Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Game Get to know your character, questionnaire

The game is very simple and straight forward, simply answer the questions in the way your character would, kind of like an interview.


Category 1
First Name:
Date of Birth:

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features:
Do you have any personal handicaps?:
Do you have any scars?:
Which facial feature is the most prominent?:
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?:
What is your Species/Ethnicity?:

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?:
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?:
Do you ever put on airs?:
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?:
What is your greatest fear?:
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?:

Category 4
Is your family big or small?:
Do you have any issues with your family?:
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?:
Do you have any family members who have let you down?:
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?:
What is one thing you always carry with you?:

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?:
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?:
What is your best childhood memory?:
What is your worst childhood memory?:
What would you be willing to die for?:
What are your ambitions?:
What is your greatest extravagance?:
What is your life motto?:

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?:
Are you in a relationship?:
Have you ever been in love?:
Have you ever had your heart broken?:
What do you fear losing the most?:
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?:

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?:
What do you think of the Force?:
What is the worst way to die?:
What are your thoughts on afterlife?:
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?:
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?:

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?:
What is your definition of freedom?:
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?:
When was the last time you lied to someone?:
How do you view lying?:
When did you last make a promise to someone?:
When was the last time you broke a promise?:

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?
Do you have any allergies?:
What's your drink of choice?:
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?:

Category 10
What is your character archetype?:
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?:
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?:
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?:
Category 1
First Name: Modi
Surname: Orrax
Nicknames: N/A
Date of Birth: I don't know it!
Age: About Twenty Two from what I can gather!

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: I like to think my eyes are nice, an icy blue.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: I can be rather impatient if that counts?
Do you have any scars?: I got one on my left bicep from a scrap I got in back in the orphanage.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Definetly my eyes still. Windows into the soul I heard once.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Comfortable but functional jackets... Cargo pants and boots, a dash of style and a dash of function
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Not sure really... I guess I am not all that self aware yet?
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Definitely somewhere in the middle. I like to think... Oppurtunist
Do you ever put on airs?: I don't know what that means.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Laughter is good, keeps you from thinking about how shitty some stuff really is.
What is your greatest fear?: I uh, don't want to talk about that...
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: Hero? Villain? Nah, I am just a guy with a gun... and a wrench.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Small as it gets. Just me, myself and I.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Of course, the members are kind of assholes.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Nope, just me.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: ...No...
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: I wouldn't mind some sort of Canine... Like an Akk Dog or a Renal blood wolf... Just smaller, and with less... massive teeth.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My Hydrospanner, got it from someone special. Means the world to me.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: This is... getting a little personal...
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Very much Poor
What is your best childhood memory?: I uh, stole a swoop bike... I can't get arrested for this right?
What is your worst childhood memory?: I don't want to talk about it...
What would you be willing to die for?: Heh Die? Thats a little. Yeah no.
What are your ambitions?: To be free to make my own choices... Oh wait.
What is your greatest extravagance?: I have no idea what that means...
What is your life motto?: We are born to die, so live like you mean it.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Hmm...
Are you in a relationship?: No, no I am not.
Have you ever been in love?: Yeah, once...
Have you ever had your heart broken?: This is, getting really personal
What do you fear losing the most?: Lets change the subject...
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: We're all alone. Even in the end. Everyone dies alone there lady.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: I barely know enough about it to believe in it.
What do you think of the Force?: Not a whole lot if I am being honest...
What is the worst way to die?: Dying... Just Dying in general.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: I try and not think about it, if I don't stop Death can't catch me right?
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: ....
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Don't have anyone.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Leave them alone with no one in the galaxy, I guess.
What is your definition of freedom?: A ship, beer, and the stars.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Me, on a ship, in the stars.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Nearly every day of my life if I have to. Does stealing count as Lying?
How do you view lying?: You do what you got to to survive no?
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Years ago.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Never...

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? When I can afford it
Do you have any allergies?: Not that I know of!
What's your drink of choice?: Correllian old Fashioned!
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Definitely a minimalist.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: What does that mean?
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: We're all on a journey I guess... It means I get to live my life how I see fit, go where I want, do what I want.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: Never really thought about it actually... I guess, I'd go back to watch the rebels stick it to the empire.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: I wouldn't... I don't believe in fate, I make my own future.
Category 1
First Name: Brandyn
Surname: Sal-Soren
Nicknames: Bran, Branbran, Branbran the Great, The Thespian
Date of Birth: 2 minutes after Briana
Age: early 20s

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Handsomeness
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Good looks
Do you have any scars?: Daddy issues
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Handsomeness
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Usually dark green, silver thread seams, tunic and pants.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human - Naboo/Corellian/Some inherited genetic manipulations.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Shiraya damn it
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Vacillate
Do you ever put on airs?: Nah, that’s my sister
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Slapstick, sarcasm, non-sequiturs.
What is your greatest fear?: Being my father
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: Honestly, daydreams.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: So. Many. Aunts.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Who doesn’t?
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Three sisters, I love them, but I can’t stand one of them. Adore my baby sister, just the sweetest. The other is just my pal, we enjoy time together.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: No time for pets.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: A quip

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: I want to be.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Rich
What is your best childhood memory?: Playing hide and seek with my sister’s and our friends.
What is your worst childhood memory?: My father forbidding me from seeing my best friend.
What would you be willing to die for?: Cybelle. Briana. Blaire. Bastila. Without hesitation.
What are your ambitions?: Be a better man than my father
What is your greatest extravagance?: Silver stitching in my clothing
What is your life motto?: Lead with your heart.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Are you in a relationship?: Yes
Have you ever been in love?: Yes :)
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes
What do you fear losing the most?: Cybelle
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I would like a family, I guess.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: With all my heart
What do you think of the Force?: It is a powerful ally
What is the worst way to die?: Alone
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: My dad won’t be there
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My mom, I miss her so much
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: No one. I will never die.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Complete loss of self-determination
What is your definition of freedom?: When Briana doesn’t think she is in charge
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Perfect isn’t possible.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Taungsday
How do you view lying?: Necessary evil, in certain situations.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I probably made some recent declarative statement to Cybelle
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I don’t want to talk about it

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? Proper
Do you have any allergies?: Formal dinners
What's your drink of choice?: Water
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Flawed hero
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: I will be what I dreamed of becoming. Prove my father wrong.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: Luke. Skywalker. WOW.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Will I still be good at the end? Do I make it?

Jack Sandrow

Writer, Character, Invasive Species
Category 1
First Name: Jack
Surname: Sandrow
Nicknames: 'Jak'
Date of Birth: 810 ABY
Age: 27 (apparent, 90 actual)

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: I'm green
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Being green. No, not actually, but I'm pretty incompatible with super cold stuff.
Do you have any scars?: Actually, I lost my hand about sixty years back. Can't even tell now, huh?
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Again... I'm green.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Sleek & smooth, but with a little bit of flair. Style is important.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Vinithi

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: All of them. I run my mouth too much.
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Debilitatingly optimistic.
Do you ever put on airs?: All the time. But I also do try to be honest throughout.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Your face. (honestly, I don't really have a sense of humor - I just like a good laugh.)
What is your greatest fear?: Fire bad. That, and being alone. That, and being ineffective.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I don't like hurting people. I prefer to help. But I WILL hurt if I have to.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Family of one.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Yes, I am just me.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Nope.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Me, I am an idiot.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: Nope. Don't plan on it either.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My massive, girthy ego.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: No. But I'm trying to fix that.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Poor. I want to live better than that.
What is your best childhood memory?: I've forgotten.
What is your worst childhood memory?: I've forgotten.
What would you be willing to die for?: The safety of the natural worlds.
What are your ambitions?: I want to eventually have a careful touch in the entire galaxy.
What is your greatest extravagance?: This sssssmokin leather jacket baybee!
What is your life motto?: Live life to the fullest. You only get the one (unless you're me).

