Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Getting back into it, pirate style

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Tefka is doing an Age of the Underworld event which is supposed to feature a lot of great criminal stuff. I'd look into new factions made to see if any of them feature a criminal focus. You may be able to link up with some of them, or longer standing ones, and prep for this upcoming story event.
Been a looong while since I've written on chaos and would love to start getting back into it with some private threads. Willing to do anything, so can hit me up to plan anything people want to try and whip up

I'm looking for spacefaring threads as well. Let me know if you wanna do something.

Zhio is sort of a chaotic good freelancer, so there's significant leeway depending on what you have in mind. Our characters can as easily be working together as they can be adversaries - depending on the plot hook. Your pick.

Talyr Ivaakren

Selonian Outcast and Eccentric Thief
Lirka Ka Lirka Ka

Just made this new "honorable thief" character, though let me warn you that she just might stab you in the back if she doesn't deem you upright enough... Also, I'm back after a hiatus of a few months, as well - I just can't seem to outgrow the EU, it would seem.

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