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Approved Tech Gentleman's Brand

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Factory Judge

Sword and Sheath


[*]Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Shaun Irons, Yusanic Ironworks
  • Affiliation: [member="Alkor Centaris"]
  • Model: Gentleman's Brand Foil
  • Modularity: Limited

  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Agrinium
  • Luxum Crystal

  • Classification: Foil/Rapier
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • A Gentleman's Hand: Echani are quite the culture for bladed weaponry. Having various vibroblade creations such as a Doublebrand, and the fabled use of Cortosis in their creation. As a prize bestowed to Alkor, a Mandalorian who has traded Shaun for a unique weapon of his own culture, Shaun saw it best to create a Foil. A lighter thinner version of a Vibroblade that is nimble, agile, but just as deadly. Stylized much after the Rapier, with a wider blade to allow for slashing or cutting, while the distal taper and tapering to the point to still allow superior thrusts and stabs.
  • Lightsaber-Vibrosword: A problem with many Vibroswords, is the required energy cell that needs to be replaced after prolonged use, as well as the potential to be overcharged via ion, or energy weaponry to cause the cell to become damaged, or literally explode in the user's hand. Shaun crafted a nifty way to prevent such incidents from taking place. Utilizing the same power system and nearly limitless power of a Lightsaber blade, only housed within a Vibrosword utilizing an Ultrasonic Vibration cell.
  • Balanced for Danger: Using a lighter grip housed within a basket hilt. This reduces the already fairly hefty hilt to be light enough to balance the blade more towards the tip, and blade. Allowing for more mass, and thus more force exerted. The weapon also uses an ultrasonic vibration generator. Mostly used in Force pikes, they were well known for their ability to cut through even durasteel with powerful enough blows. Considering this weapon was also designed for thrusting, and slashing with a mono-molecular edge, this only improves upon it. Allowing for the user to pierce and slash through durasteel and equivalent armors given enough force and leverage.
  • Finesse, and Skill Above All: The weapon, styled after a Rapier, was used for the specific use of thrusting the point, into cracks of armor, and to cause fatal damage without the mess of having to cut off limbs. As such, this weapon can be very lethal. Even a stab into the chest barely a couple centimeters into the chest can prove to be fatal. What it fails to do is have slashing prowess, as well as "stopping power." Specifically, slashing with this weapon is merely used to cut at fleshy targets, as well as being able to defend oneself against other melee weaponry. The lack of stopping power is because of it's use. One man can be stabbed multiple times, and still have the ability to strike, attack, or defend himself. Where as a conventional slashing or cutting blade can cut through ligaments, muscles, and even bone to incapacitate the target and prevent them from striking back. This sword cannot do the same. Sure, it can cut into fleshy arms or limbs to incapacitate, but nowhere near the level of that compared to other melee weapons.
  • Defense is... tricky: As with a rather light and thin, and nimble weapon, outright blocking incoming strikes is very difficult with any kind of weapon that is much heavier than it. While it could outright block a lightsaber, or another rapier/Foil weapon, even a standard vibroblade would be hard pressed due to the single hand design, as well as being lighter, thus having less force required to break the inertia limits of the weapon. Best use of defense is parrying, or blocking directly with the basket hilt that is protective over the hand.
  • Unique in it's own Right: As the weapon uses a very different style of a vibration cell, as well as internal components to function as a hybrid of a Force Pike, Vibrofoil, and a Lightsaber, The weapon requires any repairs to be done by Shaun, or the staff of Yusanic Ironworks.
"Challenge Accepted."

Those two words as the acceptance for a battle of crafting, forging, and processing between the two Warrior, Solider cultures of the Mandalorians, and the Echani. Mandalorians are well known for their skills with many weapons. Many go about the Galaxy as bounty hunters, Mercenaries for hire, and walking tanks with their armor. As such, one of the most notable uses for their weapons are Guns, blasters, or other ranged weaponry.

Echani are just oh so different. Finesse and skill prevails over all. Able to have a literal dance between blades with nothing but your flesh as your armor. As Double blades required a skill few know, and a typical vibroblade would not meet anywhere near the challenge set before him.

Shaun got back to the drawing table. Taking the Echani Foil, breaking it down to the smallest of parts, and building it from the table up. Even going as far as to fabricate unique pieces to connect the usage of a well known Diathium energy cell, and that of an Ultrasonic Vibration cell that is housed in the grip of the sword at the base of the tang. This would create an energy source within the vibration generator to outlast the blade itself. Not requiring any more energy than that of a Lightsaber, or Force Pike.

Building it all around and adding a plain basket hit to aid in defensive measures of the weapon, Shaun sent the weapon to Alkor along with his series of belts and sheaths that allow for the Mono-molecular blade to always be sharp no matter when he drew the weapon. As well as a note.

"GG No Re."
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