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Work In Progress House Io Citizen Energy Sword, Type 2

  • Intent: Create a standard line of energy swords

  • Classification: Energy Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light

Energy Blade crafted to be extremely difficult to break for ordinary lightsabers while retaining the cutting power of vibroswords

Miniaturized Electrical Capacitance technology allows it to absorb up to 7 blasts of directed electricity

Solar cell tech enables it to recharge in under seven minutes in an emergency via sunlight

Can be restored to minimal functionality with minimal parts

Built for immense durability and to operate in hazardous environments


Come get me, Jedi!: This Energy Sword can make the claim of being extremely hard break to ordinary Lightsaber blades, due to the mechanisms inside it that channel the energy from contact with the lightsaber and reinforces the beam strength (Note, this never weakens the Lightsaber) of the sword. Any Jedi or Sith fighting someone armed with this should be wary, as the blade would have to be hit literally thousands of times before it failed. Electrical Capacitance tech also ensures it can withstand quite a few blasts of lightning.

Cutter: Possesses the power of a Vibrosword fitted with a level three Vibration Cell, enabling it to easily cut through standard, conventional armors

Survival tool: Has Solar Cells that allow it to recharge an internal battery in seven minutes for up to two hours of continued use (Battery can other wise be swapped out for another fresh one, or wirelessly recharged by setting in in extremely close proximity next to a power device). It also contains a built in laser range finder and micro Electronic Compass

Rugged: Built to operate in hostile weather, even acidic environments, is hard to break, and easy to repair


Sonics: The blade cannot stop sonic bolts

Slugthrowers: Slugthrowers cause splash damage against it

Paddle Beams: Paddle Beams bend around it.

Not a true Lightsaber: It's blade is flat, albeit double edged, and thus lacks a lightsaber's omni directional cutting ability. It also has weight to the blade when active, meaning it cannot be used as freely as a real Lightsaber could. Lastly, it cannot deflect or reflect blaster bolts, only absorb them, and then only up to 14 before it shuts down for 30 seconds to safely disperse the absorbed energy. Also it's not possible for it to operate underwater. It is incapable of melting through doors just by shoving it in. It possesses only the cutting power of a high quality Vibro Sword and no higher than that

Aggro: Carrying the blade marks one as a member of House Io, and brings with it the attention of dangerous enemies.


The second generation of Energy Swords developed by House Io to provide it's members Weaponry that can counter the Lightsaber. Lacking the advanced functionality of its predecessor for the most part, it nonetheless shines in resisting both Vibrosword and Lightsaber and any who carry it carry among the highest quality melee weapons in the Galaxy. Based on severely modified versions of the technology found in Phase Knives, as well as the laser blades found on certain Vibroweapons, as the previous generation of House Energy Swords were, it ensures even the least of House Citizens has a fighting chance against Jedi or Sith.
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