Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission I Spy With My Jedi Eye | GA

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ



The end of the Second Great Hyperspace war has brought peace to the Galactic Alliance.

Yet, rumors persist of the dark side, as influence and power seemingly grow, in the far southern galaxy.

A small team of Jedi, working with an Alliance agent, have been tasked with scouting the suspected region of space, to find evidence of Sith presence and to determine estimates of their power if the rumors prove true. Inconspicuous, undercover, the team operates to avoid Jedi or Alliance implication, to gather intel and report back any findings.

The mission begins with the team aboard a YT-2400 Light Freighter, as they prepare to exit hyperspace and arrive in the Terminus System...

Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra

ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
Aboard YT-2400 Freighter 'Sunrunner'

The swirling mass of blue and white lights passed over the cockpit of the light freighter, as the scouting team made their way toward the rumored sector of space that had come under Sith influence. It was a mission for intel gathering, put together through a collaboration of groups within the Alliance, though overseen by the Jedi personally - mainly due to the less-than-typical circumstances surrounding the mission.

Namely, the Sith.

From the co-pilot seat, Jand sat and watched the mottled display beyond the cockpit viewport. He was dressed in more casual clothing, not the usual Jedi robes that had been his attire for some years now, in an attempt to blend in with the Terminus populace. There had been little to be done about his chalk-white skin, pointed ears or black hair, so the Padawan had had it styled differently for the mission by Corazona.

Yet, Jand was not a fan of the mohawk.

"Our ETA?" Jand asked the pilot.

"On schedule, arriving within ten minutes." she responded, with a few system checks. "Last checks before we're deep into this."


With a small sigh, Jand stood and walked toward the central mess of the freighter, as he sought out the team. They were a group composed of sentients with different skills and experience, though each had an underlying tactical awareness that made them suitable to the adaptive nature of the mission.

Jand entered and looked between them.

"We will be arriving in ten minutes," the Padawan said, as he adjusted the coat he wore, and realized the blaster holster on his right thigh felt odd... though the concealed lightsaber was on his person, still. "Per the Agent's suggestion, we are a freelance crew looking for work in this sector, which will allow us to ask many questions without raising too much suspicion."

The Padawan looked to each face in turn.

"Our goal is to find actionable intel of Sith presence, to determine a location of where forces might be, and then to perform long-range scouting pass from the freighter of that position."

Jand offered a tight-lipped smile.

"Remember, today we are not Jedi. We cannot let our affiliation be discovered. For those that cannot suppress their Force presence, I believe Agent Borra has something for you... Agent?"

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A final mission before the leaping bound into what was once Silver space. The worlds tormented in the absence of those that could no longer protect them. Rakaan thought on this while both arms sat across his poncho-wearing chest. Conscious of the weight of the lightsaber on his hip, left in wonder if this did indeed mean barreling forwards into war with Sith of another kind. Should it not be their duty, the young Jedi Knight wondered quietly with a contemplative face witnessing no more than the view from the cockpit itself, what was there that differentiated the Maw and the Sith in the end?

Two flaming stars, burning brightly and brimming with evil. While one only wished to continuously consume, the motives of the other is not yet known. Does it make it any different, Rakaan considered, answer-less.

The voices began, stealing him from his own private musings.

He listened.

Yes, Padawan. Mused Rakaan with inner-snark. Perhaps a strike to the pride, to the ego. His own appointment from Padawan to Jedi Knight still felt so fresh. There was no ranking person among them now, though Rakaan could not help but think as to whether charge defaulted to himself in the absence of it.

"Splitting off into teams of two, we'll be able to cover more ground and be less noticeable." Rakaan said, addressing the gathered with sparing glances. A faint smirk tugged at his lips, "Running around in strike team numbers doesn't exactly do us any favours."

He turned to the Nagai, "Padawan, you'll be with me."
Cora has been using the screen of a console as a mirror.

She'd tied her hair up at least half a dozen times by now in an attempt to get the perfect messy spacer bun. Her comrades likely didn't care as much, but she did. Looking the part was important. That, and using her hands helped keep her anxiety at bay.