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No, but I think you can feel something at first sight. That can certainly develop into love.
Are you in a relationship?: No.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Oh yeah. Three times now. That's the 'Sandrow Curse'.
What do you fear losing the most?: My current identity. I don't want to lose myself again.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I prefer being a loner... but having someone to call my own would be nice.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Of course. I'm only alive thanks to it.
What do you think of the Force?: The Force is many-faceted, not just good and bad. It's so easy to fall into the rut of seeing the Force in a binary fashion, but it's far more complex than that.
What is the worst way to die?: Alone.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: Becoming one with the Force is probably the next stage of existence, but that doesn't mean we should rush pell-mell towards it.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My mom. I never got to say goodbye... i don't think.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Joshua Dragovalor. Just to say goodbye for real.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Destroy their sense of self.
What is your definition of freedom?: Being able to live to the best sense of yourself that you can.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Perfection shouldn't be the goal - but a thriving and caring galaxy is a good start.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I don't lie, I... obfuscate.
How do you view lying?: If it's necessary? Go ahead. But try not to.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Sixtyish years ago, to Josh.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Fiftynineish years ago... to Josh.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: RED MEAT. ALL OF IT. Also whiskey.
Do you have any allergies?: Sugar waters. Well, not allergy. But that will get me drunk as heck.
What's your drink of choice?: Whiskey :)
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Hoarder, 100%.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: OH GOD I'M A CHARACTER??? Jk I'm probably a Romance type, huh huh
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: I want to leave the galaxy better than I found it.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: The Skywalkers. They had such an incredible impact on the galaxy at large. We still use ABY, after all.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: I wouldn't. I don't want to know my future.
Category 1
First Name: Jasper.
Surname: Kai'el.
Nicknames: Jas (But only one person can call me that).
Date of Birth: Uh, time is confusing. Technically wasn't even born...
Age: 25ish... probably.

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Distinctive grey eyes.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Weaker in the force... also kind of missing an arm. I'd like to think I make those work though.
Do you have any scars?: Runes on my chest. Not a good time.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Definately the eyes.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Baggy flight pants and any top that doesn't have sleeves. No sleeves.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human... I think.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Jeez. I think I say it as a response to too many things.
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: I'd like to think I'm optimistic about everything, as long as I'm not included in everything.
Do you ever put on airs?: What's an airs?
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Things that are confusing and don't get explained.
What is your greatest fear?: Failing
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: Heroic seems... kind of egotistical, but I've commited myself to fighting for freedom and rebuilding when things are torn down. I'd like to think that's a good thing.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Small, I think.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Not really. Maybe in the past, but it's hard to have a dispute with a dead man.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: I have a little brother. He means the world to me. I hope I can live up to his thoughts about me.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: I have a certain gene donor who was pretty absent in my life. Guess that's kind of a let down.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: No pets, but I've always liked the idea of a charhound.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My lightsaber. I've never parted with it since I built it, at least not willingly anyways.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Maybe. Give me a few more years to decide.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Very poor.
What is your best childhood memory?: Making a good friend over a sandwich.
What is your worst childhood memory?: There are... too many of those. I'd rather not decide.
What would you be willing to die for?: My people. They know who they are.
What are your ambitions?: Is galactic-wide peace a bit cliche?
What is your greatest extravagance?: Is... this about spending money? I don't usually do that.
What is your life motto?: 'Alright, here we go.' It's a good self peptalk before life threatening situations.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Uh... yeah, why not.
Are you in a relationship?: Yeah. I am.
Have you ever been in love?: Of course.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yeah...
What do you fear losing the most?: I don't know, probably everything. Like people wise, I mean.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I... hope I can start a family one day.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: I should hope I do.
What do you think of the Force?: It's a life force. A binding thing that connects all living things. That's... kind of abstract...
What is the worst way to die?: I think melting would probably suck.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: It's kind of like... rejoining with the universe, right? I imagine it's what a hive-mind probably feels like.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: Nobody... It would... it wouldn't be right.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: My loved one's, I hope. Friends, family... I guess a part of me hopes that they don't have to see me pass on though...

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Take someone's freedom. Hands down.
What is your definition of freedom?: It's the ability to live your life, make your own choices, be happy... Not at the expense of others, of course, but in harmony with it all. Balance.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: I think it would have to be one where we all just... lay everything down. Throw all that corporate credit garbage out the window and return to a natural state or something.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I can't lie. I'm terrible at it.
How do you view lying?: I'm sure it can be a... neccessary evil at times. I just can't do it.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Not long ago... it was with someone who looks up to me a lot...
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Never. I only promise what I can keep.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: A... lot of pizza.
Do you have any allergies?: Not that I've discovered yet.
What's your drink of choice?: Corellian Whiskey, but I try not to drink much these days.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist. I'd still live in a freighter if I didn't inherit a house.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: The one that keeps fighting... even when they're tired and should lay down.
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: It's life, y'know? I've... proved to myself through my journey that it's worth living.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I don't know history very well... Whoever blew up the Death Star, the second time. I bet they'd be cool.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: That sounds like a slippery slope... I'd probably ask if I develop any allergies.
Category 1
First Name: Briana
Surname: Sal-Soren
Nicknames: Bri
Date of Birth: Sometime around lifeday
Age: Early 20s

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Bright blue eyes, often said to resemble my father’s.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: No
Do you have any scars?: Several fern-patterned scars that cover my back, courtesy of Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof ...and a slug scar on my upper left thigh from Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Cheekbones that could cut glass
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Practical attire that’s suitable for piloting and combat, Jedi Robes and other formal wear when necessary.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human, mostly. I have a complex heritage.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Stars, Laserbrain, Shiraya Almighty
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Somewhere in between. Pragmatic, most of the time.
Do you ever put on airs?: I try to stay humble, but I know my worth.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Sarcastic, with a touch of sass.
What is your greatest fear?: Failing those I care about and losing control to the dark side.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: My determination to do what is right, no matter what it costs.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: I can never keep track of us, so what does that tell you?
Do you have any issues with your family?: Have you seen the holonet? What do you think?
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Yes, my older half siblings Marcus and Careina, my fellow triplets, Brandyn and Blaire, and my adorable baby sister Bastila. I love them all, but recent events from the last few years have deeply strained my relationship with Brandyn and Blaire.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Yes. The revelation about who my father really was has been devastating and my brother keeping it from me, even more so.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: No pets, but if I had one, it would be something low-maintenance, like a lothcat.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My lightsaber.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Yes.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: My family was very well off from my mothers station as a noble woman and my father’s success as a businessman.
What is your best childhood memory?: Learning to fly with my parents.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Seeing my home world devastated by the Cataclysm.
What would you be willing to die for?: I would willingly sacrifice myself for my friends, family, or for innocent lives at risk.
What are your ambitions?: Bringing down regimes that threaten the peace of the galaxy, protecting my family.
What is your greatest extravagance?: My customized starfighter and my workshop - I put a lot of time and effort into them.
What is your life motto?: “There’s always a solution.”

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No, love takes time to build and develop.
Are you in a relationship?: Dating Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, currently.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes, multiple times. Loving someone else can be challenging.
What do you fear losing the most?: My family and friends.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: Even though I value my independence, I do hope to have a family someday.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Absolutely.
What do you think of the Force?: The Force is a powerful tool that can be a source of great strength or temptation, depending on the person using it — and not everyone should.
What is the worst way to die?: A slow, painful death.
What are your thoughts on the afterlife?: I believe we all return to the Force when we die.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My father, so I could confront him.
Who would you want by your side on your deathbed?: My family and friends, but Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Valery Noble Valery Noble and Romi Jade Romi Jade , in particular. They’ve been my support system through so many different tough times and I've come to depend on them quite a bit.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: To strip someone of their freedom and identity.
What is your definition of freedom?: The right to make our own choices, free from fear and oppression.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: A perfect galaxy doesn’t exist.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: When I told Aiden I was fine after our fight with the devourers.
How do you view lying?: It can be extremely destructive, but at times necessary.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I can’t remember, I don’t often make promises unless I know I can keep them.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I can’t recall, I try to keep my promises.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: Generally healthy with occasional indulgences in sweets, I love fiveblossom bread.
Do you have any allergies?: No.
What's your drink of choice?: Usually water or tea.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Hero/Trailblazer
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: My journey matters because of all those who depend on me to traverse it. As the eldest sister and a Jedi Knight, I have a duty not only to my family, but to the galaxy, to ensure a better future for all.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I’d travel to the ancient times of the Jedi Order; I'd want to meet those who shaped its foundations and learn from them directly.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Fortune tellers are scam artists, I wouldn’t waste the credits asking them anything.
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Category 1
First Name: Gwyneira.
Surname: Vizsla.
Nicknames: Gwyn, Gwyn'ika.
Date of Birth: [writer ain't researching dat]
Age: 40's.

