery wasn’t like the other masters she had met before… and the prospect of knowing eventually the mission would be over — regardless of knowing she could talk to her wherever, an all too familiar and pit of loneliness and shame began to form in her stomach. Holding her hand out, a small rumble would emanate in the cabin as her saber flew to her hand. It was tattered, worn and standing on its last leg. She knew one day, she would gain a master — that they would pick a Krystal out from the caves and that she’d get build her very own saber. Her teeth clenched as her fists balled up, her body leaning back on the bed — she didn’t need to feel this way, not now — It was stealing the joy that she felt from being in the present… It was no way to thank Ashla for all that she had been given, regardless of what she wanted. Sitting up, Anne looked over at the mirror on the wall, wiped the few stray tears that had managed to form and smiled — time to kick some — in mid thought… she bunny trailed — forgetting whether Val had said they were going after a warlord or warlock… but one thing was for certain, they were gonna kick some arse.

The door to the room hissed open as Anneliese came out, walked by Val while tucking her saber in her jacket and sat down. She sported simple and earthy look consisting of a dark green jacket with a fur lined hood, a light tan v-neck shirt, blue jeans and a simple pair of brown boots. Listening to Val explain her plan, Anneliese simply nodded as she spoke. “Yes ma’am — I will do my best to keep aware of my surroundings and be sure to stay close.” Anneliese gave her a soft smile as she peered out the cockpit windows, watching the thousands of stars zoom by while in the hyperspace corridor.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

"You look great," Valery complimented her with a smile after she returned to the cockpit. She had been gone a little longer, and while Valery had a feeling about why that was, she wouldn't pry. They had a mission to focus on, and plenty more time to talk about whatever Anneliese wanted to talk about, whenever she felt ready for it.

Right now, it seemed she was eager to get started.

"Very good. We'll be landing at the spaceport, and going into the city from there. We have very little intel about the warlord's whereabouts, so we'll need to gather it ourselves." Among the people was often the best way to figure these things out. They probably knew a lot more, and with the right input, would hopefully be willing to share that information.

Only a few minutes later, Valery pulled them out of Hyperspace, and proceeded down towards the planet. They were, as she had expected, contacted immediately but Valery had arranged clearance codes. With permission to land, she brought them down to their designated landing pad and shut down the engines after a smooth touchdown.

The ramp lowered a moment after, and Valery stood up, "Let's go take a look around. I want you to get a feeling for the surroundings and people." The spaceport was a crowded place with many dangerous or untrustworthy people. It created a tension in the Force no Jedi could ever miss.


At the SpacePort

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Anneliese didn’t say much other than nod to Valery as she threw her satchel strap over her shoulder, the Bastion touching down in the space port. Focusing solely on the butterflies that managed to form in the pit of her stomach, she inhaled and took a deep breath — this was it. Standing up and following behind Val, and listening to her speak once more, Anneliese nodded, a nervous energy about the young girl — but determination written all over her face as the two went down the ramp and into the spaceport.

Val had been right — as the pair walked down the streets, heavily filled with persons of all shapes, colors and sizes — Anneliese felt guarded and tense. Crooks, Gamblers, Addicts and Slavers seen far and wide as Anneliese scanned the port. People begging for credits to leave, people bumping into her and giving glares as if somehow their carelessness had been her fault.

Her nose burned at this point from all the different scents she was receiving, and the sounds, her head ached — her senses in thanks to her heritage were enhanced — but this was her first visit to such a… heavily crowded place and it was overwhelming. Walking along side Val, she closed her eyes as she inhaled in and out — allowing the light that was her breath to fill her mind and expand, each breath expanding it, allowing it to give her clarity until — a chill crept up her back — a scent, a voice that she managed to discern amongst them all, one that set several red flags off in her head… This one was familiar and one she’d managed to recognize that had followed them since dry dock. Anneliese walked closer until she managed to casually reach out and tap the back of Val’s hand, reaching out telepathically through the force. << “Valery … someone is tailing us. Their scent has been with us since we left the ship, it’s an unpleasant one… Off at 10 o’clock.” >> The spaceport had a overall unpleasant scent — but upon focusing her sense… this one had been different — this one chilled her, for it smelt not only of fresh blood, but old… and she knew the one it belonged too … was no friend of theirs.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers
Tag: Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

<Good catch,> Valery said, though not with surprise in her voice. She wasn't here to just leave their safety to a nervous Padawan. Her senses were constantly scanning the environment to pick out potential threats or dismiss people as irrelevant for their mission. Someone stalking them with such an intense focus was a constant pulse in the Force that Valery kept her focus on. Still, she was very glad and impressed that Anneliese had picked it up so fast.

A crowded spaceport could easily cloud someone's senses.

<Let's say hi to him, shall we?> Valery wrapped an arm around Anneliese's shoulders and smiled at her as if the two were having a really fun conversation. But with that same motion, she changed direction and led her into a smaller, quieter street. A perfect opportunity for a stalker to try something.

Unbeknownst to him, however, the Jedi were expecting him.


Her heart thumped within her chest hard as Valery spoke through the force and wrapped her arms around her shoulder. Her mouth began to get dry and a cold sweat broke out on her brow as she knew what was fixing to happen — but fear, he was a liar and as it began to creep and threaten to overtake the young woman… but, Anneliese remebered the promise Val had made to her — which was “I’ll protect you…” — and somehow those words brought a calmness and peace to her she hadn’t been able to experience to this moment — she was strong, and she was courageous… she could do this.

Crouching behind cover on opposite sides the pair lay in wait for the man

The menacing man came around the corner, taking a few steps and then hesitating as he scanned the alley… the two were no longer in sight and immediately he began to tense up. Simultaneously, Anneliese shot up, out and over her cover as she landed gracefully in a knelt position — her left hand coming up, a ripple felt in the force as the man’s body lurched and propelled towards Anneliese, her saber floating swiftly up and igniting in her right hand — the man rapidly closing in the distance as she in a flicking motion threw the man against the closest wall and shuffled immediately up to him, her yellow saber pointed directly at the man — Anneliese looking at Val — then back to the man. “Who are you — why were you following us.“ Now, outwardly — to the man at least, Anneliese stood in front of him, jade eyes full of defiance — stance and presence of a Krayt — but inwardly?…. Anneliese was grinning ear to ear, completely beside herself and giddy behind all reason as she stood filled with unfettered joy.

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