She'd used nearly an entire container of gel to style Jand's hair earlier. The Nagai hadn't been particularly amused at her choice of style, something she'd insisted had come out of Cosmi's Top Ten Outer Rim Vibes.


This was her first foray into the Outer Rim, far from the core. It was funny, really—as soon as the Maw had been vanquished, troubling rumors of Sith had cropped up in the Terminus sector. It was like they were playing Whack-a-Gotarite with the Dark side.

When Jand addressed them, she turned to face the rest of their makeshift crew, hands still working along the back of her head. One of the Knights—Rakaan, the only person here she hadn't met before—spoke next. A thin blonde eyebrow arched. So they were to be given force suppression devices, then break into pairs for the mission.

It made sense enough.

Cora observed her vaguely distorted reflection in the surface of a viewport, smoothing down the frizz along the crown of her head. That would have to do.

"Didn't this area used to be protected by those Outer Planet people?"

Her gaze swept just above her shoulder, over the inverted reflections of Dominik, Silas, and then Capris.

"Is it possible that any of them are still around, just in hiding?"

She doubted that remnants of the Judges or First Order would be easy to find, if they existed at all.

Jand Talo Jand Talo - Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne - Silas Westgard Silas Westgard - Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon - Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
Aboard YT-2400 Freighter 'Sunrunner'
Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Dominik sat looking at a small datapad with information on Terminus on it. His hair was a bit longer and messier, not combed and a little greasy looking. He also wore a spacer leather jacket and tight pants that flared out a little at the ankles. Worn-in leather and steel workboots, possibly military, were on his feet. A belt held a blaster on each hip, one a standard A-180 and the other was a curvy, smooth and silver blaster. He also had a holdout blaster up one sleeve and a vibroblade up the other. Next to him sat a locked guncase, big enough for a handcannon or a small submachine gun. A surprise tool that might come in handy later.

He had read the datapad over before but refreshing oneself for the fifth time never hurt. A massive trading port and along two large trade routes, despite it being so far in the Outer Rim. It had been owned by crime lords in the past and wasn't known to be the safest place in the galaxy, but nowhere in the Outer Rim was. It was near Uncharted Space which meant that the Sith might be hiding out there, using the port for supplies to them smuggle out into the far reaches of space. Or they could be hiding in its underbelly, not venturing into the unknown. Their proximity to the Frontier of the galaxy meant that people spotted and reported new and unfamiliar sentients all the time in this planet's skies, flying speeders and ships not seen anywhere else.

"We will be arriving in ten minutes,"

Jand broke his concentration. He put away the data pad and listened, even though he knew all of this already. You always listen to briefings, details could change last minute. It seemed like everything was on schedule, however. And at the Padawan's suggestion he stood up and drew a handful of small black rocks from a pouch on his belt. He passed them out, one to each member. It was a small sliver of Void Stone, chips that were cast off from some larger chunk.

"Void Stone. Keep this on you, preferably somewhere you can reach it quickly. A pocket or in your sleeve or collar." He looked to Corazona doing her hair. "Or your hair, if it could be secure there. This will suppress the Force within a few yards of you, hiding you from anyone on the lookout. This also means you won't be able to easily use your Force powers if you need them. Rely on other trainings you've had, your blasters, and eachother."

"Splitting off into teams of two, we'll be able to cover more ground and be less noticeable." Rakaan said, addressing the gathered with sparing glances. A faint smirk tugged at his lips, "Running around in strike team numbers doesn't exactly do us any favours."

"And remember that we're a freelance crew looking for work. Refer to me as 'Boss'. I'm the oldest here and easiest for others to believe that I'm in charge. We are interested in any credits we can get our hands on but the big score, doing a job for some of the shadier people is what really piques our interest. If you ask directly for Sith or Darksiders, they'll smell a rat and you won't have your Force to warn you of danger. In terms of services we offer; We can smuggle, we can kidnap, and we're good at finding hard-to-obtain items. We can also work security. This can help us ascertain goals if any, the Sith here have."