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: My eyes are cybernetic. My skin is extremely pale.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: As in physical handicaps? Mental disorders? Well, I have a cybernetic leg instead of a real one, my biology is a bit messed up from being experimented on, and I still have PTSD from said experiments.
Do you have any scars?: All over. Experiments and battles.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My eyes, I think.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: When not in my beskar'gam, I try to dress professionally when in public. I will admit, I still have a love for the edgier clothes I wore when I was younger. My wardrobe is pretty much all black...
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Arkanian and Human Hybrid. Apparently, my human ethnicity is Correlian.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: I... swear a bit too much... sometimes.
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHApessimist.
Do you ever put on airs?: Not usually. it is satisfying to be smug over defeated opponents who really deserve to be ridiculed though!
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: I enjoy puns, engineering humor, jabs at Sith.
What is your greatest fear?: Losing my loved ones.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I always feel for the little guy, and I always stick up for civilians and bystanders. Certain methods of torture, and methods of war, make my blood boil. If someone crosses the line, hurts the innocent soul, and acts in a deplorable way... there is no hesitation. They deserve the wrath of death; whether slow and deliberate, or brutal and swift.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Getting smaller!
Do you have any issues with your family?: Ha! My one kid is probably a sociopath, and the other defected from the Mandalorian Enclave! My nephew grinds my gears, and do not get me started on my biological parents!
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: I have no siblings, as far as I'm aware.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: PFFFFFFFFTTTTTTT! HAHAHAHA! BOY THE STORIES I COULD TELL YOU-
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: Does a basilisk war droid count? Cabur'tomad is such a good boy!
What is one thing you always carry with you?: Some form of weaponry. Cannot be too careful.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: I try to be, but I never felt like I measured up all the way.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Poor.
What is your best childhood memory?: Graduating high school at a young age, and the accomplishment I felt.
What is your worst childhood memory?: All. Of. It.
What would you be willing to die for?: My family, friends, and the stability of the Mandalorian Enclave.
What are your ambitions?: Honestly, after years of striving to be the best engineer, then the best Mandalorian, then the best... All I want now is my family. I've gotten strong, and I'm good at what I do. But none of that compares to what it was like raising my two daughters in relative peace.
What is your greatest extravagance?: I'm a motherkarking Mandalorian engineer, Karjr, and all around shebs kicker, karabasters!
What is your life motto?: Dunno.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No. Love grows over time, and it can flicker away.
Are you in a relationship?: Was. He died, and I never remarried.
Have you ever been in love?: With all my heart.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes...
What do you fear losing the most?: My family.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I grew up a loner out of consequence, not choice. By the time I was adopted into a Mandalorian family, it took years for me to realize that I was never a loner.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Hoth yeah.
What do you think of the Force?: It is a tool, a gift from the Manda, that I can use for the betterment of myself and others, and the Enclave. I should be able to fight well without it, but I cannot deny its power either. The Dark Side is a corruptive drug, and must never be used.
What is the worst way to die?: A slow and painful death, alone.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: We all pass onto the Great March of the Manda, or go the Netherworld.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My late husband. I miss him...
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: I would rather die in battle than on a death bed, but if I had to go that way, I would hope my kids would be there.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Dignity or freedom stolen. Or both.
What is your definition of freedom?: The ability to think and chose for yourself.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: A galaxy where injustice is dead and all are valued and loved.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I lied to the Enclave, in a sense, when I let a traitor walk free... that traitor was my daughter.
How do you view lying?: Sometimes, it is necessary if for the greater good. But I despise being lied to by loved ones and try to stick to the truth.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I think I promised another Karjr that updated M.I. pistol model I was tweaking...
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Err... dunno?

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? I like eating whole foods, not processed poodoo. I tend eat sporadically, since I tend to get absorbed in my projects.
Do you have any allergies?: Some medical allergies, but that is actually it.
What's your drink of choice?: Water, or fruit juice.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Hoarder...

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: What?
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: You ask that as if there's some sort of grand purpose to my life. Cute!
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I'd travel back in time to the first Sith and kill him, so the Sith would never have happened.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Nah, I know it's depressing as kark without one. Stupid war...
Category 1
First Name: Tru "Trudy"
Surname: Accardi
Nicknames: Truth
Date of Birth: Late 800 ABY sometime.
Age: 21

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: My blue eyes and full lips.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Not that I am aware of.
Do you have any scars?: A few minor ones small accidents and childhood stuff.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My blue eyes and full lips.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Jeans and a t-shirt
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Tetan Human

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: "Um" and "Uh"
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Somewhere In between I would consider myself a realist.
Do you ever put on airs?: I have no airs to put on even if I wanted too.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: I think it's pretty good,. A good joke, dad jokes, pranks, the usual stuff most people find funny.
What is your greatest fear?: To never accomplish any of my dreams and being caught in a very tight space.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: My kindness, I try to help people when I can and am able. Probably my loner attitude and not trying to get to close to people feeling they will just abandon me so I push them away..

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Only me as far as I know.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Sure they abandoned me with some nuns at an orphanage as a baby.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: I wouldn't know, never met my parents.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Whom ever my parents are for abandoning me.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: No pets I can't afford one.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My Library ID card.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: I try to be but some days it is hard.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Poor
What is your best childhood memory?: Birthday's at the Orphanage we usually got ice cream Sundays or Cake.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Every time the Maw showed up to ransack the orphanage and we had to go hide in the hidden cellar.
What would you be willing to die for?: My freedom.
What are your ambitions?: To be a better person, to be more then an orphan girl, and to see the Galaxy.
What is your greatest extravagance?: None I live a very minimalist lifestyle.
What is your life motto?: "Do more, do Better."

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
Are you in a relationship?: No
Have you ever been in love?: No
Have you ever had your heart broken?: No
What do you fear losing the most?: My life.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I am very much a loner and haven't really ever thought about a family. I wouldn't be good at it anyway since I have never had a family.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Sure it's a thing that exists.
What do you think of the Force?: It's strange and weird space wizard thing.
What is the worst way to die?: Being Burned to Death.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: You die, your buried, the end.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: I don't know. No one at the moment.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: I don't have anyone that I am that close to, maybe somewhere down the line. So those I care about at that time.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Taking away there purpose and stripping them of there humanity.
What is your definition of freedom?: Near absolute. The right to speak, think, and express yourself how you want with out exception. So long as you don't physically harm others or others property with your actions most things should be permissible.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Pretty much as it currently is with out the wars.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Not sure, I try not to lie if possible but I know I have.
How do you view lying?: It's not something I like to do but sometimes the truth is harsher then the lie.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I promised to clean the Machine shop I live in the back of.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I did not clean the Machine shop I skipped town.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: What ever I can afford probably not that healthy, spicy food preferred, and copious amounts of caf.
Do you have any allergies?: None
What's your drink of choice?: StimCaf
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Orphan/Explorer
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: Experience, learning, and growing as a person. To accomplish my dreams and see the Galaxy.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: To the point when my parents abandoned me at the orphanage, so I could see and know who they are. I would ask them why they left me.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Do i achieve my dreams?
Category 1
First Name: Sahan
Surname: Dragr
Nicknames: Iron Falcon (Besk'gathr)
Date of Birth: On a Taungsday in the first week of the Eighth month.
Age: 20s

