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Insert Bar Thread Name Here, the Floating Drink

[member="Rogo Hin"]

The motion of the bar caused the liquid in his shot glass to sway. Yes, Muad was in another bar, but this one was unlike any he had ever been in before. First it was a floating establishment. A barge bar so to speak. Floating on one if the straits of Ando's waterways it was untied to hundreds of other barges to create a floating city connected by plankways and rope ladders. Sighing he took another drag from his deathstick.

Continuing to play the game he had been participating in he set his glass across the table and watched as it slowly slid toward him before taking the shot. Then he refilled the glass and placed it once more across the table to view it travel again with the motion of the water the city floated on.

Ando was an interesting city, to say the least. Throughout the bar aqialish drank and fought. He would join the brawl soon, he just wanted to enjoy his drink a little longer. Again he took the shot, refilled it, then slid it across the table. Why wasn't here? Because the planet had just entered the Confederacy and he wished to learn more about it's people. And this liquor made from fermented fish was truly worth the visit, if you could get past the rancid smell.

Chuckling he turned his head and watched the fight from his corner table.

Renaldo Moon

Sitting at the bar, Rogo thought about his time on his peoples home world. He personally wasn't a native to Andor, instead he was from the smuggler's moon, Nar Shaddaa. He wasn't personally around for when the planet got annexed by the confederacy. He heard that the only reason it fell under confederate space was because of their conquest of their neighbors over in Rodia.

Beside him two Aqulish sat and one of them started chuckling. "Uuunn arrrgah?" (What is it?") Rogo asked the fellow patron. Looking over at him they laughed a little more before speaking.

"Mmmaahh, nuarrrnnka." (He doesn't like you.) He replied, referring to the Aqualish besides him.

"Unuuuu, nuarrnnka traang Uli-ah" (Yeah, well I don't like you either) Rogo said over to them. After that the male Aqualish got up from his seat, looking rather angry. Then extended his hand over and shoved Rogo's shoulder. After that he got from his seat and shoved him back. Sooner rather then later they broke into a fight. Despite Rogo's physical strength the two of them ganged up on him, overwhelming Rogo. Soon the bar was extra loud as other Aqualish started shouting in their native language. Turing the bar into a cacophony of odd howling and grunting. Eventually Rogo was knocked to the ground after a serious headbutt. Then the two of them kicked him a couple times after.

[member="Muad Dib"]
[member="Rogo Hin"]

Sighing as he took another shot he watched a scene play out. Two punk tusk boys and a single other. Watching it he was reminded of pack animals, a hive mind. Always it was the same. Numbers gave them a sense of superiority that being alone would never do. Add to that liquor and it made for courage that would never occur naturally. And so the age old dance unfolded as the two attacked the one.

Taking another shot he sighed once more. War, battle, death ... It seemed to be an endless cycle that inevitably broke everyone with time and repetition. Just as it was doing to the outnumbered man now getting the boots on the ground. Another shot and Muad stood, gripping the necknof the liquor bottle in the process.

Striding across the cantina he slammed the bottle into one of the attackers head, shattering the bottle in the process and dropping the man to the ground. As the second aqualish turned to speak, but Muad was not in the talking mood. The end of the jagged bottle neck was rammed into one of the alien's large eyes which caused the man to fall as well, screaming loudly as he did.

The bar fell into silence as the miscellaneous brawls stalled as they all turned to this human who had attacked two of their own. A cold grin crossed the Mad Man's face as he winked at the crowd. Glancing down he offered a hand to the man who was jumped.

"Get up mate. Things are about to get interesting.."

As the words left his mouth about a dozen aqualish began to advance angrily.

Renaldo Moon

Rogo was trying to block his attackers strike on the ground, but before he knew it the human that was in the bar had gotten up and smashed a bottle over one of their heads. Then as he finally looked up to see what had happened he witnessed the grizzly scene of the man jabbing the broken bottle into the eye of the other one. Of course, it was messy business wounding a Aqualish like that, considering that they were a race that bled more then others when getting cut with a lightsaber.