"And if you forget all of that, please remember,"
He looked at them all, "That this is recon. I know you lot just went through a war. But you smell the source or get a good lead, you don't investigate further. You alert the rest of us and we look at it together. Sith are rats now, and if you corner them they'll kill you with no hesitation. Got it?"

Capris wasn’t one to make a strong impression.

Hard to when equipped with the social capacity of a blunt object. She’d probably need to work on that. Later though.

For the time being she sat arms crossed, eyes to the viewport, and mind wholly occupied. Almost in a state of pre-mission meditation.

Peace was an illusion and war was an inevitability. Through the congratulatory shoulder pats and haze of victory she’d stood staunch in that belief. They couldn’t get comfortable. They couldn’t allow themselves comfort. Exegol was too hard-fought to let its efforts unravel because of some oversight, Sith or otherwise.

It was a sentiment that thankfully seemed to be shared.

Reclining further into the worn jacket fetched straight from the pits of her own wardrobe, amber eyes ghosted over the company. Most were faces she didn’t recognize. Stark white, older, likely all more experienced in this regard, but she didn’t let that shake her. Tried not to anyway. The junior padawan couldn’t help but linger a moment on Silas. Another student of Kahlil’s so she’d heard, though knighted and assumedly off living his best Jedi life. And then there was Cora. She hadn’t seen the blonde since Xa Fel, but the grape vine had her virtually up to date on all the bullchit the Ukitaian had been put through in the interim. Infuriating enough for her own Master to go and sock a man.

Something she for one would’ve loved to see.

It was then she was pulled from her musings, attention flickering up to Jand as he addressed their little troupe of Jedi and operatives, hitting all the preliminary talking points until-

Force suppression? The girl seemed to tense at that, palms flexing in remembrance. Fething fuck, if that wasn’t the rawest of all nerves.

Quick to shove her visible discomfort deep deep down, she blinked her expression back to one of unflinching resolve, accepting the void stone with subtle contempt. Seems her touch of trauma would have to take a back seat for the time being. Anonymity was key in this equation. Key for survival. And she was nothing if not good at surviving.

“Got it. Restraint.” Echoing the agent’s words of caution, the stone danced around her knuckles. A nervous fidget. One that she tried to bury under a look of pure indifference.



Location: Space
Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania / Dominik Borra Dominik Borra / Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon / Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne / Jand Talo Jand Talo


Silas had been calmly napping in his seat for most of the journey, undeterred from the talking and rumbling of the ship. It was only when they were ten minutes away did his eyes shoot open, awake and aware of the fact he needed to begin mentally preparing himself for what was ahead. Around him were fellow Jedi and a lone SIA agent, all of which were tasked with scouting the borders of the Sith to see what activities they were getting up to. Secrecy was paramount, they didn't want to be the reason why another war started so soon after the other.

Calmly nodding along to what Dom and Jand said they seemed to have a gameplan in check "I can split off with Dom and keep him company. I'd suggest Cora and Capris stick together and use it as an opportunity to put your training into practice" It wasn't unusual for padawans to be left alone, but at some point, they needed the experience in order to know what to do further down the line. Cora was more than capable of doing so, it was Capris he was unsure about. However, if they had the Nobles as masters he was confident they'd get through it fine.

"You know how to contact us if you're in trouble. Yet, with this mission, it shouldn't really come to that"

Everyone had their job, if one person failed the whole thing would fall on its head. There was no room for mistakes...
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ

Of the group, there were two that Jand was not as familiar with - Rakaan Horne and Capris Halcyon,

Both seemed quiet, introspective and otherwise uninterested in social engagement outside of the bounds of the mission. That was fine, Jand wouldn't complain, he understood that everyone had a process before a challenge, and personally liked the quiet as well. When the Jedi Knight announced that dividing up into pairs would increase mission efficiency, Jand almost disagreed, though paused and considered... he couldn't fault the logic.

"Very well, Rakaan Horne."

