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How to Write Complex Characters



RC-0883 acts the part of the agressive pyro, and for the most part this is true. He considers the explosions he creates "art" and prides himself as an explosives expert, often adding various chemicals to make unique colors. Without the comforts of familiarity, Bunker lashes out rashly and destructively. He feels most at ease within the structure of a regulated Military.

While the untimely deaths of his brothers at the hands of their Jedi Commander fuels his paranoia of anyone new, Bunker desperately wants the recognition of others.

PM me any input please.

[member="Miss Blonde"]


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I'll do this cause why not. Been meaning to connect with Furor more on both a personal and writer level anyways. Also, Furor needs more depth and quirks :p I'll probably do another one of these later down the line when he's either a knight/master, once I have a better feel for him as a character.

Depth: Furor sees the galaxy as it is, not as how he would like it to be. He recognizes the cruelties of life, the pains, the suffering, afflictions. Yet he doesn't know the joys of life, the pleasures, happiness. No fault of his own. He grew up among an abusive household, making him rely on himself for most things along with having a deep-hated hatred for war-mongers and power-hungry fanatics, just people who want to watch the galaxy burn. You could say, on the surface, Furor plays the character of a happy and sarcastic youth in the joyful times of his life, oftentimes being passive. Take off his false character, and what do you get? A young-man who's angry at the galaxy, at what it's become. He doesn't wish to kill, to inflict pain on others...though it's a necessity of life. He doesn't want to be the abusive, alcoholic, war-mongering, fanatical man his father was. Yet he had pitfalls where he see's his father in himself, through his anger and rage, his need for vengeance along with his need to make the galaxy a 'better' and 'safer' place, no matter the cost.

Struggle: Furor doesn't know what his place is in the galaxy. He doesn't know who to be, who to strive to become, what his purpose is. This leads him to fall down a pit, from which he tries to escape. One of confusion, conflict, and anger. Furor wants things in life, a family, children, a place to call home, peace amongst the galaxy. Though deep down, he knows these things are not possible for him. He's met people, two in fact, both of which he wants in his life though he can't. One's a FO spy, the other a conflicted jedi knight. He's fallen for both, but he knows he can't...he shouldn't. The sith code binds him, the sith empire binds him...he's his own worst enemy. He wishes he could break free of the chains of the sith, though at the same time he wants to stay. The sith empire had been the only place he had ever called home, the place where he belonged. He would leave at times if he could, though he knows he shouldn't.

Quirks: Furor...well he's socially awkward, a lot. He's not overly good at social situations, especially involving those of the opposite gender. He's met few of them, and talked to even fewer making him rather hesitant about interacting with them at all....Ya that's it, at least right now :p

Drives: A sense to belong, a sense to be who he wants to be...whoever that person is deep down. Furor wants to find himself, who he had to be...who he wants to be. He doesn't know his place in the great scope of the entire galaxy, though he hopes to find it. He doesn't want to be another nameless soldier or dead sith in someone's personal history book. He hopes to make an impact in life, no matter how small. He wants to be a somebody, even if it's only to one person. He needs a place to belong, to fit it. He had never had that on Crait, yet among the sith he feels like he is home amongst friends...though not entirely. Furor still feels as though something is missing, though he doesn't know what said thing is.

Themes: A sense of belonging, freedom, the ability to choose his own destiny, vengeance, silence in the face of opposition.
Okay, question about drive. My character's drive isn't actually her mother's death itself, which she witnessed. It's what she said to her mother before she died. Her drive is her promise to "be good"; she derived that because she promised to be good at a friend's house that day, and her mother never got to see her keep her promise, so she has tried to keep it. Does that function better than her mother's death, or is it made cliche by her having witnessed her mother's death?

Ivlyn isn't necessarily capable of being a truly good person. She might not even have the mental capacity for it, because of her mental illnesses and borderline sociopathic tendencies. So, it might warp into just being good at what she does, rather than actually being a good person.