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Tan skin and green eyes?
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Not unless you count my poor piloting skills in anything that isn't my armor.
Do you have any scars?: Nope.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Shrug Eyes, I guess, if not wearing a helmet.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: When not in armor? Classy and sporty. Never overdressed, but never tacky or sloppy.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Kiffar and Mandalorian.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: I don't think so... Maybe I should get a catchphrase...
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Optimism is the only way to go.
Do you ever put on airs?: I'm always myself. I can be quite confident, because I absolutely should be, but I wouldn't say I ever "put on airs."
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Anything funny, though I suppose humor is subjective. I do love to laugh and have a good time, though.
What is your greatest fear?: Can't say I really have one.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I don't know if I'm exactly heroic, but I'm Karjr, a lawman. I uphold the law and help enforce it. I protect and care for the innocent. I don't necessarily think that's heroic, it's just civil duty.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Clan Dragr is still currently pretty small, with six members; Siv, Volo, Obran, Suvi, Jericho, and myself.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Why would I?
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: None, neither biological nor adopted. But every Mandalorian is my vode.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Nope, never.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: Yes. I have a Ji'yr Rekr pup named Ciri. I adopted her after my father Siv and I were forced to kill her mother.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My armor. I am Mandalorian, after all.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Why wouldn't I be? If I wasn't, I'd simply change myself into someone I was proud of.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Upper middle, I guess? Clan Dragr was never rich, but they are well renowned within the Enclave. I kinda changed that, though. My tech sells real well, but most of my wealth comes from the very popular Crus-ade™.
What is your best childhood memory?: I guess the day I earned my beskar'gam. Being able to fit it out with flight systems and take to the sky for the first time was thrilling!
What is your worst childhood memory?: I don't have any of my own, but I have encountered memories of my birth parents and how they died from their belongings that were recovered...
What would you be willing to die for?: My clan, my friends, my people, my creed.
What are your ambitions?:
What is your greatest extravagance?: Tech. I've been known to put small fortunes into exotic materials.
What is your life motto?:

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yeah, I suppose it's possible.
Are you in a relationship?: Nope.
Have you ever been in love?: Not yet.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Nope.
What do you fear losing the most?: My mind. Haha, just kidding.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I'm sure I'll have a family someday.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: You mean the Manda.
What do you think of the Force?: I'm not part of the Mandokarla, so I could not tell you a lot about the Manda, but I know it guides us all, whether we have the Gift or not. Well, except those who are either cut off or can't be seen by It, for whatever reason.
What is the worst way to die?: Slowly from blood loss maybe?
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: Ask the Mandokarla, if you want to know more about that. I just know I'm not ready for it yet.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: Nobody. No point hanging onto the past. Gotta move on.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: If I manage to be on a deathbed, then I guess any of my living vode who want to be there. But deathbeds are unlikely for Mandalorians. More likely to die in battle. Just the way it is.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: To be denied their freedom to choose their own life.
What is your definition of freedom?: That is a complicated question, and my answer is even more complicated. I think I'll just leave it at that, or we'll be here all day.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: I'm not sure, but it would definitely be better without corrupt politicians.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I try not to lie. Don't think I've ever purposefully lied. Maybe by accident. Or a lie of omission by not telling the full truth. Does that count?
How do you view lying?: It is generally not a good idea, but there are exceptions. It's complicated. But don't lie, if it isn't necessary.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Okay, this is a funny one, but the last "promise" I gave was when I told Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren that the Jedi wouldn't be shown mercy the next time they tried to commit crimes against the Enclave. It's a real promise, but perhaps not the kind you'd normally think of, haha!
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I don't break promises.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? I prefer healthier foods over sweets or junk food, so pretty good.
Do you have any allergies?: Not that I know of.
What's your drink of choice?: Crus-ade™ or Vasher Root Beer.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Neither. Guess I'm perfectly in the middle.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm a bounty hunter and lawman. I like aerial combat, but only with my armor. That answer your question?
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: Because it's mine? I mean, I just want to be the best I can. Who's to say what my full potential is?
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: The original Clan Kyron, of course! I have some tech and notes left behind by them, but to talk with them in person would be amazing!
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: I'll pass. I don't believe in set futures. They are what we make them, and to rely on a vision or whatever is just silly, in my opinion. Make your own destiny.
Category 1
First Name: Chessa, of course, don’t you recognize me?
Surname: Bossa
Nicknames: Theres too many to count…
Date of Birth: I’d rather not
Age: Rude of you to ask tsk tsk

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: My white tattoo of course
Do you have any personal handicaps?: I don’t quite say this out loud much but I absolutely hate putting up my hair, my hair is sensitive and tying it up in any sort of way gives me extreme migraines.
Do you have any scars?: Not at all
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My tattoo, perhaps my brows?
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: I adore elegant dresses that compliment my body
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: I am a proud Mirialan

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Darling
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Somewhere in between, but I do try to be more optimistic
Do you ever put on airs?: Uhm…
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: It’s funny you mention that, I don’t think I can remember the last time I laughed for real… but sometimes I do giggle at everything
What is your greatest fear?: Being forgotten, but anyways, who could possibly forget my voice?
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I don’t consider myself either

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: It was medium sized I believe
Do you have any issues with your family?: Yes, unfortunately
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: I have three brothers, I could care less about them anymore
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Yes, I can’t blame them for being idiots
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: No, and I do not think I’ve got time or patience for one
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My vibroblade, useful

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Erm, of course
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: I’d say middle class, my family was fairly sustainable
What is your best childhood memory?: I’d rather not go there
What is your worst childhood memory?: nor there
What would you be willing to die for?: My pride
What are your ambitions?: For everyone to recognize my voice, and to be rich, of course
What is your greatest extravagance?: My singing abilities
What is your life motto?: Credits can buy happiness in life

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Pfft, of course not, contradicting to my song lyrics- I know
Are you in a relationship?: No
Have you ever been in love?: Yes…
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Heh, who would ever dare break my heart?
What do you fear losing the most?: My fame
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: It would be nice to have someone carry my legacy

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Yes
What do you think of the Force?: Too many idiots fight over the ideology, the light and the dark are all the same, causing problems for civilians like me who are simply trying to live
What is the worst way to die?: Perhaps an explosion? Anything that would make my dead body look ugly…
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: I am not quite sure
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: No one
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: My mother… I’d want her to see what greatness I’ve become, and to say goodbye

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Torture… what kind of question is this?
What is your definition of freedom?: Having lots of credits is basically freedom, though honestly having the ability to roam around without being connected to a faction is freedom too
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: No Force, I mean, it’s nice and all but I think it has caused a lot of disasters
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Erm…
How do you view lying?: It’s useful
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I have forgotten
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I don’t remember

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? I absolutely adore sweets, I simply eat what I like… but I know it’s not good for my health
Do you have any allergies?: Not that I am aware of
What's your drink of choice?: I don’t have a go to, but I adore sweet alcoholic drinks
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: In between? Though I’d say clothing wise a minimalist

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Ooh, if I were in a novella I would be the Siren
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: My journey is my life, every good book has an exciting plot and I plan to be the author of my life
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I’d rather not
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Seriously? A fortune teller? They’re scams.
Category 1
First Name: Gatz
Surname: Derrevar
Nicknames: Junior, Kid - Both by people long dead
Date of Birth: On Life Day
Age: 24-ish

