Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gravity (sisterhood)

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

To say she expected what would happen next would be a lie, because in all honesty Camellia had merely expected she would be setting Sanya down since the former jedi was in the middle of transforming. The Rendili woman had had no idea that the bloodied ooze that the Sith Zeltron had ordered her into would rise up and envelop her, pouring through her mouth, pores, etc, and setting her entire being ablaze as it seemed to twist every inch of her by miniscule amounts all at once that added up to the unbelievable pain she ended up suffering. The pool seemed to reach up and grab Sanya right out of her arms too, which was a good thing considering Camellia would have likely dropped her with the pain making it hard to stay steady herself.

Watching though, the Rendili woman could see her hands transforming further, her claws becoming a more dominant trait as they looked less like normal, and her mouth hurt as she felt her already sharpened canines grow slightly and could practically tell they had a greater sheen to them now. However, her head was nearly blank as she felt the urge to turn others become stronger than ever despite her time relaxing since most of Rendili was already handled. So when Lady Praelior gave her the word, Camellia gladly leaped forward and sank her teeth into the nearest captive, her claws reaching out to spread the infection to the next closest.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Raven"]

As the pool of virus released Sanya from it's grasps, she stood up looking at her hands and the new tail she had grown. She even feeled the top of her head touching her new ears. As she stood there feeling the urge to bite and scratch at the command, she stood there for a moment getting to grips what has happened to her, she explored the new canines with her tongue with her mouth slightly open. Sanya's eyes golden orange eyes fixated on the female she spared earlier. with in seconds she pounced on the girl sinking her teeth into the jedi's arm. It felt so good to spread the way of life she now accepted. "Don't worry, it feels so good after the pain and in time you will like it as much as I already do." Speaking to the girl. She tried to struggle but the girl was easily over powered.

Sanya looked over to her left watching camellia, for a moment. She had more time to adapt been a croa, and she was much more efficient at infecting. It was a wonderful sight to watch and Sanya could be apart of it. She stood up once more pulling two people close to another as she pounced again digging her claws into two and biting the middle one, slowly making her way around the non infected. When Sanya got close to camellia as they worked their way around she smiled. "Thank you for this gift camellia, it's so much fun and the best. I do hope all of them will like their new bodies."
The cora were off and Raven was perplexed and astounded by the finished project. She gave a wondered sound from her mouth before seeing them run off. "Amazing." she said, seeing the hurry to deal with more prisoners and others to infect. Another powerful weapon for the Sith had been finished and now they were being used to their fullest. Soon enough they would face the real enemy in battle, but Raven knew that [member="Darth Praelior"] had created an amazing new creature. She turned back to her and gave a wide grin, showing her enthusiasm for all of this.​
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]​
[member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Raven"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya looked upon the two newly infected while she was letting the energies dance off of her skin. Rolling into the pool before she stepped forward and the pool let her get into the center of it, She looked at Raven while standing there and breathed it in while feeling herself for a time, the darkside was pure and within the area of the world before she pointed to the ones being infected. Watching the treatment and the claws her of pets as the small changes seemed to be overtaking them. New claws, sharper teeth, stronger tails and deep down she could feel the heat of the blood as it was coming to a boil in their bodies. She was better able to bring some about while more red tendrils were seeping into the planet. "Go my pet, go and find the waters of this world, spread and infect as each drop of you can take the planet. Leave it within sees of blood." She was still making the notes but now that Sanya was infected she needed to see. "Sanya my pet, I want you to use the force, you will be able to feel the darkside now stronger then ever."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

It was actually rather fun to watch the people fall to the virus as it coursed through their bodies. There just was a real thrill to it as there had been back when she had helped infect everyone on the space stations above her homeworld and the military bases on the planet itself. Rendili was a much more. . . . .wonderful world now that most of the population were of a better and more beautiful species. The same species these people the Sith had rounded up were going to become as well, just as wonderful and beautiful. Once they were all turned that was, which Camellia gladly helped speed along as she went around the black pool, biting each person quickly and moving onto the next as she hurried to do the task the Sith Zeltron had laid before her. However, it seemed the giantess already had plans as the blood coated pool began to shift, for what the Rendili woman wasn't sure exactly, but it likely had to do with further experimentation or the spread of the virus around this planet.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya looked over to praelior with a nod and a smile. In the corner of her eye she saw the opportunity to mix a few skills she. She had noticed someone tried to slip by in the mixture of glorious chaos. Her body pumped with adrenaline as she started sprinting making her a blur to the normal eye. Sanya went along the out side the pool and around people, the man had climbed out but would be his demise. Her feet left the the ground, her hands force pushing on the ground behind to increase speed and the height of her jump. She twisted her body as she flipped the new tail trailing behind. The man had not seen her till she touched the ground in a slide, the tail helping keep balance. He stopped in his tracks looking at Sanya in fear, and she could feel it. "My, my leaving the party so soon. You just simply can't leave without a gift." She said with a menecing smile. Her hands raised up pushing the guy with speed and she followed catching him mid air sinking in her claws in his body and her teeth into his shoulder. The crashed back in the pit but he took the full force crashing and sliding across the dirt. Although she wasn't done yet as Sanya stood up she picked the man up. Even though he was infected now she wanted blood but the feeling for once praelior wouldn't approve she just flung his body back into the group of other screaming in pain from this amazing gift they'd been given. Making her way back over she smiled to herself. 'I feel so much faster, so much stronger. Damn it's so intoxicating.' She thought to herself

