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Faction Into the Fire [GA ft. NIO]

Seydou of Thyrsus


  • battle-of-fornex.png

  • 16th SOM EXPEDITIONARY FORCE "PRE VIZSLA", a small numbered unit of New Imperial Stormtroopers, led by Amon Vizsla, is tasked with striking a covert base utilized to supply guerrilla operations for the Sith Empire behind the lines of the New Imperials.

    The intelligence of the base turns out to be false and the unit is led into an ambush. With the base completely empty and a large force of Sith-Imperials arriving to finish off the outnumbered NIO unit, "PRE VIZSLA" has to hold long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

  • No one-post solutions.
    No big fleets.
    Vibe: Tension. Outnumbered.

"Yes, sir!" Corporal Karr replied and urgently shuffled away back to where the barely working communications terminal was.

How many men had the Sith tasked for this?? And from where?? The endless fire pounding from the endless ranks and files of Sith-Imperials approaching seemed as if the Sith had deployed a whole division for this ambush. With its overreaching span across the galaxy there was no wonder their manpower was close to infinite.

Amon peaked out of cover but ducked back quickly, cursing under his breath. He took a glance at Karr and saw him pointing at the comm array right outside the base, in the midst of the exchange of fire, of the killing grounds - it was malfunctioning.

"Its power cell's busted!" Karr called out through the cacophony of war.

"I will fix it." Amon replied.

"How?! It's in the middle of the fire, anything that moves is as good as dead."

"We're as good as dead if we do nothing about it, too."

"Should we rig the whole place up, pack in and take ourselves out along with a huge chunk of them, too. Make 'em pay and see 'em in hell." Sgt. Orvel interrupted, a madman's smirk certainly hiding behind his stormtrooper helmet.

"No. Smokes out all the way to the tower." Amon ordered.

"We've got like...four or five left."

"That's enough."

"Yeah, but who is going up there?"

"Me." Amon stated. "Ready the smokes and on my command."

The grenades were lobbed, thick black smoke rose up like a wall and Amon Vizsla kickstarted his barely functioning repulsorpack. It gave him a good start before it crapped out and he ran like his life depended on it. The energy shield took a few hits, died, then the armor held where there was beskar. Adrenaline kept the Mandalorian going as he climbed the tower in three olympic pulls upwards. Slamming the power cell and sending a signal to all friendlies around:


Bright light flashed and the array exploded, taking the tower down along with the Vizsla.

Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Gala Geert Gala Geert Shattered_Mirror Shattered_Mirror Republic Engineering Republic Engineering Kir Dantos Kir Dantos
@Galactic Alliance Defence Force @New Imperial Order Armed Forces
Kanye West Kanye West ft. J Jay -Z​


Orbit of Fornax
On board II Doppelsöldner

"Let me get this straight Lieutenant," Iryss spat vindictively as she quickly skimmed through the contents of the intelligence report in question, "The Investigations branch forgot to properly verify intelligence from a shoddy contact?"

The holographic form of an Imperial officer stood stiffly, standing at attention and mildly shaking. "It was determined with great confidence that the opportunity was time critical and a swift response was..."

"You're telling me that men...OUR MEN...are being slaughtered indiscriminatingly because the Investigations branch had CONFIDENCE." She emphasized with seething anger. The ISB guidelines clearly state that all contacts be vetted exhaustively for AT LEAST three months and submit to a battery of loyalty assessments and tests. I see nothing on your report, just that a defector told you so?"

"He was tortured for days! The statement was verified repeatedly with other prisoners by truth serum..." The officer responded, finding his footing and confidence to stand up to her. Who cares if she was higher ranked, he thought, everyone fears Investigations...

"Useless. I'll have your head when I return." Iryss concluded, turning off the holoprojector. There was no point in arguing with the Lieutenant any further: he royally committed a FUBAR and she would rustle her connections to pay back a few favors to have that incompetent officer hanged, drawn and quartered for getting good men killed. Men that the New Imperial Order sorely lacked, who deserved to live another day far more than a hotshot ISB agent trying to fast-track their career.

