Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Name: Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Other name(s):
  • Lady Stuztala (Lady of Progress, her alias in the Primyn Group)
  • Night Queen (by the inhabitants of Endor)
  • The Red Witch / Valeria Ragal (agent codenames)
  • Beldame (by Tubrok Ragal)
  • Lady of the Tower (by the workers of the Tower Vandiir)
  • The Crimson Empress (by Djorn Bline Djorn Bline and Cal Osborn)
  • Various aliases
Ranks & Titles:
  • Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire (Formerly)
  • Baroness of Vengard (Formerly)
  • Emperor's Hand / Overlord of the Eternal Empire (Second in command in the Eternal Empire) (Formerly)
  • Overseer of the Intelligence Committee (Formerly)
  • Director of Blackwatch (Formerly)
  • Lady of Christophsis (Formerly)
Species: humanoid / Force-Entity
Race: Shadow-born; Formerly: human (with Valkyri ancestor) enhanced
Birth date: ABY 830
Age: Mid-thirties.


Faction: Eternal Empire, The Sith Empire; Agents of Chaos (Formerly: The Confederacy of Independent Systems)
Birthworld: Nelvaan (Eternal Empire) / Dyadalmash (warship)
Homeworld: Kalidan (Formerly: Christophsis and Neelvan)
  • Eternal Empress
  • Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud (secret)
  • Special Agent and assassin
  • CEO / Buisness woman
  • Scientist (secret)
  • Empress Regent / Overlord (Formerly)
  • Director of the Blackwatch (Formerly)
  • Overseer of the Intelligence Committee (Formerly)
  • Baroness (Formerly)
  • Eternal Empire
  • Wardens of the Shroud (secret)
  • The Sith Empire
  • The Primyn Group (secret)
  • Agents of Chaos
  • Darkwire (through her company)
  • (Formerly: The Confederacy of Independent Systems, Christophsis)


Sex: Female (variable)
Height: 184,5 cm (variable)
Weight: 65 kg (variable)
Eye color: blue (variable)
Hair color: red (variable)
Skin color: white/pale (variable)
Voice sample: Female imperial agent from SW mmo / Ciri from Witcher 3
Force Sensitive: yes (after this game)



Close relationships outside the family:


Thanks to her parents she has a dual personality. With her family and friends she is direct, friendly, flirtatious and always has a good mood. But others, she is stiff, cold, spacer and she looks ruthless and cruel. Of course if she is doing her job she is acting any personality that her job requires.
Excellent mind, able to think and decide things thoughtfully very quickly. This is due to his very high intelligence.
She is able to think on multiple threads at once to hide her true thoughts from mind readers.
In addition, she can control her emotions - she was able to do so even before his Force Sensitivity - on the same level as a professional Force user, since then she has become even more better.

Ingrid is a tall, and thin, not too muscular (not sickly thin, just ethereal or elegant) woman with blue eyes and medium length red hair.
When she is not working, she likes to wear military uniform, otherwise she wears armor, or inconspicuous dresses. When she is at home, she needs to wear noble dresses, but since she was in the Eternal Empire, in the rank of noble, even the aristocratic garments are equal to the military uniform..


The new racial abilities can be read here: Shadow-born.

Genetic anomaly:
”Genetic anomaly rather than heritage. As I mentioned, I was born with this, and so did my siblings. We are the perfect combination of our parents. Their gene structure was linked to each other in a way that was theoretically physically impossible. We inherited only the best qualities and traits of our parents. This also means knowledge, skills and characteristics. I’m as good as or better at everything than they are. Thanks to this, for example, my father was a great pilot, when I got into a fighter jet for the first time in my life I knew what to do, it instinctively went as if I had been doing this for a thousand years. This is not genetic memory, merely instinctive talent. That’s why I’m so good at what I have.”

