Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hard Target


Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

While Jax wasn't enthused being back on Alderaan, it did feel refreshing hanging out with Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . For all of his bull-headed stubbornness, he did care of Jax and was determined not to let him fall. He saved him once on Empress Teta and he's doing it again now. The Jedi Master appreciated the fact that his descendant wasn't twisted and evil like Carnifex just really stubborn and blunt. However, being back in Alderaan meant that Jax had to resume his duty as a Watchman which meant he had to take a look at another attack by the Flesh Raiders. There seemed to be no end to these chitheads, last time Jax fought these creatures was when he escorted Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer through the mines to rescue the Queen. It was a harrowing journey that much Jax knew.

The Jedi Master was supposed to meet someone in the gardens. A person who reported the incident insisted in coming with Jax, the last thing Jax needed was damn fool looking to get themself killed. Alderaan must be one boring planet if inexperienced people are willing to put their lives at risk.


Alicio may have been a fool, but at least he was a determined fool.

Standing amongst rows of trampled crops, the Count would appear entirely out of place. Wearing an ornate black coat with silver threads, it was a wonder the slight man wasn't sweating up a storm. Planted into the dirt at his side was a cane, which the Alderaanian rested a stray hand upon. To his other side, a black and silver-plated protocol droid stood still as a statue, continuing some conversation they were having.

"... a detestable waste of time," the Droid stated, in a pomp, matter-of-fact tone. "But it is not too late to cancel this detour. If we hurry, we will make it in time for afternoon tea. I'll even consider pouring it for you."

"Thank you for your imput, Bora."

"I cannot fathom the idiocy of the sorry sap who would want to play nice with marauding savages. It truly does not compute in my circuits."

"Thank you, Bora."

"And my circuits can compute quite a bit. Did you know I am fluent in nearly four-hundred-thousands forms of communication?"

"I did know that, Bora."

Thankfully, the RA-7 droid's rant was cut short as Alicio spotted the man of the hour. He found a smile, and raised his hand. "Master Thio! Hello!"

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -



Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

As Jax looked around the gardens, he couldn't help but smile seeing the nobles as stuffy and out of touch as they are enjoy themselves. They've been constantly plagued with Flesh Raiders for a while and it was nice to see them breathe for a bit. As much as Jax disliked the nobility of Alderaan (save for a few exceptions), he didn't want them to be captured and sacrificed. Just then, he sensed a familiar presence, a presence that he hasn't felt sense.....

"Alicio," Jax turned to the young man who was speaking with a protocol Droid. Now here was a man whom Jax respected, Alicio and Jax helped put out the fires that were inflicting the poorer areas of Alderaan a few months ago. Alicio Organa was idealistic albeit reckless, Jax had to calm him down a couple of times so he wouldn't rush in.

"It's been a while!" Jax said holding out his organic hand for him to shake. "How are you? How goes University?"

Jax's smile faded a bit as he began to realize that the person who called in the emergency was him. "It better not be you." Jax thought continuing to shake Alicio's hand.


Alicio shook Jax's hand with a smile, blissfully unaware of the thoughts running through the Watchman's head, and impressed that he remembered the Count was studying. "FInished up a few months back. You're looking at a card-carrying diplomat of Alderaan."

Since last they met, Alicio had seen so much in the galaxy. Love and loss, moments both tender and terrible. Whatever his experiences were, they'd dulled his nervous edge somewhat, bringing out a natural confidence that was always there. That being said, he certainly was a bit nervous for today's agenda.

That wouldn't stop him from completing it.

"This is 4B0-RA-7," the noble said, gesturing to the droid, an unreadable expression on his face. "Bora. He was a... very generous gift from another noble house." His tone may have suggested otherwise.

"I am fluent in nearly four-hundred-thousands forms of communication." It was a rather small number for a protocol droid, but Bora didn't seem to realize. Or care.

"He's going to help us today." Alicio crossed his arms. "So, these Flesh Raiders... do you think you can track them?"

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -

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Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Congratulations Alicio," Jax tried to keep smiling but he couldn't help but feel that man was hiding something. "So you present any bills to the Galactic senate yet?"

The Jedi Master looked at the protocol Droid, he had one back at his house, a female sounding one. Let's just say she and BB-8 are something of an..... item. "Can I just call him RA?" Jax chuckled. "It rolls off the tongue better."

Of course, the moment Alicio said that RA could track down the Flesh Raiders, Jax's smile faded replaced by a stern frown. "Alicio......" Jax sighed. "You're the one who sent that distress call didn't you? You are not coming with me, it's too dangerous. If these Flesh Raiders are planning another attack, I need you in your house safe. Don't need an Organa to go missing, not again."


Alicio chuckled a bit at the insinuation he would be speaking in the Senate. "No, not a chance. I've been working with refugees for these past months. Building up Sanctuary City, finding homes for people fleeing the war, setting up camps... Doing good, wherever I can." The nobleman crossed his arms. He didn't have the most flattering view of the Grand Assembly anymore. Corruption, kidnapping, and murder could do that.