As the strange and seemingly violent man reached down Rogo instinctively flinched back. But after hearing what he said he took his hand, getting up he saw the other patrons all looking over at them angrily. It wasn't hard to tell why considering an outsider comes in and smashes up one of their own. Given their history, the Aqualish killed the first republic explorers that came to the planet. Then came all the infighting, and anti-republic behavior.

Part of Rogo was sure that they would just leave him alone, and he could just leave them to the human. Feeling certain that he could just leave into the rest of the floating city. But he knew that wouldn't be right, and make him look like more of a coward, plus he didn't want to get on their bad side. Then as a sort of sign to show his gratitude he would stick his neck out for him almost literally. Stepping out in front of him and silently saying to the rest of the angry patrons. "You get him, you go through me." Maybe this would make them want to back off a bit more since he was one of there own.

[member="Muad Dib"]
The aqualish clearly shied away from his offered hand, but he took it none the less. He understood why. He was a man born for violence. And he beget violence. The old saying, "live by the sword, die by the sword" filtered through his mind causing a grin to cross his face. Yes, one day he would fall, and most likely in battle. But it wouldn't be this day. No, today was not the day the Mando would pass from this life and into the Nether.

Then the man he had assisted did something he didn't anticipate which took him by surprise. Not only did he stand ready but [member="Rogo Hin"] stepped forward and made his proclamation of intent. He would not go quietly into the night nor would he move aside and leave Muad to the attackers alone. He would stand and fight and take the first assault. Most would not choose to fight against their own kind, let alone against superior numbers when the opportunity to avoid the theater of battle presented itself. But the aqualish was cut from sterner material earning the Mad Man's respect.

"Oya ner vod. You have the blood of an ad'ika of Manda'yaim."

Several closed in at their rear as the first two at the fore advanced. No visible weapons were yet wielded in the crowd so Muad left his own weaponry where they lay on his body. He hadn't had a fun brawl in a minute, and figured he'd let the young aqualish have the choice to stand by his words as the first two rushed him in concert, one going high and the other going low.

Renaldo Moon

Personally, Rogo had no idea what the man was saying. Not that he didn't speak Galactic Basic, but that he didn't know Mando Seeing the two come at him with his four eyes, Rogo went to block. Covering his head for the one going high. Successfully blocking it he was about to counter but the one that hit him low made contact. Hitting him hard in the gut. This got to him as it interrupted his counter. Then after that the one that went high would strike again. His hit making Rogo back into the bar. It's keeping him from completely falling over.

After that Rogo would decide to go on the offensive. Reaching his hand up and grabbing one of them by the head. His rather large hand getting a good grip with all three of this fingers. After that he put all of his weight into his next move. Using they Aqualish's head, he smacked it into the other's head. It having a nice, solid sound to it as they both fell on one another. Why head butt yourself when you can have someone else do it for you?

After that another Aqualish went in, but without back up like before, Rogo was able to swiftly counter by moving their fist away and striking them dead center in the chest, knocking all the air out of their lungs and bringing them to their knees. When they looked back up their face was met with the mighty fist of Rogo, knocking them flat on the ground. Now the other Aqualish would have second thoughts about if they wanted to get in this fight. Still hurting some, Rogo brought up his fist ready to take on whoever was next. If there was anyone else wanting to fight after what just happened. Perhaps his hardiness was becoming enough of a deterrent.

[member="Muad Dib"]
He watched as [member="Rogo Hin"] was struck and then immediately gonon the offensive. His hands clapped together as he watched the aqualish attack with a ferocity that made him laugh aloud. The distraction proved to be unfortunate as three aqualish drove into his back and shoved him to the ground dog piling on top of him. Grunting from the weight he felt the impacts against his beskar'gam as their fists rained down upon his back.