”More specifically, I’m also trying to say it scientifically because I think you value it better. The gene structure is inherited in the most appropriate way, the dominant and more favourable genes are in an order with a chance of mathematically zero considering the possible factors. By separating the genetic code, the complete and pure gene pool of the two parents can be deciphered, all traits of the offspring, partly the mental ones, are inherited uniformly, complementing each other in a way that is not possible without pre-planning. Biological properties are also paired in a similar way, refuting most known laws. Even my aunt, who is a Sith Lord didn’t find an explanation for this… And before you ask, I’m not genetically engineered. In fact, I wasn’t even a planned kid, I was an accident.”

Enhanced ability: (Formerly)
She "got" a weak shape-shifting ability from Adrian Vandiir.
With this she can change her hair a bit, her skin, and reshape the outer layers of her body just a bit. Enough to look quite different, when someone take into account how many kinds of humans there are. And can also change the length of her hair with this ability.

Genetic anomaly – She has a unique genetic model, she is a perfect combination of her parents. That means she inherited every talents, skills which her parents knows. She is talented every one of them.
Quick learner – She can learn things, skills faster than others thanks for her intelligence.
”Cold blood” – She is not a force sensitive, but she learns how to control perfectly her emotions and feelings.
Secret Identity – She always use shadow hologram, so just few people know which is her true appearance. Even her people on Christophsis doesn’t know her true face.

Mistrustful – She has hard to trust someone else, this is the reason why she only have a few friends.
Stubborn – She is determined to do what she wants and almost always refuses to do anything else.
Loyal – She is loyal to her faction or her people; even if she need to sacrifice her family or her loved ones.
Never forget, never forgive – She never forget and never rest until she get her revenge.


"You're a Cipher agent. Specializations in disguise, seduction, infiltration, assassination."
―Watcher X. (sw mmo)

  • Infiltration – Master
  • Espionage – Master
  • Hand-to-hand combat – Master
  • Marksmanship – Master
  • Explosives – Expert
  • Disguise – Master
  • Seduction – Master
  • Assassination – Master
  • Play-act – Master
  • Manipulation – Master
  • Military training – Master
  • Driving (fighter, biker and small spaceship) – Expert (fighter - master)
  • Computers - Expert
  • Politics – Master
  • Polity – Master
  • Diplomacy – Master

Languages Known:
  • Galactic Basic – Native
  • High Galactic - native
  • High Nelvaanian – Native
  • ur-Kittât / Sith - native
  • Binary – Fluent
  • Mando’a – Fluent



Ingrid L’lerim was born on a warship name Dyadalmash in the later CIS territory, 30 years ago (BBY 630). Her father was the commander of the ship, her mother was an agent, first on her planet Nelvaan, then after the foundation of the CIS, agent of CIS. Her parents birthed on Nelvaan, and after Ingrid and her sisters birth they lived there. She had a normal childhood, When she was five years old the CIS was founded, her normal life was overturned. Just like her planet, her parents were joined the CIS too. Ingrid’s father joined the army again, her mother became an agent again. At this point she and her sisters rarely saw their parents. Most of the time private teachers and educators – both humans and droids – deal with them. She learned many things under these years. She becomes an educated and intelligent young girl. Her parents desire she need to become skilled at military and agent qualification as well. Her parents said, if the mandalorian children aren’t young to fight or learn the art of war, their children neither. So Ingrid was no choice. Important thing, she never regrets her parents decision even if the cost was her childhood.

The training oftentimes were cruel and hard, but she never retreated or hesitated. She wants to become the best, wants her parents to be proud of her. And there they were. By the age of sixteen her agent’s training was nearly completed. In the last ten years she trained every day (minimum half of the days). But there was a cost, she had many talents and abilities, she can manipulate others, or seduce them, but she doesn't know how to trust someone who does not part her family. After she crossed the age of six she didn't have friends, only her younger sisters. She learned seduction, but not love. So her situation was complicated.In this year - when she was 16 – she went to Scarif’s Military Academy, where finally practicing her skills, and she tried to make friends. The problem was she can act on everything, but can’t show her true feelings just to few people. With time they became true friends of her. Two years later she finished the academy with the rank of lieutenant. She doesn't apply to any ships, or base, she goes to the Intelligence Agency and she applied there to an agent. She showed her talents and what she knows, the IA employs here as an agent and assassin.

