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  • Intent: To create similar things which the Sith alchemy is, just in Valkyrja and Children of Ashla version.
  • Image Source: Old Norse Symbol | Headers, divider: me
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Sith Alchemy

  • Name: Gullgerðarlistinni | Force Alchemy
  • Manufacturer: Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild | Valkyrja || Faber Ferrarius Auream | Children of Ashla
  • Affiliation: HPI Consortium | Valkyrja | Children of Ashla | Selected Customers
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Gullgerðarlistinni | Force Alchemy
  • Modularity: Extraordinary
    • Essentially, "simple" alchemy, for which Force is used, that is, they create something different from different materials, make another species from one species, or just reinforce objects with it, or add to them abilities, resistance/resilience. In fact, anything that can be accomplished with science and Force together can be created with it.
  • Production: up to Mass-Produced | Please check the Restricted materials's Force Alchemy section.
  • Material: Force Energies | Science, metallurgy etc. knowledge and experience.

  • First, it is important to note that this is not just a Force skill/ability, but a science for which the Force is used. It is a set of different scientific disciplines (mainly biological, chemical, physical, paired with metallurgy, sculpture, handicrafts, etc.), where the creation of different life forms and objects are created by scientific alchemy and Force.
  • All that the Valkyrja have varied from Sith Alchemy with this method is that they have successfully solved they don't need a Dark Side for this Force Alchemy, but to create new things, objects, life with Neutral Force, or just Light Side Force. and mix this Neutral or Light Side Force with the scientific basis and technology.
  • Everything that can be accomplished with Sith Alchemy, just as mentioned above, can be achieved with this method just with Neutral, or Light Side Force. Thus, it is possible to create not evil objects, artefacts, or an inverted, twisted, squeezed life, but good things and pure living beings.
  • Since this is traditional alchemy with the Force, it can be used for essentially anything, new materials can be created, stronger and unique weapons, armour, artefacts with powers; new species, and so on. In fact, the possibilities are endless and only the ability and scientific background of the User Force can stop Force User from creating new things.
  • The auras of the objects and artefacts created by this method is not a Dark Side aura in the Force, but a Neutral or Light side aura. For things created with the Dark Side, Sith Alchemy is more effective than this, because that is created for the Dark Side powers and abilities, these methods are not.
  • In the case of living things, it is possible to create a new species, to further develop the existing one, to give them new abilities, to mix it with other species. As can be seen from this, this requires both genetics (chemistry, biology) and Force, it cannot be solved with Force alone.

  • Force Alchemy: This method encompassed any power or technique which used the Force itself to permanently alter an item or living being.
  • Not for Evil: Unlike Sith Alchemy, these methods almost never have Dark Side effects, so they can actually be used by many more people, even for good purposes. However, the Jedi possibly will still not use it, because in their beliefs, this is against the Force's will.
  • Versatile: They can be used to strengthen the resilience of objects, to defend, to attack, to create various abilities, and create or change life, or new species of course. The possibilities are almost endless.

  • Created with Force: The alchemical things (objects, species, etc.) can only be created by a Force user, as Sorcery and Force Using are required to them.
  • Force Nullification: Most of the abilities which the alchemy gives (on objects and not the simple resilience giver) connect to the Force. This is why they weaken or lose their ability under Force nullification or Force suppress, except the simple resilience giver, on which these effects are ineffective. Not to mention that it is not possible to actively use these doctrines and techniques under such effects.
  • Knowledge and Power: Because Alchemy requires larger power in the Force and adequate background knowledge (scientific), one who has to use it must learn and develop a lot. In vain one knows theoretical knowledge but does not have adequate power; or he has no knowledge, only power, they don't have ability to create anything.
  • Noticing: A knowledgeable or stronger (in Force) person can tell you about objects, living beings, that they were made with Force Alchemy. Not to mention that because of the Force, objects are almost always surrounded by an aura, which can be felt in the Force.

Simple alchemy is far from unknown to Valkyrja, as the Estrian material was made with it. However, for a long time they also only knew the Dark Side, i.e. the methods of Sith Alchemy. However, it is well known that because of the horrors of the Sith, a lot of people think that alchemy is only good for creating evil Sith spawns, objects and artefacts that can be used for evil things and that is Force rather than science.

But this is not true, precisely because there are very few really good alchemists, because it requires a lot of scientific and / or metallurgy background knowledge and expertise, depending on which field of alchemy one wants to work and create.

The basic knowledge and doctrine already existed, and the members of the Valkyrja and the Children of Ashla wanted to perfect and modify the knowledge and science that already existed, so that it could not only be done with the Dark Side Force. Their goal was to create objects and species with adequate efficiency with Neutral or Light Side Force. As knowledge was known, it just had to be perfected.

That’s why they were quickly resolved to be able to combine the technologies with Neutral and Light Side instead of Dark Side Force. Once again, this is not Force ability, but scientific methods that require vast background knowledge, the Force is just an adjunct to almost elevate traditional alchemy even more masterfully. And the members of the Valkyrja and Children of Ashla are happy that someone is not trying to create objects or life by Sith methods, but is much friendlier

And because of this, their technology or the Valkyrja's alchemy service are also available to individual buyers through the HPI Consortium's marketplace.

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