Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Injustice For All [BTS]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Miss Blonde sighed and rolled her eyes at James' antics to suppress their little visit there, she was aware of his pheromones and what he was doing and sadly they had no effect on Miss Blonde anymore. Growing up on Zeltros the woman was exposed to them twenty four seven and she'd built up an immunity to them.

Stepping into the elevator Miss Blonde looked out to Raven and held up a single hand ordering her to wait. She was going to provide cover after all.

"Raven, get the next one. In case anyone is trying to trail us." And with that the doors closed and the crappy elevator music turned on.

Pressing a button on the side panel the turbolift activated and started to head straight up. There was an awkward silence between as the two ascended up, but before it could carry on too long the short blonde woman broke it.

"So do you punch him? Do I punch him? Do we break his stuff? How we doing this?" Blonde asked as the lift began to slow.

Upon reaching their destination, Miss Blonde stepped out and reached down to her coat and grabbed her pistol clutching it in her hand before placing it behind her back. As she began to step forward she received a call from [member="Dyxra'a"]'s assistant about coming to help them with the problem they were having.

"Yeah, just come down to the Stockman apartments on Galloway and Forty Third and we'll meet up after we get our information." Miss Blonde hung up and shortly after looked towards the target's door then back to James.

"Age before beauty, and try not to murder anyone." Blonde said with her pistol still hidden behind her back.

[member="James Justice"] [member="Azalyn Falconer"]
As the lift carried them upward, James calmly and quietly checked his person. It was more a habit to keep himself busy in times like this than it was out of necessity or anything else. He chuckled slightly at [member="Miss Blonde"]'s question. His mind went back to his first job for her, and for the Black Ties. He had wasted no time cutting those Atrisian couriers to ribbons before her very eyes, beating one with a pool stick and flaying the other with razor wire. She had seen some of his darkest work.

"We give him a chance to play nice," the spacer said adjusting his studded leather gloves once more, "and if he refuses, I'll make the lad wish he were never born."

The doors opened and the spacer quickly whisked himself away to the door humming the operetta tune he had heard the night before on Soceras. It calmed him, and the spacer knew he would require calm for the delicate work ahead. It took him a matter of minutes to disable the lock on the door and waltz right in.

"What the hell?" shouted a young man with dark hair bolting up from the couch.

"Ye door," James said jerking his thumb back, "its lock is broken. Ye should get it fixed."


"The letter," James said cutting him off, "Tell us who ye delivered it for. This is the only time I am asking."

The man stood for a fraction of a second considering his choices before leaping for the door. James, however, had been doing this too long to be caught off guard. His hand pulled a metallic ball from his pocket that the spacer hurled at the man's back, sending a rail of pain up his body and dropping the man to the ground. The spacer took a step forward slamming his boot down on the man's spine. He could feel the subtle crunch as spider fractures fabricated themselves along the delicate bones.

"The letter, answer me," James snarled, "It only goes down hill from here."

"I-I--I don't know, please, I--" the words ended in a howl of agony as James pressed the tip of his cigarette in the man's face.

The sickeningly sweet smell of searing flesh filled the room as James savored the agony of another wrong doer's hell, "The letter, Solomon, you delivered."


The studs along James' gloves came down on the burnt flesh, ripping into it, tearing it away and sending a spray of blood onto the floor. Again, again, and again, the gloved fists came down in a brutal assault until the screams of pain were reduced to whimpers of submission.

"I--I--I don't have a n-n-n-nname," Solomon said from between his shattered lips and teeth, "B-b-but I have a location. He c-c-alls himself the Serpent, we met at the Hampton Casino, just please no more, please, pl-please....."

James gave a rough nod at the broken young man before making his way to the small bathroom, "Can ye do something with that, Miss, or do ye need more intel?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
At the end of the day [member="James Justice"] was a thug, a slightly smarter than average thug but a thug none the less. And with that there were certain situations where his thug like skills and qualities were greatly appreciated, this however was not one of them despite the varying degree of successful results they produced. So with an audible sigh Miss Blonde walked over to the sobbing man and whipped out her comm device, reaching into the man's pocket afterwards she grabbed their ID and took a photo of it.