Another two years later before the CIS collapsed she got a job, she needs to return to the Military Academy and she gets a few target to keep an eye of them and she needs to know everything on them. The Agency thought there were infiltrators or spies. The suppositions were wrong. One of her first targets was Tubrok Ragal (or 2B), the young monarch and chieftain of the planet Christophsis. No one understands why he is here, Ingrid figured out. She seduced him for the information, but “unfortunately” later they fall in love. That was the time when her double life started. Later in this year the first CIS was disbanded, and Ingrid needed to find a job. ‘Cause she doesn't have a better idea she gets a bounty hunter licence and worked as a bounty hunter in public. Not public, she exploited her strengths and worked as an assassin or agent. She was picking up the Valeria Ragal, or The Red Witch name. No one know how she looks, she always wears a disguise. When she was not working she was with Tubrok, on his planet, and their relationship became more and more deeper.

In BBY 854 the CIS was reformed once again, of course Ingrid came back to her faction and sign for work. With her agent and assassin career she was reinstated/assigned to her job as a special agent and assassin as well. In this year Tubrok engaged her and granted her a nobility rank on his planet after she said yes. Months later they kept the wedding too. The interesting part of the wedding was she used her disguise device under the ceremony, so her people still don’t know her real appearance, just what they saw under the years, which is different from the original. She still kept in secret her true identity. Only her new family, Tubrok’s closest friends, and the military staff saw the real Ingrid. In the last two years as a Special Agent, Ingrid reports to Viceroyalty. In particular, she would be reporting to the Viceroy of Manda and would conduct espionage/assassination/etc. as directed by her superior Valencia Hadley. She was Ingrid's political handler. At the most of the time Ingrid worked out of the CIS, but sometimes she have a job inside her faction, founding spies, assassinate traitors. When she has no work she returns to her husband’s side.

And now, when the blaze of war are lighting up, she has more work than before…

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Rank: Lord Commander (Force master)
Masters: Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe | Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Adrian Vandiir (sorcery and alchemy)
Disciple/Apprentice: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir Adrian L'lerim-Vandiir

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

  • 11-18aac5f90a158cf1945d6b3e854a869a.gif

    The table of contents. Click on the appropriate section for the details. Ingrid's blings for easier transparency.
    Reward images collected in threads (invasions, dominions etc. Or general things/blings belonging to different factions.​

  • Kills/Bounties:
    Sidiqq Ordo (Rebellion of Mandalore)
    Runi Verin Runi Verin (Second Bastion invasion)
    Eskk Jannik (left behind in the Nether where he died)
    Ty Sibo Ty Sibo (Vagar Praxut, off-panel)

  • Eternal Empire











  • Agents of Chaos:
    Nothing yet.

  • The Sith Empire:

  • Other pictures/blings:

    CIS things


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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
  • 11-18aac5f90a158cf1945d6b3e854a869a.gif

    The table of contents. Click on the appropriate section for the chapters.
    Here you can read the things that have happened to Ingrid since her bio was completed.
    The stories are divided into different chapters, considering how important things happened to her.​

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 1 - In the service of the CIS
    Ingrid worked mainly for the CIS during this time. Among other things, she was present at Kuat's invasion. At that time, she had spent most of her time, if she was not working, in the CIS’s territory, on her husband's planet. On one occasion she had just traveled home to Nelvaan to visit her family. All this came to the attention of the emperor, Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe . He summoned Ingrid to himself, and in return for her family and her services Ingrid received a rank of nobility. It was then that she became Baroness of Vengard and the noble house of L'lerim was founded here from the L'lerim clan.

