Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I get knocked down...

But I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!

I had to take some sudden and unexpected time off from Chaos due to a family crisis that was then followed up by a lot of personal life chaos (paramedic school is starting in a few weeks, dropping to part time at my job, in and out of ER for gastro-intestinal issues, etc...) but I've got about 90% of that sorted now, so I'm going to be easing back into Chaos over the next few weeks.

So with that, AEI is back in the swing of things now, as well as the following characters:

Ijaat Akun
Aitis Powarth

If I owe you thread, posts, or you want threads or posts, feel free to badger me, i'll get to them as I can!

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