"I'm a lot nicer than my friend here, and I'm very much inclined to call someone to take you to the hospital. However those feeling can change quickly, I have your ID, I know your face, and I know where you live. So we were never here and you tripped and fell. Nod once if you understand." Blonde said with a very stern tone of voice.

The man before her simply nodded very slowly and cautiously and as she did that the crime lord flipped the man his I.D back and set it on the ground in front of his face.

"Good boy, have a good one." Blonde then stood up and placed a fair amount of credits on the coffee table to pay for the man's medical bills before sending a text for someone to go get him.

After she was out the door with James and had her comm unit texting [member="Dyxra'a"] to go and meet them at a place called the Hampton Casino there on Antecedent to meet their target and see if they could get to the bottom of this.

"You know a simply punch might of worked, or flashing a gun, or breaking stuff, but you always have to go Needles the Clown on everyone we meet. You know our healthcare system is in the toilet right now." Blonde took her pistol and tucked it away as they were reaching the elevator.

Pressing the button Miss Blonde waited and then looked over to her friend.

"All I'm saying is that there are less expensive ways of extracting information." she said with a slight chuckle.

[member="James Justice"] [member="Dyxra'a"] [member="Azalyn Falconer"]
As [member="Miss Blonde"] talked to James' prey, the spacer washed his hands, jacket, and face clean. The last thing he wanted was to be walking through the streets coated in blood. That was too many questions he didn't want to arouse.

The spacer followed her into the elevator. He nodded, she had a point about the deal. He could have been gentler. And kinder.

"I gave him a chance to play nice," James protested. "I asked. Ye saw that." but, he had to admit she was right. There were better ways. Gentler ways. But it was the fastest way and he was more concerned about that than his personal statuses.

Still, James knew he should make it right. He pulled his comm out and typed a series of messages out, "There. Dal'Bor University will be sending 100 under grad med students for pro bono work for two months. And Mr Solomon will find all his medical bills paid for."

The door opened with a ding and James walked out with a cold, quick step. He was not a good man. Not by any stretch of the imagination. He had and would continue to do dark things--but only because there was no else able or willing.

"For the record," James added as he climbed into the SUV-like speeder, "That was gentle."
As soon as the man armed with a vibrosword and clearly more prepared than the other perpetrators was pointed out, Keira knew she had her target. With only a nod of her head in response she altered her course to intercept him, not drawing any visible weapons, conceding to the fight unarmed for the moment. By her estimate he favored the blade over the blaster pistol, meaning the latter would be a last resort rather than an inherent go-to. That, at the very least, was something she could work towards her advantage, assuming he allowed her to get in close enough. A weapon like that was only as good as its reach, and once one managed to get inside of that it was almost always game over.

When he made his opening attack she sidestepped and managed to dodge the majority of the strikes, a handful scraping across the plates of her armor, sparks flying upon the brief moments of contact. In between the cuts of his blade she drew her combat knife, blocking the next strike and letting the weapons slide across each other, locking them at the base. With her cybernetic she grabbed him by the throat, throwing him backwards into the speeder they had arrived in, effectively knocking the vibrosword from his grasp. With that she sheathed her own knife, stalking towards him. Without hesitation he drew his blaster, her saber igniting in order to deflect the bolts.

A wrenching of her hand to the side disarmed him entirely, and with speed born of the Force she darted towards him, knocking him unconscious with a solid thump of the back of his head against the speeder, cuffing his hands behind his back for good measure and laying him down across the back seat. "Alright, shabuire," She turned towards the crowds of rioters still on the streets, "Who's next?"

[member="Daak Dakaara"], [member="Stardust Raxis"]

Daak Dakaara

The Not-Quite-Captain of the Smoked Opal
Thick fingers twisted into Daak’s mane and with a jerk his head snapped back. The pirate knew what was to come next. While one hand held his head back, another would press a blade across his throat. It would slide through his skin, severing his trachea, and if he was lucky, his artery as well so he could blead out instead of just suffocate. He would then be dropped to the ground where he would writhe in futility to keep his life from flowing out of him. His killer would leave him there, no longer a threat, and he would die with too little effort.

