Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Hapes Charity Gala [Jedi and allies]



Queen Kha'la Daaray
warmly invites you
to a special charity event
hosted in the Grand Hall
of her residence,
the Castle of Per'Agthra
(Fountain Palace).

The event will host live music for a donation entry ball, and an auction of a few items of the Queen's private art collection.

All proceeds are to go to Rebuild Enarc Fund. The Queen was moved with compassion upon witnessing the horrid attack taken out by the terrorist group known as The New Way. Hapes stands with the innocent and with those who desire to bring about progress by lawful means and open dialogue.

What there is to do:


An invite only donation-for-entry event of the upper class and elite. Jedi would be included as a statement against the anti-Force sentiments of not only The New Way, but also traditional Hapans.

The Hapes Philharmonic Orchestra has sent a contingent of their finest musicians to play a selection of the greatest classical dance pieces from Hapan history. Later in the evening, Duke Snithers and Friends will entertain with their Quenk jazz and Glimmik dance pieces.


High-rollers, collectors and plus ones, make your way to the invite only auction in the Grand Dining Hall. Hosted by celebrity Auctioneer, Fauls Carat, a rare chance to purchase some of the famed royal art collection will excite bidders and on-lookers alike. There has even been some promise of ancient Hapan weapons being included in the lot, but what they are has yet to be revealed.


The Queen's Head of Security has extended an invitation to the less dance inclined Jedi to join the security detail for the event. Given the nature of the stance her majesty is taking, we are expecting problems, though no flags have been raised as yet. Vigilance is the order of the day. Mild mingling with the party goers is essential, though fraternization should be kept professional, and brief at all times.


The perimeter. Check.

Parking attendants vetted. Check.

Wait staff vetted. Check.

Brandyn was running through a long list of requirements for the event. This was his first big event on the Queen's security detail, and the event itself was his idea he had promoted to the Queen. A lot was riding on its success.

Since arriving back on Hapes, he had been endlessly distracted with preparations, taking spare moments to hide away with Cybelle and talk about the case they were working together. It was funny how he still felt like he needed an excuse to see her. Old habits and the looming disapproval of his father no doubt had much to say about that.

Ah, his father. They had not said much to each other since the family had migrated to Hapes. He had said even less since coming home with Cybelle. It wasn't that Brandyn was scared of his father. He was more scared for Cybelle. Tonight was possibly the first time that his father and his...girl...friend...would meet after many long years of hurt.

He was reminded that he really needed to clarify their status as a couple. How was he to introduce her? My Cybelle?

My Cybelle. He thought with a whimsy unacceptable for the moment.

Snapping back to the moment, he glanced about from the base of the stairs that lead up to the Queen's quarters. She was likely ready, but just waiting for the right moment to wow the crowds. Very royal of her.

"Sector 7 you missed your check in. Everything ok, Aiden?" He called out to his friend over comms.

The grand entrance of the palace was ancient in its construction but modern it's decor, accents of Hapan technological advancements insured no one mistook this for a barbarians keep. The room had now a steady flow of dignitaries, mostly lower level politicians and extended members of the royal family, but the bigger names were starting to show. The ball room was starting to buzz with music and the meeting hall was preparing for the auction.

He offered the occasional nod and smile to those that deemed him noteworthy, it wasn't many. It seemed the traditional slim fitted green of the Hapan Royal Guard uniform set him in a class of ignored people. He was alright with that. It meant he could watch people with greater freedom.

[ Open tag | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte ]​


Castle of Per'Agthra
Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , open...


Another Gala. Historically, Jasper had terrible luck with them. Fancy parties with high profile guests was really the last thing he should be at, especially after the scene he had unintentionally helped cause in the last one. But the Hapes had made it clear that this was an event that the Jedi were invited to. As one of the remaining advanced students, as some moved on, were knighted, or wound up behind bars for three years ( Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri :^) ), he felt sort of responsible to come and represent the older padawans. There was no way in hell he was doing it alone, so he sent a message to Marissa. They had actually hit it off back on Denon, which had completely taken him by surprise given his relative social awkwardness. He also knew that she had wanted to see more of the galaxy. This seemed like either a great or terrible idea, but Jasper followed through regardless, sending a message along the lines of...