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: These cheekbones don't lie, but I do.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Not yet.
Do you have any scars?: Most of my torso is covered in fresh scarring. Too many individual scars there to count. I've got a blaster wound on my left thigh though.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Still cheekbones
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Red leather jacket, with dark underclothes.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Plain ole' human.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: "So be it," and "I'm scum."
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: A pessimist is what an optimist calls a realist. I'm a realist.
Do you ever put on airs?: All the time. I'm not nearly as confident and happy as I try to come off as.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Dark humor, gallows humor, sarcastic remarks used as a coping method for when I'm afraid or stressed.
What is your greatest fear?: Being alone.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I've shot people over spice. Delivered it to more worlds than I count. You tell me what that makes me.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: They're literally all dead.
Do you have any issues with your family?: The fact that they're dead.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: No, but if I did, they'd probably be dead.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: I was the one letting them down, but not anymore... on account of them being dead.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: Not unless my astromech counts. He was a "gift."
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My jacket. Usually a blaster, if I haven't managed to destroy or lose it somehow.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Not even remotely.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Poor as dirt.
What is your best childhood memory?: Dad taking the family to a some old swoop track on Corellia.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Watching a Jedi Shadow cut down a twelve year old boy, and then leave me in the lower levels of Coruscant to find my way back to the Jedi Temple.
What would you be willing to die for?: At this point? Just about anything or anyone.
What are your ambitions?: I just want to put some good back into the galaxy before I die. Family would be nice, but it won't happen.
What is your greatest extravagance?: My ship has a lot of credits sunk into it.
What is your life motto?: "Do it because it's right."

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No.
Are you in a relationship?: No.
Have you ever been in love?: No.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: No.
What do you fear losing the most?: The few people I have left in my life.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I hate being a loner, and the only thing I really want is family. Probably not happening though.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: I was raised as a Jedi Youngling, so...
What do you think of the Force?: It's dangerous, especially for men like me to have a connection to.
What is the worst way to die?: Alone.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: I hope there isn't one. Otherwise I've got a lot to answer for.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: I wouldn't. It's not worth the anguish of losing them a second time.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Valery Noble Valery Noble and Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren would be nice. Mostly so I have two witnesses to my last words, which will probably be some kind of joke in poor taste.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Strip them of their identity.
What is your definition of freedom?: The ability to make my own choices, without being hindered by someone else.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: One without poverty.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Probably ten minutes ago, let's be real.
How do you view lying?: It's a shield to protect my insecurities and vulnerabilities.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I promised the Nobles that I'd always help their family when they need it. That wasn't a lie.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I told Valery I'd take better care of myself. I keep getting almost killed though, so I'm clearly not doing a good job of it.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: When I'm not starving because I'm broke? I like to eat healthy. I have a figure to maintain.
Do you have any allergies?: I'm lactose intolerant.
What's your drink of choice?: Bourbon.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist. The more stuff you have, the bigger the mess.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: The Outlaw. I'm working on it.
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: It doesn't. I've made my mistakes. I just want to help instead of harm, for once.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I'd go to the night my father died, and convince him not to haggle over the payment of his most recent job. He'd still be alive, then. And I'd have never become a smuggler.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Do I at least help a few people, before the end?
Category 1
First Name: Isley
Surname: Verd
Nicknames: Darth Metus
Date of Birth: ---
Age: I'm Old

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Eye color.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Flashing. Lights.
Do you have any scars?: So many.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Eye color.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Sometimes suits, sometimes armor. Depends on the date.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: "What say you?"
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Somewhere in between
Do you ever put on airs?: Nope
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Low-brow humor, sarcasm, etc.
What is your greatest fear?: Failing to protect the family.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: Very protective. Am Sith.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Massive
Do you have any issues with your family?: None
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Distant, but solid
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Who doesn't?
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: None
What is one thing you always carry with you?: A really good pen.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Very
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Middle Class
What is your best childhood memory?: First flight with a jetpack
What is your worst childhood memory?: Getting beat on by the old man
What would you be willing to die for?: My kids
What are your ambitions?: Not much left on the bucket list. I guess help out the kids.
What is your greatest extravagance?: I have a lot of real estate.
What is your life motto?: Don't have one.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nooooooooo
Are you in a relationship?: Yes
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes
What do you fear losing the most?: My kids
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: Family all the way

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Am Sith.
What do you think of the Force?: See above.
What is the worst way to die?: Powerless.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: Delicious. No seriously.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: Ember Rekali.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: My kids.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Child support.
What is your definition of freedom?: No longer having to pay child support.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Jedi who don't murder kids, Sith who don't murder each other, and Mandalorians who don't.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Tuesday?
How do you view lying?: Am Sith.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Couple years back.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Been awhile, can't recall.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? Meat, cheese, sauce, on a bun.
Do you have any allergies?: Mandalorian women.
What's your drink of choice?: Idlewil
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Uhhh...Sorcerer?
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: May it be a lesson to the next generation.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I wouldn't.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Will my family endure when I'm gone.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Category 1
First Name: Natasi
Surname: Fortan
Nicknames: Your Majesty, Your Ladyship, Old Irondrawers, and Nat if you don't value your life.
Date of Birth: A lady never tells.
Age: I refer the honorable gentlebeing to the answer I gave some moments ago.

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: A signature look of disdain
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Congenital cold Galidraani nature.
Do you have any scars?: Not that you can see.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My eyes, of course.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: A good, solid Galidraani evening gown does wonders for one's self-esteem.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Galidraani human

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: "That's another foxhunt altogether" or "I forgive you."
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: A pragmatist. Same result as a pessimist but via a different route.
Do you ever put on airs?: Certainly not.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Dry like a good martini.
What is your greatest fear?: Failure. Ironic, really.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I consider myself neither, but my father was fond of saying where you sit is what you see.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Both.
Do you have any issues with your family?: In the Galidraani aristocracy, one never has issues with family. One is simply unable to see as much of them as one would like.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: My brother Mathes died when I was in university.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your question.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: I own a dog.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: A bracelet given to me by someone I care for very much.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Sometimes.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Oh good. Let's talk about money.
What is your best childhood memory?: Life Days at Herevan Hold.
What is your worst childhood memory?: My mother died when I was very young.
What would you be willing to die for?: Asked and answered.
What are your ambitions?: To be worthy of the name.
What is your greatest extravagance?: One woman's extravagance is another woman's necessity.
What is your life motto?: I serve.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No.
Are you in a relationship?: Yes.
Have you ever been in love?: Whatever in love means.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Perhaps too much. Certainly too often.
What do you fear losing the most?: My people.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: It's a bit late for that.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Unfortunately
What do you think of the Force?: A destructive influence on galactic affairs. Usually. And a total burden.
What is the worst way to die?: Cowardice.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: Twice was enough.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: It may be hypocritical to say, but I think some things are better left un-meddled.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: My children, and my partner.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Betrayal.
What is your definition of freedom?: Security.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Peace, freedom, justice, and security.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I can't quite recall.
How do you view lying?: To be avoided, if possible.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I'm in politics, so I'm sure it was within the last hour.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I can't quite recall.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? Tea and toast for breakfast, a light salad for luncheon, afternoon tea, and a quick six courses at dinner.
Do you have any allergies?: Not of which I am aware.
What's your drink of choice?: Tea, of course. Sometimes a G&T.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: I'll have to ask my housekeeper, Mrs. Beal.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: I beg your pardon?
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: That's where you forge relationships.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: Galidraan, circa my early teenaged years, to see my brother and parents again.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Will it mean anything at all?
Category 1
First Name: Kostodu
Surname: Xyston
Nicknames: Uh...none yet.
Date of Birth: I don't know the specific date..
Age: 17

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: My shining smile?
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Nope
Do you have any scars?: None as of yet.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My shining smile?
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Jedi robes, I guess. I don't really know what its like to wear anything else.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Twi'lek

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Not really...though I do talk a lot.
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Optimistic of course!
Do you ever put on airs?: Never!
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Some videos on the holonet make me laugh.
What is your greatest fear?: Hmmm....either snakes or spiders.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I'm not that heroic...yet. But I'm certainly not villainous.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Pretty big. Relatively. One brother, one sister.
Do you have any issues with your family?: brother is kinda out of touch.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Yes, Aana Xyston Aana Xyston and Trace Xyston Trace Xyston . I talk to Aana sometimes, but she's pretty hard to talk to. And Trace, I don't talk to him much at all.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: A little bit. I just wish Trace would talk to me more.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: Nope.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My lightsaber and my shining smile!

