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Faction Foundling Rebellion of Kestri | The Enclave

Daughter of The Destroyer

"Oh shut up and keep watch will ya?" A young, hushed voice insisted as a collection of spray canisters were stuffed in separate lockers of different foundlings in the barracks. Each locker filled with an assortment of strange tools and hardware as the foundling shut the door and moved on to the next thing needing prepped.

"Seriously, you wanna ruin this before we even start? We gotta make sure everything is ready for tomorrow!" Another quipped, their attention occupied with a pot stirring and twisting what looked to be a thick, sap-like honey colored green. Stirring the concoction and looking back at one of the younger foundlings who appeared rather...nervous about everything that was taking place.

"C'mon guys we're gonna get in trouble if we do this!? Who even came up with this stupid idea?" They protested, climbing up into their bunk and flopping down to lay back. The boys eyes drew upwards towards the ceiling to meet five eyes glaring back at him from the ceiling, the foundling boy nearly choking and flailing as a four armed Xeno fell from above and landed on the top bunk and leaned in to hiss at the boy aggressively.

"It is Dimas idea! And Dima is super smart so it is sure to work~" She huffed, sticking her tongues out at her and hopping down onto the floor to examine the green, jelly-like liquid that Karth stirred at the edge of his bunk. The one finishing supplying the lockers and returning to his bunk quickly as the sound of footsteps slowly approached from outside in the hall leading to their room. Karth was quick to push the pot he stirred under his bed, pulling out a small table with an blaster that was not assembled and began just putting pieces of it together just as the Drillmaster strolled by.

The foundlings all proceeded to 'act natural' in that moment. The foundling in his top bunk almost sweating as the other three pretended not to notice the Drillmaster peering inside.

"Are we all behaving tonight? Remember, tomorrow evaluations begin. So be on your best behavior~" They warned, turning heel and heading back down the hall as the foundlings all exchanged glances and made faces at one another.

"Another one? Man this sucks~" Karth complained, pushing the weapon aside and pulling the pot back out to continue stirring. The other, a girl dangling a leg from the other top bunk looked at Dima and whispered towards her.

"You said it, this better work Dima or we are all in deep bantha shit." She sighed, Dima weighing her head from side to side and chittering softly.

"Cousins please, Dimas brain is very big you see. If the elders won't listen to us or trust us, then we must make them listen." Dima boasted, drawing a doubtful look from the other on the top bunk who did not seem fully on board with what they were planning.

"With glitterbombs and jelly? They already think we're just a bunch of 'kids' how is this supposed to help our case for getting treated with respect again?" He questioned, making the Xeno grin wickedly as the strange, multi-eyed alien focused and chuckled impishly.

"We are either hunter, or prey yes? Solution is simple. We want elders respect. We must make them prey~" She cooed in delight, her tail swishing and rattling in excitement as Karth and Shivi both looked at one another and nodded.

This is the way~" They both echoed, looking up at Midas who still seemed on the fence. He groaned and facepalmed himself and dragged his hands down his eyes dramatically.

"Fine fine, this is the way but i still think its a bad idea." He finally caved, finding it hard to go against his comrades as Dima whooped and hopped around in excitement.

"Rejoice cousins, vod will speak of this day for many cycles." She teased looking to karth and lifting all four of her arms to give four thumbs up. Karth and Shivi just laughing in amusement as Dima moved towards the window and gave them both a look over her shoulder. "Make the call, spread the word cousins, we move at dawn!" She told them before taking her leave from the window to begin her own preparations for the next day.


Hours passed by and the bustle of Kestri grinded to a slow passive silence. Many warriors were either tucked into their bed, exhausted from a long day or found themselves getting to the bottom of a bottle to help their troubled minds. Only a select handful of 'busy bees' remained up through the night and morning as preparations for the days events were moved into place. And already, one foundling was laying their clever trap for none other than the Drillmaster himself. The quiet shifting of tendrils moving about the barracks upper levels where the Drillmaster slept, Dima setting up a silk snag strap near the Drillmasters room on the path they walked every morning. Webbing being placed and a bucket of sweet, honey-like sauce was positioned by the snag to splash whoever was unfortunate enough to walk into the trap.

And as dawn approached, the earliest of the birds began stirring on Kestri. Drillmaster being one such bird and wandering about their room to begin their day Dima listened on the otherside and giggled, quickly moving herself out of sight and turning the corner just to peer back and watch closely.

