Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Forcenite (ORC Dominion of Praesitlyn)

Zak Amroth


Congratulations! You have been selected as a participant in ICC's annual festival games. The finest bounty hunters in all the galaxy have been dispatched to ensure your timely arrival. Many will compete, only one can survive. Rest assured that the spectacle of your demise will be simulcast live across the HoloNet for our viewers' pleasure.

Progredior Arena is one of the largest stadiums in the Outer Rim and offers more than enough surface area for our contestants to battle it out across a selection of artificial biomes. This year's theme is 'deadly forest' with a variety of monstrous wildlife seeded among the usual scattered equipment.

Per your contract with the ICC signed via genetic material obtained during transit we waive all liability for death and/or dismemberment during the course of your time on Praesitlyn. Any attempts to escape the arena will be considered a breach on contract and met with immediate disintegration per section eighty four, subparagraph dorn.

Zak woke up to screaming. It took him a few seconds to realize that the sound was coming from him.

He couldn't remember where he was or how he got here but apparently he was in freefall. The surface of a world he did not recognize loomed before him, so far and yet so very very close. The Judge reached for his comm link, only to discover that it was missing along with the rest of his utility belt including his blasters. At least he was still wearing his own clothes. As far as mornings after went he reasoned things could actually be worse.

The discovery of a grav chute on his back provided some comfort for a few seconds, until it activated without warning and his momentum was violently arrested. Whoever had programmed this thing really left it to the last possible moment. Some kind of stadium hurtled toward him so quickly that Sheriff Amroth feared the fall would kill him anyway. Then he was crashing through trees and slamming into hard earth with a sickening thud that knocked him out again.

"What...the hell," he moaned after regaining consciousness. Above him loomed the sight of an alien sun, "We're not on Terminus anymore."


Battle Royale: You have been kidnapped! You wake up in freefall over the world of Praesitlyn, only to discover that you have been chosen to participate in some kind of HoloNet bloodsport. With just the clothes on your back and what equipment you can scavenge, the ICC expects you to compete in a free for all last sentient standing death match.
The Revolution Will Be Televised: Without oversight Praesitlyn has fallen victim to corporate tyranny. HoloNet stars are the new aristocracy and the Intergalactic Communications Center's programming has only grown more extreme. Raid the ICC facility and seize control of the comm waves so the Underground can broadcast a message of hope and resistance.

The Anomaly: Deep space telemetry has detected unusual hyperspace activity in a nearby uninhabited star system. It is the Neverwhere and its arrival is a mystery. Stranded on board since it jumped away from Subterrel, the FarStar Initiative expedition team is in a race against time to make contact with the Coalition and stock up on supplies before the wandering dreadnought jumps again.
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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Objective 2: The Revolution Will Be Televised
Allies: ORC
Enemies: Rogue ICC staff

Of course, after the adventures on Rhen Var and Kadavo, Janick was more readily going on expeditions related to slicing in Underground service. As much as she was busy operating the Utai Magic Circle these days, Griet seemed busy also, but even Janick could readily acknowledge Griet had her uses. However, since it was much more computer-intensive, she was going in there, and hopefully she would be able to use Memory Rub if it came to that. Yes, I mostly used Memory Rub in ways few, if any, others would contemplate. But here's my chance to put it to use for more covert uses, she thought, before fading herself in the background, while waiting for the arrival of the others, carrying a datapad containing the message of hope and resistance the Underground wanted to raid the ICC to plant. The main idea was that she would attempt to enter failsafe mode for emergency server maintenance, or so the ICC staff would be led to believe, and then perform code injections while the server maintenance is underway. Yet here it wasn't a question of stealing data...

Jak Skirata

The air was screaming around him, orrr maybe it was the boy that was free falling near him. The last thing he remembered was taking a nap in hyperspace transit to Echoylir for some supplies. Looking into the corner of his HUD his location was coming up as "Unknown". He cursed and flicked his wrist towards the Kiffar boy, stretching out with the Force to twist him towards him. Using the Force along with his helmet's audio enhancers he shouted over the wind.

