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Approved Lore House L'lerim of Kalidan

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S


  • Organization Name: House L’lerim of Kalidan
  • Classification: Noble House
  • Affiliation: The Eternal Empire
  • Organization Symbol: Link
  • Description: The House L'lerim, although the noble house is only a few years old, but the history of the three clans that make it up dates back thousands of years. They are the oldest and most traditional clans of Kalidan (formerly Nelvaan). The cornerstones of the Eternal Empire, and although the Ragal clan was the former monarchy - before losing their position during the clan wars - they were the first to take allegiance to Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe when he established the Eternal Empire. They have been faithfully serving the empire ever since, and their allegiance did not fail, for they received an actual noble rank through Ingrid.

  • Headquarters: Whisperwind Castle, Vengard, Kalidan
  • Domain: The House L'lerim is guarded over much of the north. But they have interests at countless points on the planet, be they estates or just business interests. They always obey and enforce the law in the areas they oversee and beyond. In addition, thanks to the Emperor, the city of Vengard officially came into their possession.
  • Notable Assets:
    • Dyadalmash: Star Destroyer, Ingrid was also born on this ship or its predecessor, the ship is owned by General Jon L'lerim, he is the commander of the ship, dating back to before the Eternal Empire, although after the takeover it was completely rebuilt to meet the new standards. the crew is given almost entirely by persons under the control of the clans
    • Rocksolid Arms: A military company owned by the House L’lerim (Ragal clan). They deal with the production and design of weapons, armor, sensors, security systems, military vehicles and combat droids, and the production and programming of AI.
    • Infinites: Droids manufactured by Rocksolid Arms, military droids that can also be deployed during war. But they function mainly as Honour Guards and bodyguards of the House L'lerim.
    • Vengard: The clans have always lived in this area, but when Ingrid was given a noble title, the House L'lerim actually gained control of the city
    • Real Estates: The House L'lerim, in addition to Vengard, has smaller and larger estates at innumerable points on the planet. Some of these can be used not only by them but also by members of clans.

  • Hierarchy: Its structure corresponds to a customary noble house. The head of the house is always the current baron or baroness. This position is currently held by Baroness Lady Ingrid L'lerim-Ragal. However, clans have a different leader, there the chieftain is the rank, which also marks the head of the family / clan and not the noble house. Clan leaders take an oath of allegiance to the Baron / Baroness of the House L'lerim. The leaders of the clan are also the advisors of the baron / baroness and together the three oversee the situation of the clans helping the Noble House.
  • Membership: To become a member of the House of Nobles only by marriage or birth. Anyone can also become part of the L'lerim, Hyrrokkin, or Ragal family through marriage or birth. Becoming a member of clans is a bit easier. Who is not a member of the families / bloodlines, but lives in the territory of the clans and is loyal to them in addition to the Empire, he/she is also a member of the clans. In the same way, anyone can join the clan as an ally and get deeds to become a member of the clan over time.
  • Climate: The House L'lerim (and its clans) are all famous for their honor, anyone who does business with or deals with them can be sure that they will be treated honestly. If someone breaks the law, whether a family member or a clan member, they receive the same treatment and punishment. As the law in the Empire states, no one is above the law. Everyone knows them to be completely fair and equitable parties. At least on the surface, because if necessary, they are very familiar with shadow games and intrigue, as would be expected from the nobles.
  • Reputation: They have gained a huge reputation over the centuries and millennia, on Nelvaan and later on Kalidan and in the Eternal Empire. Allies and friends all know them as excellent alliances, friends who stand by them at any time, either with an army or with words. They are honest, law-abiding clans and Noble House. However, their enemies dread their names because they are excellent warrior clans, who are honest on the battlefield - respect the exception - but never give up. They are ruthless and persistent, they do not leave themselves until they finally win and punish the enemy for the crimes committed against them.
  • Curios: Family jewelry, weapons, and clothing, now with a unified symbol, which used to be typical. There is something separate that belongs to clans, and one that symbolizes belonging to a family. Clans can only wear the symbol of their own clan, family members the symbol of the Noble House. In addition, clan members - and family members - also wear unique tattoos that symbolize their affiliation.
  • Rules: They follow the old traditions and laws of many thousands of years, in addition to the current imperial laws. Strict care is taken not to violate them. Whoever violates the clan’s own laws will be excluded and become an Ace. This is the greatest humiliation and shame in their circles when someone is left without a clan.
  • Goals: The goal of the Noble House and clans is to remain defining points in the Eternal Empire. Not because of power, but because through their influence and relationships, they can preserve, help, and nurture the stability of the Empire. Their further goal as guardians are to protect the Empire from external and internal threats. In addition, to support and assist the current Emperor of the Eternal Empire in its aspirations and actions. The most important thing for them is that the Empire and the clans survive, while they themselves always preserve and nurture the old traditions as well. To keep all of this for many, many hundreds or thousands more years.
  • House L’lerim
    • Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal: she was given the first actual noble rank, so Ingrid was able to establish the L'lerim dynasty with her husband. She is the third man of the Empire, obliged only to the Emperor, and she has enormous political influence over the entire Eternal Empire. [ PC ]
    • Tubrok Ragal: a member of the former royal house of the Nelvaan, he should have been the ruler if his clan had not lived in exile on Christophsis. Later, when the emperor called him back to Kalidan, he relinquished all his claims to the throne and became Baron of Vengard because of Ingrid, and he kept his rank as Chieftain of the Clan Ragal. [ NPC ]