<< Hey, got invited to some fancy party or whatever. It's... not really my scene. I mean, I'm just some engineer junky who lives in a freighter. B-but I kinda feel like I need to be there to represent my peers, y'know? I have an invite I'm able to extend, so I figured maybe you may wanna go with me? Yeah... yeah. I'd appreciate if you did, but it's up to you. Some moral support would be nice. >>

To his shock, Shoda actually agreed. At first, he was actually kind of excited. Jasper took the time to remove the sleeve of his black suit that he had worn at the Temple Gala so that he could use it with his prosthetic arm. As everything that he was doing started to dawn on him, however, the anxiety began to kick in. This was far larger in scale then the Temple Gala. That wasn't even mentioning the fact that everything he said about being an engineer junky that lived in a freighter was completely true.

But he had to make it work.

This had to be the single fanciest place he had ever been. As he made his way up with Marissa in toe, everything inside him began to turn.

"So..." Jasper began, speaking to her in a hushed tone. "I-I think I'm starting to have some regrets."

Unfortunately, it seemed too late to turn back now. His curiosity was far too much of a draw.


Wearing: xoxo

As a royal presenting oneself at such an esteemed gathering as this had its perks. The mysterious Sith Lordess may have been many things, but she knew that by donating for entry into this event and partaking in it that she was making a political statement against The New Way. Everyone within her inner circle had already known privately that her thoughts were not favorable toward it. And now her public appearance would leave no doubts about her opinion on the topic. And Velda was more than happy with that.

The donation from Velda had been quite bountiful. For Velda, it wasn't just a donation for entry into the ball. It was a statement of solidarity as much as it was a statement against the movement. Privately it was not just about the Jedi, but about their misguided hostility toward The Sith, and for that, to Velda, The New Way deserved to be destroyed. Even though publicly her word choice would be more politically attuned toward the more social norm and more acceptable.

The ball gown that she wore had been custom-made for the young Corellian royal. Made of some of the finest fabrics in the galaxy. A ball gown that had cascaded around her in elegance as she made her entrance with an air of regality. The Sith Lordess also knew she would be surrounded by Jedi this evening. And Everything about Velda was on point as far as appearance and demeanor tonight. She ever bit the royal and The Countess as the given title she was known for. Being of royal blood herself.

Upon entering, she was surrounded by dignitaries, royals, politicians, artists, and celebrities. All of which were invited. Some faces she recognized other faces were of complete strangers.

It was then after she made her entrance that she was greeted by a politician from Coruscant. He was an elder fellow perhaps in is late-40's, complete with the ever-familiar Coruscanti accent. She took in his greeting while she kept her use of Force Clouding up, which kept her alignment to the dark side shrouded and hidden.

"Countess Nar-Donna, a pleasure, we are honored by your presence. I am sure that the Jedi are quite happy to know of your support in these troubling times."

That had brought a smile to Velda's face, she just couldn't help it. With the irony of it all any overture of support for the Jedi. Were merely a part of the facade, and yet she played along.

"Well, of course, I do hope the court of public opinion sways more in favor of their order. We can't win the hearts and minds of everyone in the galaxy of course, but it would be a step in a more…pleasant direction."

Oh, Shiraya... what a bitter pill to swallow saying that, but it needed to be said. The view of her brown eyes breezed across the room when she spotted Brandyn standing at the base of what she assumed was the staircase for The Queen. The moment Velda spotted him the air had that familiar feeling of being electric. The last time she felt it, was with him in Corellia.

She bit her lower lip briefly while she turned back to her company and conversation. She had a feeling they would speak soon, but perhaps not at this moment. Seeing as he seemed to be waiting on The Queen. She was after all...respecting his duties.

Something for Velda that did not happen all that often.

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A Star Wars Story


Location: Hapes Charity Gala; Castle of Per'Agthra
Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Objective #3: Security detail
Soundtrack: Haiku


"I feel... silly," Cailen said through the door.