"Where the hell are we?!" Even with the Force his voice barely carried over the wind. There were lights below. He didn't get a chance to hear an answer because their gravshutes activated automatically and the wind carried him too far away to hear anything. He cursed under his breath as the ground rushed up to meet him.

He landed in a tree, the branches breaking his fall and his violent crash sent birds scattering. He groaned and looked to his left where a simple BlasTech 20 blaster pistol was sitting. It was an old blaster but serviceable. His danger sense tingled and he gripped the weapon in the Force and brought it to his hands with a twitch of his finger. The blaster in his hand he rolled, dodging two blue bolts of energy and fired before he could see the enemy. A confused death cry rang out and the assailant fell into the bushes. He heaved a heavy sigh and slipped the blaster into his empty hostler.

"So this is the game we're playing."

[member="Zak Amroth"]
The call had gone out, the Neverwhere had arrived outside Praesitlyn. And that meant they could use some help, at least supplies. Kaia had received word through the Warden network that the vagabond had arrived and set course. Starchaser Enterprises had entered the system with small freighters to bring in support teams, but also two larger freighters, both designed to carrier equipment and munitions, to be brought ahead and left aboard the Dreadnought, and broken down. The younger Starchaser was smiling as she arrived in the system.

“Alright fleet, we don’t know how long the Neverwhere will remain, so lets move quickly.”

“FarStar command, this is Kaia of the Wardens and Coalition. We are sending in light freighters to retrieve data and recycle the teams. Two larger freighters carrying equipment for you.

“Welcome to Praesitlyn.” She smiled as she waved at Drifter and cut the hologram of herself. She was on one of the MC 42 Ruistos that the company had taken to be their own. She wasn’t going to be stepping into Neverwhere, not yet. Though she had a feeling it wouldn’t be long before some of their company were.

The Anomaly
Objective: 2
Allies: ORC
Enemies: Rogue ICC Staff

What a fun little group he had tagged along with. Being out there, around the galaxy Candez Stood had gone from employer to employer, taking whatever job he could. Looking for places to take up a name for himself, only to get back stabbed or made expandable. So when the Duros found the Outer Rim Coalition, packed with so many just like him in a whole manner of ways, he felt at home. Among other scoundrel, gun runners, mercenaries and all sorts of colorful figures. Of course he took up a job with them, as soon as he got an offer to come along and help.

This brought him to Praesitlyn system. Candez had heard of some big event happening, but he had his attention elsewhere. A mission of espionage, of taking out some bad guys. Blasting away while trying out some of his own guns. Once he was in a worthy position on the planet, Candez activated a transmitter to let others that would be with him know he was on his way. With him was two of his crew, the astromech and the Kel Dor muscle. "What do you say guys...ready for a bit of havoc?" A grunt and beep he got in response. He loved this job. Perhaps a bit too much...

Bacu Topol

Waking up like this was not the way Bacu liked to wake up.Not knowing where he was, not knowing how he got there.

Oh, and yeah, FALLING!

Bacu Topol could do a lot of things, but fly? That was not one of them. He rolled himself over, and felt the air rush past himself. He was looking for anything, a ship… a shuttle. Damn. And that was when he noticed the grav chute. Calming him down, he allowed himself to fall, and tried to direct himself the nearby structure. As he was coming in, the chute erupted and the near whiplash blacked him out for a moment until he hit the ground. Shaking his head, he wasn’t taking the time to find where he was. There was a building, there had to be something inside.
"Captain Drake, you better take a look at this."

Atlas rubbed the exhaustion from his eyes. There were a million things he needed to see for himself, and only so much time before their rendezvous with Coalition search and rescue. What had begun as a simple collection of supplies hauled out from the Wretched Hive was now a full fledged base camp filled with shanty town tents over various command posts. Reinforcements would bring in resources necessary for prefabricated structures and then the real construction would begin on a jury rigged operations center. For now they were roughing it.

"Tracking your signal," he replied over comm link, "On my way."

There were...peculiarities with the dreadnought's internal layout that they still did not fully comprehend. Once enough teams went missing Resu scientists theorized certain sections were not fixed locations. Somehow the Neverwhere was shifting around them. The cavernous hangar and base camp never strayed but identifying similar 'safe points' was a matter of constant trial and error. Captain Drake could not rely on simple directions, instead he charted a new path through labyrinthine corridors until he finally arrived at the handheld sensor's coordinates.

