Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Here To Eternity

Valin said nothing as he watched the man drag a chair over to one of the walls in order to prop it up so that it could be used for its original purpose. One glance around the room and he knew he was done for; he had no doubt that nobody else had seen Vaulkhar, which meant nobody would believe him when he told them that someone had broken in and started to break things. Even now he could hear a light pounding on the archive door, but one of the bookcases had fallen down to block them from entering. Quite an effective barricade, he had to admit.

He hoped that most of the books and other information-holders remained in tact. If so, then there was at least some hope of the boy getting things back to an orderly state - though that did sound like an awful lot of work. One hand lifted, and he ran it through his now sweat dampened hair before clamping down his fingers on the fringe and holding it tight. As though the grasp he had of it could somehow cement together some semblance of order within his unexpectedly chaotic life.

When he opened his eyes again, and released the strands of hair, everything was as it had been. That simply warranted a sigh.

"I've walked as many of these halls as I'm able, been within every room that isn't locked; this is the only space which still holds some sort of mystery to it. That's why I come here."

To stave off boredom, to pass the numerous hours at his disposal... He was still Tyric's student, after all, he couldn't just leave. Not only would his parents have him hunted down and dragged back, but he'd likely earn himself the wrath of a Sith Knight and all the trouble which came with it. The archive was his way of living, when the rest of his life had become a standstill.

"How can you help me?" There was a little bit of skepticism within his tone, after all so far all he'd done was injure the boys arm and trash part of the estate he lived within...

"The same way I'd help anybody else looking to garner knowledge in the force. I would offer the knowledge I hold and of that isn't enough, I'd connect you to someone who can offer you more," Vaulkhar leaned back into the chair and released a faint breath. Soon enough he'd be on his way to Bastion in the hopes of holding an audience with the Dark Lord. Transmissions had been received by the halfbreed speaking of a coming war, one all Sith beneath the emperor's banner were expected to take part in. Unfortunately, being the son of the emperor had its pros and cons. And in wartime, it was mostly cons.

"If you aren't interested, I'll happily leave and be out of your hair. I'm sure you have plenty of..." he paused and motioned to the ransacked room. "Studying to do."

Vaulkhar stood up and stretched before his attention settled on the door he arrived through.

[member="Valin Seek"]
For a moment Valin did nothing more than mull over his options. There was a faraway look in his eye as he glanced over the room around them, the fallen shelves, scattered books, broken furniture, after Vaul gestured to it all. Quite the mess... A long sigh left him. Not a mess he wanted to sort out any time soon.

"I can't leave here," he finally said, blinking and turning his sights to the Sith, "I still belong to my Master. But I won't turn down a lesson if you've the time."

Anything was better than dealing with what they'd done to the archives.

Though he didn't know whether or not the man would agree to such terms, especially not with the way he kept looking to the exit, Valin took a seat on the floor and stacked a pile of books to his right. Nothing in particular, just whatever had fallen by his feet when the bookcase crumpled. If he kept going at this rate, he'd be done in a few weeks time...

Maybe he should just call for a droid.

Droids made everything easier.

"What is it that you do, Mister?"

Vaulkhar paused midstep and turned back to him. A lesson was something he was capable in offering. While his skills were leaned more towards warfare and espionage, certain abilities he had picked up in his youth were useful all around.

Or so he thought anyway.

"Very well, a lesson is something I can do," once more he sat down, opting to return to his earlier chair. He managed to get as comfortable as possible before clearing his throat slightly. "What is it I do? That's a difficult question to answer.." Vaulkhar appeared momentarily perplexed as he considered the question. "The easiest answer is an agent of the Dark Lord. There are certain tasks that need doing. That's where I come in."

That was likely the best answer he could offer given the circumstances. While he did not fear the Acolyte before him, he also did not know or trust him.

[member="Valin Seek"]
Valin didn't move throughout Vaulkhar's back and forth between the door and the chair, his eyes fixed upon the man the only thing in motion. For a moment he simply pondered the man's response, take in the subtleties of what such a job might entail. A spy, perhaps? Or some other shadowy figure in the dark?

The boy knew that Tyric didn't belong to the Empire, so he could only hope that such talk of allegiances and the like did not arise following this. Clearly Vaulkhar did, after all, and the last thing Valin needed was to be hauled off to fight for the Empire or something of the sort. As long as the boy didn't mention such things though, he figured he'd be fine.

"Sounds interesting," he finally replied, once the man was back in his seat. He was curious why the man trusted him with such information at all, some would kill to have one of the Emperor's informants in their grasp, or simply anyone who was close enough to have his ear. Luckily Valin wasn't some demon in disguise, he was as plain as he appeared on the surface.

"Ever taught anyone before?"


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