Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Her Iron Father


Getting hunted wasn't anything new, especially as of late. The more she stuck her neck out against groups like the Hutts or the Corpo's on Denon, the more likely she was going to get hunted. She was used to it at this point. Merenaries trained to target Force Users were probably the most deadly opponent she'd faced thus far. The more she fought though, the more tricks she learned how to avoid. Right now? She hoped it'd be useful. Back on Denon she sprinted through the streets, her brow knitted together as she focused on just getting away.

Another hunter had found her. And she really didn't want to fight.

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


Armed and armored, Ijaat had been stalking the target for a while now. He wasn't particularly fond of hunting Jedi when allied with the Alliance, Usually his and theirs moral philosophy ran concurrently. But in this case, the bounty was more an attempt to bring the target in alive, rather than murdered and brought in. This young one deserved that much of a chance, given what his intel had told him on her.

Stepping forward with heavy beskar shod boots, he thumbed the activation stud on the 'saber he carried, a slash of pneumbratatic violet hissing into life, so dark to be almost black except where white bolts of energy crackled around the defined edge of it. He couldn't say if it was the darksaber, but it came close enough he had kept it for himself until he could prove one way or the other.

The annunciator in his helmet tinned his voice slightly as he barked out a command to stop and turn over weapons, while he easily slid into a low guard and expected nothing of the sort.

Iris Arani Iris Arani



Beskar'gam, and a lightsaber?

Iris paused as she heard the saber ignite. It wasn't the typical sound, more like a screech. And a color she hadn't seen before. No, she had. Another wielded a blade similar. One who was an agent of the Sith. She turned then, frowning. Pulling free her own blade. The pink saber ignited in her grasp. Turn over her weapons? Surrender? No, she'd do neither.

"You can still call off the hunt, you know. I don't want to hurt you."

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


A snort, that came out as a burst of static, and not a bit of movement from the veteran warrior. In the Force, Iris would feel... Nothing... No fear. No determination. Only a resignation and sense of duty.

It was only business afterall.

Again, the cold voice issued out from the grey and red helmet. Something changed then, perhaps weariness tinged the metallic-toned words as he responded to the pink saber appearing. His stance and guard didn't change a bit, but inside the helmet several blinks readied the armor's systems to complete, and externally blue and green lights began to flash in varying sequences across the beskar'gam.

"One last chance. My contract says alive, for questioning. I will only harm in my own defense. Let's make this easy kid."

Iris Arani Iris Arani



It was an odd sensation, to have someone else reach for her mind. To meld and calm, rather than try to tear it apart as some had in the past. She didn't fight it, though. Rather, she reached out in turn to pull his mind to hers. Meld their intentions together. Was it completely above board? No. Iris knew for a fact her perception of the Force was overwhelming to most everyone else. The constant stream of colors, born from emotion and life simply existing in the Force, was a constant pressure. Blinding, deafening. All consuming.

Then he recoiled. She blinked, letting her saber lower just a little. Confusion bloomed across her face as it surely bloomed through his colors.

".. Who are you?"

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


With a step back, he shifted into a lax ward almost reflexively, training of almost a century over-riding shock even in this moment. A hand reached up, signaling a hold to the moment as the sabe deactivated and clattered to the ground, along with a second later his gunbelt and gauntlets. Both hands then reached up to remove his helmet with a pneumatic hiss and he revealed his grizzled face with silvered beard and crew cut, and haunting hawk-like eyes.

"You know. Search our connection. Feel the tides of emotion, and how they mimic each other. What do you think I am, child?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani



This was a side of her life she never thought on. Even after coming to the Jedi. Even after learning how to see through the colors. Learn how to be. Her grip on her saber tightened for just a moment before it slackened and the blade extinguished. Never once had she ever been curious on if she had family. Valery Noble Valery Noble , Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Amani Serys Amani Serys . They'd always been the best family she could ever want.

But there was no denying it. Not in the Force.

"You're my father."

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel


It wouldn't be a stretch to say Ijaat had been prolific in his younger days, so far as bastards sired. He and Strider Garon Strider Garon could have competed in that regard, with the nod going to the other by a good margin, but Ijaat placing respectfully in their shared division. But the echoes in the Manda, there he was... Thinking like Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida again... Those stirrings confirmed it. This was one of his children, and this time they hadn't been murdered or otherwise maimed at the hands of the Sith.

After a moments silence, he spoke, nodding.

"You're one of mine. The fire in your stance proves that, even without the Force echoes. But... How? Where comes your mother from?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani



He had been a shit person in his younger years, and his wife had been better than he deserved. His children too. But most of the other bastards he had sired after the tragedies that befell him and his family had wanted nothing to do with him. Not without reason, mind you. But now someone stood in front of him he could help. He could possibly make up for lost time with.

Maybe a chance at actual redemption.

With a flourish, the ancient and heavy hilt clipped flew through the air and was clipped to his belt with a calm and practised move. He regarded the Jedi in front of him, before adopting a relaxed posture.

"You come with me. We get you out of harm's way. I have more than a few safe places. On the way, we decide if you wish to learn of your heritage or go your own way after safe. I owe you that much for the blood in your veins. The rest is up to you."

Iris Arani Iris Arani



"Having a bounty on my head is nothing new. I've got safe houses." The revelation of her father wasn't going to change her mind much. Go with him, after being pretty adamant about the opposite not even a minute ago? Not that she thought this was a guise or a trick. There were no markers in the colors to suggest that, thankfully. .. And he was her father. After a moment of hesitation she let out a breath.

A lot of her friends had heritages and families they seemed to hold dear. Jand Talo Jand Talo , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren .

"Okay. I'll come with you."

Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel

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