After a bit of time the door SWOOSHED open, the Drillmaster fully dawned in their Beskar stepped forward with two hounds following out their room. However, after taking a few paces forward the Drillmasters boot landed on the floor and suddenly was wrapped in silk and their leg got yanked up into the ceiling.
"W-what!?" They yelled, their bodies flung into an upside-down position. And just as they were the bucket came swinging in from off to the side and SPLASHING all over the Drillmasters armor, covering them in a divine sauce which caused their hounds to go feral. "GRRRRRUH! Kujo, Kali, get me down!" He shouted at his hounds. However, they failed to even catch the other, the beast dragging their tongues all over the Drillmasters visor and spinning him around in their fight to lick away the sauce dripping from him. Dima cackled devilishly, jumping out from the corner she hid around and chittering in delight as her four arms beat at her chest.

"True hunter always watches where they step right Drillmaster?" She laughed, echoing words Drillmaster said to her many times. The elder snarling when he noticed Dima and grabbing a from their boot to reach up and try to cut the silk thread dangling them. The hounds however in their rush to lick his hands knocked the blade away, forcing the Drillmaster to rotate in place upsidedown.

"DIMA! DIMA DID YOU DO THIS!? DIMA!? DIMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He shouted and yelled as the xeno fled the scene of the crime.

The first prey of the day, and the signal to others to begin their own attacks. Within the next hour, screams of anger and horror filled Kestri, from the upper levels to the lower as Foundlings splashed mandos with bright, neon paints, bombs of glitter were let off in rooms and the hauls of ships were sprayed with graffiti. Dima herself did not take long to end up in the streets below, slowly sneaking into a tavern where drunken vod trying to forget their problems lay, oblivious to anything happening outside as many elders were awoken to unpleasantness forced upon them by foundlings.

Shaking a canister of the green goo that Karth had been stirring the night before, Dima sneaking around the tables and squirted a bunch into the helmets of the sleeping or distracted vod. Even sticking silk onto their shoes so if they pursued they'd have a hard time walking around and such. Vren Rook Vren Rook being one such mando who got his helmet filled with the strange jelly-like substance.

Objective: Teenage Rebellion
Location: Kestri
Equipment: Rotten foodstuffs, spray paint, silly string, stolen Speed Bike
Tags: Open


"D'awww, such a sweet and adorable little boy." A voice cooed, petting Vulcan on the head.

That was the 56th time he got that same condescending head pat, he was not taken seriously, even after going to war, facing EE Ultranauts, facing a force user twice and coming back alive. But here he is being treated like a child again, they looked at him with a mix of condescension and pity. He put up with it, he even smiled sweetly under his helmet at them. Inside Vulcan was livid, stressed and rebellious.

But he was at his last fuse. He also was discarding a few eggs he forgot about, he got them a month ago, they were off, rancid and no good for anything else, but Vulcan got an idea, a naughty, disruptive idea. So he grabbed one and hurled it at a Mando who for some reason had his helmet off, there was the wet crack of a raw egg hitting its mark, a yell of disgust, and the city centre began to reek with the smell of over-ripe egg. The Ubese began to hurl them at anything that moved to add to the smell.

He also kept silly string on him, he always carried unusual things. Then he saw other Foundlings overrunning the streets, Vulcan joined in, defacing walls and scribbling all over the windows. If they won't take him seriously, then he will make them. He didn't know how to ride a speed bike, but that did not stop him from jerry-rigging one and in his untrained hands it promptly ruined a neatly trimmed hedge and a set of Gnomes, the whole row of houses got the same treatment, Vulcan for his part hurtled through the streets, causing more disruption.

As he sped across the city no Mando was safe from getting egged, cheesed and doughed. The smell was awful and those who did not get hit with food had streaks of eye-straining green paint sprayed on them, some with more paint than others., this was fun and he had been wanting to let Teenage frustration out for a while. Some Mando had rancid cheese pushed into the armour and even the helmet had rancid cheese splattered on it.

Soon the streets were filled with disgruntled Foundlings and the once calm streets were noisy and covered with debris, TP, Sillystring and foodstuff. The Foundlings are rising.

Ah, it was the life.

It had been a bit of a headache. He was tasked as Karjr to oversee the law on Tatooine and what an uphill climb that was. It was like trying to shovel water with a fork. And to top it off, Faison Kelborn Faison Kelborn had them busy with his pilgrimae. So Vren took a well earned vacation and went home for a spell.

And right into a seething Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren the moment he opened the door.

"We both know I'm better in the dirt than in the snow, Tee."he defended. "I'm sorry, love. Next time I take you with me, ok?" he then added. There weren't really anyone else that could get him to agree to anything by just a glare. Ever his Achilles heel, this woman. "Let me buy you a drink at least. Peace offering."

