Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Goodwill does not mend bridges


| Location | B'yaaim Haar Cabur - Air Control Tower
| Objective | Haat, ijaa, tor!

Speaking of family was far more pleasant than the main topic of conversation, to be sure - but there was more to it than that. It brought the two of them together, in a way, showed just how fondly Jenn thought of family and love. The more Alicio spoke of his children, the more she seemed to smile, well and truly engrossed in her admiration of what this man had managed to achieve. Something far more important than politics in the eyes of the Mandalorian: raising children, and living happily as a family. Of course, even that line of thought eventually lead to darker thoughts: in the end, they were on opposite sides of a war, and the Alor's full attention being focused on him did little to help the fact that they were, in spite of all of their similarities, not supposed to be having this cordial a conversation. And yet, Jenn's tone was almost gentle when she next spoke. "I understand", answered the warrior empathetically. "And... I apologize for keeping you from them. I truly do."

A sigh escaped the Alor's lips, and her contemplation brought about a train of thought Alicio would doubtlessly find himself unable to relate to, and yet... she chose to share it, nonetheless. "I will never be the best my people have to offer. I lack... Mandokar - in easier terms for you to understand without devolving into a long conversation on my people's language, I lack the ruthlessness one needs to be a truly peerless warrior. The thought of leaving orphaned children, or a widowed lover - pierces my heart with the certainty of a spear, and I know such weakness will be my end, one day." Clearly, Jenn found the whole notion difficult to properly approach. To an outsider, the entire concept might appear to be a testament to her moral character, a sign of strength, but to someone who had always endeavoured to embody all that it meant to be Mandalorian, the thought of being unable to kill was nothing but weakness. And Jenn, Alor of her Clan, could not afford to be weak. Too many people were depending on her.

Alicio's surprise in the face of her proposition was... to be expected, perhaps. In truth, she could barely accept the fact that those words had left her lips, that she had made such a proposition. No matter how she tried to rationalize it, the uncomfortable feeling crystallized, and she felt as if she was scheming with the enemy to cause the downfall of her people. That she would only bring dishonor to herself and to her Clan, and ruin upon the Enclave. The way her lips pulled into a most mirthless smile in the face of her guest's words betrayed just how hollow she felt at the prospect of driving a wedge between Crusaders and Protectors, for both groups were, in the end, Mando'ade. Her people.

Appreciative as she was of the informality between the two, the honesty shared between two souls who sought peace, Jenn realized that she stood upon the threshold of something she could never go back from.

"Then put forward the motion after the inevitable counter-attack against the Enclave. Those of us still riding high from the victorious raid will find themselves reminded of the sheer strength you can muster, and how small of a chance we have to win against the Alliance in a war of attrition. The battle will make my people reconsider the fate of the Enclave if we commit to this war, or ignite the fire of vengeance in their heart - but we will have finality. And with it, our best shot at peace. And if it's all for naught..."

It hurt to think about. Even more so for her to say the words. To decide that, for all of the love she felt for her people, her disagreement with the Crusaders was slowly growing into genuine resentment as their self-righteousness murdered the dream she once had for her people in front of her very eyes. Looking deep into Alicio's eyes, Jenn found the words leaving her slowly, each syllable filled with meaning.

"... then I will save what I can, and leave the rest to rot. I never wanted this war."

Jenn actually apologized for keeping him. Alicio hadn't expected that from her, but then again, perhaps he should have. She seemed to light up as he mentioned his family- it must have struck a chord in her. "I'm here of my own volition. No need to be sorry," he said. And he meant it.

Then, Alicio was reminded, yet again, of how differently the Mandalorians viewed war from the Alliance. How they viewed honor. Jenn's tone of voice made it clear that she thought of remorse, guilt, morality, as weaknesses. He could only shake his head. "On my world, we have a bird called a peacock. The males of the species grow enormous, iridescent tail fans. They're heavy, and it takes a lot of energy to create and display. It certainly would be easier for them if they didn't have it" Alicio smirked, realizing how he might sound. "They wear their weakness like a badge of honor, because they're strong enough to bear it."

The Count was, once again, surprised by the Alor's line of reasoning. He thought a moment after she was done, sipping his drink ponderously. "There might not be a better time." It was the kind of decision he struggled most with, as a senator. For the chance to save the most lives... he had to wait, and watch as others died.

"If this fails, if we fail... I'm not ready to give up on your people. There has to be a diplomatic solution somewhere between here and total annihilation."

- Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze -
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| Location | B'yaaim Haar Cabur - Air Control Tower
| Objective | Haat, ijaa, tor!