Alicio turned to Bora as Jax asked about him. "Um... I just call him Bora, but I suppose you can call him RA."

"Alicio...... You're the one who sent that distress call didn't you? You are not coming with me, it's too dangerous. If these Flesh Raiders are planning another attack, I need you in your house safe. Don't need an Organa to go missing, not again."

Stubbornness was an Organa family trait.

Alicio raised an eyebrow at the Jedi, putting his hands on his hips. "I did send the message, and you are taking me along. Let me tell you why."

"First things first, I just ran a refugee camp on Tython, and performed research on the planet. I studied the Flesh Raiders, so I think I'm uniquely qualified here. Secondly,"
he began to pace, continuing his tangent. "I don't believe a diplomatic solution has been attempted with the Raiders. They have sentience, culture, language... They aren't just animals for us to exterminate. They might be refugees too. As a Count of Alderaan, and a diplomat, I can negotiate on this planet's behalf."

"And thirdly, these farmers asked me for my help, so I'm going to help. Even if that means going by myself, and possibly getting my flesh raided. So, I think it would be safer for all parties involved if you let me accompany you."

It was obvious he had prepared this speech, just in case Jax had said no.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -



Location: Gardens, Alderaan
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Damn kid," Jax thought bitterly. Alicio was acting just as reckless as the last time they've met. "We've tried to negotiate with the Flesh Raiders after the attack." Jax said. "I had spent three days trying to retrieve ambassador's head that Flesh Raiders were using as a pike."

Not all Flesh Raiders were evil, the Living Force has taught Jax that all life is precious but when outside forces threaten the order of life then he needs to step in and interfere. Jax sighed listening to Alicio's winded speech, he had a feeling he embellished a lot of his claims like a typical politician. Right now, all Jax wanted was to make sure that the Flesh Raiders stayed away from the people.

"You can talk Alicio I'll give you that," Jax said. "Gonna be a little hard to negotiate with a species who shoots first and ask questions never but I've tracked a group in the mines. The plan is to blow it up and cut off the Flesh Raider's path to the city so if you're gonna come I suggest you dress warm because we're heading deep into the mountains."


Well, maybe the whole 'decapitated diplomat' situation was why Alicio hadn't heard about the diplomacy attempts. Still, the personal danger didn't seem to shake the noble's resolve, staring down the Jedi Master with a glint in his shale-stone eyes.

"You can talk Alicio I'll give you that,"

The Count smiled sweetly.

"Already dressed warm," Alicio noted, straightening his coat. "And if we do run across the Raiders while blowing up the mine, all I ask is you let me try to talk with them first." He lifted his cane with both hands, inspecting the black metal.

"Try giving peace a chance, Jedi. Who knows? You might like it," Alicio said, surprising himself with his own brazenness. It was a pointless dig, he knew, but Alicio didn't much appreciate being told to write off a group of people he hadn't talked to yet.

"Lead the way, Master Thio."

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -



Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Winter Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Oh, I am kid," Jax said quickly heading to a clothing room to change into a warmer attire. "I prefer the phrase: Peace through superior firepower." Alicio has a point but the Flesh Raiders minds have been eroded to nothing more than twisted beings, the Sith had made sure of that. They subjected the Flesh Raiders through horrible experiments thousands of years ago. The remnants of a once great species: The Rakata of the Infinite Empire.

"Come on then," Jax sighed beginning to walk on the trail. "If there's any sign of danger you find a place to hide. But knowing you, you'll probably do the opposite. So...."

Jax stopped and turned around, giving Alicio a Q2 hold-out blaster pistol. "Diplomat's Pistol," Jax smiled. "May not look like much but it can pack a punch, you know how to shoot right?"


"Then I think you'll enjoy my plan for diplomacy," Alicio said, waiting for Jax to get changed.

When they finally set on the trail, Bora trailing behind with a string of 'I never'-s and 'back in my day'-s, Jax handed Alicio a pistol. The Count regarded it for a second, before taking the weapon, and concealing it at his belt. "Thank you," the Count said, simply. "But I didn't come without a weapon."

Casting a glance around, to ensure they were alone, Alicio brought his cane into both hands, flipping a catch and releasing the hilt of his lightsaber from the body of the cane. He held it in an open palm, letting the Jedi inspect it, if he so desired.

"Um... I learned a lot about myself, from our first meeting."

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -


Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Winter Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Kid is just full of surprises," Jax thought. He still held out the pistol for Alicio to take. "Take it anyway," Jax said. "It's easier to use than a Lightsaber and I can't imagine you have a lot of experience with your blade."

He was certain that Alicio would say something on the contrary but right now Jax didn't want any unfortunate mishaps. This is a dangerous mission and Alicio is the second person who insisted on coming despite lacking combat experience. "Who's your Master?" Jax asked as they began walking. "I'm pretty sure you did learn a lot about yourself but the key is to know the areas where you're strong at. Otherwise you'll be in your head."