Roaring in laughter he twisted his body, lashing out an elbow directly into one of their faces, the crunch of flesh giving way causing him more amusement then it probably should. As the weight lessened he spunnhis body and grabbed the second aqualish by the head, driving his thumbs into the two larger eyes whist the third rose and began driving the toe of his boot with a mighty kick into Muad's side.

Grunting he teleased the second and trapped the leg strike of the third, rolling and pulling the man to the ground. Rising upon the last attacker he lashed down with several strikes into the man's head that ricocheted the man's cranium against the floor. Glancing up he watched the rest of the nearly half dozen aqualish charge the two men who now found themselves fighting on the same side.

Rising to his feet he launched himself forward into a cross flying tackles, driving into half of the attacking number as the remaining three surged for Rogo, weapons now being brought into play with hands gripping vibroblades and even a chain that was previously wrapped around one's waist.

Renaldo Moon

Rogo watched as [member="Muad Dib"] recklessly jumped into the frenzy of Aqualish. Then looked over to see his own opponents standing there, now with weapons out. It seemed as if things have now escalated. Thinking on how to deal with the weapons. The first thought that came to mind was slapping the blades out of their hands. However, their vibroblades. So if he got cut it's be a lot worse then a normal cut. Then he thought, people are more likely to get out of harms way then to inflict pain. Well, for the most part that was true, what seemed to be his partner just threw himself into harms way.

Using this thought to his advantage he went to punch one of them, but it was a fake out. After quickly seeing which way his opponent dodged, he'd pull back and go in with his other fist. Socking them right in the tusks. Sure it hurt Rogo but he knew it hurt them way more. As they began to hurt and grab their tusk, Rogo went and kicked him down as if kicking down a door. Knocking them back onto the ground. He noted where the next one was and with little to no break in between changing opponents charged them. Causing them to panic and step back. Forgetting about the blade in their hand. Then took a hard shoulder to the chest as Rogo rammed them into the wall. Essentially being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Knocking the air right out of them, forcefully.

Then it was time to bring his attention to the one with the chain. Going up in a defensive position, holding up his fists. They swung the chain around, harshly sticking his fists. "Arrrrahg!" He shouted in frustration and pain. But there was no time for him to whine and lick his wounds. As then were going in for another swing, Rogo thought of what he did before. Then rushed then, quickly closing the distance and making their chain much less effective. This worried then as they tired to run back but ended up running into the bar counter. After that Rogo rushed up from behind hand slammed their head into the bar counter. Finally taking care of the three opponents. Then he looked back to see how his 'partner' was doing.

[member="Muad Dib"]
The Mad Man crashed into the three aqualish, flattening them. The poor man in the middle took the brunt of Muad's weight and armor and several ribs broke under the falling mass of bodies. Rolling to his feet lithly he turned sideways and watched as the other two opponents slowly rise eyesing him with their multiple eyes, which was somewhat disconcerting.

Chuckling he motioned them forward with his extended left hand, more or less taunting them to come at him. In unison they rushed the mando'ad intending to hit him simultaneously. With a roar that signified his joy in combat and the approaching challenge Muad took two steps and leapt, bringing his right Armored elbow down on the aqualish on the right, his head releasing a spray mist of blood.

As he landed on his feet the last remaining aqualish struck him in the left shoulder plate with an over handed punch. Utilizing the momentum of the blow the Mad Master sound on his left leg, spinning and dropping his center of balance as his right leg extended into a leg sweep that took the final opponent off his own feet and sent him landing on his back upon the ground, the wind rushing from his lungs in an audible whuff of an exhale.

Driving his left leg into the ground Muad leapt into the air and brought both knees down upon the chest of his enemy, a loud pop sounding as the man's sternum gave from the force of the landing. Rolling forward Muad sprang to his feet to assist his ally, [member="Rogo Hin"]. The other man had just dispatched his own opponents with equal skill and ferocity. It made Muad chuckle.

"You sure you ain't Mando mate? Cause you fight like one."

