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Private Hypergate Medicine

In Umbris Potestas Est
Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin
Ord Mantell

Ord Mantell's newfound prosperity had proven to be quite beneficial. That the Trade Federation had approached regarding making deals for the newfound sources of tibanna gas had already proven to that. Tourism was through the roof and the casinos were full of avaricious patrons hoping to beat the house, break the bank, or simply to hit a jackpot beyond their wildest dreams. Onrai's efforts had been rewarded, especially since every casino by law was now entitled to display house odds at every table and on every game. The sense of certified fairness had encouraged prominent gamblers from around the galaxy to come to Ord Mantell in an attempt to hit the big one.

She doubted they would, but perhaps it was a possibility.

Within the museum that had been the former Government House, in the entertainment capital of Whorlport, Onrai had begun to work on an incredibly ambitious project. Having traveled to the Old City of Tython and observed the hypergate hidden within, Onrai wondered whether or not it would be possible to create a hypergate and connect it to the gate in question, allowing for nigh-instantaneous travel between one of the critical core worlds and her own. Aside from the potential economic values, the ability to make a swift retreat from one world to another would prove particularly valuable.

So it was that she was at the museum, enjoying the relics of the Mantellian past while waiting for updates from the team producing such a creation.

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