  • Clan L’lerim
    • Jon L’lerim: Ingrid's father, a Chieftain of the L'lerim clan. When Ingrid received the rank of nobleman, she was given the title of admiral or general. He is the owner and commander of the Dyadalmash. Spacious, rigid but respectable, great soldier. Ingrid inherited this half from the man.
    • Steph Hyrrokkin-L’lerim: Ingrid’s mother, a former excellent intelligence agent, but she had already retired from it (apparently). Nowadays she is mainly engaged in archeology and tries to preserve, nurture everything that is left over from the old Neelvan times before they fled to the Kalidan. In addition to these, she is the security chief of the Three Clans, she is the head of the Nite, which is the Secret Intelligence of the House L'lerim. She is the playful and flirtatious person Ingrid inherited from her.
    • Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal: she was given the first actual noble rank, so Ingrid was able to establish the L'lerim dynasty with her husband. She is the third man of the Empire, obliged only to the Emperor, and she has enormous political influence over the entire Eternal Empire. [ PC ]
    • Gunn’hild L’lerim: Ingrid's eldest younger sister, she serves in a spec ops corps in the Eternal Empire. She had a serious accident a few years ago that she almost died of. Her aunt, Hall’a, could only save her life by making a sithspawn from her. He has the same abilities as Kessia Miran Kessia Miran , she has deformation capabilities and regeneration. Gunny is a cheerful woman, but thanks to the fact that she is a sithspawn also receives beastly instincts, and sometimes she behaves like a predator, grunts, takes animal form and communicates only with body language. Like all L'lerim girls, she has a genetic anomaly like Ingrid.
    • Aesa L’lerim: Their father’s favorite, the youngest of the siblings. She’s just a schoolgirl, but she’s probably the smartest of all the siblings. She is able to see things in the most complex way and also she has photographic memory. Still quite naive, infinitely kind, her favourite pet is a desert fox, Hersuc. She is currently in its early teens and may be around 14 years old, Aesa was the unexpected child. Like all L'lerim girls, she has a genetic anomaly like Ingrid.
    • Yrsa L’lerim: As not surprisingly in the family and clan, Yrsa also chose the military career. Unlike the others, he joined the Navy. She is the least prejudiced, she tries to see the best in everyone. She currently serves as a communications officer at Dyadalmash. Of the three clans, she has the best relationship with Eréna, and of her sisters with Aesa. Like all L'lerim girls, she has a genetic anomaly like Ingrid.
    • Herja L'lerim: Herja's life is far from easy, for she was born with a genetic memory in addition to a genetic anomaly. Thus she is perfectly aware of the whole life of the clan until its foundation. This is why she often struggles with mental problems as well. Because of these she could not become a soldier, but she received the training, Herja works as a clan diplomat, mainly deals with historical books, to describe true history so that it is never lost to the clans.
    • Haley L'lerim: Haley and Hope are twin brothers, Ingrid's cousins. They also lost their parents when the Ragal clan was almost completely exterminated. Since then, Jon and Steph have raised them as their own children. Hope became a sociopath as a result of the events, mainly dealing with the business of the clans, for which she has a great sense. Like all L'lerim girls, she has a genetic anomaly like Ingrid.
    • Hope L'lerim: aley and Hope are twin brothers, Ingrid's cousins. They also lost their parents when the Ragal clan was almost completely exterminated. Since then, Jon and Steph have raised them as their own children. Haley was a soldier and a biologist. Most recently, he has been researching mainly the Melding Plague epidemic, so that such an event could not happen again. Like all L'lerim girls, she has a genetic anomaly like Ingrid.
    • Olaf Sved: Although he is not a member of the family, he is the most loyal member of the L'lerim clan The man was once an excellent soldier, but after being injured he became everything in the family. Since then, he has overseen the Vengardi Palace to make sure everything is always perfect. He is the perfect butler.
    • Tiren L’lerim: the oldest member of the clan, nearly two hundred years old man, kept alive by Sith alchemy. Despite all this, he is an infinitely kind and knowledgeable half-armed old man. The sage of the clan, there is no person in the three clans who would not respect him. He was once even a mentor to Tubrok and Nava. Being old enough, he is simultaneously a relative of the four of Hall'a, Steph, Jon and Einar.
    • Kessia Miran: Ingrid's bodyguard, servant and doubler, when necessary she shall replace the Baroness. She is a shape-shifter sithspawn.