Iryss was no different of course, but at least she was good at her job. And her job now was to land on Fornax as fast as possible to reinforce the 16th SOM Expeditionary Force who were thrown into a meat grinder of crazed Sith cultists
. Their last contact with Amon Vizsla was sporadic and only a few minutes prior: hopefully the II Doppelsöldner would make it in time.
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Tags: Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Gala Geert Gala Geert Shattered_Mirror Shattered_Mirror Republic Engineering Republic Engineering Kir Dantos Kir Dantos Amon Vizsla

"If I find the man responsible for the recon on this mission, I swear, I will kill them!" Trevin cursed and came out from cover and fired his carbine at the enormous amount of Sith who had ambushed them. A simple little mission with the New Imperial Order, what could go wrong? Well, this. This is what could go wrong. Being essentially surrounded by what amounted to an infinite supply of Sith troops who apparently thought that flooding this operation with bodies was the tactical decision of the century. He guessed he couldn't fault them much, though, as it was clearly working.

"Sarge, should we pull back, let the NIO boys handle this and we get the hell out of dodge?" Lilst was reloading his carbine as Drave yelled like a madman as he fired back his giant blaster that resembled a Gatling gun.

"What? Leave? These Imps would never let us here the end of it!" Trevin ducked as an explosion happened extremely close to him and he flinched out of the way.

"Dead men don't mock the living." Lilst snapped back as he smacked the bottom of his magazine and stood up to return fire. "No way we survive this with the comm array down."

Trevin nodded his head in agreement but made no indication he was willing to pull out of the firefight. A man fought to his last breath and never surrendered. Cowering in fear and running away to live another day was not something he could live with. But dying while giving it his all while facing down impossible odds? Now, that was one hell of a way to go out, and he wasn't going to miss out on the opportunity. But, he did have to admit, the situation looked grim. He hit the release on his mag and turned to crouch behind his cover as he quickly reloaded.

"Sarge, check out that crazy SOB!" Drave pointed out across the kill zone and Trevin peeked his head out to see a Mandalorian hauling ass to the comm array.

"Balls of steel, that one." Lilst said in an admiring tone.

"We can't let him show us up," Trevin said as he got himself to his knees and he made sure his carbine was ready. "Our Mandalorian friend could use some backup since his jet pack isn't working." Trevin had been waiting for the perfect moment to use his shiny new pack that he had requested be installed on his armor. The slot had been there since he had been given the armor but he had not had enough credits to get the thing added. But now... now was his chance to use it in all its glory. Admittedly, he had it installed because he knew Mandalorians like the crazy man had them, but it was also cool.

Letting out a yell, Trevin took off out into the kill zone and through up his gauntlet shield. It did not help a whole lot as it was almost immediately beginning to get hit so he figured he needed to get airborne. Activating his jetpack he flew up into the air and made things harder for the Sith to hit. As he was approaching the comm array he heard the broadcast go out over his comms but then a large explosion rocked the array. Trevin flinched and let out an audible "Shit!" and he saw that the Mando was plummeting to the ground. Going as fast as he could he stuck out his arm and grabbed the falling Mando, he held tight, but the two of them were too heavy. The jet pack helped lighten the fall but the two quickly crashed into the ground and came to a skidding stop in the dirt.

"That was awesome," Trevin said but the awesome factor did not stop the Sith from firing at the two of them and he quickly crawled behind cover. For a moment he admired the fact that he was in the presence of a real life Mandalorian but he could not let that side track him. "That was cool and all but what the hell are we going to do now?" Blaster bolts continued to fly over their heads and the two of them were alone out in no mans land.
Den Lister was set to rendevous with Cpt. Azumi, the two of them passed through Glythe sector in their respective TIE fighters. Lister was a newer recruit, but a capable pilot. He was certainly more confident in the seat of the cockpit than Azumi was.



"Captain," he said, "we're recieving a distress signal. Transferring coordinates now, over."


The two interceptors broke through the upper atmosphere of Fornax. Azumi could see the firefight from above and began evasive manouvers to avoid the oncoming Sith-Imperial attack. Her fighter shuddered as laserfire rattled against the chassis.