This is Ivlyn. I was also hoping for some opinions on the other things mentioned here regarding her, if you guys are up for it.
Not sure how I feel about doing this when I have less posts than every other person in this thread but here goes.

Depth -- Like many of the people who've posted here, besides some of the more unusual looking Sith, Kirie looks like any other girl in her mid-twenties. However, Kirie is deaf. Being completely unable to hear, she must rely on lip reading, and sign language to communicate. This can make even simple interactions with people such as explaining a concept or giving directions difficult. For me as a writer, it allows me a means to think creatively, as navigating through the challenges presented in each new thread forces me to see the situation from the perspective of Kirie, and write her in a way that is both realistic and true to the character, something I have struggled with when trying to write other characters. It is often the case with hearing impaired people that they have trouble communicating and socialising with others. This is true for Kirie, she is very distant when interacting with others, with only a few people she cares about, and one or two real friends. For me, much of the depth in my characters comes from having a compelling weakness, one that fundamentally affects the way I write the character.

Struggle -- In a weird way, I like to make my characters suffer. This is not because I'm sadistic, but I think putting your character through bad experiences really does wonders for development, and I'm willing to risk life and limb with my characters in pursuit of a good story. As such, Kirie has a number of issues with which she is struggling, most of which have been picked up in a handful of roleplays. The first of these is of course her deafness. It is in many ways her defining characteristic, and there is never a moment in which it doesn't affect her. The second aspect of Kirie's struggle is her mental health. She is plagued by a voice that is constantly talking to her, it is as if she is haunted, and it constantly attempts to influence her reasoning and decision making, moving her towards an unknown goal. Kirie is, as most people would be, very uncomfortable with the fact some unknown presence has set up shop in her mind, and as I write her more and more, the story of the voice in her head becomes ever more central to her character arc.

Quirks -- Kirie doesn't really have any character traits I'd consider quirky. However, I think having her sign to people instead of speaking, and the way she interacts and faces the challenges of being deaf makes her a very unique character, and one that I'm quite proud of.

Drive -- When I first began writing Kirie, this was quite a difficult aspect of the character for me. She started out as a naive kid, leaving her homeworld of Balmorra to escape the endless poverty faced by her family. It was only after my discovery of the Commenor Systems Alliance and the Incursion incident that I began to figure out what it was that was pushing Kirie forward. Eventually, I decided that it was the pursuit of understanding. Troubled by a voice in her head, Kirie seeks to understand her place in the Galaxy, and seeks a cure to an ailment she doesn't understand. Now, I am beginning to take her in the direction of becoming a Padawan, aiming to learn about the force in order to understand herself.

Themes --
  • Mental Health.
  • Belonging.
  • Deafness and its challenges.
P.S I owe almost all of my characterisation for Kirie to [member="Lady Kay"]. Merry Christmas Kay, and thanks for taking a new writer under your wing!
Depth: Eralam is, at his core, the definition of neutral. Neither good nor evil, he sees the world entirely in shades of grey. He's attached to no sense of morality other than his own, and that's something that endlessly confuses organics who have to deal with him. He doesn't look at the world in the same way they do, and his thought processes can seem intensely alien. Trying to predict what he's going to do at any given moment can be a challenge. Despite the seeming randomness of his actions, there is an underlying chain of logic. It might look like an impossibly tangled snarl from the outside looking in, but there's a very linear thought process behind everything.

Struggle: Eralam's struggle is one common to beings of an exceptionally long lifespan: how do you keep interested in a world populated by beings whose lives are so short? He rarely forms bonds with organics for that very reason. When he does form bonds with organics, he tends to behave rather strangely, even by his standards. This tends to push them away, much to his consternation. Much of his time is spent staving off boredom, whether through work with the Shard Network, picking fights, or generally seeing what sort of mischief he can get into.

Quirks: Most of Eralam's quirks are a result of his inherent alienness, combined with his long lifespan. When interacting with others, the only thing anyone can be sure of is that he'll do what makes sense for him, and everyone else can just deal with it.