  • Clan Hyrrokkin
    • Hall’a Hyrrokkin-L’lerim: Hall'a is Steph's twin sister and chieftain of the Hyrrokkin clan. She is the largest and most powerful Force user in the three clans. She never entered the Wardens of the Shroud, she is proud to be a sith sorcerer and alchemist. She also has a handful of dathomirian witch knowledge. Hall’a keeps Tiren alive, she made Kessia and she also saved Gunny. The deceitful serpent whose every word can be fatal and deadly. Perhaps the most dangerous member of the clans - if we do not look at his power, even then.
    • Einar L’lerim: Jon’s twin brother, unlike his brother, Einar has a huge heart and loves to show his feelings as well. He is a very direct, muscular, big man. Who thus differs from Jon in appearance as well. He was the heir but resigned from leading the L'lerim clan when he married Hall'a. He loves to fight battles on land, the commander-in-chief of the clan's ground units. They have two children.
    • Fonn Hyrrokkin-L’lerim: Asvald and Fonn are twin brothers, a seniors with Aesa, meaning they are still teenagers and going to school. They also have a family genetic anomaly, so they have a pretty nice career ahead of them in the military.
    • Asvald Hyrrokkin-L’lerim: Asvald and Fonn are twin brothers, a seniors with Aesa, meaning they are still teenagers and going to school. They also have a family genetic anomaly, so they have a pretty nice career ahead of them in the military.