[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Raven"]
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Raven"]

Balaya continued to push the croa virus into the planet as it seeped into the earth searching out for the well that the village used for water. Her own eyes watching Sanya as she was using the force with her new found skills and displaying how a master of the force could if they gave into the virus. "Perfect." There was more testing on her limits that would need to be done but seeing the girl as she worked the power and magics of the force. "You are doing well my pets, now keep it up and we shall see the powers you all wield." Slowly she was walking as the pool was empty and the runes blazing on the ground. One hand leading the croa that were being turned into the opening after she was lettin her attentions go towards Sanya and Camellia.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Darth Raven"]

Lost in the trance like state as she went around the group making sure to bite and infect every single captive the Sith had collected, Camellia hadn't even noticed the black pool they had been standing in having receded away into the ground. The blood and virus that the Zeltron Giantess had mixed together vanishing by the time the pair of Croa had worked their way around the prisoners and spread the love so to speak. At which point the Rendili woman finally took notice as she looked around and saw they weren't standing in the puddle of goo anymore, though it hardly mattered as much as the fact the entire group of prisoners were writhing and all going through the changes as they would become Croa. She had noticed there had been a few Sanya had taken interest in during the entire act as well, which left Camellia noting those to see how they were once they finished changing.

For now though she would turn to look up at the Sith Zeltron with their task done and wonder what was going on and what was next. "Are we still needed down here Lady Praelior or should Sanya and I come back up while these undergo their wondrous transformation?"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya walked over to the group while she licked her lips and whipped her new claws on her clothes from the blood on them. Its was a marvelous sight to see everyone had begun their change. As she stood by camellia Sanya liked the sound of the second option that they could explore Sanyas new body together, and have a little fun together. Unfortunately they'd have to do what ever praelior told them. While Sanya stood there she could still feel the virus, adrenaline and raw power course through her veins. It felt amazing such rush was something she would never had with the Jedi, they where always too serious but now, now she was her own person bound by no ones rule's. If she wanted to kill or turn a sith or Jedi nothing would stand in her way in a galaxy of no limitations. Although after all the croa business is done with testing and creating the ultimate virus that made people better she'd probably go off radar for a while and work with company stuff and devote her time with camellia. While she stood there Sanya reached for camellia's hand slotting her fingers in between hers while she looked at her with a smile and a blushing.

[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Raven"]
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Darth Raven"]

"Take them to the ship." Balaya looked at Camellia while she was motioning with them. She had plenty of data but now it was about getting the test subjects onto the ship as her they took them back to the lab. Elara stood there while she was walking and making motioned with her hands. "Ensure the both of you that they get on the ship and secured to the equipment." She wanted t monitor them but more then that she wanted to test their force connection when the time came along with other stuff. Balaya was moving with her attention on the troopers while they were walking around. "Bring your people and be ready in case, leave no evidence we were here only the jedi understood?" The troopers were nodding their understanding.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

That was a whole lot simpler task than the Rendili woman expected, especially since it left her wondering just what was happening now beneath the surface where the virus was seeping through the ground. Camellia couldn't help but find herself curious about just how much of the underground water supply would become tainted with the Croa Infection. Eventually it would be carried and spread until it reached lakes, rivers, and maybe even a village's well here and there. The entire planet was doomed to become a world filled with Croa, something that the former human herself found very enticing. As it would the rest of the people who were already in the midst of transforming, once their changes finished that was.

So Camellia had no complaints as she climbed out of the pit, walking toward the Sith's ship as she grinned to the Sith Zeltron. "Of course Lady Praelior. Just simple biometrics right? Or is the equipment more complex than that?"