    However, her life changed in other ways on this day, this is where the ritual of Tacitus's sorcerers found her accidentally. It was then that the suppressed/dormant Force awoke in Ingrid and she became Force Sensitive. It was around this time that the Ministry of Secrets was founded, the Ministry of Intelligence of the CIS. Ingrid got a job there, but at the same time her return to the Eternal Empire began. She became a disciple of Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe at Wardens of the Shroud. Her career began to rise brightly from here.

    She met Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter on the planet Ichtor VIII, the Blood Hound was one of the few who earned Ingrid's trust and friendship. Later the woman also became Ingrid's master and this became her close friend with whom Ingrid can talk anything. Ironically, it was because of the woman that Ingrid left the CIS.

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 2 - The Force, at home, as an apprentice

    After that, Ingrid was only involved in one actual action in the CIS. Since Scherezade decided to leave the CIS, Ingrid didn't feel any reason to stay either. She seemed to maintain this for a long time because she was still spying from the CIS, for the Eternal Empire. Only her husband tied her there (CIS). Nothing else, for she had fully returned to the Eternal Empire to deal with her duties there. In addition, she helped the Scherezade form and stabilize her own faction, the Agents of Chaos. Here she also took an active part in the work.

    It helped a lot that EE and AoC entered into an alliance with each other. However, during one of the exercises, a mistake slipped in with her master. She accidentally stole some of Scherezade's anger, which later caused still huge troubles. Within this faction, she also joined the Wild Hunt organization to help her friend’s and her faction’s work.

    Over time, Ingrid also became increasingly important in Imperial political life. She became more and more influential, the Emperor entrusted her with the chair of the director of Blackwatch. At the same time she was given the rank of Emperor's Hand (Emperor's Right Hand), thus becoming the 2nd Person of the Empire after the Emperor. Only now she had to obey and only the Emperor could give her orders.

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 3 - Rise of the Emperor's hand
    She continued her work, especially in the Eternal Empire. The Eternal Empire started a war with the CIS and moved from Nelvaan to Kalidan. When she could have spent quite a lot of time with Tubrok as well, the blessing of the child was almost planned, when the Imperial Wedding also took place. Ingrid and Tacitus’s plan began here, leading to a subsequent infiltration into the TSE. At the wedding, Tubrok resented being able to finally be with his wife, but the emperor gave the woman such a task as to seduce someone.

    They didn’t talk to each other for a few months after the wedding. Partly because Tubrok had secret negotiations with Tacitus to return home with his men to Kalidan. Ingrid was not initiated into the plan by any of the men. Ingrid got closer and closer to TSE, because securing the alliance between the two factions she represented the Eternal Empire in the pursuits of The Sith Empire.

    Due to the imperial wedding, she slipped back to third place in the Imperial chain of command behind the Emperor and the Empress. Meanwhile, she was invited to the Wild hunt’s council, where she received the Aspect of Desire title/rank. But most of her business was still in the Empire. Because of her achievements at Bursoll, under her leadership she managed to stop the Melding Plague. Earned the title of knight within the Wardens of the Shroud. And the secret plan matured further…

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 4 - Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    The empire began to expand aggressively, so Ingrid had little time for anything. It just seemed like a memory of talking to Tubrok about having a baby. She hadn't seen or talked with her husband in weeks or months. Fortunately, her work was sufficiently committed, such as the expansion, the negotiations with the Zweihander Union. Political appearances, designs, and the like. And, of course, helped the TSE in the fight against the NIO (New Imperial Order).

    Her life took a pretty big turn on a planet called Lanteeb. At the ball here she met AMCO AMCO , one of the TSE envoys, one of the Dark Councilors. They flirted with the man throughout the evening, and in the end she also regretted having to leave the Sith Lord there. She didn’t really expect this thing to get more serious or will she ever see Vandiir again. But fate, or rather the Force, wanted it differently.

    On the planet G'rho, Scherezade's anger first broke out in her, causing her to accidentally attack even the Emperor because she lost control, as she did with two guards too. It all came out great for the secret plan, but after the mission, Tacitus tortured the woman with the law enforcement forces for several hours because of what she did. The man no longer trusted his disciple's abilities and feared that she would become a real sith instead of what she was now. His fear was unfounded.