The questions posed by Corazona were met by Jand with a blank expression. He didn't know of the sentients she spoke of, they were before his time, as far as he could recall. Or maybe he just didn't know of them, period. Still, by that point, the void stone slivers have been handed out, purposefully cut down in size to minimize Force dampening effects, and some of the others seemed perplexed - or perhaps concerned - by the development.

A professional, the Agent explained in detail, before delegating himself as Boss.

And again, it made sense, he was the oldest and most logically placed to be leader.

"Understood, Boss," Jand said, as he reached up and toyed with the mohawk, unconvinced at the look. "Avoiding raising suspicion or not causing Sith, or their people, to flee is the goal. Intel only, as the Agent has said."

Capris was quiet, pointed in her manner, and Jand glanced her way for a moment.

An unknown, but a Jedi, so.

Silas was competent and approached the mission plan with confidence. It seemed the pairs were decided. All that remained was for the vessel to land, dock with the Terminus shadowport, and for the mission to kick off... and as the group neared the mission area, Jand began to focus inwardly, to suppress his Force presence as Master Valery had taught him, as he opted to be free of the void stone.

Just in case.

Docked at the shadowport

Jand stepped out of the docking ring of the YT-2400, before he stood up straight and adjusted his jacket.

He looked around, curious, and saw the docking officers nearby as they noted details of the arrival. They didn't seem fussed with specifics, likely taking basic records just in case, rather than keeping any official recollection data. With a sigh, the Nagai began to walk into the port proper, as he began to look around at the hundreds - if not thousands - of different species, all present within a giant megacomplex of buildings and shops and cantinas and warehouses.

Jand paused, waited for Rakaan.

"Thoughts on where to go first?"

The mission had started...



TERMINUS - Jand Talo Jand Talo


"On Terminus?" Said Rakaan in the garb of a spacer, a filled holster upon his thigh with a poncho as thick as it was dark over his torso and cascading over portions of his arms. With eyes abound, the young Jedi Knight surveyed the area standing beside the Nagai - an Ithorian brusquely shifted past him, a low and guttural sound escaped from his hammerhead. The air was thick his kind, thought Rakaan, seeing no shortage of armed goons or otherwise lowly underworld dwellers. Terminus Station, like so many others, was a den for such disreputable filth.

Turning to Jand with the ghost of a bothered look writ across his face, "We follow those types to the markets, that's where their deals will be. With any luck, with our friends too."

Shifting between the masses, Rakaan could not help but think of the void within him; the festering emptiness, like a part of him missing, an extension of himself lost - the Force was with him always, the Force was him, and now the only remnant that remained of it was the weight of the stone in his pouch. Such a fragile thing it was, he wondered, so easily stolen despite all that it offered.

"Have you been stations like this before?" He asked of Jand, curiously.
Cora had never seen so many alien species in one place. She'd never seen so many alien species, period. Ukatis' population was largely human, and nearly every member of the Alliance was at least humanoid in appearance.

A mean looking Trandoshan brushed past, turning her scaly, scarred head abruptly in Cora's direction when their shoulders had bumped.

The blonde raised both hands in a gesture of begrudging deference. That served as her cue to get any sense of wide-eyed wonder under control.

The lizard stalked away with a hiss, and Cora's gaze lingered on the woman's back before turning to Capris with a weary smile.

"How charming," She drawled, adjusting her vest with both hands, careful not to disturb the void stone shard planted in her collar. Cora only owned a single outfit appropriate for this occasion and fortunately, it had been well worn. Silas might recognize it as the exact same digs she'd had on during their own underworld excursion.

"There are a number of cantinas and shops in this spaceport." She observed, noting the structures and stalls that lined the vicinity akin to a city street. "Perhaps we should start here and see what we can find?"

Prior to today they'd only been on a single mission together, where the quiet Padawan had wrested Cora from from the strange vines on Xa Fel, effectively saving her life. That did not go unforgotten.

"At least there are no tentacles on Terminus," She added with a small measure of dry humor.

A hulking Quarren walked past, the protrusions from his face heavily scarred. One feller appeared to have been sliced in half entirely.

