Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Frenemies, Allies, and Enemies

Threads have slown down and I'm hoping to add one or two to my list.

I have a few story threads to pull on for those who are interested.

1. Briana is the daughter of the man who founded the terrorist organization, The New Way (now The Unblessed), and I'm sure there is more than one person out there that might have a bone to pick with her. Be it they were the victim of one of TNW's experiments, or had family/were caught in the attack on Coruscant, or Naboo...I'd like Briana to have to come face to face with some of her father's sins.

2. Briana was tasked by Romi Jade Romi Jade to assist her cousin Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus with running the Jedi Enclave on Jakku. If you're on Jakku and would like to do a training thread with Briana, (or something else entirely) I am game.

3. Briana is part of The Prophecy of The Four. She is trying to find all of the potential Perils/Guardians to keep them from setting off the next Galactic Crisis. If there are any Sith out there who want to exploit this/come after Briana, then let's talk.

4. Have your own idea? Let's hear it. I'm always open to a little plotting.
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Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

Don't think you and I have ever RPed outside of group threads before, oddly. I'm not sure if I have anything to offer you thread-wise, apart from maybe Arlo here, who is an anti-Force User. He's never heard of the New Way or the Unblessed, but upon hearing they exist he might be interested in joining them lol. If an encounter like that sounds like it would interest you, hit me up.
Thanks to everyone who responded to this, I certainly appreciate all of the interest! I'll be reaching out to a few of you in DMs for some story ideas. <3 If I don't reach out for a thread this time around, I'll definitely be reaching out for us to do something together in the near future.

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