He had never been to a fancy party before, let alone a... what was the word? A gala? The Padawan wasn't sure how to handle himself, or the guests, or anything, really. But Queen Kha'la Daaray expressly invited the Jedi to be in attendance. Cailen opted to join the small in-house security team for the evening to help keep an eye on things and ensure the guests were safe. His partner for the night, Padawan Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , stood patiently on the other side of the door, awaiting him to emerge from the dressing room.

He gave his outfit one final look over in the mirror, adjusted his tie for the hundredth time, and stepped out into the chamber. He was going to ask Cora how he looked, if he was wearing the tie correctly or if he had any hairs sticking out of place, but he was at a loss for words.

"Wow..." he said, taking in the elegant gown Cora had chosen.

"You look stunning!"


Later that evening...

The gala was like nothing Cailen had ever seen before. Dozens, maybe even hundreds of people were exploring the palace proper. Nobles of all species had come to the event in hopes of taking home one of the Queen's prized artworks in the auction, and many more were there to hear the orchestra perform a series of Hapan musical pieces. His head began to spin, so he turned to his partner for some respite.

"Hey, Cora?" he said. "Have you ever been to one of these before? A gala?"




Location: Ballroom
Outfit: Dress
Tags: Open to interaction

Receiving an invitation to some gala that was happening on Hapan seemed too good an offer to refuse. She was half convinced that it was some form of scam or that it was a mistake and someone else was meant to receive the invite but apparently there was the invitation, clear as day and it was given to many Jedi because of some new anti-Force organisation. Dreidi was curious about who these people were and the more she read, the more concerned she got, they were very extreme in their views but they weren't entirely wrong with their concerns either. Jedi and Sith were always seen as two sides of the same coin, there had been times where non-Jedi folk would mistake Jedi for being Sith or the other way around because there wasn't always a clear way of knowing who was who.

The only hope they could have is that relations between Jedi and non-Force Users could be regained, which meant mutual respect and trust, as well as some hard work. If that meant she went to this gala, best behaviour and tried to show that she respected non-Force Users as much as Jedi then she would.

Arriving at the ballroom, Dreidi felt very out of place, her family had never been poor and she had been to a couple pleasant, fancy parties that the CIS and Ascendancy held but this felt different. This felt very elite and Dreidi was far from elite. Though her outfit was the best she could do with the credits she had, her hair decoratively tied up in a bun with a large needle holding it in place. Thick eyeliner and pale lipstick as she tried her best to walk around in the large heels. "Definitely wish I could have been a part of the live music now..." Dreidi muttered to herself with a small chuckle as she walked around the ballroom to see who was about and what they were getting up to.

She had messaged Aiden Porte Aiden Porte to make sure that he knew she thought he was boring to take a security job at a party for Jedi. She had also spotted Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren working security and made sure he knew that she thought he was boring for not joining her in the ballroom for some fun. Dreidi was curious to see if Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren would be here since Brandyn was or if this was just a way for Brandyn to make some money. Quickly picking up a flute of wine as a server past, Dreidi sipped as she looked around once again.

TAGS: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | OPEN
It was a hurricane of reactions and emotions when Cricket received Jasper's invitation for a "fancy party" as he put it. Ceremonies and corporate parties wasn't an oddity to her, she had to attend a few of those in her time. But those were drastically different. Protocol, uniforms, restrictions on behaviour, those made it much easier to work with.

This was entirely different.

She spent far longer in front of her closet than she should have in hopes of figuring out what to wear. She didn't own a dress and she wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress, but her ceremonial uniform was also not a good fit for this. She had half a mind to arrive with jeans and a tank top just to press the buttons of the posh oligarchy hosting the whole thing, as is the tradition for anyone with her background, but that would most certainly get Jasper into trouble. So she decided on a simple outfit.

Suit with a buttoned up shirt. Formal, comfortable and good enough. She naturally skipped on the heels for the sake of sparing herself an embarrassing fall, but overall she was rather impressed by her choice. She could get used to it.

Then there was the trip over to Hapes. It was her first time in a long while off-world... and it was the furthest she had ever been from Denon. Partially the reason why she agreed to tag along, a chance to see a bit more of the galaxy. What she wasn't expecting was literal trees and water all over the planet. It was a chore to pry her face away from the window of the transport as they entered the atmosphere and flew over the vast expanse of serene beauty. It was even more of a chore to not keep bothering Jasper about it all.