"Over here, sir!"

"You've found...skeletons," Atlas raised his brow in surprise when he saw his expedition's latest discovery, "Humanoid skeletons. Q, what am I looking at?"

"Ain't it just the thing, hoss," the Wretched Hive's caretaker AI blinked into existence. Q was tied into the dreadnought's backup systems and could roam freely, "But science doesn't lie. DNA readings are a match, this is one of your lost search crews."

"How is that possible?" the Kathol officer asked, "They've only been missing a few days. It would take years of decomposition at least."

"Search me," his holographic guide shrugged.

“FarStar command, this is Kaia of the Wardens and Coalition.” Drake's comm link crackled on his belt, We are sending in light freighters to retrieve data and recycle the teams. Two larger freighters carrying equipment for you.”

"Let's keep this quiet for now but stay on it," he nodded at Q before opening a channel with [member="Kaia Starchaser"], "Neverwhere Base reads you, Warden Kaia. Captain Atlas Drake sending his compliments on your quick arrival. Is the Lighthouse on board?"

They needed reinforcements badly. They needed supplies and the proper equipment even worse. But there was one thing that Captain Drake and his expedition needed more than anything else. Contact. Communications with the wider galaxy was intermittent, the Resu believed this was due to subspace interference caused by the dreadnought's unique drive patterns. Apparently there was only one thing in the verse that could drown out the exotic particles and make reliable transmission possible. A Merril Lighthouse.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Objective 2: The Revolution Will Be Televised
Allies: ORC [member="Candez Stoon"]
Enemies: Rogue ICC staff

Hopefully the others will provide the distraction I may well need so that I can infiltrate the ICC's computer systems. But first I need to jam the ICC's antenna to the extent the Utai Universal Jammer I installed on the ship I came here on can do it, which is, as far as I can tell, somewhat limited, Janick thought, while the other Resistance crew onboard the Neimoidian Yacht prepared the jammer for operation. Yes, it was likely the rogue ICC staff would go after the ship, rather than her. But now she will be doing essentially the same thing as on Rhen Var and Kadavo. In the end, she also needed to make sure her mental functionality was optimal, because it was going to be key in a slicing context. Of all the things she feels could go wrong, one of the most terrifying to her was if the ICC's countermeasures could somehow fry her brain. But she would need to appraise the anti-slicing countermeasures in place before she could actually start working on the systems. For now, anyway, she de-cloaked inside the complex, where she posed as a prospective show producer at the security checkpoint in place:

"State the purpose of your business" the security guard asked Janick.

"I'm here to discuss a new show concept in pre-production: I already have a plan, a budget, and even some preliminary rushes"
Starchaser was smirking to herself when she welcomed the wayward dreadnought to the system. Not like anyone could really control it. Weird sense of humor on the hybrid, basically. She looked out the viewport as she dismissed the holo and started to issue orders for the smaller ships. Get the crew change-over in first, and worry about the loadlifters second. It wasn’t that they were competing with pirates, merely against the time. The larger ships would be sacrificed for the teams aboard, but that was fine.

The important part was that she had the Lighthouse marked to not be disassembled. Depending who was in charge she felt they’d be fine. And that was when the response came back, a bit jumbled and scrambled, but she heard the voice. Drake.

Drake was good people. The Kathol Republic was one of those states she really supported. Her brother and she had been raised out there, for lack of a better term on it. She was definitely fine being in the Outback and seeing an officer of theirs rise to note within the Coalition? It was good to see. “Was just confirming the contents were secure, Captain. Gallofree II has it. You’ll have to forgive the name, the ships were marked to be dismantled for needs of FarStar. Ships are on the way.”

She nodded to her officer who gave the go ahead to move forward. “Do you have anything to report that we can assist with on the outside?”

