Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hear it in the Wind

Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

"Hmm perhaps later... he is so small and there should be some sport to it." Maybe... deaths were something fun after all and it was an art to how you chose them... a chaotic art that could look like a mess but with the right thighs or hands in this case they could end up doing a lot. The beach and water as the sound filters drowned out and got rid of the city was nice... The sand smooth and cared for. "The water looks lovely." She said it and walked backwards with her hands out. "Even a powerful darksider as you need a moment if only just. Never lose the rage and fire but know the rewards you can reap from fighting and killing. Worlds like this you could have under your boot."

She laughed at it and stepping in the water could feel it and her toes went into the sand. Enjoying the feeling as well as being able to feel as she moved. "We can kill everyone later.... dinner and a show." THe last was part joke and part true... what better way to really enjoy a meal then to do it with a show of two people being made to fight to the death.

Rage work with both ways, subtle to the point conenrtated and presice; which could be deadly. Her next victim would be subtle while she centered her rage purely so she could crush a few heads; perhaps break a few limbs in the meantime.
For now the water was warm; good thing her weapons were resilient to water. She waded in and dove right in swimming under water.
After a short time she returned walking towards Ayzlyn, running her hand through her hair, revealing she had shoulder length hair; and neatly tied corn rows on each side above the ears.
With a mischievous grin she hoisted her up and her shoulders.and walked in to the water where it was just above her waist.
"I thought about launching you high in the air into the water." She chuckled.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The sight of her in the water and coming out.. her hair was beautiful and being taken in deeper was not a problem... the mention of being thrown up into the air got raised eyebrows... and a grin. "Hmm well I suppose it can't be helped... I have taken great pains to caress and enjoy the sight of all this muscle only makes sense it should be used upon me." She said it but spread her arms out making it easier while looking up. "THe things I do for the chance to feel those hands upon me." She was saying it but was more then enjoying such a thing and the promise of violence under her grip was important.. they might be able to find anything here to do now that they had new clothing and such.. they still would need to go to eat and a place to relax.

Adilynne pulling her close: she placed Ayzlyn arms around around her neck. Giving her what she wanted she flexed her triceps while she pulled her close. She was the goddess of marble after all.

"Don't be shy" Adilynne whispered in her ear. If she wanted to feel her muscles she didn't need to ask. With that she went under the water took her by the feet she raised her slowly until her arms fully extended as though she looked like she was standing on her hands
"One, two ,three" each time she raised and lowered her and the count of three she launched her in the air. And when she about to hit the water she caught her in her arms.

Then she said something that even surprised herself.
"I can't have my favorite damsel getting hurt" with a wide grin.

Lowing her, she pulled her close again, the same as before, except combing her hair back to one side, enticing her Adilynne gave a hard bicep flex. If Azlyn asked her to go and crush someone because she well wanted her too she would ablidge with out hesitation.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The feeling of her was wonderful to say the least and remaining there for the moment had a good smile forming on her face... she would have to find the time to take her up on that... no waiting to trace those muscles when she felt hands on her feet and she remained tall and ready. Not tipping but using her own balance for a moment. She could see the beach and the world as she breathed in standing there for a moment and letting the force flow around herself. They had all of their weapons so that was important and she could feel the strength holding her was wonderful as she went up into the air higher and higher and was coming down.

She fought her normal instinct to correct and turn it into an attack as she was caught and felt herself looking at the woman with a grin on her face. To think they had started slaughtering deadly raiders and were here now on a beach. She wrapped her arms around the womans neck and looked up as she was put back down and she kept her eyes trained on the woman checking her neck while she moved her head to kiss along a curve to the muscle. Slowly turning around so her back was against the woman while she raised her arm and hand to slide the fingers around her throat and tilted her head up. Her hair on one side so she could have the full grip.

"Feel it." She said it and looked at her as she slid until fingers and thumb could feel the pulse in her neck.... "Such power more so if you wanted to squeeze... to feel my slender throat crushed." Looking up at her as she raised her hands to wrap them around her neck from the front so she was there and looking up. "What greater power is there my sweet than the power to take that which we all need... to literally take my breath away." She said it while interlacing her fingers around the back of her neck and lifting herself up just a little to show her own arms flexing and the muscles in her pale arms. "Such power, I can't wait to see what comes from us."
Just being around her was intoxicating, every time she caresses her muscles, Adelyyne couldn't help but flex. Enjoying showing Ayzlyn her power,. True the man wasn't worth her time, unless she would toy with him a little before she killed him. When she leaned in closer she couldn't help but flex.

Her natural instinct was to wrap her hands around her neck and force crush her. Instead she turned her around, her back pressed against her. Adelyne raised her arms and placed them around her neck. Once again she flexed them for her. First wrapping her arms around her, interlacing her fingers she gave her a firm squeeze,. Adelyne put her in a choke hold. First flexing her around pressed against her neck. She didn't want to cush her neck but show her that she could.

"Just a little squeeze, from the Goddess of Marble my sweet""firmly squeezing until Ayzlyn was gasping for air. "If you could imagine what Iwould do if someone tried to hurt you.I'll do more than crush there neck"" Spinning her around she wrapped her arms around her. Looking at her."We will make them insane with fear of us." Smirking while she gave her another squeeze.