"Ah. I stand corrected."

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon Jand Talo Jand Talo Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
With the stone hanging loose in a pocket Capris couldn't help but mindlessly fidget, picking the metaphysical scab as if she could simply unearth her connection.

Then Cora went and made a comment, directing her an attention to a certain Quarren.

"Wishful thinking." She flashed a grin in return, pocketing the stone for good this time all while observing the surrounding biodiversity."Though I'm just gonna go out on a limb and assume Terminus has worse things. Might wanna brace yourself." The more they dug into this cesspool the uglier it was going to get. Even a surface-level evaluation made that abundantly clear.

Canting her head deeper into the crowd, the girl didn't wait for confirmation before blazing out a path for the two of them, seemingly in her depth. Relative to Cora anyway.

Having made a beeline to the most gaudy establishment within their range of sight, the girl brushed aside a beaded curtain with little thought before seeming to pause a moment. "You've ever been to a place like this?" She regarded Cora and her perfectly tailored cosplay as if gauging the amount of chit they were about to get themselves into. Ultimately she shrugged, dismissive of the probable whiplash the noble was about to experience. "Try to keep your eyes to yourself, they can smell fear."

It was a joke. Probably.

Crossing the threshold, the two were met with a heavy thrum of booze and music, deep bass vibrating the ground they walked on. Every square foot was covered by some lifeform or another engaged in all sorts of activities. Most far from legal.

Capris ignored them all, nudging Cora to do the same as her attention locked on the Besalisk bartender busy cleaning out glasses with all four of his arms.

Wringing a credit free from her pocket, she tapped it against the bartop pointedly. "Got any work for two smugglers?"

Jand Talo Jand Talo Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Dominik Borra Dominik Borra
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
Terminus Station

Jand walked beside the Jedi Knight, before he moved out of the way of a passing - and perturbed - Ithorian.

There was no lack for options when it came to seeking out criminals or potential links to the rumors in the region of space. The station was practically filled to the brim with all kinds of sentients, and all of them looked willing to stab someone for profit. With a grunt to himself, Jand had a momentary thought of how successful a Nagai might do in such a place...

"Understood, that makes sense," the Nagai said, as he reached down and adjusted the blaster on his thigh. The weight was uncomfortable, unnatural. "I will also keep eyes out for job offers or contract postings."

Jand motioned with his head toward seemingly random holo-displays, placed along the walkways, which flicked through postings.

"I have no been to stations like this, no," Jand said as he glanced to Rakaan. "My childhood before Coruscant was Saijo. Beyond that, I only have experience with about a dozen planets, which I have visited... on the job."

Best not to mention Jedi, the Nagai figured.

"And you?"

"Surprisingly, I have."

Cora grunted as Capris shifted strings of beads aside, ushering their entrance into the cantina. Her nose wrinkled as they were assailed with the sour scents of booze and underworld stink.

"People in our...line of work...seem to frequent these types of places more often than I'd assumed." Her assumption had been none. Zero. Nada. Cora wondered if she'd ever become accustomed to dive bars and their ilk, or if the two were simply incompatible. "Not that I myself have made it a habit, mind you." Her face scrunched unpleasantly. "They can what?" Her tone held a note of disbelief, but panic still flashed in her eyes all the same.

Frozen in place for a moment, Cora shook off her alarm and trailed behind Capris. Even if they couldn't smell fear, people often gave away their unease in subtle ways. The same ways in which the aristocrats of court could pick out person's weakness and pull that thread until they unraveled.

While Capris kept eyes forward and attention focused, Cora found her gaze wandering over the eclectic gathering of lifeforms as they gambled, drank and smoked. She found her nose scrunching again as the sharp, bitter smell of an herb drifted over them, raising a hand to waft it away. The nudge to her ribs brought her focus quickly back in front of them as they approached the bar.

The alien bartender turned his eyes down to the counter at the metallic sound of a credit against wood, then drew his gaze up toward the two young women. A brow arched, none too subtle as he appraised them.