  • Clan Ragal
    • Tubrok Ragal: a member of the former royal house of the Nelvaan, he should have been the ruler if his clan had not lived in exile on Christophsis. Later, when the emperor called him back to Kalidan, he relinquished all his claims to the throne and became Baron of Vengard because of Ingrid, and he kept his rank as Chieftain of the Clan Ragal. [ NPC ]
    • Nava Ragal: Nava is a pretty crude man, but he will do anything for his clan and family. He hates Ingrid, Nava doesn’t feel the woman is worthy of his brother. Publicly a member of the High Command of the Three Clans, but secretly he is the Nite second-in-command. Szelin’s husband.
    • Szelin Ragal: Szelin was born a member of the Ragal clan and then became a member of the family through her marriage to Nava. She is a quiet, infinitely kind and gentle woman. Although she is a member of a Noble House, she tries to stay out of politics. Szelin strives to make their lives private and not public, they are just waiting for their twins with Nava.
    • Diederik Höll: the old veteran general, he was the one who evacuated Tubrok and Nava from Nelvaan during the slaughter of the Ragal clan. Both men respect and love him as his father. He is responsible for ground human forces and pilot-led mechanized ground forces, as well as for all ground supplies and logistics, including tribal fighters, infantry, actual fighters. Member of the High Command of the Three Clans.
    • Eréna Eleint: Eréna Tubrok's best friend and lover (with Ingrid's approval, because she is Ingrid's lover too). She is hugely popular all over the planet and in the Eternal Empire because she is a famous actress. She’s not a warrior, much more like to do charity when she’s not filming.
    • Hyrsi Moldenson-Rien: The Moldenson clan has always been part of the Ragal clan, by blood relationship. Hyrsi and Mordaen are also second-cousins of Erena and Tubrok. Hyrsi suffered a lot after the slaughter of the Ragal clan because she was captured as a young child. She was released as a young woman (until then, however, she was a slave). She was given leadership over Rocksolid Arms because she was an excellent military engineer, she also designed the latest Infinites. It was around this time that she came into closer contact with general Elofon Rien, who later married her.
    • Mordaen Moldenson: The Moldenson clan has always been part of the Ragal clan, by blood relationship. Hyrsi and Mordaen are also second-cousins of Erena and Tubrok. While his sister was captured, Mordaen was able to escape from the planet. Over the years, the man became Tubrok's best friend (next to Erena). He is quite a few years younger than the clan leader. He loves to live on big feet, is adrenaline addicted, regularly participates in illegal acceleration races, be it a fighter or land vehicles, he is an excellent pilot.
    • Elofon Rien: Elofon is the youngest and most talented general of all time within the Clans. He first met Ingrid in Tubrok's court and fell in love with the woman. His feelings remained unrequited, and after he met Hyrsi, Ingrid and he became good friends and she taught him a lot to make the young general even better. He became one of the most influential figures in the military, though he is barely in his mid-twenties. The leader of strategists who always comes up with excellent plans. Through his marriage, he also joined the Ragal family, after the establishment of the House L’lerim, Elofon Rien, who was born as a common man, became a nobleman. Member of the High Command of the Three Clans.
    • Kanton: general for the Air Force and Navy. These branches do not represent much strength in the army of the Three Clans, but with a small number of highly developed and high-quality units, they are able to provide serious support to other teams. Kanton always waits until the right moment and only attacks when he sees his own victory as assured, able to paralyze the enemy's network most often with a few unexpected guerrilla attacks. Member of the High Command of the Three Clans
    • Fanan: he is the general in charge of the automated ground force, the leader of the Infinite droids. At his disposal is the spine of the army, the strongest part, which is why he is widely surrounded by respect and recognition. Fanan always plans ahead, step by step, accurately calculates the course of the campaigns, and is a calm and calculating man. Member of the High Command of the Three Clans
    • Stegan: his personally slightly distorted personality due to the early loss of his parents, unlike the other Clan soldiers, does not despise the rude, vile methods either. It is very characteristic of Stegan that he always achieves his goal, if it entails additional losses he still does and therefore most of the time precedes his reputation. His soldiers will carry out his orders even if they eventually have to move forward between ruins and corpses that reach their knees. Member of the High Command of the Three Clans


Nelvaan for a very long time did not know the human settlers. Some scouts arrived there, even during the time of the old Sith Empire and the Old Republic. The settlers who came from another planet created the first human colonies on the planet. It is not known where they came from, but soon they were already considered human natives. At least they considered themselves that, different cities have evolved into clans over the years, decades.

