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Approved Tech Force-Tech FACTS Gel

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  • Intent: To create a thermal gel that acts as a coolant and an environmental seal for Force-Tech products.
  • Image Source: n/a
  • Canon Link: n/a
  • Permissions: n/a
  • Primary Source: Thermal Gel
  • Manufacturer: Force-Tech
  • Affiliation: Force-Tech
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: FACTS Gel (Force-Alchemy Coolant/Thermal Sealing Gel)
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Thermal Gel Ingredients, Force Alchemy
  • Classification: Compound
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Colorless/Clear
  • Resistances:
    • Elemental: High
    • Energy: Average
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Environmental: Extreme
    • All others: Average


  • Offers kinetic protection like standard thermal gel.
  • Force Alchemy: Boosts protection elemental damage and seals out environmental damage, giving the qualities of insulation, a coolant and environmental sealing.

  • Helps keep electronics and other items from overheating (or icing).
  • Provides environmental sealing to keep out water, dirt, and other substances to allow product to function in any environment.
  • Offers some degree of kinetic protection like any thermal gel.

  • Inedible: Looks like vitamin gel but will cause diarrhea if eaten. DO NOT CONSUME!
  • Offers no EMP/Ion, Disruptor, nor Radiation protection.
  • Needs to be reapplied every time maintenance or modification is done to the equipment to which it is applied.
Needing a practical solution for a thermal gel, a sealant, and a cooing paste, the Jensaarai at Force-Tech used Force-Alchemy to come up with a product that was all three in one. The use of the Force allows them to refine and enhance the properties beyond standard thermal gel. This product can be applied on practically any kind of equipment, from armor to hyperdrives. When applied, it provides a seal that provides kinetic absorption, air/water tight sealing, and thermal cooling/insulation. The product is extremely long-lasting. However, it is recommended to replace the sealant whenever any maintenance or modifications are done to the equipment, as this may potentially weaken the seal.

WARNING: This product is not for consumption!
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Interesting one.
  • Image Source, Canon Link, Permissions; please put N/A to these.
  • Affiliation, your forget to add a company/character here, please edit.
  • You mentioned the Force Alchemy under the Material, but you never mention this later. If you're not used the Force Alchemy, please delete from the list. But if you used, you need to mention this in the submission. So please clarify/edit this.
  • Resistances, I cannot accept this, in this form. Based on recent discussions, we no longer accept min-max resistance ratings. So please change them to be more balanced (so not just extreme-none).
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Interesting one.
  • Image Source, Canon Link, Permissions; please put N/A to these.
  • Affiliation, your forget to add a company/character here, please edit.
  • You mentioned the Force Alchemy under the Material, but you never mention this later. If you're not used the Force Alchemy, please delete from the list. But if you used, you need to mention this in the submission. So please clarify/edit this.
  • Resistances, I cannot accept this, in this form. Based on recent discussions, we no longer accept min-max resistance ratings. So please change them to be more balanced (so not just extreme-none).
Added the n/a's and company affiliation I'd somehow missed.
Force Alchemy is mentioned in description in that the Jensaarai used it to create the gel. I did also expand on that a bit to say it is what brings out more capabilities over standard thermal gel.
Your take on the resistances kinda stumps me. Seems perfectly logical to me than an environmental seal protects from environmental hazards, but offers no protection at all from Ion, disruptor, or lightsabers. Lightsabers cut through easily, while Ions ignore it. Disruptors would disintegrate it. Same as any material of the type. It isn't any kind of op material, it's mostly for a thermal gel that also provides the environmental sealing I've mentioned before.
Edit: I did lower elemental and raise radiation to make only one extreme resistance.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

I'm just following the rules, especially, because the all average ratings means that kind of thermal gel what you can find in the Wookieepedia. That one is the completely average one. Your submission gives you extreme or no protection compared to that average item. Ratings should always be compared to the average similar product. And this is why I feel and see this submission min-maxing.
Yes I saw there the Alchemy, but not in the Special features or in the Strengths and Weaknesses. So please add it to the proper section as well, and write that too what the alchemy do with the gel.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

I'm just following the rules, especially, because the all average ratings means that kind of thermal gel what you can find in the Wookieepedia. That one is the completely average one. Your submission gives you extreme or no protection compared to that average item. Ratings should always be compared to the average similar product. And this is why I feel and see this submission min-maxing.
Yes I saw there the Alchemy, but not in the Special features or in the Strengths and Weaknesses. So please add it to the proper section as well, and write that too what the alchemy do with the gel.
OK, I think I understand now. So does the weight also compare to original? If it weighs about the same as thermal gel (which would be almost nothing anyway) would it's weight just be average? Because then I could just get rid of a none just with that.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Now this is +4 now, the ratings.
And because of this (alchemy), this sub cannot be Mass production, just lower. Because this is not too powerful, the Minor production scale will be good.
Alchemized artifacts/items where the only effect is increased resilience are not considered to be restricted materials.
Actually I don't feel you need Force Alhemy to this. I mean Force alchemy means you turn an element into another one. This is not happen here. What you want, you can do with simple technology as well.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

Now this is +4 now, the ratings.
And because of this (alchemy), this sub cannot be Mass production, just lower. Because this is not too powerful, the Minor production scale will be good.

Actually I don't feel you need Force Alhemy to this. I mean Force alchemy means you turn an element into another one. This is not happen here. What you want, you can do with simple technology as well.
I forgot I had it mass-produced tbh. Dropping to minor should still be +3?
And the Force Alchemy is really just for RP because it is a Jensaarai company. Can I simply say they use the Force to alter it, or is that the same thing?
Or if I make this unique for personal use, and then make a limited production version just for the environmental seal effect?
Now Unique, closed-market, altered name slightly
Added all others average to resist for clarity
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