Drives: What drives a being who's older than most of galactic civilization? Boredom, mostly. His goal is to keep busy in order to keep from going mad, and that leads him into any number of compromising situations.


Never Underestimate a Good Bottle of Whiskey
Wanting to give this a try with Jerit. Already passed 100 posts, so let's see if he is worthy of any more:

Depth: Jerit is a struggling teenager who has a drinking problem. He believes that all Sith and Dark Force Users should die under the righteous hand of the force. He has very ideal views on the Jedi and Sith and wants the galaxy to become enlightened. On the inside, he wants to be a prophet of the force but cannot as a result of being pushed down a path that demands him to become a fighter. To handle it, he drinks and drinks until he is so drunk, he is basically numb to everything around him. The boy can be a hopeful, funny, and mature young man but just does not want to be serving under a power greater than himself. He wants to be the one pulling the strings in everything, but he is too afraid to go out and achieve that. He is a philosopher of the force. He deems it necessary to know of the cosmic force, and the living force as they are what makes up life and the galaxy. He sees true beauty in the force, and believes that it will one day set everyone free in the galaxy. Along with principles and the natural order of the force, Jerit also is very fond of technology. He finds accomplishment in making a piece of technology that benefits the galaxy. With these two very opposite subjects and fields of life, Jerit can be described as a Jack of all Trades.

Struggle: Jerit's major struggle is his willingness. He wants to achieve amazing things but cannot take the courage or the willingness to do it. In a way, he wants to not obtain his wishes as he think he would be better off daydreaming being a ruler and prophet of the force. Jerit also has a struggle with grasping his family's death. As a result of that, he wants to keep people at a distance to where it will not greatly change him when they do either leave or die. But, Jerit has failed this many times with often taking many friends into his life who he cares and loves for very much.

Quirks: Jerit mumbles to himself constantly when nervous (Mostly the Jedi code). He is afraid to eat in front of others as his appetite always fits into the colossal category. He rarely shows emotions such as sadness and sorrow in front of anyone, unless there is nowhere he can go to. He hears voices of his Father when immense danger presents itself. Finally, he is afraid of him being forgotten after his passing.

Drive: Jerit's drive is his ever occurring visions and dreams of becoming a powerful and knowledgeable user of the force. He also has a drive of being remembered. He gets up every morning to potentially do something that defies all odds and impresses his colleagues and masters, even if its to make them chuckle.

General Themes: Jerit looks for answers for various problems that nobody else has the answers to. He is tired of the thousands of years of struggle in the galaxy with the endless wars and pillaging and poverty that he wants to find a definite answer the questions, "How can the galaxy truly be at one with the force? How can there be no more wars, poverty, murder, and struggle? Does there need to be a one definite ruler of all for eternity?" He is the one person who wants to set everything in balance and for every being to have infinite peace. His themes with this said?

- Power

- Peace

- Selflessness
Y'know what? Screw it. I'll bite.

Depth: One could approach Fabula one of two ways. If you focus on how genteel, kind, and demure she is, her eagerness to murder dozens of sentients in cold blood for giggles might come off a bit confusing. If you focus on her Sith-like appearance (or if you're unlucky enough to meet her during a fight), the quiet, calm, tea-sipping housewife might be a bit jarring. Either way, though, she's got a few twists and turns in her psyche. Fabula is extremely family-oriented, like any Mandalorian is expected to be, but she's fought, murdered, and/or abandoned all of her blood relatives. She's extremely aggressive, temperamental, and in touch with her darker emotions, but she has a fundamental and intense loathing of the Sith. When you consider her beliefs on the Force (the self is your temple, improvement is the only goal worth pursuing, you must be strong to succeed, strife leads to strength, etc.), this is almost hypocritical; a lot of her beliefs almost perfectly line up with the Sith code. Key word there is "almost."