[member="Atlas Drake"]
Objective: 2
Allies: ORC [member="Janick Beauchamp"]
Enemies: Rogue ICC

Using some macrobinoculars to scout out some strike positions, him and his crew found one good way to pursue their objective. A quick and decisive strike, to say the least. Taking his modified DL-22 in hand, Candez prepared to make the first move. "R7, you keep a look out." The astromech seemed to give off a harsh bleep in surprise at that, but it could say nothing more as Candez activated his jet boots, and Yam Yaw his jetpack. They soared off, with bleeping off in the distance behind the pair. For now, it was a matter of stealth. Simply to get close enough before the grand operation would fully begin. Activity with the show made it easy to get close to the facility.

Candez knew there were some others on this operation, but he usually was quite the...rogue element. In it for himself. Hugging a wall outside, he sidled along to try and find a sufficient entry point. "Cover me, Yammy...once we find an entry, you watch the exit till I give you the signal. Right?" A grunt was all he got in response. "Good man, Yam."
You know those dreams you have, when your endlessly falling, before the ground suddenly appears and you snap awake, panting and sweating? Lex has had a few of those in his life, and this one, by far, was the most realistic. He didn't recognize the surrounding landscape, being a mesh of forests and urban environments. His head was murky, likely from the drinking he'd done the night before, at a bar. The last face he remembered was that of a beautiful Togrunta woman, offering to go shot for shot, and then... nothing.

He would be violently snapped into reality as his gravchute triggered, snatching him backwards as his momentum was suddenly slowed. So this wasn't a dream? Oh, hell. He came to a rough landing on the ground, tumbling several times before coming to a stop. Though scraped and bruised, he got up, his hand instantly going to his side as he glanced around. He'd find nothing but air where his lightsaber should be, and as he searched more, he found that all his gear, save the clothes on his back, were gone.

His head still rang, the hangover he had proving to be a major hassle. Placing his fingers on his temples, he focused, using the Force to breakdown the alcohol and whatever other toxins lie within his blood. It took a few moments before he began to feel better, enough that he could really concentrate on his situation. Right, now to get the timeline straight. He'd been drinking last night, that much he remembered. Next, he'd met a woman, and shortly after, he blacked out. She'd been the one to offer him the drink, so it was likely she drugged him. Then transported him to this world, without his gear or weapons... for what reason? Unknown for the moment.

His next step was to get acclimated to the area, though it would be pushed back in the current setting. He needed something besides the Force to defend himself, and in a cityscape like the one he was in, there should be plenty of options. He set his sight on a nearby building, and entered it.
Objective: 1
Tags: [member="Bacu Topol"]

Bacu Topol

The Hunter of the Fringe was not excited for this landing, that was to say the least. What was supposed to happen? All he knew, though, was he had the need to find a weapon. Or better yet, two. Something to hit people with and something to shoot at others with. He didn’t care, right now he wanted off this world. And as he was a bit more Fringe raised than anything, his number one way of find out what was going on with him? Mostly murdering until someone gave an answer.

Bacu was no Jedi, he wasn’t a Judge. He was a Mirialan with a mission, a Matukai if he had to call himself anything. But even then, he had strayed from what they were teaching. He was used to weapons similar to the wan-shen, as well as a sword, and his bowcaster. But here? He was without what he normally had. Entering the structure, he grabbed what could only be a tool for breaking concrete and slammed it into the analog lock on a box he found.

Reaching inside, a storm trooper rifle and power packs for a hold out blaster. Super. But he did find a bacta bomb. That was… an interesting discovery.

And that was when he felt it, someone using the Force. Something for healing. Sense and Control were the two hallmarks of Bacu, and finding someone using something similar? Meant he’d sense it, and it was close. Putting the tools in the makeshift bag, he grabbed the heavy breaker bar and made his way to the outside of the structure.

Where were you… who were you…

[member="Lex Del'Fino"]

Zak Amroth

Zak was running for his life, and there wasn't even any whiskey.

Projectiles peppered the underbrush all around him but somehow he managed to smash through the small clearing unscathed. Somewhere behind him an unknown assailant was spraying the forest with an old fashioned automatic slugthrower. The sheriff had been on this forsaken planet for a half hour and managed to find...a wrench. It was a sturdy wrench, certainly it would be useful if he needed to conduct any basic repairs. As a killing implement in the middle of a no holds barred deathmatch it left a little something to be desired.

"Oh kriff!" he exclaimed when a tree violently burst into flames in front of him. That was new.