"I-I think I'm starting to have some regrets."

"I'm still trying to figure out what the maintenance cost and bills would be on a place like this." She remarked as she looked around in awe. She was equally nervous as she stood next to Jasper, trying to process the shock on her system. "And by the way, we're gonna go explore that forest outside once this is over." She remarked as she looked up to him. He looked pretty damn good in a suit. "You clean up real nice, by the way. You know that?" She quipped as she tugged at his jacket.

Walking around the place, Marissa felt incredibly exposed. As if everyone was looking at her. Her hand subconsciously moved up to grasp her throat for a moment as she glued herself to Jasper. "Feeling like we got a spotlight on us. I should have brought a scarf or something, my neck's wide open here." She muttered softly as she looked around. "Do I look like a soldier or something? I'm seeing a lot of makeup and dresses and I ain't good with either." She rambled on as her hand tugged at where the familiar weight of where her service piece would usually be. At least she brought her badge along, just in case.

"I don't see any other Jedi around here. You know anyone?" She asked him as she looked around.



This was a rare even for her. To mix and mingle with the rich. In truth Iris hated the idea. Living on the other side, seeing how often the rich and lucky would step on those less fortunate than them. Maybe that was just the viewpoint she got in her time on Denon. Maybe. Glancing around at the various faces all gathering for the auction, it didn't really change her mind. The colors were the same, here or on Denon.

Lives free of struggle.

She let out a sigh as she took her own seat, smoothed out her dress. Relaxed, as she readied up. Time to spend some of her own cash, maybe make some connections in the rich. Maybe make some connections with Corpos. There was no doubt some of them would show up.



Outfit: Dress | Commission with it
Tag: Aldric Laurent | Open

"Remember the last time we danced dressed up like this?" Valery asked Aldric with a grin as they entered the large and beautifully decorated hall. It was honestly impossible to forget their last time dancing, as that evening and night on Nar Shaddaa brought them so close together, even if it had originally just been an undercover mission to infiltrate a criminal-run casino. There had been a lot of tension building up to that moment, but when he dipped her and she searched for their first kiss, she just felt something special.

Something she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Let's get some drinks first, though, and see who else showed up." She gently took his hand, interlaced fingers, and walked over towards the long tables at the side, where they could choose from a varied selection of wines and other drinks. Some were non-alcoholic as well, but she felt like a glass of red wine was appropriate for this evening. Tonight they were here to show support and be a symbol, but it was also a chance for them to focus on each other, and not be worried too much about the war and stress in their lives.

With him, she could forget about everything for just a night.

"Oh uh, I forgot to bring this up earlier, but have you heard about Dantooine?" Valery asked once they had their glasses. She felt a little bad for bringing up what could be considered 'work' but this was different. "Might give us a chance to go there sometime..." she said, her voice trailing off while she watched him with a curious expression.


Lower Levels. Check

Main Hall. Check

Foyer. Check

"I'm forgetting something...." Aiden muttered under his breath as he his hand rubbed his chin slightly, glancing around for a brief moment.

"Sector 7 you missed your check in. Everything ok, Aiden?"

"Ah...." AIden mused slightly and he could help but chuckle. "That's it."

"Apologies Brandyn"
Aiden spoke over his comlink. "Everything is code four"(Good)

The Jedi Padawan conducted his round, hands behind his back trying to be as professional as possible. While situations like these he always felt a bit out of place, this was a lot easier to be around than a club. Aiden had great manners and was incredibly kind to those he came across. He had hoped that he wasn't too overdressed for this event. When he did his research when it came to Hapan customs and such, they were incredibly proper and they had a unique beauty to them all. Especially in things they had constructed.

He reached for his datapad that was clipped to his side as he received a message from Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Aiden couldn't help but laugh aloud as he read her message. She was indeed something else, incredibly outgoing and seemingly without fear. It was incredibly attractive, alas Aiden couldn't afford to be distracted by anything. He sent her a message back. He snickered a bit at least about the first part anyway.