Struggle: Keeping a posting schedule. Fabula's struggle has always been her temper. For such a polite young lady she has a breathtaking case of nonspecific, wildly destructive rage. It used to be much stronger, of course, back when she was trying to contain it. Now, she's given up. She lost that battle entirely. It's created such delightful scenes as her crippling and almost murdering the love of her life and running down an armed Jedi Master with her bare hands. Now that she's stopped resisting it, though, more recently Fabs' main issue has been her need to move. She's settled down. She has a home and a family and a white picket fence, but she can't stop wandering and getting into more trouble. As a result, she's left her husband behind entirely and lost contact with her daughter. Which sucks, because those are her two normalizing influences...

Quirks: Fabs collects stuffed animals. Her cabin on the Pilgrim has more teddy bears than pillows. She doesn't hold her alcohol well, despite her toxin control techniques. Her holonet terminal basically constantly plays travel documentaries so she can pick out her next destination. Hot cocoa and bad kung fu holos both have a deep emotional significance to her, since that's how she and her daughter connect.

Drive: And here we go. The one area I think Fabula is - and all of my characters are - severely lacking. Fabula has no motivation. The closest thing I can apply to her in the vein of a motive or passion is self-perfection. By conquering obstacles, she becomes greater than that obstacle. She improves as a warrior and a person. She wanders around finding bigger challenges to overcome because overcoming challenges makes her better at overcoming challenges. Her existence is a tautology. This is, of course, a conscious decision on my part; I don't make long-term plans because I always wind up overthinking them and killing my drive for whatever character I'm writing. Thus, Fabula is eternally free of long-term plans and never has problems with overthinking. Or just "thinking," honestly.

General themes: The main thing I gravitate towards with Fabs is wanderlust. When she's not on the move or in the middle of nowhere, she's uncomfortable and tetchy. She's at her best in the ass-end of nowhere. Another big one is conflict as growth. Encouraging and actively pursuing the "hard way" of doing things to improve both as a warrior and a person. And whenever she's around her family or anybody who needs coddling, "mama bear" is the big one. She does not play nice with orphanage-burners or kitten-kickers.
Oh, I do so love a good Q&A game. Let's give it a try:

Depth: Vorhi is one of the weirder men in the galaxy. He's a literal follower of death, he reveres ghosts, works as a medium, and focuses his philsophy on staying alive, despite all that. He's mired in death. Hell, he's even fed on it, at Druckenwell, at Melida/Daan, in a dozen other places. Yet, for whatever reason, perhaps because of his fixation and focus on strange death magic, he's somewhat hedonistic, always attempting to live life in as full as surreal a manner as possible. He takes on reponsibility, does it as best he can, then leaves it to move on at seemingly random intervals.. He develops strong networks for others, then gives them power over it to see what they do. He studies history, yet he meddles in the lives of those who woudl make it for his own amusement.

Struggle: Short answer? Vorhi struggles with staying sane. He also keeps up the curiosity to void getting too jaded. He's been betrayed and sold out by colleagues a good five times in his career, and been nearly murdered by his former commanders on multiple occasions. Part of the reason he avoids keeping responsibility, or even holding on to actual power for too long-- is because he's certain it'll be his downfall. He views the Sith as holding on too far, and the Jedi as too detached. The Palawan monks are too concerned with the physical, and the Bo'Marr have ignored it completely. To balance the dark and light, to meld the physical and spiritual, to perfect oneself in spite of balancing a thousand lies and truths---that's the ideal. That's what being a master means to Vorhi. Whether or not he lives up to that with his method of living in perpetual extremes is debatable, though. As is the questionable sanity of taking half of your advice on this path from people who are already dead and crazy. Or possibly you're crazy and you just think the dead people are giving you advice.

Quirks: Vorhi is something of a gourmet and a clotheshorse. While most force traditions avoid intense pleasures and creature comforts, Vorhi revels in them whenever he's "vacationing" from his insanely punishing training. "Work hard, party hard" is an understatement. Although he has since sobered up, he's still something of an odd fool who spends far too much time sampling exotic food and enjoying the small things than most would. In his own words, he "is a perpetual tourist, who just happens to enjoy the rough neighborhoods as much as the nice ones."