Daak didn’t feel like doing that today. So as his head was pulled back, the Bothan knew how to fight back. He went limp. His body dropped to the ground, and as his full weight came down Daak felt fur rip from his skull. A snarl ripped from his throat, but his adrenaline kept him alert.

Laying upon his back, Daak looked up at the questioning gaze of his attacker as he pondered the fist-full of Bothan fur in his clenched fist.

“That’s MY hair, mate,” Daak growled, and in one motion swung the pipe upwards to connect with the attacker’s chin. The sound of the man’s jaw being pulverized followed closely to the sound of him collapsing into a pitiful heap next to the prostrate pirate. Strands of golden-brown hair fell to the ground around them.

In a flash of pain, Daak was suddenly all too aware of the new bald spot in the back of his head. His vision narrowed to a white point and a howl of frustration, pain, and anger erupted from his throat. As his vision began to return he realized that he was standing once more, facing the group of rioters who had seconds before been charging in for a kill.

The Bothan’s breath came in deep waves, and he tasted blood in his mouth… and in the air. The eyes of the rioters flitted between Daak and [member="Keira Ticon"]. To his surprise, Daak saw that the unconscious man’s shirt collar was clutched in his left fist, his body slightly suspended from the ground. His skull seemed misshapen somehow. The quandary was rectified when he saw the pipe in his right hand, droplets of blood descending from its blunt end. The horrified looks of the rioters made more sense now. He wasn’t sure what [member="Keira Ticon"] had been up to, but she stood, seemingly unphased and unconcerned with the remaining people standing before them.
Daak felt his stomach turning, and he snarled in disgust. He unceremoniously dropped the man to the ground, turned to the rioters, and lifted the pipe to point at them.

“Go… home…” he snarled.

Half of the people needed no more prodding than that, as they tripped over each-other to escape the confined street. The ones closest to Daak and [member="Keira Ticon"] spent more time backing away slowly, their hands upraised and empty, before they turned to run out of site.

Daak felt the fight drain out of him, like he’d been filled with boiling water, and a valve had just opened at his feet. He reached up to the back of his head only to flinch at his own touch. Bringing his hand around he saw blood upon his finger-tips.
He looked to the cuffed form of the riot leader, then up to [member="Keira Ticon"].

“You okay? Looks like you might have gotten a little dirt on that shiny armor of yours,” he grinned at the human. “Wanna take a break to polish it up before we start on our new friend here?”

Daak Dakaara

The Not-Quite-Captain of the Smoked Opal
[member="Keira Ticon"] just looked forward into empty space. Daak walked up to her, and stood face to face. Her expression was blank and devoid of consciousness. He waved his hand in front of her eyes. Nothing. No blinking or shift in her gaze. Disturbed, Daak lifted his com to his mouth.

"Hey, [member="Miss Blonde"], I think Keira's gone and had a stroke..." Nothing came over the com. "[member="Miss Blonde"]?" Still nothing.

"Well... this is bantha poodoo," Daak shrugged. Seemed like everyone had disappeared. In fact, it felt like it had been over a week since he last heard from any of his comrades.

"Screw it," he grumbled to himself. "I'm not just gonna wait around here and do everything myself."

Since Keira wasn't moving, he figured she wouldn't miss the speeder. He hopped behind the controls and in seconds was speeding away from the riots. "Was a boring conversation anyway."
Stardust grinned as she looked at the people and strikes at a few people making them jump back before she inhaled and started doing strikes quick and on mark as the crowd seemed to fall back away from the armored twilek"that's right stay back!"she said as she hit another and another over and over again before they seemed to collapse and run away before she laughed"alright then let's see this guy-*she turned and looked as [member="Daak Dakaara"] run off with the speeder" god feth"she said and got to coms to [member="James Justice"] and [member="Miss Blonde"]"daak just ran! I repeat he just took the speeder*she said as she looked around at the growing crowd

[member="Keira Ticon"]

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