No matter the assurances, Jenn's discomfort remained. Family was everything to her, standing tall above all other concerns... even above honor and duty. Sacrificing her family for the sake of either of those values was entirely unthinkable to the Alor. Keeping a father from his children, a husband from his spouse, no matter how valuable he might be, did not sit right with her. The more they spoke, the more they respected one another, and so the Senator's captivity became less and less palatable.

After the loss of her family during the fall of Mandalore, Jenn had always sought to pursue excellence. To embody all that it meant to be a Mandalorian, and honor the legacy of Clan and family alike! Even now, after tempering the fire within her heart with restraint and compassion, she remained a warrior. A warrior who kept on trying so very hard, each and every single day, to be something more, for the sake of her people. And yet, still she struggled, trying to decide what was the right thing for her to do...

The Alderaanian metaphor brought a smile to her lips, no matter how tired she was. "I can see why you became a Senator", remarked the Mandalorian, the disdain that would normally accompany such words strangely absent. "It's... the way you talk. You have such a way with words - they flow like a waterfall. I like that about you."

Then, he spoke of... the very real possibility that this would all be for naught. That nothing would come of this. And yet, Alicio's determination to see the conflict resolved through diplomacy rather than outright annihilation gave her strength: it allowed her to hope for good will from the other side of the aisle, rather than the near-genocidal stance taken by so many in the Alliance. Every time she heard people with considerable power calling her people savages, barbarians, and yet many more unflattering terms, Jenn saw only the result of such dehumanization: with such hatred in their heart, then they could justify breaking her people.

Scattering them across the stars.

"You are a good man, to be willing to show us quarter. I can only hope that you and I manage to make things change." There was a pause, a few sips of her drink - and then, her glass was finally empty.

"Unless you believe there is more for us to go over today, I will take you to your quarters for the duration of your stay among us. There is no way off this moon without proper clearance, and I trust you not to attempt escape. As a result, you are free to come and go as you please around the surface portion of B'yaim Haar Cabur - speak with my people if you wish, or stay within your accomodations. A great many things require my attention in these troubled times, but if you desire to talk at any point, tell one of my warriors, and I will do all I can to make time."

"I can see why you became a Senator. It's... the way you talk. You have such a way with words - they flow like a waterfall. I like that about you."

Alicio surprised himself with an pleasant smile. An honest, open expression, one he hadn't thought he'd be making when he'd first met Jenn Kryze aboard the Gift that day. "Thank you," he finally said, a simple appreciation to his tone. He'd never heard that one before.

Jenn finished their conversation with a declaration of hope. Alicio's eyes flicked down to his glass. Hope was... a rather powerful word, in his family.

"I hope so, too." Perhaps he could talk like a waterfall, but the senator also understood the value of a trickle.

Alicio stood up as Jenn ended their meeting, taking a moment to adjust his cape to banish any wrinkles.
"Thank you for the water, Alor. And the kindness." Once they found his room, he certainly planned to go out and talk to as much of House Kryze as he could, during his stay. He wanted to know as much as he could. About the current climate of Mandalore's children, sure, and how to best enact what he and Jenn had discussed, but also just to... understand them. Get a glimpse, however small, of their culture.

"Unless you want to see a picture of my kids, I think that will do for today." It was one last offering of unity between them. If she wanted to, he would quickly take out his datapad, and show the picture of himself and Amani, holding the infant Liana and August between them. Otherwise, he would follow behind her dutifully. Either way, he marveled at just how today had gone.

Not what he'd expected. Not what he'd expected at all.

- Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze -
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| Location | B'yaim Haar Cabur
| Objective | Haat, ijaa, tor!

"Thank you for your good will, Senator", spoke the Mandalorian as a response to her guest's own words of thanks, standing up from her seat as she did so - mirroring his own motion. And, for a moment... it truly felt as if things were concluded. The Alderaanian would be taken to his quarters by his shockingly gracious host, then given a chance to rest, and process the day's events in peace. But then, he made that offer, and the Alor simply... froze, her gaze lost as she stared at nothing in particular. A sense of déja vu was one thing, but the similarities between how her encounter with her best friend had ended, and how this interaction was shaping to go? They were almost eerie.

But the moment passed, and her eyes seemed to refocus, a cant of her head the only answer she could give him for her approval. And, just as it seemed that Jenn had somewhat regained her composure, that picture left her blinking in shock. The sight of that happy family together brought a faint smile to her lips, to be sure, amazed at how proud the two parents seemed to be of their children... but soon, her gaze was brought to rest on the visage of Alicio's spouse. Each heartbeat, each eyeblink, felt unbearably long as she finally connected the dots, and realized just which Jedi this honorable man had chosen to marry.