Drive: Vorhi would claim that his drive is to better himself. However, in reality, his drive tends to be bettering everything else as well. He's far more involved and interrupting than anyone who seeks to retire and teach at a monastery should be. He's a meddler, and he'll likely always be one, albeit not anywhere near as effective as he'd like to be.

General themes: I think that in general the theme of "Teachers and learners are the same thing" is heavily reflected in Vorhi's stories. He's often seen as an esoteric, scholarly master, but he tends to learn just as much from the students he takes, however briefly, as he does teach. He tends to be a curious soul in stead of a font of knowledge. Another theme is that "Mastery never makes you content with your knowledge" also applies.
always fun to exercise character development!


Kal is a man who values balance among all things, and during his exile from the jedi order he traveled the galaxy to experience string light and dark. On his surface he is a intimidating beast of war, yet his mind is conflicted with the concepts of light and dark. Kal takes it upon himself to restore balance to the galaxy by striking down those who seek to bring disorder. This includes sith and jedi alike. Taking life from others is no more than a task leading to the ultimate goal, and through this lack of empathy Kal has developed a psychopathic mindset. He does not feel for others, he only sees the greater good for the galaxy. The perfect lawful evil.


The struggle that Kal has in every day life is a lack of understanding. He has struck down his own students for turning from his teachings of balance. The first student he ever shared his findings with was a jedi knight from his temple. The only woman he ever loved. When his pholosophy was discovered, Kal cut his master down and wiped his one true loves memory of everything he told her before he fled to the far reaches of the galaxy. Kal is lonely. He wishes for a companion to share in his belief and vision for a perfect galaxy, but he knows too well the consequences of such behavior. so many students murdered at his own hands. This is Kal's struggle.


Kal has a subconscious effect with his force powers that stems from his lack of training. His abilities display themselves uncontrollably through his emotions. When he meditates, life around him calms. When he feels sadness, light dims and colors fade. When he feels rage, his opponents feel it as well. Kal has no control over this, likewise he has very little control over his own abilities. Often he finds himself breaching the minds of lesser men and women without intent.


Kal's ultimate goal is to smite both the jedi and the sith. Without these two, the galaxy could finally be at peace.

General themes:

Strength, Balance, Ferocity


Disney's Princess
History. Karen worked to build the GR when it was first founded in 835. Almost 20 years ago IC. Then she worked to make the first Jedi Order a living generosity. Worked to make Omega Pyre the biggest darkside cruncher in the galaxy. Worked to build the best gun she could find. Worked to be the strongest Force User she could be. Works to make her marriage prosper. Works to see that her students have all the support and struggles they need to grow and excel. She works and then she works some more. Karen's depth is just how hard she works. Every choice she makes is a building block of her character. Every thread is a thousand choices. Nah. She's not deep because I wrote a great character profile in less than an hour. She's deep because she's got history. She deep because she just keeps on trucking. One impossible thread at a time.

For the character it's everything she touches. Her factions, wars, marriage, religion, Starfighter controls, calendar events, or her latest dueling opponent. There is never an opportunity where she isn't struggling, fighting, working, or growing. And there is no end to her struggles either. Because that's just life. That's just how the galaxy works.

Vanity. Blue loves nice things. Exotic things. Things nobody has ever done before. She's got blue hair. Dresses in wild warrior styles. Flies weird ships and socializes with weird people. She takes her privacy seriously and ignores most other peoples opinions about herself. She wields big guns and flies big capital ships. She studies the Force with as much real science as with blind faith. She takes students slowly and reminds them that she is not their mother. She has a budget, a husband, and a quiet distaste of cats too. She even still considers herself a Jedi in the loosest of terms. Though any orthodox Grandmaster might find himself trembling at the idea.