"Covering you, Captain," Den spoke through the comms, followed by a burst of gunfire.

A portion of the no-mans-land exploded into a high reaching dust cloud - taking a handful of Sith-Imperials down with it. Azumi and Lister's fighters slowed to land near the wreckage of the comm tower.


V A N D A L _ A C T U A L
VANDAL-2 // 12/12
TIE/RPx Reaper | Armor | Rifle | Pistol | Grenades

W A V E _ R I D E R
Fornax. He and the boys in Vandal-2 ultimately had no business being this far from the gates of Bastion. All the same, the Sith were cockroaches, they were everywhere and seemingly impossible to stomp out. It certainly left the Sons of Mandalore in a dumpster fire. This far from the bulk of the war's supply lines, isolated in hostile territory, the briefing spelled out a foreboding scene already set out for them.

Enveloped on all sides, surrounded, outnumbered, outgunned. The Sons of Mandalore weren't a force to be trifled with either. Most any unit in the Corps with a retinue of the Neo-Crusaders at their command usually racked up better days than most any of their counterparts. There wasn't anything beyond that primal warrior instinct and snap draw reaction in the field of battle for the Mandalorian commanders and it made them all the better in contrast to Sith-Imperial doctrines of war which were left in the hands of Sith Lords all too eager for the glory in single combat than completing the mission as it was.

Might've been why the war front was banging at the gates of the Sith-Imperial throne world and not leaving the rebels beaten back to the Hand of Thrawn in spite of far inferior numbers.

Egressing from north by north east the plan was as simple and direct as any other. The Reaper would dip down below where anti-aircraft could chew them alive and flick on its jammer suite to make the Sith scanners read a distorted field of blips at varying heights and distances.

The cover seemingly worked for now and Vandal-2 descended from the TIE/RPx as it stopped on a dime in hovering suspension before lowering the entrance ramp to allow the Storm Commandos a means to repel down into the war ridden earth below.

That was about the margin of error in time they had before their transport shot the boost in its repulsorlifts and made way back into the void. The cover of the chaos was enough to allow for it to slip away but all the same apprehended any attempt at evacuating Viszla's unit. They had to burn maim and kill their way through the Sith-Imperial encirclement to free up the stormtroopers.

It was a brief traverse before Vandal-2 was tapping on the shoulder of the S-IMPs. Under the cover of night, peering through the luminescent green night optics they looked down the sights to the Sith. Two Commandos were posted on sniper overwatch as the rest of the team moved up through the arid brush.

<"You got two just up ahead. Manning stationary automatic weapon. Clean shot on gunner."> The Sniper sounded out through Vandal's comms, leaving Berik up to figure out the problem of the other.

The metallic hiss of a vibroknife leaving its scabbard secured to his chest gave all the indicator he ever could of what his answer was.

<"Copy. I'll take care of the other one."> In a low crouch he'd slowly made his way up behind the other Legionnaire who knelt himself beside the E-WEB, firing off rounds of his autokrator into the gathered killzone of Amon's finest.

The surpressed bolt of the Commando's sniper drew out the gasp of a final deathknell as the necksnapping thumping of the gun drew to a sudden end. The envelopment of battle left the other oblivious for a moment before he felt the heated tip of the vibroknife puncture and rip the armorweave covering his neck and instantly stabbing into his windpipe, making any scream of pain a pathetic whimper before Berik stabbed again. And again. And ag-

<"Target down...moving up."> The unit's leader sounded out before he sheathed the gore cloaked dagger into its sheath again, taking up the blaster into his arms again.

Fornax, Glythe Sector,
Hovering above the Battfield,
Midnight Squad (Temporary Assignment)
Rik Perris Rik Perris Amon Vizsla Gala Geert Gala Geert Trevin Neros Trevin Neros Republic Engineering Republic Engineering Shattered_Mirror Shattered_Mirror

"I'm not sure why we were sent Rik, I feel much more comfortable in a starfighter than rotting out there in the mud."