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: I think so.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Middle class.
What is your best childhood memory?: Going to the Entertainment District with my siblings when I was ten.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Trace leaving.
What would you be willing to die for?: My family and friends.
What are your ambitions?: Ambition? I have none of that icky stuff. Or, I should say I have it in more moderation that others.
What is your greatest extravagance?: I am a simple person. I have no extravagant things.
What is your life motto?: Ummm... I guess something like "Defend those that can't defend themselves"?

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really.
Are you in a relationship?: No.
Have you ever been in love?: No.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Nope.
What do you fear losing the most?: My family.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I think I'd like to have family.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Of course, silly! I'm a Jedi.
What do you think of the Force?: I think it is a guiding light in our lives, and a powerful ally.
What is the worst way to die?: Probably in front of family and friends, knowing that you've failed them.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: I've never really thought about it.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My father.....
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: My siblings. Especially Trace.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Taking away their relatives.
What is your definition of freedom?: Where someone can do anything they want without consequences.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: Where no one is oppressed, and everyone has what they need.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Probably when I was six. I took the Meiloorun juice and drank it all, and my mother was really mad. I blamed it on Trace and got away with it.
How do you view lying?: It's a coward's tool.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Maybe three years ago?
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Never. I think.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? I like to eat seafood.
Do you have any allergies?: Nope.
What's your drink of choice?: Meiloorun juice.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist. I leave things that I don't need for the people that are in need.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: I haven't read about those. I don't really know.
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: It'll help me become a better person, and more importantly, it will help others.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I would go into the future to see what the galaxy is like a hundred years from now. Maybe a millennia from now. I would meet the Jedi of that time. If there are any....
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: "How many people do I help in my lifetime?"
Category 1
First Name: Lossa
Legal Surname: Darcuhl
Alternate Surnames: Aureus, Perl
Nicknames: Lo, Los, Trouble, Pink Terror, Glitter-bomber
Date of Birth: I don't keep track of that stuff.
Age: 20/21

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Not really? I broke my nose once. My eyes are pretty.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: None as of right now.
Do you have any scars?: Two - Sith-Gator bite across my left arm/shoulder visible in a dress. Stab wound on the back of my leg.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Idk my eyes?
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Jumpsuits are my favorite. Otherwise I steal dresses from Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren .
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Zeltron with a sprinkling of Hapan.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Stupa, Feth, Chit
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Realist with a sprinkling of optimism.
Do you ever put on airs?: Not really? I don't think so. I'm amazing and definitely doing good.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Childish.
What is your greatest fear?: Losing anyone I hold dear.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous? What makes you awesome?: Have you met me? I'm a blast.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: I got that kashyyyk style family tree. I'm not listing them all.
Do you have any issues with your family?: I don't get along with my parents at the moment.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: I have cousins and I treat them like siblings. I might occasionally be a bit... extra with them though but I love them.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: My Father
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: No, and I don't want one right now.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My attitude.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Not proud but content.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Lower Middle
What is your best childhood memory?: Having hair to brush and braid.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Losing my grandmother Sanna Aureus.
What would you be willing to die for?: Anyone I call family.
What are your ambitions?: Quit getting my butt wooped. Maybe do some good while I'm at it. Help people. I just kind of do stuff.
What is your greatest extravagance?: My two ships.
What is your life motto?: Life's too short to not throw yourself into the unknown.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
Are you in a relationship?: It's complicated.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes
What do you fear losing the most?: Loving someone.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I want my alone time. But I don't want to be alone. Having my own isn't a goal right now but in the future yes.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Yes, I use the Force.
What do you think of the Force?: It's aggravating.
What is the worst way to die?: Drowning.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: If it exists, I hope those that have passed on have peace there. Whatever that means for them.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: No-one. Keep that business away from me.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest , Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Romi Jade Romi Jade .

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Making them lose/change who they are.
What is your definition of freedom?: The ability to exist as yourself without compromising who you are for others.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: One where conflict is at a minimum and innocent people don't pay for it.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Uh. When I told Lily Decoria Lily Decoria we were going on a mission.
How do you view lying?: Regardless of why, and it's hypocritical, but it's not usually ever good.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I don't.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Haven't yet.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: Mixed bag. I usually cook decent meals.
Do you have any allergies?: Yes but not life-threatening, Shellfish(shelled critters) and Animal Dander(still love them though).
What's your drink of choice?: Strong Liquor or Juice.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Hoarder. Have you seen my kit? My family? Gotta catch em all.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Chaotic Do-gooder.
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: It's a slow and steady growth to a fun-loving but decent person who can accept what happens without regret. It will help not only me but others around me from all walks of life.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I'd go back to see my grandmother again.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: No. That's a scam anyhow.
The game is very simple and straight forward, simply answer the questions in the way your character would, kind of like an interview.


Category 1
First Name: Aymeric
Surname: Prendergast
Nicknames: none
Date of Birth: 07/10
Age: 24

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: somber eyes and thick eyebags
Do you have any personal handicaps?: nope
Do you have any scars?: whipping scars on my back
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: didn’t I answered that? and jawline I guess
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: tactical Jedi gear for work, comfortable but neat clothes outside of work
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human, low-Coruscant culture

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: I think, I guess, sort of, pretty much, you know, kind of
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: leaning pessimistic but I do believe in the power of hope
Do you ever put on airs?: nope
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: dry and awkward, I guess
What is your greatest fear?: losing someone I care for in front of my eyes again
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I’m willing to do what it takes keep the dark side at bay

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: it was small, just me and mom
Do you have any issues with your family?: I had some back then, particularly when my mom found out that I started working with a crime syndicate, or when I ran away and joined the NJO
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: no
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: my bio father, I guess, for leaving mom when she just had me
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: does fish counts?
What is one thing you always carry with you?: nothing, I think

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: despite everything, yes
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: poor
What is your best childhood memory?: my birthdays
What is your worst childhood memory?: everytime the debt collector knocked on our door
What would you be willing to die for?: the NJO, at least the current iteration
What are your ambitions?: to one day be inducted to the Jedi Council
What is your greatest extravagance?: I have one fancy suit for emergency, I also have some nice techs I made at my workshop
What is your life motto?: the light will prevail

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: not really, but sometimes you can tell if it can eventually evolve into something
Are you in a relationship?: as in, committed, romantic relationship? no
Have you ever been in love?: I’m not sure
Have you ever had your heart broken?: yes
What do you fear losing the most?: at the moment, probably myself
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I get by, but maybe one day. my line of work doesn’t allow me to be distracted too much I’m afraid

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: yes
What do you think of the Force?: we are the Force. some people just have the natural talent to tap into it
What is the worst way to die?: while succumbing into the dark side
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: I believe that we will be back to where we started, one with the Force. Of course, only for the ones not corrupted by the dark side
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: mom. I would’ve mend our strained relationship earlier, spend more time with her, prevent the incident
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: idk

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: to be shackled by circumstances
What is your definition of freedom?: to be given the opportunity to prove themselves
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: one where the dark side has been purged completely
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I don’t remember, I almost never lied. maybe just omitting facts
How do you view lying?: sometimes it’s warranted, but in most circumstances, it’s despicable
When did you last make a promise to someone?: hmmm… told Master Valery Noble Valery Noble that I will show her how one of my tech works
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I don’t remember, also almost never did

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: I don’t have time to cook, so most of the times it’s just nutrition bars
Do you have any allergies?: nope
What's your drink of choice?: water, electrolytes drinks, gin on a nights out
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: leaning minimalist, though my workshop is another story

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: idk
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: we live to achieve some form of grand objective, yet it’s the journey, the everyday life that keeps us going
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: to meet the first Force-sensitive person
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: is it all worth it in the end? the things that I’ve done
Category 1
First Name: Tegan
Surname: Bacquin-Starfall
Married Surname: Damazki
Nicknames: Darth Sokar | The Imp | The Gremlin | The Psycho | IT | Rhand
Date of Birth: A very long time ago
Age: Never ask a lady her age, I am God so as old as time itself or for the sarcastic in the room old as dirt gilf.