Renaldo Moon

Rogo watched as [member="Muad Dib"] dealt with the last of their opponents. Then listened to them speak. Rogo wasn't sure if this was the best or safest place for discussion so he nodded his head over to the exit and would proceed to walk out with them. "No...Why?" he simply said, with a very strong Aqualish accent. He speak was very simple. It wasn't cause he was dumb, just because the Aqualish weren't made to speak Galactic Basic. He really ought to get a vocabulator. Then he realized that he dosn't know this mystery fighter's name. So he'd share his. "Rogo..." he said, patting himself on the chest to indicate that it was him.

After his bare bones introduction he'd ask, "Mando?" Pointing at Muad. Rogo had never met a Mandalorian before, so he felt a little exited. He knew that many were some of the best fighters in the galaxy, and was sure their ferocity would easily outmatch the Aqualish. But in the end the two cultures had the similarity of be societies with lots of strife in their past's. After learning that Mandalorians were more then just humans, he'd always wanted to explore their culture, and maybe even become one himself.
[member="Rogo Hin"] moved toward the exit, which wasn't the worst idea considering the state of the bar they had left it in. Casting a final glance around the floating cantina he couldn't help but chuckle. It wasn't completely destroyed, but it had seen better days. Chuckling as he moved through the doors he followed the aqualish. As they crossed the makeshift bridge to the next hex of the city he caught up to the other man and walked next to him.

His glowing eyes flickered as Rogo patted his own chest, introducing himself as Rogo. As the aqualish gestured toward himself he questioned his identity. Smirking lightly he nodded to the inquisition.

"My name is Muad Dib, and yes, I am Mandalorian."

Motioning toward his beskar'gam he lightly tapped his own chest, the gauntlets lightly rapping upon his chest plates. Leaping lightly upon the next platform he looked to the other man.

"So what do you do my friend?"

Renaldo Moon

Looking over to him as he explained briefly who he was. Rogo nodded, understanding now that they were indeed Mandolorian and also his name. Walking along the floating marsh city he continued with him, listening to their question. Rogo looked down, "Hmm..." after a short moment of thinking he shrugged. He didn't really do anything. As far as Rogo was concerned he was a nobody. He didn't really have a job, friends, or family. Also now his favorite bar was wrecked and he was sure he'd never be welcomed back again.

"Gah mah co nanocho, ubra. Kaypra ne grun." (I travel, and do odd jobs to get by.) He finally said in his native language, his voice muffled some by his tusks. He had no idea if [member="Muad Dib"] had any idea what he just said. Maybe he did since he was on the planet, but who knew. "Suro mn kel Aqualish?" (Sorry, do you speak Aqualish) Rogo finally asked who seemed to be his new friend.
He didn't need the force to read the aqualish. The question had struck a chord within the other man, an emptiness of purpose. An identity not entrenched in the present. Eyes flickered sideways at the other man. He knew the loneliness of such an existence. Even when he was with the Sith, the emptiness of reason had affected him. But his madness had staved off the futility of his purpose. It wasn't until he had become mando'ad that he had gotten a glimpse of what he had been missing. An aliit. And with the clan came the resol'nare and purpose.

When the man began to speak in his native tongue he was forced tonutikize the force to lightly brush the man's conscious, not delving in, but skirting the core of the meaning combined with both the man's body language and own pulse of life force. While he didn't understand the words, he deciphered the meaning. Pausing in his stride her looked at @Rigo Hin sternly.

"Did you just call me a scruffy looking nerf herder? I'm kidding mate, I don't speak aqualish though I can infer your meaning without taking advantage of your mind. I'm also a force user, though I've learned to respect the inner sanctum of a person's thoughts."

Allowing a small smile to soften his features he reached into a pouch of his kama and pulled out a deathstick. Placed between his lips he winked at the other man as the tip was lit seemingly by magic, the force breathing life into an ember.