To be a good person. Which, is almost impossible to do according to other peoples opinions. After all. To be a Jedi you can't have any faults, or sins, or fun, or personality, or property, or money, or opinions about anything. Yet, to be a warrior she isn't supposed to kill, or fight, or be violent, or ever get angry. She cares a sword in an age of guns. She believes in a religion in an age when anybody can be a Sith Lord. She desires a home in a peaceful nation with impenetrable borders and unlimited technological advancement. In an era where factions rise and fall by the months and by the Invasions. Her drive is a needful thing when all of the galaxy is pushing back upon you. Smothering you in wars, and magical abilities, and afterlife after afterlife after afterlife. So. Yeah. Maybe being a good person is just enough these days. Anything more and she might be Godmodding. Lulz.
Depth: Evoros is isolated, and she's isolated by choice. Once she was a creature of pride and hatred and envy--and she was nearly killed when it got the better of her. Fast-forward five years and she's still all of those things, but they're buried. Caring too deeply about defeating someone was her pitfall, and she resolved to care about nobody but herself so it could never be again. At the same time, being an agent for long enough has made her paranoid about anyone having something they could use against her. She solves both of these things at once by shielding herself with a myriad of crafted personas, hiding her real self behind the deceit so she can never truly be known and never truly connect to anyone.

Struggle: For starters, Evoros is trying to live like she's a machine. She allows time for nothing and no one outside of her work, she aggressively ignores her conscience, and she approaches all interactions from behind a mask. When somebody gets close to knowing who she is, when she gets close to caring about someone, to her it's doomsday. And even without anybody to challenge this approach, she's going to burn out in the end. And it sure as chit won't be pretty.

Quirks: Evoros is vain. She's a perfectionist when it comes to her work, even though she'll never show it. She gets very little sleep, probably due to the fact that she drinks far too much caf. Also, she flirts a lot. It never means anything--that would go against the point. But she's got to have her fun somehow.

Drive: If you asked her why she does what she does, she'd tell you something about either her desire for the greater good or her desire for a greater fortune. Evoros does have a conscience buried somewhere, but she's past the point of actively acknowledging it, and although her motivations are largely what's-in-it-for-me, it's definitely not what she gets up in the morning for. No, she wants answers. Those answers come in the form of finding a figure from her past; the answers she wants come in the form of killing a figure from her past.
[member="Miss Blonde"] you better be.


Depth: Silas isn't his brother, he's a genuinely caring soul to those who haven't made an enemy of him, and values protecting those around above all else and its that care that dragged him into the chaotic life of a Mandalorian. But all of this care was something he boxed up for a long time, choosing to try and separate himself as much as he could from Preliat and the rest of his family, he was desperate to be seen as something other than brother to The Wolf of Mandalore, and to be his own man, and it cost him. No matter what is said, or how he's been forgiven or tried to forgive himself, Silas is burdened with guilt, and blames the death of his sister-in-law and nephew squarely on himself, believing perhaps somewhat naively that if he hadn't been so absorbed in setting himself apart he could've saved them when Mandalore burned. He's let that guilt make him angrier and more ruthless as seen with the guilt letting him rationalize possibly hunting down and killing Mia Monroe's infant son as retribution (and now feels even more guilty because of it), but he's also used it as a catalyst for being a better person, adopting a boy orphaned by the cataclysm and trying to be a decent uncle to his niece. So he's sort of a contradictory person in the way many Mandos are, being devoted to family and genuinely caring for them, but also being a member of a war-hungry warrior people, but with some extra baggage.

Struggle: As mentioned before, Silas struggles with his guilt, and his identity. As he grew up, he idolized his older brother, and after the two's rough reunion, shut him out, then finally came to a state of independence when the two reunited once again. At least that's what he'd have you think. In actuality, Silas has always, and still does struggle with the idea that he can never live up to his brother, that he will never make his childhood hero proud, and that he'll be nothing more than a stain of disappointment on the family legacy, even with mounting evidence to the contrary. Then of course there's his struggle with wanting to be a good father, despite having absolutely no positive father figures in his life, as where Preliat had Jasper Ordo to make up for his father by birth, Silas only had the scumbag who fathered him.

