Ashlan Insurgent
An event on a summers day to raise money for a charity. Events in a yacht club and two moored yachts including one which is adults only for gaming. With a friendly unDMed auction in the afternoon
With the galaxy seemingly in a never ending turmoil, the Kobitana Foundation, headed up by the young teen's mothers seemed in great demand and the pair of them were hugely busy. Unfortunately, such is the way of things, every mission required significant funding. The Galactic Alliance provided a generous charitable grant and the personal wealth of the Kobitana inheritance, funnelled into high return investments provided for a great deal. But it was never enough for a hungry galaxy and the foundation looked to wealthy benefactors who could make up the shortfall.
This was the reason for the gathering in Beshnia Alpha the beautiful capital of the world of Lujo, Fallon's home, situated close to the galactic core. The girl looked around as she walked, she wore a fine white dress and the head jewellery that was popular and in fashion on her planet.
The club and two moored yachts would provide the venue, with one of them filled with a variety of gambling and other gaming entertainment, she was not allowed in there as it was adults only, but she had assured her twin brother Stephan Draellix-Kobitana , that she would be having a little look around aboard before the charitable auction began in the mod afternoon. She had helped her mother arrange the brochure and the lots were lovely ranging from small recreational vehicles, through cruises, evening meals with various local celebrities and the grand lot, a small villa nestled away on a secluded beach in Lujo. The next guests were arriving and Fallon continued to greet them. As much as she enjoyed being this face, the girl wanted to go and explore and hopefully find some mischief.
She smiled at the next guest "Welcome..."