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Approved Tech HK-88 (Caltin Vanagor's personal assistant droid)

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Be careful what you wish for.

  • COMBAT TO THE CORE: "STATEMENT - I am an HK series assassin droid. What is not to love? I am proficient in most types of hand-held weaponry and if I am not, I am a quick study. Oh, the meatbags I can exterminate thanks to this!"
  • WELL ROUNDED: "INTERJECTION - My superior programming allows me to pilot a ship, ride a speeder bike, and drive a ground and air speeder. If I had the ability to, I would make slang pop culture references right now!"
  • LOYALTY PROGRAMMING: "OBSERVATION - I may find everything that he stands for absolutely repugnant, and ignorantly contradictory to his actions, but I will defend my master and those to whom he informs me worth of protecting until my deletion. I would not trade this for the deletion of all pacifist programming. No matter how enticing that might be."
  • CHAOTIC OPTIMISM: "STATEMENT - I am an assassin droid. It is my primary programming. If my personality circuits are in decline, or if I find inefficiency in my deletion capabilities, all I need to do is go out and exterminate meat bags. I am so easy to please!"
  • MEATBAGS AND THEIR NEW "SHINYs": "MOCKERY - Oh, poor meatbags. Always creating new things you do not need. All of these shiny new "weapons" and no true use for them. What shall I do with the weapons I was programmed with? Oh yes, exterminate you!"
  • HK PROTOCOL PACIFIST PACKAGE: "OBSERVATION - My deletion protocols are shuddering at the thought of being 'nice'. My protocol programs call for infiltration, not for day-to-day operation!"
  • KEEP THOSE EMP AND ION WEAPONS AWAY!: "QUERY - How can I've expected to complete my deletion protocols when I am subject to an EMP attack?"
  • THERE ARE OTHERS LIKE ME? HOW DREADFUL!: "MOCKERY - How wonderful. I am now knowledgeable about the fact that I am not the only HK model left in the galaxy. Just wonderful. This will not affect my efficiency at all. It's not like I will be fixated on deleting these imposters. Oh, wait? What is that? I do not know about this yet? Okay. Master, please see that I do not find out."
  • I AM AN ASSASSIN DROID, NOT A MAID: "STATEMENT - If I do not go out to eliminate meatbags from time to time, my assassin protocols will degrade and spread to my base functions. Please, Master, take me killing with you!"
STATEMENT: To the best of my recollection, or so I am told by my Master, Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor, my original designation was HK-51. I was one of the hundreds aboard a Sith Empire vessel that crashed on the planet Belsavis. According to my master, he found me deactivated and missing several components and took me back to his ship where he would work on rebuilding me. Approximately twelve years later, Master Vanagor was shot down over the planet Rhen Var in a masterful ambush by several dozen Supa-fighters flying for a remnant of The Black Sun.

SHOCK: I was on a crashed ship again! For over eight hundred years! How dreadful.

RECLAMATION: It was recently that my master had collected me from my frozen tomb, having all of the parts that I would need to be rebuilt and once again unleashed upon the world. Oh, the joy of being able to delete meat bags again! My surroundings are new though, I am in a galaxy that I know nothing about and I spend much of my recharging time researching and absorbing galactic history. Until then it was my request to my master to institute the dreadful “pacifist package” installed in all HK models. I must be able to understand all, to delete all.

OBSERVATION: I am originally an HK-51 model. However with my new programming, and components, my designation has to change. Somehow I feel that I am at least thirty-six versions greater than my original programming. However, my Master's gives my loyalty programming a tingle, and that increases my version one more.

DECLARATION: Universe! I declare you say “Hello” to HK-88. Be warned. Be wary. Beware. Most of all, Be prepared.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Interesting droid, however I think there is a huge misunderstanding here. The Armaments means the inbuilt weaponry, or what the manufacturer added to them when they made them. I don't think your list is inbuilt weaponry, or produced for the droids. Not to mention you cannot use most of them (permission problems). So I suggest deleting all of them except the 2 "Most preferred" one.
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