Quirks: Silas, like most people sharing his surname, is a violent, brutal person in combat. He also has a fairly closed minded view of things, often refusing to consider the opposing side of any conflict's views. He's also impulsive, and more than once has bitten off more than he can chew, but perhaps worst of all is that he subconsciously undercuts himself all the time.

Drive: Silas' motivation boils down to family and nothing else, the glory of Mandalore, the thrill of combat, all of it is nothing compared to his determination to protect those he loves, and to prove himself as worthy in the eyes of himself and everyone else. Also he's gotta make sure [member="Yasha Mantis"] don't date.
Eh I'm sitting here sick and sneezing so why not...

Depth : On the outside he's a cool half-Aquatic rich kid who has it all. Endless days on the beach. A salvage empire he could take over at any moment. Riches beyond the wildest dreams of most teenagers his age. To most he's a spoiled rich kid who doesn't have a worry in life. In reality Makai is a teenager who keeps to himself and stays far from the partying lifestyle expected of him. Quiet and shy in some ways, yet easygoing with an extremely corny sense of humor when he's most comfortable. Generally perceptive/sensitive to the needs of others, perhaps because he could have been described as a sensitive child growing up. He's been groomed to take over the family business since age seven or so and Makai is equally comfortable in a board room as he is learning to salvage. Doesn't think he is smart though - dropped out of school because it 'wasn't for a guy like him'.

Struggle : Makai's struggle lies in believing the people he loves will eventually turn their back on him and leave. Women especially so.Stemming from his mother leaving at an early age, he developed anxiety to being left without someone he trusted - his father or Danger Arceneau for example. As a result he grows frustrated easily when trying to explain his emotions and does his best to keep any displays of vulnerability from those he doesn't completely trust won't break his heart. Makai tends to do this without noticing - the anxiety filled days of his youth are fairly distant but that even tends to emerge in stressful situations.

Quirks : Has a horrible sweet tooth and often eats ChocoChews. Loves to cook and is quite talented at it, has an appetite to match. Bit of an outdoorsman - if there's an outdoor activity to be had Makai has probably tried it or wants to try it. Surfing,sailing,spear fishing, camping and diving are some of his particular favorites. Doesn't particularly enjoy Force Users but has a small number of Force-using friends.

Drive : The character is young so at this point its a bit more vague. Makai strives to impress his parents and live up to the names of both Dashiell and Kai. At the same time he is driven to become his own man and make a name for himself instead of living in the shadows of his parents. Figuring out who he is in the galaxy and doing it his own way and not how someone else would.

General Themes : Overall the current story arc and underlying theme in most of Makai's threads is a loss of innocence. He is young and lived an extremely sheltered life - one that involved tropical beaches, warm sun and a sense of the galaxy's problems being far away(if he was even aware). As he has gotten older its clear not everything is the black/white view he might have held in his youth. Makai is finding out even the simple things in his life are not as simple or easy as he once thought.
Depth: On the outside, Nadstic is a rebellious girl who just wants to help. A nobody who wants to be a hero. She seems cheerful and hopeful in everything she does. But on the inside, she is afraid that she isn't enough. Afraid of failing, afraid of losing everything as she always does. Every person she fails she takes to heart. She holds a great deal of grief and burden, but she wouldn't let anyone else see that.

Struggle: She struggles with staying true to herself. The line between helping and just random murder blur for her. Some would call her a vigilante, but most call her a killer. She tries to help people without using violence but finds out that violence is the only sure way to help. The grief she carries with her is a major burden that takes its toll. She blames herself for the ones she kills and the ones she didn't save.

Quirks: Hates noodles. She often has a smile on her face, even when in danger. She's a survivor, she nearly unstoppable when it comes to survival techniques.

Drive: She wants to help the Galaxy. She wants to bring down the oppressors and villains. Even those that some would call the "good guys". HEr goal is to bring down all factions and have a free Galaxy.

