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Open Market HPI Consortium

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

"I believe that thing belongs to me." - Tyrant​




  • Corporation Name: HPI Consortium
  • Headquarters:


  • Public activity / Open market:
    • Public Relations
    • Media, publishing
    • Analyzes, statements
    • Communications
    • Stock Trading
    • Corporate Management
    • Resource Management
    • Research and Development






Most of the company’s services are open and well known. The HPI Consortium already covered several planets in the years when the later House L'lerim is operated on the planets of the CIS. They mainly provide community services to their own subsidiaries or other companies who hire them for this. Because of these services, they are found on several planets. Although most of them only maintain offices and do not represent themselves with a large presence.

Although they try to remain independent and neutral in the Eternal Empire, because of their interests outside the Empire, but they also secretly help in the production of Imperial propaganda, as in other matters for which they are hired. But they basically perform any other service, for anyone, if they pay for it.

As for their secret stuff, these services are mainly provided to underworld organizations like Black Sun, but for example they also have interests in the Darkwire territory as well.

In addition to the underworld organizations, the organization secretly - only a few know about it - maintains great relationships with Primyn Group, thanks to that a member of the Primyn Group (possibly she is an Archon) is the leader of the Clan Hyrrokkin.


The HPI Consortium was not built overnight, it gained its current shape and size over decades, but rather over the centuries. Because long ago, when the later House L’lerim was on Nelvaan, companies from different clans formed an alliance of HPI, but at that time it was still headed by a board of directors, everyone more in their own interests.

After the civil wars and acquisitions, over the centuries, the various companies, with their many interests, eventually fell into the hands of the Three Clans and the position of HPI was strengthened as a result of that the management of companies has fallen into less hands. However, after the formation of the Eternal Empire and the unification of the Three Clans, all power came to one place.

Who should be the CEO? This issue is always complex, especially for a consortium of at least half a dozen companies. Once House L’lerim became an actual power and influencing force / factor in the Eternal Empire with the acquisition of the title of noble, the question could not have been simpler. From now on, the head of the company will always be Head of the House L’lerim.


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