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Glowing Orange eyes
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Not really a handicap but I am height challenged. Mentally if I was dignoised I would have severe PTSD, Psychopathy, and various dissociative disorders.
Do you have any scars?: Most of my big ones have faded over time but I have many war wounds and self inflicted wounds. Self inflicted ones is because Magick is a dangerous game.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: Glowing Orange eyes that burn like sulfer and my wicked grin
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Casually I were leather or pleather clothing and a MidNight Duster.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Dathomiri | Force Mutant

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Foreplay!, Tegan Wins., I win., SLAVE!
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?:
Do you ever put on airs?: I am perfect a being in every way I don't have to put on airs, I'm simply the best.
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Oh I have a great sense of humor. I love watching people squirm, get injured, and the faces people make when they are dying are just hilarious. Also I love pranks the crueler the better the more pain and ruin you cause someone the better.
What is your greatest fear?: The honest answers is that I will be alone and forgotten fading away into nothingness.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: Everything I do is heroic I am the greatest gift to this Galaxy, its savior and God. I only bring villainy on those that deserve it like the Jedi, Sith, Empire, Galactic Alliance, and all those that do not accept me as there God. I am a kind and caring God but also wrathful and vengeful towards nonbelievers.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: By itself just blood medium, via marriages and contracts it is very large.
Do you have any issues with your family?: Yeah they don't listen to me or do what ever I tell them to do.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Three sisters Damsha, Ryn, Shane and one Brother Dagger. Damsha is a wannabe, wants to be me and can't cope with the fact she will never be as good as me. Ryn is druggy loser whom I may have tried to kill once. Shane is another Druggy loser who lives int he shadow of her twin Ryn, its kind of bad when you are the worst of the druggy losers. Dagger I hate his wife, he was cool before he got mated now he is jsut her simp.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Every damn one of them.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: I am not allowed to have pets after trying to feed my son to a pet rancor when he was a baby after an arguement with my husband. After that my husbanded told me we couldn't have pets he made up an excuse about allergies, I'm pretty sure it was the incident mentioned before though.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: Defender nail polish, cause you never know when your going to have to claw someone with a lightsabers eyes out.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Damn straight I am Perfect
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Techincally I grew up a slave, however my family which I did not grow up with has a lot of wealth accumulated over the years but they always lived a modest almost nomadic lifestyle.
What is your best childhood memory?: When I murdered my captures and slaughter their whole damn family for the abuses they put onto me.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Being beateen, tortured and experimented on by my captures.
What would you be willing to die for?: Godhood
What are your ambitions?: To be worshiped and praised as a God and acknowledge as the smartest person that ever lived.
What is your greatest extravagance?: Destruction, Mayhem, and Chaos.
What is your life motto?: The name of the game is Tegan Wins!

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: It might surprise you but Yes
Are you in a relationship?: Married for many years now to my Husband Atreu Damazki
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes many times.
What do you fear losing the most?: I don't fear losing anything. I have lost my power, I have lost memory, I have lost my sanity, and I have lost my purpose all before, but anything lost can be found or regained again so long as you are determined.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I have three children Cord Starfall Cord Starfall , Khaostra Devoid Khaostra Devoid , and Magnus Damazki, they are all disapointments that have tried to kill at least once. Family is overrated and I iwsh they didn't exist. Still love my husband though but we spend a lot of time apart so I am more of a lone wolf that has a family already.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: I am the Force
What do you think of the Force?: That it is the most powerful gift in all existance but most squander it and waste it on things like beign a Jedi.
What is the worst way to die?: The Vaccuum Space, it sucks so much......out of the ways I have died it is the worst.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: It's the place where losers go, I ain't ever goign to die, I will continue to cheat death.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: Simple I am not sure he is actually dead though Malice Draclau so I can make him cry again. Though if we are talking someone I truelly know is dead then Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis proabbly.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Well If I was going to ever die and it wasn't in some horrific manner then it would be Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania and Jand Talo Jand Talo so I could give them both the middle finger cause they didn't kill me. Also Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor so I could stab him to death witht he last of my dying breathes I ain't goign down with out a fight and some else dying too.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Meeting me.
What is your definition of freedom?: Complete and absolute no limitations on anything do as thou wilst if your tegan Starfall.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: One where I am seen as a God and worship, my word is law.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: I have never lied in my life.....honest just beleive me.
How do you view lying?: Do what you want.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I vowed to kill Jand Talo Jand Talo .
When was the last time you broke a promise?: Techincally not broken but I haven't killed Jand Talo Jand Talo .

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: I use to drink poison for fun and I ate a zombies rotting one coudl say not the healthiest.
Do you have any allergies?: It's strange but I have issues with using fire Magick they kind of cause abacklash like affect on me so canbe called an allergy I guess.
What's your drink of choice?: Whiskey, Water, and the blood of my enemies.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Hoarder most definately like a greedy little dragon.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Evil Genius | Sorcerror
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: Because this reality needs to be saved and the repeatign cycle needs to end I am the onyl one capable and smart enough to do it even if it means I have to be the villian of the story.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I would go back tot he very begining to meet the creator and kill them and take there place.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Will I ever get out of this damn void?
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
Category 1
First Name: Connell
Surname: Vanagor
Nicknames: "Oh, didn't see you there." "Who are you again?" "... Any relation to.."
Date of Birth: 24 years ago today.
Age: uhhh 24

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: Anyone who knows my father would say the hair, otherwise the eyes.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Easy to take advantage of
Do you have any scars?: Chest. I was cut by a goon who tried to rob a young girl. Spent a week in a bacta tank.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My chin
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Whatever fits
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Human

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: hmmm
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Somewhere in between. I like to think I am great at adapting
Do you ever put on airs?: Nooooo no ono
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: pretty good.
What is your greatest fear?: Failing someone who needed me the most
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I can't answer this, it would be arrogant of me to do so.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Immediate- Small. Extended- pretty big
Do you have any issues with your family?: Naw.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: My sister died long before I was born. Wish I would have been able to get to know her.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: No, but I feel I let my father down.
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: An Aak Dog Buster. He's just a big pushover softie.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: The beliefs my mother taught me

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Mostly
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: I grew up healthy and happy, that's all that should matter
What is your best childhood memory?: I have a lot of'em
What is your worst childhood memory?: The look my mother had when my father was gone for so long defending the planet Tython
What would you be willing to die for?: Protecting someone who cannot protect themselves
What are your ambitions?: To make a difference
What is your greatest extravagance?: My Speederbike
What is your life motto?: "We will either find a way, or make one"

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope
Are you in a relationship?: Nope
Have you ever been in love?: Came close
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes, thanks for bringing it up.
What do you fear losing the most?: I don't know that I fear anything just yet. Gear leads to the Dark Side after all.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: Ask me in ten years. I don't want to be a loner, but... I'm just starting out.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Wouldn't be a Jedi of I didn't.
What do you think of the Force?: It's a gigantic pain in the ass, but it has its merits.
What is the worst way to die?: Broken heart
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: Don't really think about that sort of thing. I know that there is the ability to live on and become one with the Force... But...
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My half-sister Alyscia, always wanted a sister.
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Family... I don't have any friends, so yeah... Family

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Make them feel useless.
What is your definition of freedom?: Living with no worry of repercussions or terror
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: No idea. Grew up in Chaos
When was the last time you lied to someone?: When I was nine, I lied to my friend's mother taking the blame for something he did.
How do you view lying?: It's tough to judge a person's reasoning, but overall? Dishonorable
When did you last make a promise to someone?: I don't make promises
When was the last time you broke a promise?: I don't make promises.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like? I have my father's appetite and my mother's tastes.
Do you have any allergies?: Pollen
What's your drink of choice?: Elba Water
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Minimalist