    Ingrid helped TSE again after this mission, this time they went to Wayland after K Kaine Australis and his faction, here she met Adrian again and after a duel with a Jedi – who escaped after the fight – they celebrated the victory in private. That's when they became lovers. It was also perfect for her plan, though she wanted to keep the man away from the double agent work.

    Not long after, she had an unpleasant affair with a Force entity on the planet Trenwyth. She successfully defeated it and acquired countless new abilities from the entity. She resisted the temptation and realized she could get rid of Scherezade's anger as well. Ingrid was able to stay Ingrid, and she controlled her emotions much more than before, not to mention the many new abilities.

    To surprise her lover broke into the Tower Vandiir where she met Adriana Fortemps Adriana Fortemps . She also called Scherezade to a planet near EE and AoC, where she caught an alarm. Here she wanted to return the woman's anger to her. She also met with a weapon manufacturer with whom she began negotiations. And even asked for a private meeting with Tacitus before the betrayal to discuss everything before the big plan began.

    Not to mention that she tried to spend more and more time with Adrian…

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 5 - The Double Agent
    The day of betrayal came, Ingrid did not want this war because of her worries, she feared the Eternal Empire. She was not even aware of it, but when they left Kalidan, Tubrok arrived at Vengard that day. The man had now taken care of everything, relinquished all his ranks and positions within the CIS, and recruited new ones within the Eternal Empire. He was ready to be with his wife again.

    Arriving at the sith planet, the infiltration plan already seemed to be overturned, Ingrid immediately felt the presence of AMCO AMCO on the planet. The plan remained the same, but she threw everything aside and immediately hurried to her lover to save the man from the planet… In the invasion, Ingrid finally successfully rescued Adrian from the EE people - that is, her own - and after a minor trouble on the roof, they were able to leave the planet. The events might have seemed to an outside observer as if Adrian had kidnapped the woman, so everything went perfectly. Ingrid closed the events in nice contrast without her knowledge, as during an earlier invasion, Adrian started the events by wearing a body-fitting black underwear, and now the woman ended the invasion that way.

    In the times that followed, she was mostly with Adrian, as she knew the man best, not to mention how pleasant his company was. In the meantime, she visited Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf about her double agent work (thread in progress, details after).

    During the invasion of Borosk, she hoped her lover would be at home and not get in trouble, but on the star destroyer that led to the invasion, she finally met him again. She also met Kiber Dorn Kiber Dorn here, the Sith Lord's sithspawn. On the ship, she was again forced to defend Adrian and sustained life-threatening injuries to her back due to acid and fire attacks, not to mention the explosion as she protected Adrian with her own body. It was then that she had to realize that she might have fallen in love with a Sith Lord so similar in character to her husband. In the end, Adrian didn’t leave her behind either, even though she wanted to gain time, they fled to the Netherworld before their ship crashed into the planet.

    During the next invasion - during the recovery period - , Ingrid should have encountered one of her contacts, on one of the TSE planets, in the EE case, when the NIO attacked again. She saved a NIO knight, then finally successfully avoided a clash with the couple in love. Although the exchange of information failed, she was able to leave the scene unscathed and the planet as well.

    After that, it took weeks to heal, and her lungs were severely damaged, so it was only thanks to the treatment of Adrian's people that she recovered completely, leaving no wounds / scars on her back. As soon as she was okay she travelled to Zeltros with her lover, Adrian had already become sithspawn. On the planet, when they weren’t dealing with each other, they finally started Adrian’s self-defense training as well and turned up at Club Euphoria.

    After these she returned home, where she was greatly surprised that Tubrok and his men had returned home to the Kalidan, and right after the woman returned home, she also found Tubrok and Eréna in her own bed that her husband and their common lover were waiting for her. This was very unexpected but a pleasure. She also had to do a little bit of her own affairs in the Eternal Empire. She also led the rebuilding of Bursoll II, meeting new people, also visiting NPC Treasury NPC Treasury and Caedyn Arenais after issuing the Zero Tolerance Policy on behalf of Blackwatch. In addition to these,s he also made new weapons for himself and Kessia.

