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Approved Tech Garmr Battle Dog Mk1

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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition
  • Intent: Short-range combat companion for special combat units in the Nomadic Peoples Coalition.
  • Image Source: Wolfenstien video game (X) politically controversial symbols blotted out by yours truly. Please inform me if I missed any.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: (X)
  • Primary Source: N/A
Resistance l
The ForceAverage
AcidVery Low

  • Repulsorlifts - not used for sustainable flight in gravity, but in bursts for mid-air course course correction, or massive leaps.
  • Loyalty Assurance - Has anti-slicing/malware systems to prevent software corruption.
  • High quality servos - all of the joints and muscles are very fast and strong to accommodate close-quarters combat.
  • Beskar blades - teeth and claws are made out of solid beskar to rip and tear enemies apart at close range.
  • Harpoon and Towcable - perhaps the only “ranged weapon” it has, it serves as a means to allow these dogs to latch on to jetpacked troopers in space while in flight.
  • Central Command - takes orders from a remote AI like the Angel Navis Operating System, or an approximation to a Central Control Computer. It can also take orders from the AI in a combat suit if the droid is assigned to it.
  • Weak Droid Brain - when not connected to a central command, the droid relies on a weak droid brain.
  • Magetic foot pads - for sticking to metal surfaces when there is no gravity.
  • Highly Mobile - fast, strong servos, burst-configured repulsorlifts, and a harpoon and towcable give this dog incredible speed and agility when on the ground.
  • Forward protection - the armour and shielding on these droids is heavily focused on the forward arc to help the droid survive an aggressive advancement on enemy forces.
  • Brawler - all of the offensive capabilities of this droid are almost exclusively point-blank range, with the harpoon and towcable being the exception. This droid is programmed to be devastating at this range.
  • Comms Cut-Off - when jamming is used and line-of-site is cut off from the source of command, the dog only has a weak droid brain to rely on. It becomes easier to outsmart it and exploit weaknesses in its armour.
  • Overshot - the rear arc of the dog-droid is significantly weaker than the forward arc. If the droid is coaxed into overshooting an opponent in its charge, the droid can be much more easily defeated.
  • No range - teeth and claws made of beskar constitute the only offensive weapons on this droid. The Harpoon and tow-cable could be also considered, but are easily countered in combat.
During the corporate expo on Damascus Station in 875 ABY, a bio weapon was used in a demonstration to destroy a large, surplus warship. The weapon in question was a prototype litter of genetically modified piranha lizards that could quickly reproduce as they devoured a warship’s metals from the inside-out. Even though the company that made them went under and lost the patents, the demonstration was a success, and left an impression on the entire convention.

One such group that was deeply moved by this were the followers of the Navis Sacra faith. Deeply moved, in the sense that the weapons were a considerable insult to their values. The lives of ships are not to be taken for granted.

The destruction of the vessel lead to a riot where the the twins, Willow & Ivy were tasked with deescalating the incident and became their new prophets. After they were calmed down, and the riot dissipated, the twins commissioned Dar'Manda Industries to create a weapon that can counter such attacks in the future to boost the moral of their new congregation. What came to be was a predatory droid battle dog that can hunt enemies within the walls of a massive space structure.

To comply with the religious tenet, “only ships can kill other ships”, the dogs receive their coordination from an “Angel’s” central AI. Without an uplink to an AI or a Central Control Computer, the dogs are deliberately “dumbed down” to be less effective so that they don’t threaten the “lives” of other ships. This way, if a pack of these dogs kills a ship, or spacesuit, it can be said that it was the will of an “Angel” that did it.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Interesting solution, and I see you solve this similar way how I do with the HPI Biochip and all of the HPI products.
  • I cannot accept this kind of resistances, this is a small droid, so please keep only one rating in each resistances, not two. I could accept this only, if one is a defences mode, the other is attack and in both mode it has different special features, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Hacking/Malware, this is not a resistance, this is a special feature only, so please delete.
  • Same the other, please delete the "Near-Singularity/Gravity-Based attacks", these are only happens in the space, not on ground combat. So it is very striking you just wanted to gain extra point with this.
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