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Public Ham on Ice

Somewhere Within the Forbidden Levels

The creds were good; the job simple.

Sometime during the reign of the Old Republic, several millennia ago, the highest echelons of a wavering government sanctioned a clandestine operation deep within the bowels of its dominion. The Forbidden Levels of Coruscant provided security and secrecy in abundance. They provided an ease of access and collaboration, right in the Republic's heart, unmatched anywhere else in the galaxy. However, a card so tightly held is a card so easily crumpled. The downfall of the Old Republic, and the bureaucratic disaster that followed, ensured that the knowledge of the facility's function and, indeed, its location, was scattered amongst the stars; disseminating into obscurity. Decaying. A secret sundered into random data and elusive clues.

It would take thousands of years until the enigmatic evidence of its loss coalesced into the glint of its rediscovery.

"And what exactly are we lookin' for?"

Hamish was borderline dismissive; his question was issued alongside a half-shrug emphasising 'exactly'. His voice carried beyond his helmet's filter and fought the roaring descent of an elevator, older than many civilizations, for attention. Before him stood an elegant Chiss woman dressed in business attire and wearing a wry smile. Her long, dark, hair blustered in the roar as calculating red eyes regarded him for a moment. Then she turned away, delicate hands clasped smartly behind her back. Elaren, an illusive shadow broker, hacker, and intellectual in her own right, returned a shrug of her own.

"I will know when I find it."

Elaren's tone was similarly dismissive.

They descended through cascading lights of blue, then yellow, then orange, gradually dimming, mutedly bouncing off the plates of Hamish's armour and flashing across his helmet's visor like a fading meteor shower.

"We're nearin' the bottom,"
he stated, flatly.
"Be prepared," Elaren cautioned, "As far as I am told, this place was built to last; security and all."

Hamish scoffed.

"I got the same brief as you," He said, and ported his blaster rifle across his chest. "Y'scared?"

There was the slightest hint of a quiver in her voice. Perhaps it was the wind. Perhaps it's what Hamish wanted to hear. Either way, the elevator's ancient gears screeched to a standstill with a small lightshow of sparks and they had arrived. The bottom of the ecumenopolis; the foundations of Republics, old and new. The roar of the elevator subsided in an instant, replaced by the dull hum of an entire civilisation above them.

"Ding," Hamish chirped.

Elaren turned to face him, still wearing that wry smile.

The Facility


It was the last thing he remembered and the first thing he thought. Wrenched from a decades-long slumber, surrounded by hissing gas, Hamish fell out from a rudimentary stasis chamber and onto his knees with a clatter. Clumsy hands wrestled his helmet from his head. He gulped down stale air before retching it back out again. Crimson emergency lights, pulsating, illuminated his re-enactment of a newborn's first moments as Hamish struggled to calm and steady himself. The room was lined with similar chambers on either side, with the rhythmic beeping of a central console juxtaposing his random gagging and ragged breathing.

How did he end up here? How long had he been out?

Who put him here?

That wry smile.

It was supposed to be a simple job.

(Feel free to join in as someone or something stumbling across Hamish -- perhaps you woke him? Either way, planning to explore the facility and find some sort of treasure. :))
The Facility

“I'm glad I spent the creds on this.” I said to myself as I adjusted the breath mask and goggles on my face and made sure the hood of my robes was pulled forward to keep whatever liquid that was dripping from some unseen height of my head.

I never thought that I would be this far down in the underbelly of the capital. I had heard some rumors about some kind of facility that was abandoned sometime during the Old Republic. Hopefully there was something to salvage there, otherwise this would be a wasted trip. The descent down was decently fast until I got to the double digit levels. It took me three days to get from lever100 to the facility.

I made my way through various partially lit corridors, labs, and living spaces with my blaster out. I didn't want to turn on my lightsaber yet the sound and light might attract some sort of beastie. Not really finding much of anything of interest, I eventually came upon a locked door with the words stasis research above the door.. The control panel to the right of the door was dark, I pushed a few buttons to see if it was just the indicator lights that were out. No such luck. I activated my lightsaber, the distinct snap hiss echoed back down the corridor and the area was bathed in a sliver light. I plunged the blade into where I thought the locking mechanism was. Slowly I moved the blade up and was rewarded with a soft clunk as the lock separated inside the wall,I withdrew my lightsaber and deactivated and returned the weapon to my belt. Concentrating I held out my hand and exerted myself throughout the force and slowly the door opened with an ear piercing grinding. The room beyond was dimly light and filled with unpowered stasis chambers. As I explored the room I found an active one, to my surprise. When I looked into the pod I saw a humanoid in armor, couldn't tell species or gender with the helmet on. I looked over to the screen on the side of the pod and began to go through the pods internal data bank. I was shocked to find that the pod had only been active for about 40 years. That meant either this person put themselves in the pod or someone else did.

I checked the condition of the occupant and with nothing glaringly wrong, I started the process to bring them out of status. It took a few minutes, then finally with a hiss and pulsing of red emergency lights the pod opened and the occupant fell out onto their knees and pulled their helmet off with ragged breaths. Taking a few steps back to give this person, who I assume was a man from what I could tell. I pulled a med kit out of my messenger bag with my left hand and held the hilt of my lightsaber in my right. Are you alright? Do you need any medical attention?” I said and waited for a response or signs that he was not getting better.

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