Judge Amroth zigged instead of zagged, ducking between thick stumps so that the original shooter wouldn't perforate him with bullets. He caught a brief glimpse of a figure holding some kind of high tech rocket launcher and took off as fast as his legs could carry him. Another panicked minute of sprinting just barely ahead of a gruesome death and he found himself nearly crashing into [member="Davin Skirata"]. He looked at the blaster the man was holding and yelped.

"Parley!" the sheriff squealed, raising his hands in the air.

Behind the kiffar, another rocket was loaded and about to fire.

[member="Bacu Topol"] | [member="Lex Del'Fino"]​
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
Objective 2: The Revolution Will Be Televised
Allies: ORC [member="Candez Stoon"]
Enemies: Rogue ICC staff

"The show is about resistance fighters that intend to keep fighting the Sith, both on their own turf and also externally, with the main characters being Pantorans as well as Sisio residents"

They aren't suspecting anything regarding what I termed... preliminary rushes, Janick thought, while the security guard absorbed the storyboard plans she provided him like a sponge. As if that person had access to the executives in charge of the decision of approving or rejecting the show. For now, the crew also deployed some camera drones so that it could film the entire raid on the ICC, live. It's no longer about "just" some preliminary rushes; it's about live broadcasting of the attack once the preliminary rushes are fed into the system, she thought, while using some of mer more passive, Force-induced charms to trick the guard into having her close in on the computer complex of the system. Some implanting of information: she was so used into using telepathy for so many different items, such as implanting knowledge, that it kind of went naturally to her at this point. The guard seemed to be perhaps a little too comfortable just letting Janick close in on the computer complex for their own tastes. In the end, she needed to act as a prospective holovid producer that actually had a handle on the project that producer wanted the ICC to greenlight.

"Actually, I think I have a good location to film some of our scenes, right here, since slicing is a central theme to some of our characters, and their arcs thereof"

"Really? Are you a producer-actress? You seem to have a good idea of what you want out of your show, and it seems that you have a good idea of where your character fits" the security guard asked, seemingly infatuated enough by Janick to ask for more details regarding the so-called show project.

"Yes. It's not like your ordinary acting part. As for my character, I am, in fact, playing one of the characters involved in the slicing arcs"
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Objective 1: SURVIVE
Gear: T-shirt, Jacket, Work pants, Boots, Belt
Tags: [member="Zak Amroth"], [member="Bacu Topol"], [member="Lex Del'Fino"], [member="Davin Skirata"],

Jostled awake, I could hear a loud whipping of the air around my ears. Opening my eyes to see that I was falling down to the ground, Every part of me woke up at the exact moment I needed it. Eyes widening to take in all that I could, hands reaching out to try and slow my descent with increasing drag, and that is when I felt something on my back. A grav chute. So I was just being dropped into some scape, and hearing the sounds of fighting already below.

Meaning I was likely one of the last few to drop from whatever left us here. Something was going on, and I needed to prioritize fast. Land, survive, and figure out what is going on here. First was to land without breaking my neck. While even the chute would slow me down dramatically, I had to eliminate the rest of the downward momentum. As I got closer and closer to the top of a building, I shut off the chute and allowed myself to drop down the last couple feet. Hands extending outwith fingers close together, and rolling to increase the amount of time of impact. Even then, I continued the movement downwards, and just shifted it to be horizontal across the roof top. Allowing it to give me a head start in a run, only to let me return to a jog and then a stop.

Taking off the chute from my back, I could already hear weapons going off, but it wasn't too far that I could tell what they were. Blasters, a couple rockets as well. Some kind of an arena battle from what I could tell. Was this some sort of Death Game?

Shaking my head, I looked around as much as I could. Finding just a vibrosword over to the side of the building, hiding just barely under the canopy of a vent. As I was about to grab it, I could hear a charge sound. Instinct kicked in. I dropped down to my rear, and pulled backwards to perform a back roll over my left shoulder. Turning to my right at the sound of blaster fire, to see a man holding a rail weapon. His shot missed me, but he was clearly aiming to kill. Another shot fired at me, I had no where near the amount of time I needed to close the distance, Instead, rushing behind the vent where the sword was still on the ground.