Renaldo Moon

"Hmm..." Rogo thought again. Well perhaps he could continue speaking with him in his native tongue, using as many galactic basic words as he could. "Mandalorian, Aqualish respect." He told the man that was with him. There were many Aqualish that respected the Mandalorian culture and society. Which probably wasn't hard to imagine since the Aqualish weren't the most peaceful people.

"Raruma shaku mah nenro Mandalorian. Nah krobo nevga oo horga." (I wish I could be a Mandalorian. Having that greater since of purpose.) Rogo said to him, practically thinking out loud. Wishing that so that he could be more accepted where as in Aqaulish society he was a sub-race that wasn't all that popular.

After that he looked over to his [member="Muad Dib"] pull out a death stick to smoke. "No Good" He said, thinking it wasn't good for his health. What followed as a bit of a chuckle form his statement. Although, he wasn't in anyway familiar with the ability to summon fire like he did.
He gave a slight nod of acknowledgement to [member="Rogo Hin"]'s statement about respecting mandalorians. His people had quite the reputation that either garnered respect and admiration or hate and disgust. But knowing the aqualish was in the former made the Mad Man smirk lightly.

Then the words tumbled out, difficult to decipher, yet with the force acting as an interpreter he was able to understand without too much difficulty. The young man ended with his opinion of the smoke he was enjoying. Tossing back his head he released a loud laugh while pausing at another makeshift bridge between the city's floating hexes.

Over looking the city he sighed and turned slightly to the other man. He wasn't rash, this Rogo, nor was he craven. He didn't leap into combat and he certainly didn't shirk it. A level head and a warrior's instincts. Sounded Mandalorian to Muad. Add to the fact that he respected the mando'ade and felt a sense of no direction and the Mad Master nodded silently.

"We mandos, we don't have this higher purpose the Jedi or Sith have. We don't run around all nilly willy making pretty words like the Alliance. We don't subjugate planets and races like the Empire. And we don't treat our people like tools be or weapons like other governments. To be mando'ade is to be a family."

Turning he leaned over the railing and looked into the black water of the night.

"Six rules to be mando'ad. You wear your armor, speak the language. You defend your aliit which is your family, help your Clan. You raise warriors, and you answer the call to arms of the Mand'alor ... The Sole Ruler of our people ..."

He paused for a moment as he looked out over the night sky. Mand'alor. [member="Yasha Mantis"]. He claimed to be a Mando, yet didn't follow the last tenet of the resol'nare. And while under Ra's rule it was easy to rationalize why he didn't bend the knee, this pup of a wolf Yasha was not Ra. And he owed her the chance to rectify what Ra the Undying had broken. A trip was in his future it seemed.

Blinking back from his momentary reverie he looked at Rogo once more.

"Kid, you have grit. And you backed me when you didn't have to. You want a purpose? Want a chance to find yourself? Want off this rock? I'll offer you that. Come with me and I'll show you what it's like, not just experience it but, to be a Mandalorian. If you choose, you could even be in my House, be a vod, or be a son. It's your choice mate. Life offers very few things freely, and this is one of them."

Renaldo Moon

The Aqualish simply listened to him, was he hearing this correctly. Was this a real opportunity to be apart of something greater? To Rogo it was hard to believe what [member="Muad Dib"] was saying. That he would simply just adopt someone like him. He felt in some ways honored and shocked.

Leaning over railing with him he looked over the city and wet lands. Thinking now he could leave all this behind.

Then the Aqualish listened to the six rules. Taking note of each one. They all seemed reasonable for a Mandalorian. However, he was worried he'd have a problem speaking the language. Perhaps if he had a vocabulary of some kind with his armor.

After the last part Rogo listened and thought. He was right on the last part especially. But to really be a part of his family, could he really do that? Should he really do that? Thinking some more about it he thought over what it meant. Not long after a good moment he looked back at his new friend and nodded. "Yes..." Rogo simply said. Agreeing to go with him and learn what he meant to be a Mandalorian.

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