Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hoping to get some role-plays

So, my other characters have some role-plays going, but this character seems to not have very many going. So, any one want to role-play? Stap Praxeum is a businessman (CEO of Public Relations for BlackGuard Defense Systems) but secretly controls a criminal network. I am sure we can figure out some good stuff.
Praxeum is from Hapes. His business is well known throughout the Hapan cluster and nearby sectors and he is also a something of a Hapan celebrity. I also have another character (Silas Raan) from Hapes. He is a fugitive from the planet though and has a warrant in the system, but he is part of a Hapan political terrorist group that operates against the Consortium. Just to give you some ideas.

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]
@Strap Praxeum So let's say if I wanted a defense network like turbo lasers to go down on a planet such as hapes. Would it be too far fetched to ask or pay to see to it that a certain series of unfortunate events would occur for that to happen
That certainly seems like something Praxeum (through a series of underlings) would be game for. Especially if it sets up to let Praxeum to have someone in control of Hapes that he can do business with. Also, Silas hates Praxeum, but he could easily get involved in Praxeum's criminal network and would be very game to help take out the Consortium, in fact he would probably be who I would role-play as to take the defenses down.
@Strap Praxeum This will benefit us both, I'm planning on setting up a skirmish with the republic here shortly once Attack on Chaos gets going. It's gonna be pretty awesome and I hope you will participate lol
That sounds great. You and I can get together to figure out how we want to go about that.

@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"]

I can down with that. If you want to shoot me a private message, we can talk about it.


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