My chest was rapidly breathing in and out as I could hear the voice of the being. Deep and almost guttural. My eye's peeked around the corner to see him carrying a couple weapons on him. He clearly had taken other people out and was taking their gear. Closing my eyes, I breathed in and out. Centering myself must faster now that I had done as much, so many times before. I could feel heat within my fingers, and toes. The blood pumping harder in my chest and limbs. My mind reaching clarity as I zipped around the other side of the vent.

Using speed and a new angle to my advantage, I slid in front of the vent. Grabbing the vibrosword along the way. A rail shot charged in that time and fired at me. Eye's widening, and I ducked just in time with the shot flying past my head and slamming into something behind me. Pushing off with both feet and my off hand, I closed quite a bit of a distance before he got another shot. I was in the open, charging him. I didn't even think as I used the vibrosword as a lightsaber. Swinging directly into the slug fired at me. The slug was stopped, but the sword shattered and broke about half way down its length.

But that gave me enough time to close the distance. Off hand pushing the weapon's barrel away from me, vibro blade stabbed into his gun arm, followed with my elbow to his face. A solid hit, followed with a left jab to his throat. He fell back a step. Good enough space for me to drop low, swinging my leg wide, it tripped him up. As he was on the ground, I scuttled over to him, yanking a pistol from his belt, and shoving the barrel into his mouth.

"I don't want to kill you, so please don't make me."
"Fwreeh ooohh"

I could tell it was an insult at me. He didn't care. He was here to kill, and would kill more. Every fiber of my being wanted to just string him up and leave him. Every ounce of my training as a Jedi taught me to not kill him. It wasn't the right way to do things. However, I didn't have anything to tie him too, and he was still more than able to fight back if he wasn't already on the ground with a gun in his mouth. I... I shouldn't kill him. Even if he was just trying to end my own life just now. It wasn't right. This isn't how a Jedi is supposed to do this. I... I....

"May the gods protect your soul."

Closing my eyes, I pulled the trigger.

"Damn it."
Objective: 2
Allies: ORC [member="Janick Beauchamp"]
Enemies: Rogue ICC

Eventually a way was found. Just not how he pictured. Just above, a grate fitted into a wall. A circular grate, only barely large enough for Yam to fit. But Yam was large, Candez was small. He would be an easy fit. The Duros pointed up at it, and Yam got the message as he lifted him up. Using a cutter, Candez began making his entry into a tunnel beyond of concrete. Once the grates lock was undone, Candez lifted it up as best he could, and climbed inside. "Don't worry too long for me, big guy" he said back to Yam, earning another grunt. A Kel Dor of few words.

A long walk was ahead of him, or so he thought. A grate was ahead, in the bottom of the tunnel. Looking down, he saw what looked like a maintenance area. An easy enough spot to infiltrate from. Lifting the grate up, Candez soon dropped right on him, brushing himself off. Not noticing someone right behind him.

Not till he turned to who looked to be an engineer. There was a rather...long awkward pause. "Oh, so uh, the tunnel? Dirty, real dirty. Could use a cleaning or people are gonna get sick! Imagine if the janitor went up the-"

"Who are you?" Candez paused again..."Uh...sanitation?" The engineer wasn't buying it, so Candez, he decided to go screw it. Reaching out a gloved hand till it was right to their cheek, as if to slap them. Only to activate his personal TZ glove against their cheek, putting down for a long nap. "Sanitation, really? I gotta come up with better excuses." But it was the least of his worries. He was in now.
“Do you have anything to report that we can assist with on the outside?”

"Our sensors are having a hell of a time penetrating the hull," Captain Drake was already navigating his way to the dreadnought's vast hangar, "Send a few scouts to nail down her outer dimensions but our first priority has to be getting that Lighthouse installed and the transports safely on board."

He glanced out a passing viewport and caught a brief glimpse of the stars.

"We don't know when or if this thing will jump again."

The Gallofree II and her sisters were carrying a powerful navigational beacon and emergency rations, both were absolutely critical to this expedition's continued survival. But there was so much else to look forward to now that they were finally resupplied. Basic construction could begin in earnest, a proper wilderness stronghold where they could feel at least relatively secure. But there were also the little things like fresh power cells, medical supplies, specialized scanning equipment, stimcaf for rift's sake! Frankly, Atlas would appreciate a speeder bike or two right about now.