And just spend time together for a change.

She would flay him, however, if he said that out loud.

He would drag her to the cantina, whether she protested or not. They knew one another too well to care about faux protestations. And after a few glasses of whiskey, Vren couldn't keep his eyes open anymore - the exhaustion of hunting down crime on a renowned planet catching up to him.

Helmet next to him on the table, he would be knocked out cold for the night.


A commotion outside had the Karjr's eyes flying open and on his feet in an instant, pistol drawn. Without even looking at it, Vren grabbed his helmet and pulled it over his head.....

....and getting showered in slime seeping from his helmet.

Still groggy from sleep, it took Vren a second before he pulled off the helmet again to check inside. Some kind of goo was sticking everywhere and had his hair coloured green. Just then, his eyes caught Domina Prime Domina Prime .
"Oi, Foundling! You do this?!" he barked.

She didn't seem to want to hang around, however.

Without even checking where Tawnita was, Vren set off after the strange Foundling.....but his boot kept sticking to the floor as far as he went, making it hard work to keep up the chase.

What the hell were the kids up to?

TAG: Vren Rook Vren Rook


She had protested.

At length.


"I couldn't care any less if the ghost of Emperor Palpatine himself had asked you to do it. Its an imposition and frankly I find it impertinent that you'd even consider agreeing to this hair-brained scheme."

She had lost the argument. Still. They had spent many years apart before; what were a few extra par-secs for the time being?

She really hated sand.



She had risen early.

She had made all sorts of arrangements for his return, ensuring the pantry was filled with all sorts that he might not be able to properly enjoy in the dustbowl he now occupied. She combed her hair anxiously, making to look as young and beautiful as she could muster. She looked back at her reflection and sighed. It would do.

She wandered through the apartments, picking up various objects and placing them in a tidier fashion, removing any waste or anything that cluttered up the place. Not that he'd care or notice. She huffed.

If he thinks he's going to gallop back into here and thinks I'm going to welcome him with open arms, he has another thing coming.

She looked at the pistol on the side table nearest...

Too drastic, Tee.


The opening of the door flicked on a torrent of emotions, ones she had been courting for some time and yet now came in a full, unabashed wall of energy. Beneath it all was a love, a deep one. Today's flavour was rage.

If you bring a single iota of sand into this apartment I will flense you, Vren Rook. Do you hear me?!"

She turned towards the door and took his visage in, her hair loose to her shoulders, her soft garment loosely fitting in the warmth of the modest home she inhabited. Her armour was being tended to in the small armoury attached and she wasn't about to stand on ceremony for the man she loved, despite the unyielding levels of frustration and near emotional catatonia that danced inside her, manifesting in an unsettled stomach and a wringing of hands.

She glared at him. She dared him to excuse himself.

"We both know I'm better in the dirt than in the snow, Tee. I'm sorry, love. Next time I take you with me, ok?"

"You'd be better six feet under the dirt. Quite dead."

She was softening. Despite her rancour, she was thrilled to have him back. She was, perhaps, already mourning his departure, whenever that would be. She marched towards him and threw her arms around him. She wanted to strangle him. She didn't dare move out of the embrace.

He made overtures to accompany her to get a drink before dinner. She scoffed loudly.

"Oh you'll take me! You'll be doing whatever it is I want!" She walked into her living quarters, calling back to him.

"And you'll be paying!"


She had tried to stand as quietly as possible, letting him catch some respite. She knew his work was tough and serious and that he wouldn't have slept well of late. She would afford him this at least small mercy before continuing the onslaught on his sensibilities and sense of guilt.
She looked down at Vren, his form still. She knew he was safe as can be here. He'd be in no danger. She dared to catch a touch of his shoulder, hoping that somewhere in his mind he would be reminded that she was there for him and that he knew where to find her when he woke.

Their evening had been as she expected. They worked well, they always had. They resettled into each other's company with elegance and she liked to make him laugh, even if it was subdued today. He was tired. It made her cross.

"You're working too hard, Vren."
she had said to him, pouring another drink for him as she listened to her prattle on about Kestri and the ship and the work she was doing for the government.

She had decided that she would be softer. He would need friendlier words to bring about some true relaxation.

She headed back to her apartments and shut the house down for the remainder of the night. With dawn fast approaching, she figured she could catch some real rest before appealing to his gentler side.