It was a subtle attempt to discourage Alicio from coming with him, but he knew that wouldn't work. Jax had a better chance in dismantling an AT-AT with his bare hands than to convince Alicio to stay.


Alicio took the blaster, casting Jax a curious glance. "You would be imagining correctly, though that's a rather bold assumption to make." Alicio frowned. "I don't just lounge in a palace and nibble at scones all day, you know."

"It's not too late, Count Organa. We could still make afternoon tea." Alicio ignored Bora, beginning the trek with Jax.

It wasn't difficult for Alicio to see that Jax didn't believe in him. That the experienced Jedi Master viewed him more as a burden, a hindrance. Alicio reconnected his lightsaber to his cane, pondering the conundrum.

"I don't have a master," the Count responded, walking along the path with sure feet. "I'm not a Jedi. The crystal, the lightsaber, I made it all on my own. But I have mentors. Valery Noble, for one. She and her Padawan Iris have been a great help to me."

Alicio felt, not through the Force, but through his politician senses, that the Jedi was attempting to push him away. The Count frowned again. "I suppose you'll have to trust that I'm strong enough to hold my own, and I'll trust that you can keep me safe if I'm not."

A question burned in the young Organa's mind. He decided to voice it.

"When you look at me, Master Thio, what do you see?"

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -



Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Winter Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Fucking hell Valery Noble Valery Noble ," Jax mumbled. "Way to go in emboldening the kid." It was one thing to train Alicio to become entuned with the Force, but it was another to undergo limited training and to go around waving his Lightsaber as if he knows what he's doing.

"What I see," Jax said. "Is a reckless person who's going to get himself killed if he's not careful. The Lightsaber is a weapon that should be respected which means that you'll have to undergo extensive training under the eyes of Jedi Masters."

The Jedi Master continued to walk down the towards the mountains. "Before you ask," Jax said sighing. "Yes, I can train you if you want. I'm a master of many Lightsaber styles: Conventional and esoteric. Just..... try to stick close to close to me if there's any fights."

Which there will be fights despite Alicio's proposal for peace. As much Jax wanted to negotiate, the Flesh Raiders still pose a danger to the people of Alderaan. Sometimes peace is achieved through the Lightsaber. "I also see a compassionate person who wants to help others," Jax said. "But like I'm telling my padawan: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli : Know your limits Alicio otherwise you'll end up in over your head."


Alicio kept pace at the Jedi's side, steadily cultivating a wry smile at his description. perhaps it wasn't entirely wrong. Still, he couldn't help but find the caricature of himself funny. "In your eyes, I'm rather arrogant, aren't I?"

He dropped the subject for only a moment, to address something else the Master had said, his eyebrow raising. "With all due respect, I don't think I want you to train me, Master Thio. I haven't gotten much from you but condescension today. Not a great beginning to a mentorship, no matter how skilled you are."

Jax was certainly a different Jedi than Valery. It goes to show just how varied the Order could be. There was a balance between free-spirited and dogmatic, supportive and assertive.

Alicio peered ahead, vigilant of the two's surroundings. "Do you think I throw myself into danger because I think I'm invincible? Because I assume I can defeat anyone in my way, consequences be damned?" He smirked. "Be honest, is that the vibe I give off?"

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -



Location: Alderaan
Equipment: Winter Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"No, just a well-meaning person that's rough around the edges," Jax said. "I'm just worried for ya Alicio that's all, like I said I had my fill with citizens willing to follow me to the depths of hell."

At least Alicio was armed, Anastasia Panteer Anastasia Panteer was insane for following Jax into Flesh Raider territory but the Jedi Master did his duty and made sure that her and the Queen were safe. If Alicio wanted to help, then fine not like anyone listened to Jax anyway from BB-12 to Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic what Jax learned from the two of them was to make sure they didn't get into too much trouble and to guide them when they absolutely need it.

"I should've known that you were acting on instinct," Jax said. "That you are probably acting on what you feel is necessary, a tenant of the Living Force and something I abide by. If you feel that It's necessary to help, then fine just allow me to guide you, Alicio. At least during this mission."

The Jedi Master sighed. "Forgive me Queen," He thought.


Alicio twitched a smile at Jax. "I appreciate your concern, Master Thio. I really do."

He wouldn't be able to do what he was planning to alone. He held no illusions about how great a warrior Alicio Organa was. So Jax's protection, as grumbly as the man had been about it previously, was held in high regard by the Count.

The Organa continued walking along, staring ahead introspectively. "Then guide away," he said, falling a step behind the Jedi master. There was a new understanding between them. All that was left was to head for this tunnel, and begin some... aggressive negotiations.

Perhaps they would never even see the Raiders. What a thought.

- Jax Thio Jax Thio -


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