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Gungan Paradise Found

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
Even though IGR was only partially owned by the Mandalorian Clans, Ugohr had no choice but to listen to the request made by the Azure government. Surprisingly, Azure could claim to have a government even though there was just one resident officially. For as long as Ugohr knew about Azure, there was no settlement whatsoever on the planet that actually held any inhabitants on it. But he received a letter from the minority stockholder, that is, the Azure government, because Cathul has formally transferred her equity on IGR, which is now worth a lot more than the 5 million she initially invested in it, to the Azure government. He read the letter sent by the Mandalorian governor who is busy rebuilding Azure but all that she managed to do was to rebuild the spaceport. it was large enough for two squadrons of starfighters but she decided against having any starfighter delivered there for the time being. But he was still stuck on Chandrila... he couldn't go in person on Azure just yet.


To: Ugohr Poof
From: [member="Cathul Thuku"]
CC: [member="Marcus Lok"]
Subject: Reconstruction of Azure

General Poof, you're the only one I trust to help rebuild the infrastructure and the colony on Azure. Due to the abundance of undeveloped waterfront property on Azure, it is ideal for those from aquatic species wishing to build a location in peace and quiet. Also because Azure has only one inhabitant at this stage, since I rediscovered Azure for the Mandalorian Clans, by Mandalorian law I am the de facto governor of Azure. It's because the reconstruction efforts were getting started on Azure that I couldn't do anything on Kashyyyk, unlike so many in Clan Lok. Although it pains to tell that to a Jedi, its position as a rogue planet is ideal for those scoundrels willing to build underwater hideouts for themselves.

Her Grace Cathul Thuku
Acting governor of Azure


[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
Cathul already had an idea in mind to re-populate Azure, a planet that has been abandoned for far too long. She knew what a city that was worthy of being called a planetary capital needed to possess to function, knowing the spaceport was already in place, and able to help out spacers in distress: a fire station, a police station, a school that can cover all the way through mandatory schooling, a city hall, a market, as well as a medical facility. That was going to be ex-pen-sive, especially since the whole schtick also included plans for using Azure's oceans to supply the Mandalorian Clans with seafood, so a fishery transformation plant is probably going to be necessary, and also a beskar'gam smith, a library, a gunsmith, a bank branch, as well as some services she thinks a planetary capital cannot do without, but she had a plan for her successor as governor of Azure to build according to, because she did not harbor much of a hope that she would be confirmed in office as governor of Azure:


To: [member="Gray Raxis], [member="Stardust Raxis"], [member="Marcus Lok"], [member="Ugohr Poof"]
From: [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Subject: Master plan for Azure

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a master plan for Azure. In the first budget as governor of Azure, I am outlining the master plan I have for this planet, that I envision being able to provide seafood for the Mandalorian Clans in quantities sufficient to make for off-world export, since a preliminary survey detected no other exploitable resources on the planet. Here is the list of what I feel is a good start to get the wheels turning on the recolonization of Azure:
  • A bank branch
  • Adequate educational infrastructure
  • A police station
  • A fire station
  • Adequate water sewage (includes a desalinization plant)
  • A fishery processing plant
  • A medical center
  • A city hall
  • A beskar'gam smith as well as a gunsmith
  • Adequate housing to host roughly 20-30k people
  • A marketplace
  • A public library (possibly grouped together with the city hall)
Unfortunately I have come to the realization that implementing the plan in its entirety will require much more landmass than is currently available on Azure and I announce that the government of Azure issues bonds for the value of 50 million credits, at 6% interest. If you have any suggestions of corporations capable of doing land reclamation to make so as to solicit bids from them when the time comes to make land reclamation, it would be well-appreciated.

Her Grace Cathul Thuku
Acting governor of Azure


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