General Theme: In her current arc she is finding her way to the light. The line between good and evil are becoming more clear. She is learning that fighting isn't the only way to save a life.
Why not, seems like fun.

Depth: It's somewhat obvious to a few people, and even acknowledged a few times, but Darlyn isn't actually a carefree individual who'd just love to shoot everyone for the fun of it. He actually just wants to fix what he thinks is a broken galaxy, and only really understands it through the lens of violence. Sure, he loves to fight, and he gets an intense thrill hunting, but when things are going well for him it means he's only hunting criminals, putting them down or locking them away. He thinks this makes the galaxy better, and sees death as the most suitable way to fix the problem. He does believe in mercy of course, he offers everyone the chance to go away nicely, but he has zero problems killing them if they don't. On subjects like the Sith, he perceives them as a source of the problem, but honest enough at least, while Jedi are hypocrites (usually) who ultimately fail at their one job. And past all of this, even past his own perception, he's little more than a child alone, afraid, and lashing out at everything in sight.

Struggle: Trust. Simply put, Darlyn doesn't trust many people (Only perhaps [member="Lady Kay"] has shown she can be completely trusted). So while he will openly admit his puns and jokes are facades, he won't express much of his past or reasons for it to people, and tends to stay separate from people because of it. At the same time, a bit ironically perhaps, he fears being alone, abandoned. So while he doesn't trust many people to keep them close, he's incredibly afraid of being left alone by everyone, especially the one or two people he'll let close to him. Even short periods being completely cut off eat away at him.

Quirks: He loves puns and alcohol. Sometimes together. He'll often have at least a flask of whisky with him at all times, and isn't afraid to make jokes at inappropriate times to ease tension. He's also a bit mischievous.

Drive: He has a job to do, really. He's not much of a 'big picture' person, but he knows where he's needed at the moment. He'll also soon have an adopted child to take care of, and a mission to find his Father (partly cause he really thinks his dad deserves to be shot in the head).

General themes: Abandonment and Loyalty perhaps best surmise it. He feels abandoned. He was abandoned. And he deals with it best he can. At the same time, he funnels his energy into being a loyal friend and employee to the aforementioned Kay, and again soon to his child.


Well-Known Member
Oh go on then.


Orex is a Wise, Ruthless and Determined man. Preferring silence over speech, he observes most social situations but is not afraid of making friends, although his personality may prohibit this. Towards whatever friend he might have, he has nothing but respect and care. Although he lacks empathy, he will always make the effort to benefit others. This has slowly transpired into a seething determination to benefit the Galaxy as a whole. He has a hatred for the Jedi and Sith as he views them as doing nothing but spreading religious ignorance and dogmatism throughout the Galaxy, and thus keeping its people stuck in the past. But his solid, angry and composed exterior is often plagued by what he's buried.


Underneath, Orex is a broken man. I mean, really torn apart. Like I cannot stress enough how utterly ruined he is, straight down to the core (HIs current background, the fluid orb of red and black is a representation of his soul/core). Orex's childhood was more than brutal, it was abhorrent. Before he was kidnapped by slavers at the age of 11, he lived with his parents. Both poverty stricken, he suffered the desperate care of his Father, and the Sociopathic Manipulation of his Mother. Subject to endless arguments and physical abuse, Orex made it his childhood mission to rise above what his parents had become and make himself something better. All of that was dashed when he was taken by slavers. In the years spent, his psychopathy and suffering consumed him and now, on the inside, he is a ruined, self-hating man with the desire to be nothing.


Although very rarely shown, Orex has a dark sense of humour. But most of his jokes are spoken in his mind.


He is determined to purge the Galaxy of Ignorance and Dogmatism. If he has to slaughter billions, he will do it. For the betterment of all people.

General Themes:

The purest form of Depression, but also a prime example of Stoicism. On one hand, he hates himself and everything else so much, he wants to be less than nothing. On the other, he lives only to better the people through technological advancement.

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