Looking over Ayzlyn s shoulder she blew a kiss to the scrawny man, he gathered his stuff so quickly he nearly tripped and fell head first and took off. Their will be others laughing to herself""Looks like scrawny man got scared" she laughed.

"Now what would my sweet like to do next?"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Never once did the idea of it being a mistake to tempt her come in... even when she could feel the power gripping her throat... it was worth it and what better display as she was spun around. Looking up as she grinning. "Hmmm what to do... what to do." She moved her fingers and touched the crystal as it glowed and thought about it. "Hmmm we are in the water and there are so many things in it." THe possibility of pearls was there and a chance to really swim. They might also fight a shark.... those were likely for safety beyond some barrier but the chance and risk was exciting.... plus chance to make lewd comments about wetness was there as she slid her fingers to her shoulders and her legs came while she almost climbed up to be face first. "Pearl diving should be a good thing first... We have oh so much time for each other later and maybe it will inspire me to bring you a few playthings."
As Azlyn traced her fingers across her shoulders, Adelynne flexed, alowing her to feel her muscle. And then she moved her hands to the side of her thigh, Adilynne pulled her close against her." I'll find you as many Pearl's as you desire, on one condition." Wrapping her arms around Ayzlynn. Making sure she felt her shear power." You bring me a plaything I can slowly....well you get the idea"

Staring at her, she held Ayzlyn firmly,for a moment she didnt let her go flexing her arms as she held her close.
"Shall I dress you with pearls, while you bring me a little something I could torment as a pet.?

Looking down as Azlyn traced the side of her thigh."You get to decide what happens to them."
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmmm now that was a tempting offer... She could find a plaything surely there was more then enough here. "Hmm one pearl for each body we have dropped since meeting could be a tall order but not impossible." She said it and feeling the power around herself as well as the finger tracing her tight she shivered in enjoyment. "Oh I think I can find a good one for this." The grin was wider on her face when she was able to move finally and looked up at her. Adilynne was strong and beautiful so there was a chance that she could watch her give a little squeeze to another plaything... well that was something she could get behind. SHe rubbed her hands together with a wicked smile on her face. "Oh I am going to find the perfect one to watch you squeeze the life from their eyes."
Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike
Before Adylyne let her go, she pulled her closer giving her a tight squeeze... Holding her for a momnt longer, flexing so she could feel her power. Not because she wanted her to feel her sheer strength, but because she enjoyed her embrace wrapped her. Just for that Adyline gave her another squeez, this time she added a firm grip with a smile.

While @Azlyn was off searching for a mammal she could squeez the life from Adyline found cove filled with mollusk she could pry Pearl's from. The cove was filled with them with enough that would cover Aylan head to toe with Pearl's more than double the amount of foes they massacred together. Filling her side satchel there was more than enough to come back for more.

She had enough to wrap Azlyn with Pearl's.

Adyline found her, she wasn't sure if she had found what she had been looking for, but she snuck up from behind, grabbed her by the waist pulling her close. Adyline pressed hard she could have used the force to squash her like a melon.

"Imagine what I would do to those who would lay a finger on you."

She flexed her arms so Ayzlyn could once again feel her power.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She went off and oh the excitement of finding something to play with as she skipped in the sands. She found a few people here and there but none of them really screamed best choice. THen she saw it as she stopped as she saw someone bronze skin, dark hair and adorned with blue silks coming off of her swim suit. Beautiful in many cases as Azlyn stood there for a moment and caught her attention. Winking and offering a smile and her hand came up beckoning her forward... bringing her in while she allowed pheromones to entice her and skipping backwards she was luring her away further and further from her group who looked on but didn't see anyone. Azlyn finally having her hand taken when they were far enough away no one was noticing as she led her towards the larger woman and walked around her. "Close your eyes." THe woman was listenign and nodding her agreement as Azlyn felt a flex of power... strength around herself and grinned offering the woman to the larger sith.
Just as Ayzlin let Adyline wrap her arms around her. The Amazon sith took from her satchel one of numerous amounts of Pearl's. One was a neckllass fit for a⁹ queen. Placing it around Ayzlin neck,flexing her arms as she pulled her close. She hoisted her up on to her arm flexing as she sat on her bicep, lowering her so she was right in front of her.

Adyline only wanted one women, she didn't need another. None the less, she was pretty but Adyline felt her weak mind as the women fell into Adyline's manipulation.

Allowing her to wrap her thigh around her head, slowly squeezing,"Its so beautiful isn't it?"

With a little nudge the women nelt before her. The women placed her head between her thighs. Adyline slowly squeezing, she squashed her head exploding it like a melon.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The string of pearls was beautiful... the woman getting her head popped was well.. intoxicating to say the least. Only the finest violence one could distill and have set up. "Oh it is beautiful." She said it and was looking at the pearls with the gory display behind it.. allowing her to view both and leaving it open to what she was referencing. Adilynne was making the display well worth it as well with all of the flexing and shows of power.. she had the best seat after all. "Such wonderful violence... I think you have become much better at it." She clapped in excitement and they still had oh so much more fun to do here.. the beach was just the beginning while her hands traced the curve of the muscles. The chance for more swimming or exploring also worth it. "We should go to one of the smaller more secluded island. Don't want anyone inturrupting."
Adyline loved the violence. And that Azlyn worshipped her and her displays of strength made it all worth it. Adyline made sure she wouldn't hold back, she enjoyed her admiration,, the last thing she wanted was to be interrupted while she squashed her victim just for Azlyn.