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Underdog
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: To prove I'm good enough to be counted.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: Probably back to my parents and aunt Ala Quin Ala Quin 's heyday. See them in action.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Visions of the future are just that, visions, possible, but not definite, so nothing
Category 1
First Name: Noah
Surname: Corek
Nicknames: Junior (only by my family and friends) and Prince Asshat (only by my twin sister)
Date of Birth: Eighteenth day of the Second Month
Age: 21

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: What some might refer to as ‘knife ears’
Do you have any personal handicaps?:
Do you have any scars?: A stab wound from a shard of glass on my left shoulder blade
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My ears
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Practical/tactical clothing
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Raised Mandalorian but I’m genetically 1/4 Human, 1/4 Morellian and 1/2 Zorren

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Jate'kara Riye's haar Kotep (Luck Favors the Brave)
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Realist
Do you ever put on airs?: Nope, never need to
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: What some call ‘crass and sexual’ but also sarcasm and dumb jokes
What is your greatest fear?: Forever living in the shadow of my namesake
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: Nothing, I’m not a hero

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: BIG
Do you have any issues with your family?: I might have run away from home even though I was technically a adult
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: One older sister, two older twin brothers, a twin sister and a younger twin brother and sister. I have good relationships with all of them but my best is obviously with my twin, sharing a womb tends to do that.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Not yet
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: I’d like to have a strill one day, I heard they’re very affectionate and loyal
What is one thing you always carry with you?: A gun

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: Yes
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: Rich but I’m not a spoiled brat
What is your best childhood memory?: My thirteenth birthday after my verd’goten when we had a party afterwards
What is your worst childhood memory?: The time one of my moms almost died
What would you be willing to die for?: My family of course
What are your ambitions?: To get out of the shadow of my much more famous namesake
What is your greatest extravagance?: Buying copious books
What is your life motto?: Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber slug

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No (Yes)
Are you in a relationship?: No but I’ve got my eye on someone
Have you ever been in love?: No
Have you ever had your heart broken?: No
What do you fear losing the most?: My family
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: Being one of many kids I like having my alone time but I also recognize having a family makes one better in the long run

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Well I can use it…so yeah
What do you think of the Force?: It’s a spectrum and going too far towards either end is a bad thing
What is the worst way to die?: Being spaced
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: None as of yet, never really confronted it myself
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: No one, it wouldn’t be right to do that
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: My family except my parents, I can’t bear the thought of them going through that

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Take them away from family
What is your definition of freedom?: Being able to do what you want and having to live with the consequences
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: One where every world is responsible for their own affairs but still cooperate with one another
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Told somebody that I wasn’t my fathers son and my name was just a coincidence
How do you view lying?: Sometimes it’s necessary
When did you last make a promise to someone?: When I promised my dad I’d keep myself out of danger
When was the last time you broke a promise?: See above

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: Pretty normal, I cook pretty good, I eat more meat than normal due to my Zorren genetics
Do you have any allergies?: Tree pollen
What's your drink of choice?: Tihaar or Caf
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Hoarder, never met a curio or piece of gear I couldn’t find a use for

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Just a kid trying to prove himself and make a name out of his parents shadow
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: To show people I’m more than just someone’s son
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: The Clone Wars and I’d meet as many Clone Troopers as possible
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Nothing, knowing too much about the future is not a good thing
Category 1
First Name: Jonyna
Surname: Si
Nicknames: Stardust, Firestarter, Pretty Kitty
Date of Birth: 9/12/28
Age: Mentally 28, Physically 928

Category 2
Do you have any distinguishing facial features: My red stripes and thin brown fur.
Do you have any personal handicaps?: Nope. Got a weak right ankle though.
Do you have any scars?: More than you could count. My fur hides them well.
Which facial feature is the most prominent?: My smirk.
What kind of clothing do you like to wear?: Lots. Mostly my white cathar style robes and my armored coat.
What is your Species/Ethnicity?: Cathar.

Category 3
Do you have any words or phrases you overuse?: Fuck.
Are you pessimistic or optimistic or maybe somewhere in between?: Optimistic out of spite. The galaxy will improve, because the evils of the worlds will be wiped out.
Do you ever put on airs?: Nope! Hope so someday!
How is your sense of humor/what makes you laugh?: Dorky jokes and smartass comments.
What is your greatest fear?: Being forgotten.
What makes you heroic? Or what makes you villainous?: I fight for the good of all kinds.

Category 4
Is your family big or small?: Used to be a lot bigger. Had 8 siblings. Now it's small...
Do you have any issues with your family?: Other than the fact they're all dead? Nah. I loved my brothers and sisters.
Do you have any siblings? What is your relationship like with them?: Do I need to mention they're all dead again? I'm 900 years old.
Do you have any family members who have let you down?: Nah. Though my relationship with my mom is a little complicated...
Do you have/own any pets? If not, what would you own? If yes, why did you choose that pet?: Yes. His name is Guffy and he's a Raycon. He's a little scamp I bought on Ukatis.
What is one thing you always carry with you?: My swords. I'm a little paranoid, I guess. But when you're a jedi, it pays to be paranoid.

Category 5
Are you proud of who you are?: I'd like to think so. Being a hero to my people, and to the galaxy.
Did you grow up rich, poor, or middle class?: My people don't really do the whole money thing...
What is your best childhood memory?: Learning to Treesurf.
What is your worst childhood memory?: Order 66...
What would you be willing to die for?: Everyone. I'm nothing more than a shield for the innocent.
What are your ambitions?: Becoming a jedi master
What is your greatest extravagance?: Probably my coat. I dunno, I use money to buy stuff I need.
What is your life motto?: Do Good, even when it is inconvenient. Protect the Innocent, for you are their shield. Fight Evil where it stands, with both kindness and fury. Above all else, survive. You are one of few. Do not let the Light die out.

Category 6
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Psssh....maybe. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart.
Are you in a relationship?: Kinda? My current boyfriend is a doof, but I'm always open for more.
Have you ever been in love?: Several times.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Only when I thought them dead...
What do you fear losing the most?: My padawans.
Do you like being a loner, or do you want to have a family someday?: I'm gonna have like 16 kids, and no one will stop me.

Category 7
Do you believe in the Force?: Duh
What do you think of the Force?: A constant ally, of which I owe more favors than I can count.
What is the worst way to die?: In Regret.
What are your thoughts on afterlife?: I'm sure there are plenty waiting there for me.
If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be and why?: My siblings. I wish we could go back to how things were before...
Who would you want by your side on your death bed?: Anyone I loved. Anyone I fought to protect. The spirits of those I couldn't.

Category 8
What is the worst thing that could be done to a person?: Strip away their memories.
What is your definition of freedom?: The ability to do good. No matter what happens.
What does a perfect world/galaxy look like to you?: A world where people like me don't need to exist.
When was the last time you lied to someone?: Lie? I don't lie.
How do you view lying?: An easy way to avoid the truth.
When did you last make a promise to someone?: Every day.
When was the last time you broke a promise?: The last time I told my crew we'd make it out. Then I woke up 900 years later, alone.

Category 9
What are your eating habits like?: Traditional Cathar food. Meat, stew, lots of protein.
Do you have any allergies?: Nah. Unless you count poison mushrooms.
What's your drink of choice?: Gin. I like it fruity.
Are you a minimalist or a hoarder?: Depends. I don't buy anything I don't think I might need.

Category 10
What is your character archetype?: Paragon.
Why does your journey matter to you, personally?: Because it's so easy to be a good person, and more people need to see that.
If you could travel through time, where would you go? Who would you meet?: I'd go visit Luke Skywalker and call him a nerd.
What would you ask a fortune teller about your future?: Where do I die?
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