Sawa Ike

The Dark Matriarch Darth Shōjō
Taking a look as things had shifted, she could feel it in the earth and in the air as the sense of dread was slowly befalling the world. Sawa had a small grin on her face though moving with the troopers and they were working on getting the new test subjects that were being brought in. Slowly though as she put some f the resting ones that seemed to be transforming into the cages of the transport as she looked for her apprentice and tapped some of the transformed. This was an interesting thing happening to them that she would have to observe more carefully from a safe distance as she set her sights on the crates they still had. All would go towards the things she needed nd she was seeing the Omega squad with their prize a lightsaber to go with what she knew they got from Kashyyyk.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Darth Raven"]

As the other troops started to drag the new croa onto the ship, Sanya watched for a second while her right eye blurred up again. It was obvious her body was adapting to the change. While her vision corrected it's self she followed cam into the ship. Sanya listened as she spoke about Biometrics to praelior, wondering what tests the zeltron wanted to run on sanya and cam. Hopefully not been prodded with needles. Not that she was scared of them, they just made her feel uncomfortable. "Praelior?" She asked getting her attention while her tail moved about. "Whats the plans for us now?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

She had joined them within the ship having a grin on her face while she was moving, attention on the croa with the work they were doing before she was letting her hands touch some of the croa that were transforming. "Oh the tests are fine my pet and you'll feel no pain but we have to see what your body has become and how it has adjusted. I want you to be nice and healthy for the plans we have yes?" She said it with a grin on her face now loaded in and ready for the transport to leave with their prizes as her hands rubbed together. "You and camellia have both preformed perfectly.
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Well so long as it hopefully didn't involve too many shots, because while the Rendili woman wasn't squeamish she was certainly not a fan of needles. Just for some reason the pain that came from the needle felt so much worse than say someone punching her in a fight. Camellia didn't care how strange that sounded either, but regardless it didn't matter. At least if the Sith Zeltron were indeed telling the truth about there being no pain as she moved into the ship and headed towards the equipment. "Will this take long Lady Praelior? Or will we be doing the tests on the way back to Sith controlled space?" To be truthful, praise aside, Camellia was more interested in what changes had been made to the virus today than she did about her own part in it. As such she was in a bit of a rush to get the testing underway to find out things.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Camellia Swift"]

Sanya followed them through the ship to the onboard lab was where the syringes are kept. Sanya took a seat first holding out her arm. If anything she was eager to get on the move even with the transformation her visions played on her mind. Most made sense but that place was strange, why did it show there? What did it mean? These where questions she needed to be found out. Sanya knew roughly where to go and it was on the far side of the galaxy. "Praelior once we are done here, I don't suppose me and cam could go seek a place out? I have no idea why but when I lost consciousness earlier I had a vision of this place radiating with power, and well I want to find it. Something tells me I have to like a chain of events that had started the very moment I ki. . . Um started my transformation." She stuttered for a moment hiding what they did. It wasn't her business to know what happened, besides if she did let camellia come sith her then the could spend some time together and talk.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

She was looking at them as the two spoke and she motioned with her hand while she moved. "You may go and search." She led the way into the main lab while looking over some of the things. "Now both of you get in there, as the first generation your going to be needed to track the degradation of those you infect. As well I want to get your bodies midichlorian analysis Sanya dear. See what has changed and if you can still really access the force into the highest levels."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

They just finished their work here and already it seemed they were going to move onto something else, which left a certain Rendili woman feeling rather exhausted when she heard she would be taking part in that said project as well. Taking into account she could clearly see needles amongst the equipment the Sith Zeltron ordered them to set up by, and Camellia was a relatively unhappy camper at this point. Nonetheless, she resigned herself to the ship's staff as they began setting up their diagnostic tools on her and Sanya letting her curiosity over the changes get the better of her fear. "Do you think the numbers will differ from what we got earlier in the last experiments because of the changes now?"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya listened to camellia and her concerns while a few syringes full of her blood was taken. In honesty she wish there wasn't anyone whos body rejected such wonderful transformation. Still her mind was else where split between the different parts of her vision, the planet and what happens between cam and herself. If anything it let Sanya know they would have a family soon, but best kept as a secret until the time was right. This meant she couldn't start to over think about it or mermer a word about it to anyone. Although it was strange but felt right to see them both with a baby bump at the same time. The transformation had to be the best thing that has ever happened to her. With the tests coming to an end Sanya stood up. "Are we done? Can me and cam take our leave yet?" She asked eagerly. All Sanya wanted to do now was spend some time with the one she loved and find this place that was on the front of her mind.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya let them get the tests, the generational data showing from Camellia's previous testing to her new one while she was observing it and waved her hand. "Yes yes you may, go and enjoy yourself. Once I have need of either of you I shall send for you." She didn't turn her head while the data was being loaded into her wrist pad while she observed the transforming ones. "This is getting perfect more and more." They would still need to test them, still need to get the croa into their own sections and ways to do different things. She would have to let them loose one a world to see how the newest mutation of the virus.

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