The young Jedi spoke through his helmet com as he manoeuvred the X-Wing past the masses of shuttles which were readying to land and drop troops. He was a pilot, and he didn't have much experience in ground battles, but like he always said, it was like 'learning on the job'. He went into a steep nosedive, swerving out of Sith-Imperial Anti-Aircraft fire and touching down near the designated landing zone of the shuttles. The battlefield was a myriad of different explosions and noises, he watched a GA shuttle tumble out of the sky and land with a mighty crack, debris spilling everywhere. His astromech had been in protest from the start and he'd been the one to get him to agree. "Take control of my X-Wing Scatty, you'll be fine, good luck buddy."

Kir popped the canopy and clambered out of the top of the X-Wing, grabbing his lightsaber. He'd opted to stay in his orange standard issue GA flight suit, instead of his green one. A crowd had formed around his X-Wing as the shuttles dropped their payloads of troopers and materiel. Addressing his squad, he remembered that Rik Perris had been assigned to second in command this rudimentary infantry squad. "Alright people, our New Imp friends are encircled by S-Imps over that ridge, we're the reinforcements, check your weapons and keep your wits about you. The other squads are starting the ambush and we're set to join them. Alright Midnight Squad, mount up and let's get going."

"We got visual on the S-IMP forces, Lieutenant Dantos, five klicks away over the ridge." A young Corporal with large macrobinoculars reported.

The troop of Galactic Alliance soldiers trudged through the terribly uneven ground. Kir dashed towards the edge of the ridge, lying in a prone position to get a better visual on their enemies. Hordes of them, he grimaced, knowing the anguish that was being inflicted on the New Imperials who were dropping like flies. Near their position the other squads were charging out into no mans land to meet the unstoppable firepower of the Sith-Imperial forces. The sniper of their squad was already setting up, awaiting the order to take the shot, newly christened Lieutenant Kir Dantos gave a nod of his head and a single dart of blasterfire was let off from the sniper into the helmet of a Sith Imperial Trooper. "Good shot Crak, I think we should get down there, let's move!"

The brown haired officer rose up from his position, his orange flightsuit standing out against the khaki of the soldiers under his command. Drawing his lightsaber, he put it out in front of him and went in a mighty leap, jumping into a roll at the base of the ridge, Midnight Squad followed, guns blazing, their element of surprise still seemed be intact, less so when Kir hit the button near the top of a hilt, a glowing green blade materialising. The chaos of the battlefield was overwhelming, a large cloud of dust rose up into the air from an aircraft, the Sith had finally realised their presence and were rushing to cover their flanks, a Sith trooper got a blast to the head, falling dead next to his comrade who soon met the same fate.

Kir centred himself in the Force, taking a deep breath and almost blocking out the chaos and destruction around him. Blastefire flew past his head, which seemed slower with his calmer state, he dodged and weaved through the intense fire, jumping on a Sith and cutting the trooper down in a wide slash. He twirled his laser sword in a circular motion, a flurry of lasers bouncing off the green blade. It got more intense as he moved into the thick of the battle, will blasts flying everywhere. He lept from area to area, twisting and turning, slashing away blaster bolts and cutting down Sith Imperials. "Take the second wave, Rik!" Kir shouted a few klicks away from him to where Andrik Perris, his wingman was doing his own duty.

An enemy trooper charged towards him, managing to get the jump. The trooper fired multiple bolts of fire, headed straight for Kir, he veered out of the way, spinning towards the plucky S-IMP and taking off the barrel of his blaster and thrusting his green blade into the abdomen of his adversary. Pulling it out, he went straight into a downwards block, deflecting a blaster bolt towards another enemy, finishing the job with a quick cut down the chest. He felt surprisingly exhilarated in these actions instead of feeling some disgust. In a starfighter he couldn't actually witness the death of the person inside, they could eject, but on the battlefield, that wasn't an option, you either lived or died, no chance to escape the cold grip of death.
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The two TIE fighters slowed overhead of the comm tower wreckage and were quickly assaulted by a barrage of gunfire. A Sith Imperial heavy trooper hoisted an anti-aircraft weapon up in their direction and locked on. A flash, and Lister's interceptor was struck on the right side. Azumi managed to out manuever the Sith's second attempt - if only at the cost of Lister's fighter descending into a spiral of pluming smoke.