    Not long after, she returned to Bursoll II, where the Empire rebuilt the planet so that those living there could return home. Ingrid also sacrificed a lot of her own family wealth and money from the HPI Consortium for this purpose. Her days were still quite busy, even with the help of Kessia Miran Kessia Miran . Among other things, she acquired a Sith for Blackwatch when, after all, the man was not executed, it could be even more useful later on.

    When she was in the Sith Empire, she met with Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano , who turned out to have very similar thinking and played the same way on the Galaxy chessboard. There was one commissioner on both sides, neither wanting to ever wage war or fight the other. Maybe that’s why they started becoming friends with each other. They’re too similar, in a good way, though Ingrid owed it to her father because that half was similar to Telis.

    After that, she even had a meeting with the OPA, but unfortunately the faction crumbled not long after and therefore the subject of the discussion is likely to be irrelevant. Meanwhile, she continued to handle the affairs of the Eternal Empire, not to mention her work at TSE, where she spent more of her time with Adrian and made alliances and connections. There was no need to spy, the Nite files were enough to give to her own Emperor.

    That is why no one could suspect her of spying or harming the Sith Empire. Back home, she also increased her influence, and in the meantime Ingrid regained the full trust of the Emperor, Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe . That is why the man initiated that his main goal, as well as that of the Wardens of the Shroud, was to destroy the Force itself. Ingrid wasn't particularly enthusiastic about this opportunity, but didn't give her a voice.

    The Empire, meanwhile, continued to conquer, but on one of the planets they were trapped, and Ingrid alone faced a complete rebellion that she could eventually handle. Shortly thereafter, she finally had the opportunity to meet two ZU executives, Credius Credius and Ben Craig Ben Craig , aboard the Vexillium, which was owned by an HPI subsidiary of the same name. The Vex bought the luxury cruiser from AMCO AMCO ‘s company shortly after the woman also received a yacht as a gift from her lover.

    She finally found a disciple for herself. The young name was Ben Serrano Ben Serrano , who “deserted” from the Sith Empire and went to the Eternal Empire. So the woman could now try herself in such a field. As a trainer or instructor - in the military field - she was great, but she had never taught Force to anyone, until now.

    Meanwhile, in the months now, mostly towards the end of the last period, her relationship with Adrian really deepened during the siege of Bastion. A Force-bond was formed between the lovers. During her duel with FN-999 during the siege, Ingrid also suffered life-threatening injuries after the man's men arrived, but alone - with the help of the Darksworns - successfully defended the escape route.

    ~ To be continued ~

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 6 - The Empress Regent

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 7 - The Eternal Empress

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
  • dRUm20K.png
    Chapter 8 - Broken Heart and Soul (Current chapter)

    Chapter 0 – Table of contents
    Chapter 1 – In the service of the CIS
    Chapter 2 – The Force, at home, as an apprentice
    Chapter 3 – Rise of the Emperor's hand
    Chapter 4 – Still apprentice, but a Knight Warden
    Chapter 5 – The Double Agent
    Chapter 6 – The Empress Regent
    Chapter 7 – The Eternal Empress
    Chapter 8 – Broken Heart and Soul (current chapter)
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor she is not vicelord (neither her husband), when I registrate I discussed this with Darth Metus Darth Metus he said Christophsis is the good planet to Ingrid and I can write this, he suggested :) So this is not a vicelord title, just a noble rank, nothing more :)
But she and her husband (with their people) soon leave the CIS forever, if it happens I'll pull off the title too.

I realized its justification and indentation that like to cancel one another out. One has to be first and the other inside or maybe second on the list. I'd have to open my bio again to see which.

Everyone is always nice to share coding. I received one similar a while ago, from Nessa to help start my faction template. Someday I will play with them and make things snazzier!

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