"I met your wife", declared the Mandalorian at last, the shock and disbelief fading away from her features. "Amani, correct? When I returned to Ukatis to see the damage for myself, I was found by a Jedi who I keenly remember being... not quite fond of my people. Told me that Mandalorians proved to be the same, time and time again, and yet, she... listened when I spoke. Let me go, even, although with a warning - that she would kill me, if I ever set foot in Alliance space again."

A weary sigh escaped her lips, and she finally managed to tear her gaze from the family photo. Jenn had purposefully not made any promise she could not keep: merely expressed that the terms were certainly fair. In the following weeks, she had been the member of a team of infiltrators sent to Coruscant to liberate Mandalorian prisoners, hitting a transport shit as well - and she knew that this recognizable armour of hers would leave little doubt as to her identity. The SIA's dossier on her was undoubtedly growing, to her chagrin.

Without another word, she walked on over to the door, unlocking it with the same pass-phrase as before, beckoning Alicio over to follow her with a wave of her hand, ruminating on such a revelation as she walked him through the Air Control Tower once more in silence. When they were outside, she led him over to a small building to the side, carefully placed within close proximity of the landing pad and the vehicle bay, but not quite within their perimeters. Once upon a time, they must have been barracks for the handful of warriors protecting the base, before its expansion into the home of Clan Kryze it had now become.

Although the room she led him to was not quite spartan in design and luxuries, it was hardly a suite, either. A bed, a table, a bookshelf, a kitchen counter with a sink... simple enough, but comfortable. Inhaling deeply through her gills, she turned to her guest once more.

"The lower levels of B'yaim Haar Cabur are reserved to those of Clan Kryze - it is where we rest, eat, sleep, and train. As a result, you will only catch people coming and going around the landing pad and the Air Control Tower. I would advise staying around the elevator if you want to meet the most people: show them respect, and they will treat you with consideration in return. With that said, I... cannot promise that all will be as willing to talk as I am. Resentment lingers, even among those of my Clan, pledged as they are to the same cause. We all tire of scrutiny from our own people, and the hateful accusations of outsiders who call us barbarians and savages. You've made an impression, but you cannot convince everyone."

"I met your wife."

Alicio blinked once, not bothering to hide his shock. Then, he smiled mutely. "What a coincidence." He studied the picture again, trying to see the image, the situation, through Jenn's eyes. Amani, a Jedi she had stood off against on a war-torn planet, Alicio, a senator that had somehow managed to claw some respect out of her, and two children between them. Each bore a mix of their parents' features. They were different shades of green, both blotched by patches of Alicio's skin tone, both with thick black hair already growing on their heads.

It would have been an odd sight indeed.

Alicio followed Jenn out the control tower, and to the guest building, footsteps light and demure. Stepping inside as the door was opened, Alicio nodded once. "This will do fine." He turned to Jenn, grey eyes searching grey eyes, as his arms disapperaed within his cloak. "For as long as I'm here, I am more than happy to speak to anyone who wishes to. If your people are curious about me, send them my way."

"I'm not trying to convince anyone. I just want to understand."

- Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze -

| Location | B'yaim Haar Cabur
| Objective | Haat, ijaa, tor!

Jenn no longer cared to hide the fondness in her gaze as she admired the beautiful sight of a happy family together. Just as with Valery and her children, the sight brought a certain sense of longing to her, a realization that she, too, wanted this. A chance to have a family of her own, to attain this unique treasure others had attained... and yet, envy did not claim her just yet. No, the Mandalorian was glad to be granted the unique privilege offered so by her guest, and treated it with the respect such a display demanded. Odd as the children may look in the eyes of some, they were... children. Beautiful in their innocence. Were they Alicio's motivation for his career in politics - an effort on his part to make the galaxy a safer place to raise them? Perhaps she would ask him later.

"You are a strange one, Alicio Organa", spoke the Alor at last as they stood by the doorway leading into the room itself, her eyes meeting his - and, now returned to their natural color, the Ersansyr looked far less otherworldly, and so much more tired. Still, a small huff of amusement escaped her lips. "But you seem earnest, and a good man beside. With few exceptions, most of those under my command bear the name Kryze thanks to me. I ensure that all those who bear the ancient sigil of my Clan uphold the virtues I have chosen to uplift into sacred tenets: Haat, ijaa, tor. Truth, justice, and honor. They have good hearts, all of them, but wisdom cannot be taught, only gained."

There was a shake of her head, then, as she remembered those dark years when she carved a path with blaster and beskad, uncaring of the price. Although more efficient at waging war then, she lacked wisdom, and now that she possessed more of it, she could only look to her past with humility. Hopefully, she could temper the fire in the hearts of her warriors, and perhaps her guest could bring them a certain level of introspection.

"This is goodbye for now, Alicio. I will keep you appraised of the situation, should the Alliance reach out to us."

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