"Your face is boring......" Aiden mouthed as he typed the words into the datapad and sent the message. Then a few moments later he sent another one. "Haha, just kidding. You look beautiful, have a good time tonight!"

Aiden let out a small happy sigh, he couldn't imagine being anywhere else right now. This was his life now, all the people he had met thus far. The adventure was only beginning.

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren


Castle of Per'Agthra
Tags: Marissa Shoda Marissa Shoda , open...


"I'm still trying to figure out what the maintenance cost and bills would be on a place like this."

"I'd bet I could sell my ship a thousand times and the lights wouldn't even be on for a week," Jasper theorized. When Marissa mentioned exploring when they were done here, a smile spread across his face. "Absolutely," he nodded.

Jasper became slightly red when she mentioned that he looked good in a suit. He didn't think so, but as long as it was getting compliments coming from Marissa, Jasper really didn't care what he looked like. Of course, he also though she looked way better than he did in a suit. When she began to worry about the suit or the scar on her throat, he gave her a reassuring smile.

"You look great," he told her. "Don't worry about drawing eyes," he paused for a moment, lifting his mechanical arm up ever so slightly. "They'll probably notice me first."

"I don't see any other Jedi around here. You know anyone?"

"Let's see," Jasper frowned, scanning the room. Who else did he know... "There are a few Jedi that signed on as security detail... oh, over there is Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic ," he paused to discretely gesture in the direction of the witch. "She's a padawan like me. I met her on a mission a few weeks back. Uh, who else..." then, Jasper caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of fiery eyes, which immediately put him at ease. "That woman over their with the amber eyes is Valery Noble Valery Noble . She's a member of the Jedi council and a complete bad ass. She actually gave me advice the first time I went to a Gala. That one was a small one at the Jedi temple though... nothing like this."

Master Noble was here with Aldric Laurent. He had seen more of the SIA agent, especially at Dorin, but he hadn't really got the chance to interact with him. Still, he didn't want to interrupt the moment they were having right now. Maybe they could speak with them later. If Master Noble did look over, he would at least give her a wave.

"Well," Jasper continued, "You wanna grab a drink?"


Alicio Organa Alicio Organa - Open

Not too long ago, Amani would have felt much more out of place at a gala like this. She wouldn't go so far as to consider it normal yet, but having now run the gauntlet of Alderaanian high society, her confidence had been boosted. Here there weren't quite as many expectations to be met, or connections to be forged. She could simply enjoy the evening's events as intended, hand in hand with Alicio Organa.

"Big place," Amani mused nonchalantly, giving the castle interior a wide sweep of her gaze. A lot of people: some familiar, many not. "Anything strike your fancy first, Senator?" The mirialan turned to Alicio, double checking his outfit for any stray wrinkles or snags, as she so often had a habit of doing.
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Anniser Dannstac



Location: Hapes | Castle of Per'Agthra | Ballroom
Wearing: Dress
Tag: Open

It had been quite some time since Anniser had returned to the Hapes Cluster. She had been born and raised by the ruling family on the planet Jodaka. Her older cousin now sat as the High Lady of Jodaka. The family thought that Anniser would be a great value to them when they sent her to Hapes to serve in the Queen Mother’s court, but that had been short lived. A modeling agent from Coruscant visited the court and recruited Anniser. She yearned to see more of the galaxy than just the Cluster and so she became a model first and then an actress. She was now known throughout the Galactic Alliance and beyond as Kandra Starflare.

There had been several publicity trips in advance of her holo-movies that took her into the Cluster, but this was the first time that she had made an appearance as Anniser Dannstac, Lady of Jodaka. It was harder than she thought it was going to be. A part of Anniser’s mind drifted to how hard it would be to leave if she made a visit home before returning to Coruscant.

The entry fee was easily paid by Anniser and she donned a not overly fancy, but certainly not casual black dress and made sure that her entrance was not nearly as dramatic as one that Kandra Starflare made to a show biz party on Coruscant. Her goal was not to be noticed for her chosen profession tonight. She just wanted to be present to show her support for her people, even though many had accused her of abandoning them.