She had missed him.
Objective: Teenage Rebellion
Location: Kestri
Equipment: Rotten foodstuffs, spray paint, silly string, stolen Speed Bike
Tags: Domina Prime Domina Prime | Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren | Vren Rook Vren Rook | open
Prank Target: Vren Rook Vren Rook


The streets were covered in mess and TP, the smell was enough to make a Rancor flee to save itself. Vulcan was pleased with his handiwork. Even if his handwriting was atrocious and his tag looked more like a scribble than legible words.

"Stop this right now, you are acting like a child!" A Woman exclaimed forcing the rebellious teen to a sudden halt. Hands-on hips and scowling like a disappointed parent. Vulcan was in no mood to stop, not ever.

<"I am a child what's your excuse?"> Vulcan replied snidely, aiming a can of really awful pink silly string at her and speeding away.

The rebellion is spreading, now every Foundling is out in force. Not one building was free from spray paint but Vulcan wanted to do a little more, the melted rancid cheese was beginning to make the air shimmer with how bad it smelled. He needs to at least get rid of it but he needs a target first. The next one to walk out of the Cantina will get an egg and cheese surprise. He will also need lots of glitter as well, he'll get some from the store cupboard.

But he didn't have to wait for long before someone did exit the Cantina. An older Mandalorian, just what he wanted. Grabbing an egg and a clump of malodorous cheese he rolled it into a ball, careful not to crack the egg.

He aimed and chucked it at his target, intending for it to hit right in the face.

TAGS: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Tawnita Wren Tawnita Wren | Domina Prime Domina Prime | Vren Rook Vren Rook | Open
GEAR: In bio​


With no other duties to tend to, it seemed like a perfect day to go for a trip to Tor Valum's market and see what new oddities were available. Last he checked, Vulcan still had his stall down there as well, might be worth it to support the boy's little shop. The mothership could do with some more healthy food for a change, anyway. Probably the only good thing that came out of Shai's disappearance, he could actually get people to eat less garbage without having the Cur complain all day about it.

As he entered the marketplace, however, he realized that whatever plans he had to try and support Vulcan, buy good food, and get something nice for himself, flew out of the viewport as foundlings ran around and wrought chaos upon Tor Valum. The Kel Dor stood in place, his cloak and mask hiding the shock over his face as he stared in horror.

The only thing snapping him out of his trance was the feeling of something headed his way. With sharp reflexes, he leaned back and watched as a rotten egg sailed past his head and smacked into a wall next to him. "VULCAN?!" His digitized voice boomed as he adjusted his cloak and turned to face the boy zooming past on a speeder that was certainly not his. This was partially the reason why he made a point in not buying Vulcan his own speeder... the other was the fact that he couldn't see over the dashboard of most.

The Kel Dor shrugged his shoulders and let his cloak drop to the ground as he started to walk into the thick of it all.

Someone had to wrangle them back in line...



Today was an important day.

Tying her hair back gracefully, in a prim proper style, Gwyneira nervously looked herself over in the mirror before plucking up her new necklace and pulling it over her pale neck. Today, she was officially getting her new company licencing for business. Her dream company. It honestly felt so good, feeling something aside sadness, loneliness, and apathy. She had a purpose, even if for a little while. She was starting a business, one which required that degree she spent eight painful teenage years earning. She would finally be... a success.

She stepped back, looking herself over fully in the mirror. She had a thin, strapless black dress, smooth and spotless, which came down to her ankles. It parted at the side, allowing for quick access to and combative use of her cybernetic leg. Said cybernetic leg, she had painted black for the occasion. Inside the leg's storage compartment, she had her usual hidden twin blasters and combat knife in, for in case. Of course, she also had a datapad with all her needed documents for the meeting. She had her jolt ring on her finger, and the red necklace complimented the black outfit and her pale skin well. She nodded to herself, placing her hands on her hips.

"I hope it's not too much. Trying to look professional here..."

She then turned to leave .


Walking out of the building, into Kestri's cold streets, Gwyneira daintily lifted her thin dress skirt as she glided down the icy steps. Like a queen, she was prepared and eager for this meeting. For one of the few times since her recovery from her biological father's laboratory, she was excited for something!

Then, something happened.

Not one, but several splats hit her hair and dress. Something wet and sticky. Gwyneira froze, blinking and lifting a finger to dab at the clear and yellow substance on her top... Eggs!?!

She looked up to see a familiar figure, Vulcan Krayt, snickering at his successful egging as he darted off. Fury flooded her being, her eyes turning from amber to dark side yellow in anger. She lifted her finger and pointed, shouting in all rage.


She darted back inside the building, then returned a moment later... with a missile launcher.

It was payback time.

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