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Approved Location Heroes Constellation

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  • Astronomical Location Name: Heroes Constellation / Waraka Thae - in Utapese
  • Classification: Constellation
  • Location: N/A - Various stars in the Kathol Sector.
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Orbital Period: N/A
  • Size: N/A
  • Affiliation: The systems representing the Constellation are currently in ORC territory.
  • Population: N/A
  • Demographics: N/A
  • Accessibility: The Kathol Outback is known for its treacherous navigational hazards.
  • Security: N/A
  • Description: The constellation is almost identical to the Outer Rim Coalition's symbol and coincides with the fact that the constellation represents star systems in the core and 'birthplace' of the Coalition - the Kathol Outback. While clearly these stars no longer exist in the Outback, their location prior to their supernova is situated in that part of space.



After the bloody invasion by the Mandalorian aggressors of the planet of Utapau for the purpose of ravaging and pillaging it, the valiant defenders whether they were directly affiliated with the Coalition or not were commemorated in various different outlets. Whether it was the erection of a memorial in Pau City's Main Starport or the Pau City Blockade Runner, the defenders found fame on the planet due to their audacity and bravery against a ruthless enemy.

A month of thinking took a team of Pau'an astronomists before they could find out how to give their own, special thanks to the protector of Utapau and it came in the form of...a constellation. A straightforward name was given to it - Heroes - and not long after the constellation was introduced across the planet as another token of gratitude from the locals to the guardians. A holostamp soon entered in circulation with the constellation visualized on it and the vintage look of it appealed to holostamp collectors even from the other side of the galaxy.

Many swore they saw a physical representation of the stamp glued on the hull of the Wretched Hive.

Others claim it's just the usual dirt or rust on that damn ship.
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