"Transmitting exterior coordinates to you now, a sensor pod of roughly similar dimension that my team thinks they can jettison. That would solve our signal problem, but it means the Lighthouse needs to be secured via manual EVA."

"Is our landing beacon still active?" Atlas asked when he and his escort finally reached the 'Cavern'.

One of the engineers from Subterrel offered him a whimsical salute, "Aye, capitan."

Behind her the Wretched Hive loomed in all her dismal glory. Although they were flickering the freighter's lights were on. Her sensor bloom would serve as a point of reference to guide the convoy in for a relatively safe landing. For those ships too big to set down crude docking tethers would have to be jury rigged until permanent cradles could be installed. Twenty meters or so from the Hive, Captain Drake set off a signal flare.

"Welcome to the upside down," they were the only words he could think of to explain what kind of strange [member="Kaia Starchaser"] was in for.
Objective 2: The Revolution Will Be Televised
Allies: ORC [member="Janick Beauchamp"] [member="Candez Stoon"]
Enemies: Rogue ICC

The Underground gave the blue-skinned young man a assigment. Infiltrate and hijack comm waves from a ICC facility. Riimaurus wasn't exactly a slicer but he will have to make it happen. Since the fall of the Alliance, the Outer Rim Coallition has been his home and he feels he should give it back is some way. The ex-spy could put his skill to use and maybe make some difference in the end.

He gathered a small crew. Kayle Salthai, a human on his 30's, was his dedicated slicer and the most important asset on this mission. Entor Suzol, a Duros freelance working for The Underground, was a more skilled fighter and as good shooter than him. This small crew would do, any more men would be too much for a infiltration mission.

Arriving at Praesitlyn was easy, since the planet was hosting a big event and more outsiders meant more credits.

"We go in, find their Comm Station, Hijack and Leave. If we're lucky, we won't need to fire a single blaster.", Riimaurus assured even though he knew that wouldn't be that easy.
[member="Atlas Drake"]

Wasn’t that she didn’t want to take a trip on the Neverwhere, to be honest, she really wanted to, but the fact that she had things to do out here, it wasn’t the right time. She was going to have to set up a redundancy for her assistants to take the reigns of the Enterprises for the next time the Neverwhere greeted the ORC with her presence. Then she’d jump aboard. Maybe the next system. Would be a neat thing to study, maybe see if she could instill some sort of Warden backup plan aboard the dreadnought.

“Roger that, Captain. The lighthouse is en route…” She tapped a few controls and several shuttles complete with EV workers and droids. “Do we get a few moments of warning before you jump? Don’t want to risk organics around the hull doing mapping…” She was more concerned for life, not trying to be difficult but then she heard it.

“We’ll move quick.” She turned to the ship’s captain. “You’re in command, bring the Pulsar to landing zone. Going to help to scanning.” She had the Force, it’d be better to be out there. She hurried down the hangar and would be in her ship and launched quickly.

Jak Skirata

Something crashed into him, causing him to stagger forward. On instinct he nearly came around and cuffed the bumbling idiot in the jaw but stopped when he felt and realized who it was. There was no murderous intent, just confusion, and so he stopped. He turned the quick pivot into pat on the shoulder, his mask hiding the gritting teeth of a man on edge. It was that Kiffar kid again. He began to sigh in relief when his danger sense started tingling again. This whole forest was a death trap wasn't it?

"Emperor's black bones kid!" Davin cursed loudly and shoved him aside to blast another enemy. The bolt caught the would be assailant in the face, burning a hole through his face plate. The rocket flew into the air, pulled by the death grip of the man. It arced over head just above the forest's canopy.

"You," he said, pointedly jabbing a finger at the kid, "Are gonna get me killed." Just then the rocket fired by the dead man exploded somewhere in the distance, casting jagged shadows over the Mandalorian's armor. He shook his head and took a step back, holstering his weapon.

"You have any kriffing idea where we are boy?"

[member="Zak Amroth"]

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