Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I gave a brief shot at getting back into RPing on this board a few years ago after having RP'd for several years back in the EZBoard days. It didn't work out then, but I'd like to give it another go.

Is it feasible for me to use the same character, given that I never developed her beyond a few posts? I'm planning to tweak her bio accordingly (basically deleting a paragraph or two) to give her a fresh start.

Also, I looked briefly at the Timeline thread, but am still slightly uncertain of whether there's an overall storyline/plot setting that I need to be aware of to ensure I'm keeping in step with the galaxy at large.
Welcome back!

Use that same character and give her those tweaks. We'd love to see her!

Here's what I found on the timeline. I'd say don't worry about the timeline too much when making your character, just make the one you want. It's kind of like a puzzle piece if it doesn't quite fit, we'll make it fit.

Yeah, I'm doing puzzles wrong.

Let us know when your characters up.

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