Still in the air, Azumi sought out a safe landing below. There was no such thing. She managed to grind to a halt leaving a thick trench in the sand behind.

"FN-988," she shouted through the comm, "come in FN-988!"

There was no response. She tried a second time.

"I'm hh, I'm f-fine," came a laboured, broken voice, "I'm out - I'm out."

Without much time to spare, Azumi departed her ship and sought out the comm tower. The HUD of her helmet identified lifesigns among the burning wreckage. With her blaster drawn, she walked with determination, firing intermittent bursts at the Sith Troopers that had survived the explosion. Some of them were already down when she fired, it didn't matter to the Captain, Siths a Sith.

Huddled behind a wall, Azumi found Trevin Neros Trevin Neros and Amon Vizsla. There was a brief pause in the Sith-Imperial onslaught before more would inevitably arrive, they had to move quickly. The Captain offered a hand to Trevin.

"Captain Azumi, NIO," she said through the harsh vocoder in her helmet, "which one of you orchestrated this fools errand?"
Allies: Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi | Amon Vizsla | Iryss Iryss | Trevin Neros Trevin Neros
Interacting: Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask

They were so close to victory.

He could taste it; see it; feel it.

Their freedom was kept behind the battlements of Bastion. Once they killed all their enemies they would be free, right? Wasn’t that the goal? It’s why he defected for a noble cause such as this. The fact that he was called to deal with a disturbance on the world of Fornax, parsecs away from the forward command base dedicated to sieging Bastion, was a complete slight to him. Apparently the S-Imps built an outpost dedicated for guerrilla warfare behind their ranks, like a rodent spoiling a garden.

Or so they thought it was meant for such tactic when Commander Amon discovered something else behind the veil...

Now it was up to Vandal-2 and other units, New Imperial and Allied, to save their comrades and counter this threat.

Fucking Mandos, thought their talent was worth as their pretentious beskar

For Crik it was laughable to see his squad rescue Amon and his mixed unit of Mandalorians and Stormtroopers. Looks like the legendary prowess of the Mandalorians failed this time, and now they needed someone more...professional to do the job.

He was probably the only one with those thoughts, wasn’t so sure about those of his peers.

Their first kills were two Sith Legionnaires taking positions as heavy gunners that were spewing blasters with no hesitation at Amon and his remaining men. That stopped with a knife in the throat and a clean shot from one of the marksmen in their squad.

More blood was to come from the shadow of these men.

“It’ll be more dense with hostiles up ahead, sir. Probably won’t be able to keep this veil much longer,” especially with those gunners down. Any inactivity would bring suspicion to their commanding officers and would find out sooner or later (hopefully later) that two of their own were killed. This was an extraction, but it would be a heavy cost.

Seydou of Thyrsus

Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad

Crik Harend was right. The veil did not last any longer. Someone spotted them, the alert went up the chain of command and the commanding officer ordered his pickets to converge on the last reported position of the storm commandos with all the superior firepower and numbers they had. The pickets, while standard legionnaires, certainly had the numbers to make life hell for the new imperial commandos.

Crik Harend could taste it; see it; feel it. Not victory.

But the scorching flames of death.

Kir Dantos Kir Dantos

The Alliance soldiers crossing over the ridge surely hit hard and by surprise the endless numbers of the sith imperial tide rushing the base. With the Jedi as their spearhead, the Sith-Imperial immediately answered with a surprise of their own - a Sith Knight. Gent Kazak, a Zabrak warrior yielding a double-bladed red lightsaber who specialized in hunting Jedi. The Jedi Padawan faced an unstoppable onslaught of blade flurry that could very well cost him his life.

Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi Trevin Neros Trevin Neros

In his helpless descent downwards, through the smoke, a silhouette pieced through the thick veil and grasped his arm. An Alliance Ranger with a jet pack. Amon held tight but their weight plunged them downwards anyway, a softer landing than initially expected. The two soldiers tumbled, rolled and crashed into a wall.

