Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello everyone! I’m new here but I’ve been roleplaying fairly descriptively for around seven years and I am just now really getting back into it. I read through the rules and everything and just wanted to say hi and ask if there’s a specific timeline that we’re supposed to follow?
Hey BloodHunter BloodHunter , our current timeline can be found under Articles, or here's a direct link [x].

The exact dates are vague but the general idea is that current stories are within a year or two of 874ABY. The main thing to understand is that it has been 800+ years since the events of the Star Wars movies.
The Corellian Sharpshooter
Greetings! As said previously, we mainly roleplay around late 800s ABY, but I've done some stuff before that, chronologically. There aren't that many time-related limitations if you can be creative. For example, my character was put in stasis for an experiment. He was born in 19 ABY, but is living in his early 20s now.

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