Anniser was also a large fan of the Jedi. Her often co-star and frenemy Maxir Vancil said he might make an appearance. That was the reason that Anniser decided not to be full Kandra Starflare for the occasion. Maxir’s fame and recent ascension to Jedi Padawan would be a better draw for the night than Kandra Starflare, the local noble who abandoned her position at court. Anniser wondered if Maxir would bring his Master Amanda braska with him. She seemed like the type that would enjoy a good gala.

Of course the first stop for Anniser was to find a waiter with sparkling wine. As she carefully sipped the bubbly drink she took a lap around the party. Since it was Hapes she was on the lookout for a local product to demand take her for a spin around the dancefloor. Maybe then she could gain the attention of something of the visiting attendees and start a worthwhile conversation.


Security Detail with Cailen Corso Cailen Corso

Cora beamed at the compliment.

"Thank you, Cailen. That's very kind of you to say."

Getting used to the spartan life of a Jedi had taken some adjusting for the daughter of a Viscount. Here, however, she would be in her element. Even if she'd been assigned to security detail, the diplomatic blonde had managed to persuade the event organizers that blending in would allow the job to be performed inconspicuously. After all, anyone intent on ruining the festivities would steer clear of uniformed guards.

Also, it allowed her the excuse to have her favorite royal blue ball gown delivered from Ukatis.

"You look wonderful as well. Here, let me adjust your cuffs." Fussing with fabric of his sleeves, she secured them in place with a pair of navy cuff links. Once finished, she stepped away and gave him a once-over.

"There! Don't you look smart."

Hands coming to rest on her hips, she gave Cailen an encouraging smile.

"Worry not, you'll blend in wonderfully."


Cora had been gazing at a pair of dignitaries who were so bedecked in furs and jewelry that they appeared liable to topple over at a slight breeze. Despite their gaudy taste, she so longed to be laugh charmingly along with them, martini glass in hand.

"Ah. Oh, yes. I've been to many such events." Snapped from her reprieve, her focus turned to Cailen. "On my homeworld of Ukatis, we held a gala every summer to commemorate the toppling of an unjust monarch. Then there's the winter fete, and the spring soirée…and plenty of smaller festivities in between." Staring into her own thoughts, she counted on her fingers.

"How are you faring so far, Cai? Events like these can put strain on the senses."

The noise, the lights, the heat—it could all be overwhelming.
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Amani Serys Amani Serys - Open

Much like the woman he held hands with, Alicio had been afraid of gatherings like this, once upon a time.

But now, with Amani at his side, he could scarcely remember why.

Dressed in flowing blacks, Alicio glanced around the area, soft face taking in the spectacle of the ballroom, lingering on each guest. The scenery reminded him of Alderaan, complete with smiling, ostentatiously-dressed nobility, servants taking donations, and graceful dancers swaying to classical music.

"Anything strike your fancy first, Senator?"

Alicio smiled wryly at Amani as she fiddled with his collar, straightening out any wrinkles. "Not particularly, Knight Serys," he said, returning the formality with a chuckle, and resting his hands on her hips for a moment. "Eventually, we'll have to show these people our wicked dance moves, but I was hoping to speak to some senators before that."

His mood chilled slightly, before he forcibly warmed it again. Politics.

He glanced around again, noticing the seated form of Iris Arani Iris Arani and offering her the smallest of waves across the room, if he managed to catch her eye. "But I don't see any... Wait." Alicio spied Valery Noble Valery Noble with an attractive-looking Aldric Laurent at the drink tables. He looked to Amani, leaning into her ear conspiratorily. "Who is that? With Val?"


A Star Wars Story


Location: Hapes Charity Gala; Castle of Per'Agthra
Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania
Objective #3: Security detail
Soundtrack: Haiku



Fetes? Soirées? Cailen smiled nervously at his partner, pretending to know the difference between whatever those two festivities were. He suddenly realized just how much he would have to study if he wanted to avoid looking like a bumpkin.

Growing up on Ukatis sounded so different than his own upbringing on Anaxes. They had celebrations too, sure, but they were just... parties. Birthdays, mostly. One time, Cailen's father brought him along to a retirement celebration for one of the supervisors at the shipyard.

Never to a celebration such as this.

"How are you faring so far, Cai? Events like these can put strain on the senses."

