Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Back, you sons of b****es....

Yeah, so I've been through the grinder even since before my LoA. I'm pissed, I've got more ideas than I shake a stick at, and I hate all you f*****ers except for the ones I don't. So I'm back. Who knows what I'm gonna write, but if any of you bastards want to hang out OR go one on one with the GREAT ONE, let me know. I've got fuel for years. Let's do this.
Thanks Coryth.

And I'm no Jedi. I'm no Sith. I'm nothing except for Ket Van-Derveld. The Force is my BIT**H and I will wield it like a surgeon's scalpel until I've made my point. Wanna know what that is?

Like I said...Let's. Do. This.

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