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Approved NPC Iaacen Corvus Raaf

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Iaacen Corvus Fortan-Raaf

  • Age: Late 30s, Early 40s.
  • Force Sensitivity: Knight
  • Species: Human (Galidraani/Corellian)
  • Appearance: Major Iaacen Corvus Fortan-Raaf possesses a commanding presence, standing tall with a confident posture that speaks to his years of military service. His physique is honed and muscular, a result of rigorous training and countless hours spent in the cockpit of a starfighter. Iaacen's features are striking, with chiseled facial contours and piercing eyes that seem to hold the wisdom of a seasoned warrior. His most distinctive trait is his heterochromatic eyes, one a vibrant green and the other a deep shade of lavender, a rare genetic quirk that sets him apart from others. His hair, styled in a practical yet stylish manner, frames his face in sleek waves, adding to his air of authority and charisma. Whether clad in the uniform of the Commonwealth Starfighter Corps or dressed in civilian attire, Iaacen exudes an aura of strength and determination that commands respect from all who encounter him.
  • Name: Iaacen Corvus Fortan-Raaf, aka the Black Raven
  • Loyalties: The Commonwealth | Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations
  • Wealth: Exceptionally wealthy, thanks to his family's ownership of Primo Victorian Enterprises, an esteemed company with a diverse portfolio of subsidiaries. The company was highly successful during the lifetime of his mother, Fiolette Yvarro, and continues to thrive under the management of his siblings. Iaacen's wealth comes from his stake in the company, which generates substantial income from various ventures across the galaxy.
  • Notable Possessions: As a wealthy individual, the Major possesses several notable possessions, including a sleek and advanced starfighter customized to his specifications. Additionally, he owns luxurious properties, rare artifacts acquired from his travels, and high-end technological gadgets. These possessions reflect his affluent lifestyle and status as a prominent figure in both the Commonwealth Starfighter Corps and in the upper-echelons of Commonwealth society.
  • Skills: A highly skilled pilot, renowned for his expertise in interceptor and superiority fighter combat. His combat experience, intelligence, and confidence have earned him the nickname "the Black Raven" among his peers. As a Force-sensitive individual, Iaacen has undergone training with the Commonwealth's Guild of Force Users, where he holds the esteemed title of Dosuunian Knight. In addition to his piloting skills, he may possess knowledge of various Force abilities, though his focus is primarily on using the Force to enhance his combat capabilities.
  • Languages: Fluent in Basic, the most commonly spoken language in the galaxy. Iaacen may also be proficient in other languages relevant to his travels and interactions within the Commonwealth Starfighter Corps and the galaxy. These include Huttese, Sith and High Sith, the latter two he learned from his ex-partner.
  • Personality: Known for his confident and determined demeanor. Iaacen exudes a sense of authority and professionalism, tempered by a strategic mind and sharp intellect. Despite his wealth and status, Iaacen remains grounded and focused on his responsibilities as a starfighter pilot and Force user. He may exhibit traits of leadership, courage, and loyalty to his comrades, along with a strong sense of duty to uphold the ideals of the Commonwealth and protect its citizens.
  • Weapon of Choice: Iaacen’s weapon of choice is his customized blaster rifle, a highly advanced and precision-engineered firearm designed for combat situations. This military-grade weapon reflects his proficiency in ranged combat and his role as a starfighter pilot within the Commonwealth Starfighter Corps. While he may also wield a lightsaber as part of his Force training, his primary focus remains on utilizing his blaster rifle to engage enemies from a distance.
  • Combat Function: In combat situations, the Major excels as a skilled marksman and tactician, utilizing his blaster rifle to deliver precise and deadly shots against adversaries. His extensive combat experience and strategic mindset enable him to assess battlefield situations quickly and adapt his tactics accordingly. As a pilot, demonstrates proficiency in aerial combat maneuvers and evasive techniques, leveraging his starfighter skills to outmaneuver opponents and gain the upper hand in dogfights. While he is a formidable combatant, he may require support from allies in close-quarters combat or when facing overwhelming odds.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): As a Force-sensitive individual and a Dosuunian Knight trained by the Commonwealth's Guild of Force Users, Iaacen possesses a range of Force abilities tailored to enhance his combat prowess. These may include but are not limited to telekinesis, Force-enhanced reflexes and agility, enhanced perception, and limited precognition. While he may not possess the same level of mastery as Jedi or Sith Lords, his Force abilities complement his skills as a pilot and soldier, allowing him to leverage the Force to gain advantages in combat situations.
  • Exceptional Pilot: Major Iaacen Corvus Fortan-Raaf is renowned for his exceptional piloting skills, earning him the nickname "the Black Raven" among his peers. His mastery of various starfighter models and combat tactics makes him a formidable adversary in aerial engagements.
  • Strategic Intellect: With a keen strategic mind honed through years of military service, Iaacen possesses the ability to analyze complex situations and devise effective battle plans. His tactical acumen allows him to anticipate enemy movements and outmaneuver opponents on the battlefield.
  • Emotional Vulnerability: Despite his outward confidence and strength, Iaacen harbors deep emotional wounds from his tumultuous family history, particularly the absence of his parents during his upbringing. These unresolved emotions may occasionally cloud his judgment or lead to impulsive decisions.
  • Heterochromia: While Iaacen's heterochromatic eyes are a unique and striking feature, they also make him easily recognizable, potentially compromising his ability to operate covertly in certain situations. Additionally, his distinctive appearance may draw unwanted attention or scrutiny in sensitive diplomatic or undercover missions.
Major Iaacen Corvus Fortan-Raaf, also known as the Black Raven, was born in 863 ABY on the planet Genesia, but his upbringing was markedly different from that of most children. Following the tumultuous separation of his parents,Sith Lord Taeli Raaf and her late wife the Lord Admiral Fiolette Raaf. Iaacen and his younger sister Aerys were raised by their sisters, Lucinyia and Ariel Yvarro, on the planet Dosuun.

Growing up in the shadow of his mother's legacy and his sisters' influence, Iaacen was instilled with a sense of duty and honor from an early age. Despite the absence of his parents, he found solace and guidance in the teachings of his aunts, both of whom were formidable individuals in their own right.

As he came of age, Iaacen discovered his Force sensitivity and was trained as a Dosuunian Knight by the Commonwealth's Guild of Force Users. His training honed his natural talents and augmented his combat skills, preparing him for his eventual role within the Commonwealth Starfighter Corps.

Throughout his career as a starfighter pilot, Iaacen distinguished himself with his exceptional skill and bravery in numerous engagements. His piloting prowess earned him the moniker of the Black Raven, a testament to his swift and deadly strikes against enemy forces. Despite the weight of his family's legacy, Iaacen forged his own path and earned the respect of his peers through his actions on the battlefield.

As he continues to serve the Commonwealth, Major Iaacen Corvus Fortan-Raaf remains a steadfast defender of galactic peace and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. His journey is a testament to the strength of character and determination that define him as a true hero of the galaxy.
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