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Character Gatz Derrevar 2.0



AliasesPretty Boy - Thugs, Himself
Kid - Roche, Klein
Knight in Red Leather - Himself
OccupationSmuggler (Formerly)
Jedi Padawan
Hair ColorBlonde
Eye ColorBlue
Weight165 lbs
BirthplaceTheed, Naboo
ResidenceJedi Temple, Coruscant
Education TraitsJedi Youngling
Nubian Public School
Faction(s)Kingdom of Naboo - Citizen
Galactic Alliance - Citizen
New Jedi Order - Padawan
LanguagesGalactic Basic,
Huttese, Binary
Force SensitiveYes

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    Gatz Derrevar was born on Naboo, to two doting, but impoverished parents. At a young age, it was discovered that Gatz was Force Sensitive, and strongly so. Though his parents loved him dearly, they struggled to support even just themselves, much less a growing child. As such, they sought out the Jedi, and left Gatz with the Order, hoping the Jedi could give him a better life than they ever could.

    As a Youngling, Gatz was mischievous, and known for causing trouble. The instructors at the Academy often reprimanded him for being so childish, and even at such a young age, Gatz began to become disillusioned with the life that had been chosen for him. He was not fond of the strict and stark restrictions of the Order, and was even less pleased with their with their insistence on their Jedi Code.

    Then, after a haunting encounter with a Jedi Shadow that left a Padawan dead, Gatz's faith in the Order was finally shattered.

    And so Gatz Derrevar left the order at the age of nine, returning to his home on Naboo. Though he had not learned much of the Force at the Academy, having never been chosen as a Jedi Padawan, Gatz did learn how to rely on it to aid his senses. As he continued to grow up on Naboo, young Derrevar used these acute senses of his to further his budding career as a pilot.

    Gatz scored his first job, as the pilot of a public transport. He worked that job for a year, until he was eighteen years old. He quit, intending to try his hand at enlisting with the Royal Naboo Starfighting Corps as a pilot. However, tragedy struck when his father died as a result of a mugging. Now needing a greater influx of income to help support his mother—whose terminal condition left her bedridden, and often hospitalized—Gatz gave up on his dream of attending the RNSC pilot academy, and instead took command of his father's aging VCX-100 light freighter, using it to run odd jobs.

    This was where his career as a smuggler started. Though transporting cargo was the honest way of doing things, Gatz wasn't making enough credits to put food on the table, and to afford his mother's rapidly accumulating medical expenses. But smuggling items off of Nar Shaddaa? The pay was more than enough to make a living, while also providing for his mother back on Naboo. And so Gatz spent the next six years of his life smuggling spice for the worst kinds of criminals in the galaxy.

    Then his mother died, freeing him from that financial burden.

    Now, after a chance encounter with the Sword of the Jedi herself, Gatz seeks something better: a life in service of others. To be someone worth being proud of.

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    Generic Skills
    Blaster Pistol Proficiency

    Force Abilities
    The Art of Movement
    Mind Trick
    Force Healing (Rudimentary)
    Psychometry (Rudimentary)
    Force Drain (Unfortunately)

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    Gatz Derrevar Sr. Father. Deceased.
    Brigitte Derrevar Mother. Deceased.
    Klein Derrevar Uncle. Deceased.
    Valery Noble Valery Noble A teacher, and the older sister I always wanted.
    Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Esteemed master. Every bit as unconventional a Jedi as I am.
    Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Former brain buddy. The very model of a Jedi Knight.
    Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus A girl with a smile that can light up a whole room.
    Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania A friend whose kindness and compassion inspire me.
    Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to A friend I owe my life to.
    Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble An acquaintance, and an example of the kind of man I want to be.
    Amani Serys Amani Serys A teacher, and the kind of Jedi I want to be.
    Iris Arani Iris Arani A good doctor. And a friend.
    R4-Z1 My astromech buddy, though a very annoying one.
    Roche Once a mentor, now an unfortunate enemy.
    Kreth Garr Garbage. Deceased.
    Kragan Garr A despicable slaver and crime lord.

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    Death of a Scoundrel
    A guilty conscience rules Gatz Derrevar. After six years of smuggling spice, the Will of the Force put Gatz in Valery Noble's path. After aiding the Sword during a harrowing mission to Erakhis, the faith and guidance she placed in him was enough to convince the former smuggler to give up his criminal ways. Driven by the guilt in knowing how many people he's hurt—directly or indirectly—during his tenure in Hutt Space, Gatz has dedicated himself to helping others in need, and few need as much help as the enslaved. Having smuggled spice for a particularly nasty slaver in the past by the name of Kragan Garr, Gatz has set out to destabilize his criminal empire as a form of penance.

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