He exhaled through his nose, trying to find the words.

"It's... quite a lot," he said as he glanced around at the nobility. "I'm doing fine, though. Just watching."

He gave the ballroom a careful scan, fidgeting idly with his gifted cufflinks before his hazel eyes returned to Cora.

"What about you?" he asked before adding, "You seem comfortable here."


Aldric Laurent


Valery Noble Valery Noble - Open
"How could I forget?" Aldric muttered with a smirk, adjusting his tie. It had been the start of a new life path for both of them, one that led them all the way to here. If anything, he was surprised they hadn't found more opportunities like this by now.

But as they both knew, for Aldric there was a clear distinction between playing the part of a socialite, and actually being one. It's not to say he was lacking in confidence, but the dissonance was noticeable all the same. High society wasn't his foray, and many of the faces here were completely unknown to the agent. He was more or less on autopilot as Valery dragged him to a table.

There, he took some time to scan the room, noting one the Jedi ( Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el ), vaguely recognized from the mission on Dorin, waving in their direction. Or more specifically Valery's, he assumed. All the same he returned an awkward wave, "Friend of yours?" He asked her out of the corner of his mouth. Aldric then noted one of the few figures he did recognize: Amani Serys Amani Serys . With her, Alicio Organa Alicio Organa , who he had not met, but recognized as the mirialan's boyfriend and as a senator. He gave them both a flat smile and a nod, "Those two I know are friends of yours."

His continued scanning was putt off as Val mentioned Dantooine, which earned a double take, "No? What about it?"
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Outfit: Dress | Commission with it
Tag: Aldric Laurent | Open

"C'mere," Valery told him after they made their way over to one of the tables and grabbed some drinks. She then turned to him and fixed up his tie before she straightened out his clothing a little more. Not that he really needed it, but it gave her a chance to just stand face-to-face with him alone and talk without people overhearing anything. "You know, it's kind of cute to see you so out of your element," she teased with a smirk. He couldn't forget about Nar Shaddaa, and neither could she, but this was a lot more formal and they were surrounded by a lot of people who at least knew who she was.

It drew more eyes to them in an environment that wasn't really his preferred one to be in. Valery wasn't used to wearing dresses like this around them either, but she had all the confidence she needed to be at ease, and having him close made it far easier.

"Just try to relax and focus on me. That shouldn't be hard for you, hm?" she winked and turned her eyes to the side when she caught Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el waving in her direction. She returned the gesture and smiled his way. "He's a Padawan I've helped on a few occasions, and soon a new Knight, I'm sure. He's a good one." Valery looked back to follow his gaze to another couple within the hall. Her best friend Amani and Mr. Royalty himself.

She caught the way they looked and talked to each other, and just shot a wink their way before looking at Aldric again. "Some uprisings. Small groups of rebels are standing up against the Imperials. It's not much, but maybe a way in for us, and you've helped rebel cells before when it was still the NIO. They could use someone like you for help and advice, and well... I'm not leaving your side." Valery smiled up at him and got lost in his emerald eyes for a moment, as they stood close together and talked. She had zoned everything else out and focused on who mattered the most to her right now.




Wearing: XoXo
Equipment: Lightsaber [ concealed ]
Location: The Castle of Per'Agthra, Hapes
Tag: Aiden Rennek Aiden Rennek , @Open

Briana looked the part that the evening demanded, tucked and pinned into a glittering white shimmersilk gown that hugged her midriff, highlighting the womanly ratio of her curved hips and narrow waist that was often lost beneath the loose layers of her Jedi robes. Diamonds and pearls sat nestled against her swan-like neck and delicately scrolled ears, her honey-brown hair swept into an elaborate updo with loosened curls that framed her angular features.

Tonight she needed to not only be Briana the Jedi, but Briana the Noble woman. Heiress of the Sal-Soren-Ee'everwest family and Jedi Padawan of the Galactic Allaince, standing in solidarity with her fellow Jedi against the prejudice movement that was the New Way - two entirely conflicting roles that left Briana surprised to find that she had a greater preference to the later, rather than the former.

Her sapphire gaze panned out over the gathering of courtiers, socialites, and Jedi that converged on the ballroom floor, many mingling on the sidelines with their fingers wrapped around the finest flutes of golden champagne.