She loved how Ayzlin got all giddy, either by a slow flex or beautiful squashing of limbs. Every time she touched her sent shivers through her. Adyline placed her hands on her arm while she flexed. Spinning her around she wrapped her arms around her, slowly squeezing squeezing her. Adyline could have force crushed her right then and there.

"If you weren't so intoxicating I would snap you limb by limb. You have awoken a desire with in me to break anyone who comes between you and I. Mmm a smaller island where I can destroy any living thing just for you"

Spinning her around again, pulling her close, her hands on either side of her waist flexing each tricep just for Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike .

"I would break, crush anyone for you my sweet."
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The arms wrapped around her were the best part... and the violence.... violence was the very best which she was excited Adilynne seemed to be enjoying the idea of it. "Hmmm, wonderful." She said it and remained there as she was allowing the force to flow between them... her hair touching the water when she motioned. "You island, lay down.... Now!" She said and was pointing as for a moment she wriggled out and into the water. Swimming towards one of the further ones but it was covered in sand and trees.. the large leaves giving it plenty of shade when she was coming out of the water with her hair clinging in a large ponytail down her one side. SHe looked around and motioned. "Lay down.... so much you have been doing for me.. I think there are a few things I can do for you."
Adyline could think of a few things about Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike was insinuating about.There was something about how petite she was, and how much bigger Adyline was than Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike .

The island itself was pretty much void of all life. There were a small population of locals, usually they kept to themselves hoping the outside world would leave them alone. As for the moment her attention was drawn elsewhere.

Licking her lips she layed down one leg crossed over the other. Adyline took pride in her physical appearance, as of late that was one thing Ayzlin thought her not to be shy about. Wrapping her long hair into a ponytail she could not resist giving her a flex ofcourse.

"Do share my sweet, anticipation can only last so long."

With a wink and a solid flex. Seductively licking her lips. She drew a circle around herself.

"This is my space, Be wary who ever crosses will feel my wrath. Depending on who that is I may be gentle at first." Winking at Ayzlin "0r they may feel excruciating pain"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

SHe looked at her and the circle moving slowly enough but her hands were the most important part as she found a place to kneel down. Fingers grazing and kneading into the thick muscle so she could massage. USing the force to go forr the deepest levels of comfort... her fingers dancing and kneading while she looked at the woman who was wonderful with the smaller atrisian. Soothing pheromones adding some spice to the air scent wise and her own presence in the force being used to exude coiled violence ready to be unleashed should anyone try and bother them. SHe spoke with a smile on her face. "Well if they come... for now... each inch of you should be relaxed and soothed."
Adyline couldn't help but relax while Azlyn massaged her. She was right after each touch soothing her. She couldn't help but flex her legs after each soothing massage.

Adyline sat up, turning Azlyn so her back was facing her. Adyline returned the favor massaging her neck. Softly at first, using her thumbs slowly pressing harder working each knot.Electrying each time she worked the knots.

"If they do, I cant promise I could control myself."

Slowly massaging each knot sending jolts of energy through Azlyn.

"Your desire for chaos and violence is intoxicating,"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmmm it was nice and then she wasn't expecting the recipication of it for herself... relaxing into the skilled hands she sat therre taking it in and there was more. the beach, the sea and the feeling. "Well I do try and entice... it gets boring just talking about the power of the darkside... so many love to talk and I prefer... action. Violence is a given with that action though there is something to be said about being subtle with it... the best is to find that rarity.. someone who knows the same feeling." She said it and looked back and up... sllowing her hair to be on the side. "It is what led me to fight the Bando Gora.... maybe not all of the details but there was a feeling something was going to happen and behold a sweet, delicious morsel like you that does a whole lot for what I enjoy. Oh if only you were an apprentice... the thought of having your to mold is something... but a powerful lover can be just as good and worth it."
"I'd offer myself as an apprentice, on one condition that I would l would follow your God of destruction. Oh and that I would be his Goddess of his wrath. Grant me the strength to cush anyone who would even try too harm you my sweet Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

For the moment it was the two of the secluded and alone. Adyline pulled her close to her, leaning in gently kissing her neck before whispering in her ear.

"Aa a lover I'd still crush anyone who apposed us"

Wrapping her arm around Ayzlin"s neck, slowly flexing applying pressure. Becoming a solid mass of muscle.

"I'd love if you could find me something I could break. That being said what can I do for you?"

After Adyline spun her around to face her, placing her hands on her hips pulling her her close to her.

'Your intoxicating, I cant help but show you how much I desire to show my power.Id rather show you than talk about it."

Wrapping her arms around her giving her a squeez to the point where anyone else would have squirmed.

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