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Approved Tech Hato replicant model V1

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Intent: To provide a basic human replicant droid type that primarily works as an entertainment droid and worker in Hayata owned outlets.
Image Source: Custom made, geisha piece sourced from here
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Hayata Corporation
Affiliation: Aiko Hayata, Hayata corporation
Market Status: Closed market
Model: HRD
Modularity: Components primarily sourced from Hayata factories, skilled mechanics can find replacements for Hato models, but they are best used in their original factory settings for optimal performance.
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Synth mesh, durasteel, synth flesh on more refined models.

Third degree
Weight: Heavy
Height: Small to average in height
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: Most do not possess weapons but can use common work appliances such as kitchen knives and other household appliances to dangerous effects.
Misc. Equipment: The Hato model comes with a built-in scanner to identify potential intruders on private property and build an intelligence profile of every customer who enters Hayata outlets. This can be used to help market future products to the masses and, on the flip side, be used to spy on the public.

-Basic models come with built-in company slogans that are repeated to an annoying little ditty.
-When visiting a Hayata store, Hato models are programmed to provide customer service to those who do not like their purchases.
-Four to six-year product life before needing to be retired; some can last beyond that if modified, however.
-In some Hayata restaurants, Hato models are programmed to sing happy birthday to customers with their birthday meals. Wherever this is a act of psychological warfare by the Hayata corp, or just a front of annoying public image building remains to be seen.

-Reliable and hardworking, those droids do not require sustenance or sleep, but do need intervals hooked up to a mainframe to recharge their batteries.
-Being the main face of Hayata in most Hayata stores and outlets, Hato models are extremely friendly. They are designed to make the customers experience at Hayata a truly remarkable experience.

-Unlike some other human replica droids, Hato models lack free will and are arguably a step above a slave in terms of their place in the corporation.
-Hato models are not built for combat, and as such, are not recommended to be used in any combat scenario.
-Long lifespans are off the table for the Hato, and most do not function beyond a four to six-year lifespan. In comparison, some of the other replicant models of Hayata come with longer lifespans and more free will.


Hayata corporation has had a long and storied history in the droid and replicant industries, the founder of Hayata corp, Taro Hayata had founded the corporation originally on the foundation of developing and building better replicant models. These traditions have been carried on and refined throughout the centuries. The latest of these is the new 'Hato' Model developed under the watchful input of Taros descendent and CEO Aiko Hayata. Previous entertainment and worker models had been deemed too eerily human and freaked out customers, so to rectify this issue, Aiko had a newer model commissioned and made in the image of the geishas of old Atrisia. This change in direction came with many benefits as it cheapened the overall cost of producing the Hato model and allowed Hayata to make their more human-looking replicants lucrative and closed off to the average buyer. With the new release of the Hato model, many older Hayata models have been decommissioned or otherwise moved to the scrap heap, with Hato models set to become increasingly more common in the future as the face of the companies stores and outlets.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata

Nicely made droids, I fond of the far east style! However I found some problems.
  • Please link the "Third degree droids" to the Classification.
  • The second problem is the resistances, I can't approve it in this form. Becase these are not combat droids, you don't need to add the Resistance to your template. But if you want to keep what you wrote, I suggest to add those to the special feature / strenght / weakness area, and in this case please modify the resistances as stated in the rules.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
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