Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
And an aspiring music composer I'm wondering who on here plays what.

Do you play the guitar, violin, Piano etc?

Are you was vocalist?

Or do you create your music digitally?

I played violin from when I was five until the end of high school (Suzuki method), and played around with composing music using Finale in high school. I haven't done much musically recently though.

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"], have you tried using any composing software? It doesn't sound quite like the real thing, but I've found it useful for working on layering concepts and timing if you have multiple vocals or instrumentals...
Let's see... I was forced to learn piano. I willing learned Bass and Cello (SOOOOOO LOVE playing cello), still have my bass and cello in the house. I don't play cause of my left wrist but have two bass guitar (elec and acoustic), six string and twelve string guitars
I used to play trumpet :|

That's about it... It's funny, actually, I come from a very musical family yet I'm one of the few who hasn't actually dedicated their time to learning an instrument outside of school :/

But I can play some piano songs from memory!
Woo! Fellow musicians! I've both a bachelor's and master's degree in music composition, play oboe (french: hautbois; nicknake: hot boy) and piano regularly, and have dabbled with upright bass, various percussion instruments (marimba, timpani, etc.), accordion and (on one particularly fortunate day) a carillon. For electronic music, I mostly fiddle around with MaxMSP, which I highly recommend, especially if you've a mind for coding.

Are you mostly into digital, [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]?
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

I'm a vocalist mainly, but I can play the djembe (type of drum) quite well. And I haven't dug it out and jammed in a while, but I have an ocarina.
I've been playing piano since I was maybe 6 (my mum taught me) and took lessons for six years (just stopped not to long ago). Also learned some flute and guitar (mostly the former) but haven't played either in awhile. Can't sing anything but bass to save my life, and even then my bass isn't great. Once in a blue moon I'm able to harmonize pretty well with people.

Right now I'm actually working on composing some music for an album with my bud who sings and does violin. I'll make sure to give y'all a link once we finish. In addition I have the start of a solo album going (pure grand piano).

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