The L'lerim, Hyrrokkin and Ragal clans were the first to be formed, the others followed them, after this their society became a tribal monarchy. With the support of the L'lerim and Hyrrokkin clans, the Clan Ragal clan became the ruling tribe, which remained so for millennia. The clans adapted perfectly to the frosty, harsh conditions. They lived in true harmony with the native race, even if they were at war, they were only standing among themselves, and the three clans were in alliance with each other for millennia.

Due to the frosty conditions, they were mainly engaged in underground mining, the technology was mainly based on the military industry. Their people were warriors, who also had great respect for the Forcer Users Members of the L'lerim and Hyrrokkin clans often traveled through space and Valkyri blood also entered the bloodline several times, although no one from this species became members of the clans. They were never particularly good with the outsiders, the clans were very aloof peoples.

Although the blood from the outside world became members of the clans quite high, for this reason, the myth and legend are spread, that the L'lerim and Hyrrokkin clans were descendants of the gods. Which, of course, was only a superstition and a fairy tale, but it established it - it helped quite accurately - to become the most influential and respectable clans alongside the Ragal clan. Meanwhile, the clans showed a rather strange duality towards the Galaxy.

There were not really clashes with each other, or rarely, in contrast, clans very often joined together to raid nearby trade routes and the planets and space stations of neighbouring systems. Needless to say, no one wanted to confront the excellent warriors and raiders. Especially not if the Ragal clan has also deployed a good two-meters-tall, massive droid army called the Infinites.

In ancient times, especially in the era of the Clone Wars, the planet had a fairly large droid army, by implication at that time they were on the side of the CIS led by Count Dooku. Under Palpatine’s Empire, the Galactic Empire hunted down a significant portion of their Force users, others fled to Dathomir, from which they only returned much later.

For centuries to come, the planet remained independent under the rule of the Ragal clan for a long time, however, there have been more and more internal conflicts. Previously the clans lived in peace, and now there has been more and more assassin war between them. Clans rose and disappeared over the years. However, the three clans kept their power firmly, as a mainstay, and guarded the planet.

The large fracture occurred around ABY 835. The L'lerim and Hyrrokkin clans essentially merged with two marriages, they became too powerful for anyone to question their authority. However, the other clans secretly allied against the Ragal clan and were almost exterminated with outside help. The monarchy based on clans fell apart. The L'lerim and Hyrrokkin clans secretly smuggled Tubrok Ragal - the heir to the throne - and the living relatives of the Ragal clan from Nelvaan, who then found refuge on the planet Christophsis.

Opposite the other clans stood the clans L'lerim and Hyrrokkin, who secretly supported the Ragalt clan throughout. Years later, Tubrok was able to take his revenge with their help as he hunted down and executed all those, who were responsible for the fall of his clan. Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe first arrived in Nelvaan around this time. The Hyrrokkin and L'lerim clans supported and helped him throughout, and he could already find an ally in them. The two clans at that time dominated the northern regions, where the capital of the Eternal Empire was later established. They helped and supported the later emperor, and with their help the man was able to create the Eternal Empire. Not only they, but the Ragal clan assured the new Emperor from their allegiance, though they still lived in exile.

As the clans have been warriors for millennia and have been training warriors for a significant portion of their population, the Eternal Empire received a larger army through the clans, most of whom became Ultranauts. The marriage of Ingrid L'lerim and Tubrok Ragal essentially united the L'lerim and Ragal clans, although Tubrok has not yet returned to Nelvaan. Not long after, Ingrid received the rank of Baroness from the Emperor, thus, the three clans also became noble in the Eternal Empire. The three clans continued to assure the ruler and his house of their total allegiance.

The most difficult for them was when they had to leave Nelvaan after many thousands of years. All this occurred when the Eternal Empire became an enemy of the CIS and the entire Empire moved to the Kalidan. Not long after, secret negotiations began between the Ragal clan and the Emperor, at the end of which the entire Ragal clan also returned to Kalidan, to the city of Vengard.

Where, at last, after a little overt than twenty years, the three clans (L’lerim, Hyrrokkin and Ragal) were able to unite under the banner of the House L'lerim. ​
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