"None for you."

Cora frowned, stepping forward so that her feet were level with Capris.

"What does that mean?"

"It means there 'aint no work for two little girls." Came his grunt of a reply.

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne | Dominik Borra Dominik Borra


TERMINUS - Jand Talo Jand Talo


"More than a dozen," said Rakaan smilingly, only a brief glance afforded to Jand in the midst of his scanning eyes leaping about. The absence of the Force nearly blinded the young Jedi Knight, an ever-strange feeling that he ought to never forget. He turned down again, "Maramere, though; mining colony in the outer rim, space dust."

In the densely packed marketplaces, countless buildings lined the way. From dingy, decrepit cantinas to ramshackle businesses that seemed to mostly reside in the under-levels of Coruscant, rather than those that ever saw the light of day. Though there was one thing in common between them both: a poorer condition, as was the way with such space stations.

"Come this way," he waved for Jand, slinking into a bustling cantina.
Aboard YT-2400 Freighter 'Sunrunner'
Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Jand Talo Jand Talo | Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Dominik watched the Knights and Padawans leave the shuttle and begin their mission. He took a minute to scan his surroundings as he was left alone with Silas Westgard Silas Westgard . A Jedi Knight that he wanted to get to know better. "Ever been on Terminus before?" He asked as he lead their way out of the spaceport and into the city itself. Dozens upon Dozens of alien species, most of which he recognized but many he didn't were walking, talking, eating, and generally going about their business.

The Padawans were probably going to seek out the shadiest places they could find. Good idea, and while they hunted down those places, he had ideas of his own. Port cities like this would have heaps of antique stores, pawn shops and other establishments like it. If Sith on the run truly had come here, it would be likely that they would sell some of their extra gear for quick credits. Might be tough getting that information out of the clerk, but browsing their wares for the sold goods would be easy.
ɴᴀɢᴀɪ ᴅᴜᴇʟɪsᴛ
Terminus Station

Jand nodded at the information Rakaan shared, though had no idea of where Maramere was. It likely didn't matter too much, considering it was more a general introduction and attempt to gain some familiarity while on a mutual mission; as it was far better to get to know your peers, for optimal effectiveness, in a range of situations. Though, Master Vanagor would probably have mentioned common courtesy.

As the pair moved, Jand took note of the dilapidated station environment. He supposed that something like this, an artificial place, would suffer from a higher degree of degradation, when compared to a planet. Jand absently wondered how often complete refits of the station, or sections, was needed... yet, his attention shifted, as Rakaan motioned toward a cantina nearby.

"Very well," Jand muttered, as he changed direction. "This looks promising."

The cantina was as rundown as the station, and filled with a variety of species and groups, with numerous worn tables and chairs scattered about. There didn't seem to be any real organization to the space, so much as an attempt to fit as many furniture items in as possible, likely to maximize patron attendance.

"I have heard that all the best information comes from the bar," Jand said to Rakaan in a low voice, as he walked between the crowd spaces. "Should we begin there?"

The dark-haired padawan levied a frown to match Cora’s. Refusing a couple of supposed street urchins probably wasn’t a bad business practice per say, but Capris still couldn't help the fat eye roll born on her face.

“That’s what makes us so good at our job.” Arms crossed and elbows firmly planted on the bar top she made no move to pull away, deceptively casual. If she’d taken anything away from her time spent slumming the lower lanes of Coruscant it was how to conduct oneself in a bar.

The pushier the better.

“Pricks like yourself never think to look twice. Cause what? We’re harmless right?” Injecting a bittt more offense than was genuinely taken, Capris played up the bite coloring her voice. A quick shift of a sleeve and then… bam. A pocket knife pinned the towel he’d just been using to the splintered wood below.

“Get your eyes checked mate. You really oughta be more progressive living in a place like this.” As punctuation, the girl twisted the knife free before casually teasing it his way, voice thick with some mock Outer-rim accent as she whole-heartedly committed to the bit.

Jand Talo Jand Talo Rakaan Horne Rakaan Horne Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania

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