Briana herself had already crossed paths with various courtiers who'd swarmed her like a hive of tittering bees who buzzed about this and that, forcing herself to feign interest as she patiently listened to them blather on about the marvels of the springtime wedding between the Ducha Algrey and the Dukat of Terephon, later inquiring if she'd heard the 'juicy rumors' surrounding the Ducha of Gallinore and the illicit affair, until finally, an opening presented itself that allowed for Briana to politely excuse herself from the mind-numbing conversation.

"You made it," her rouge stained lips broke into a genuine smile, possibly for the first time that evening, "and just in time." she eyed the gaggle of women behind her before intentionally letting her fingers slip and intertwine with Aiden's. "Don't have to head off to the border worlds after all, I take it?"


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[Luric's Soundscape: City Limits]

Gear: Lightsaber [Concealed]
Tags: Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren


The night was young, and the winds whipped through the opened windows of the stunningly hand-crafted speeder, hands covered in soft brown leather piloting gloves. His hair fluttered in the back draft as the speeder thundered up the long, winding road toward the Fountain Palace of Kha'la Daarau, Queen of Hapes. A charity event, his cousin Brandyn's idea, he had been told. High Society, Dining, Dancing, mingling with the influential and powerful, even an auction was to be taking place.

Luric hated these types of events.

He had his entire life. This was something his best friend and cousin, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren absolutely adored. Luric however? He'd sooner be off on some random backwater with his apprentice Artemis, exploring the mysteries of the Force. Yet, here he was, right back in the thick of it all. Some things, no matter how far you run from them, always come creeping back up when you weren't looking. It was the story of his family's history, if one believed all the old tales of the generations gone by. Still, Aunt Alora and Aunt Teyla would have chastised him somehow had he missed this. Uncle Baros? Who knows. As far as Luric was concerned, the man secretly hated him. The whole Jedi training from Aunt Teyla, there was no way he didn't resent him, Luric figured. Still, like a proper Jedi, he never let these thoughts come to the surface in public, nor did he even speak on them in private.


Soon enough, the castle came into view. The speeder slowed down, and he piloted it into a free spot in front of the walkway to the Grand Entrance proper. All manner of guests and staff seemed to be filing out of various transports, airspeeders, limousines, the works. Yet, most eyes seemed to gravitate toward the flashy white and silver speeder, it's supple lines and extravagant trim quite fetching. One of the valets took the time to reach over, and open the pilot's side door, the door itself moving out a few inches before rotating up ninety degrees. Luric stepped out, standing up and buttoning up the fine double-breasted suit jacket once more. He paused a moment, and tugged at each finger of his gloves, removing them both and tossing them into the speeder nonchalantly.

"Take care of her, hmm? One of a kind, and I'd rather not come back to it scratched up like an old astromech droid." he said matter-of-factly. He handed the young valet a small coin purse, a significant amount of credits, to which when the boy checked it's weight, got a huge grin on his face and nodded enthusiastically, a 'Yes, Sir!' as he got into the speeder to park it properly. Adjusting the diamond and obsidian ring he wore on his left hand, he rubbed it idly a moment. It had the crest of the House of Ee'everwest upon it's face, a ring his father before him once owned. As he made his way to the grand entrance, he was stopped by a rather gruff looking security guard. Quirking a brow, he reached inside his jacket, and produced his invitation tot he event.

"Very sorry, Duke Ee'everwest. The Queen will be quite pleased you've decided to attend the Gala, Sir."

"And it would be bad form to brush away an invitation from her Majesty, would it not?"

"Yes, Sir. Please, Sir." the guard said, motioning toward the massive archway.

With that, Luric paid the man not another thought as he made his way forward, walking confidently into the main foyer. As he took stock of all those around him, he noted a few familiar faces, but there was one he'd not seen in years. He'd wondered when he might get the chance, and it seemed the Force smiled upon him early this night. Walking toward the base of the stairway that led to the Queen's chambers, he smiled as he stopped near his cousin, and chuckled lightly.

"Well, I must say, you look good in green, eh, Brandyn?"


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