Lying down in a world of pain but grateful for the lack of a broken spine, the soldiers shuffled to life coughing, checking the status of their bones. The Mandalorian was well familiar with that specific ache; every Mandalorian crashed a hundred and one times before they learned how to fly with a pack. Someone came up from behind the wall and all weapons they had on hand, the two soldiers pointed at the newcomer. Instead, the Alliance soldier was offered a hand and when the newcomer materialized better visibly, their armor was immediately identified as New Imperial make. Friendly.

"Captain Azumi, NIO," she said through the harsh vocoder in her helmet, "which one of you orchestrated this fools errand?"

The Ranger pointed a finger of blame towards Amon's direction.

"Feth off." the Mandalorian growled back, coughed and dragged himself to lean his back on the wall. "Blame it on your shit intelligence, aruetii." omniscience told him someone under Iryss Iryss 's command would hang. Amon composed himself, the return of the stoic voice, "Have reinforcements arrived or do we make our last stand here?"

What a pathetic death this would be.

After all he had survived in the past.
Tags: Amon Vizsla Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi

The familiar sound of air support coming in gave Trevin a slight feeling of relief as the ships flew overhead. This relief was short lived as an explosion rang out and he glanced up to see the fighter falling through the sky. "Don't think that is supposed to happen." Trevin mumbled under his breath as he reoriented himself to watch the crash landing. A few more shots came through and Trevin ducked back down and looked over at the Mandalorian. He had so many questions but he figured this was, quite frankly, the worst possible time to bring them up so he remained silent.

Motion caught his ear and Trevin and Amon both aimed their rifles at someone who had approached them and relief washed over as he recognized the NIO Uniform.

"Captain Azumi, NIO," she said through the harsh vocoder in her helmet, "which one of you orchestrated this fools errand?"

Trevin immediately pointed his finger at the Mandalorian but he was smirking under his helmet. He was met with a nice little "Feth off." and Trevin quickly pulled himself up alongside him. "If you do find the person responsible for scouting this area, why don't you leave me alone in a room with him for...." He turned to Amon and shrugged his shoulders as if looking for his input. "I would say ten minutes would be plenty."

He turned back to Captain Azumi and then he peeked his head back over his cover. The Sith were recovering from the attack from the starfighter, but it had not done much to quell their desire to murder everyone on this side of the planet, and they were beginning to compose themselves.

"Oh we don't die here today, Mando," Trevin said confidently. "I just financed this jet pack and I have about 3 years left to pay on it. If anything the creditors will be watching over us." The fact that he was so broke that he had to finance and pay off his own jet pack instead of being issued one by the Galactic Alliance was a joke in and of itself but he doubted the others would find it nearly as endearing. "However, I got 100 credits on those Sith trying to make way to that crashed Starfighter over there. I think if we retreat back and rig that baby up and set off an explosion we could take out a nice chunk of them and maybe catch them by surprise?"


Surface of Fornax
On board II Doppelsöldner
The II Doppelsöldner gently landed as specks of light flickered around it due to dust brushing up against the invisibility field carefully encasing the entire surface of the ship. Despite hearing the rally call for immediate support from the Mandalorian, the Storm Commandos who were currently approaching his location were more than enough to fend off the initial foray of mindless cultists.

Providing a suitable fall back position for the forces to retreat toward and escape was key, as the Sith Empire most likely had a far more complex strategy than human wave tactics. It was highly likely that the Sith Empire allowed the Mandalorian to send the transmission, which could have easily been prevented by completely jamming the area before the engagement. There was no luck in war and allowing the Mandalorian to call for reinforcements or an extraction meant that they were confident in dealing with any force that came to assist.

Her fingernails tapped against the captain's chair of the vessel as she analyzed the possibilities in her head. It was clear that she needed more information, but it would be a risk to split up her already small force compared to what the Sith had in store. She would have to personally inspect the battleground for anomalies to grasp what they were planning.

"Captain Tyrian, deploy all the battle droids we have in reserve and have the company plant explosives at the choke points leading to this valley. Afterwards, have all personnel return back to the ship and be on standby for my return or signal. There is a high chance that the Sith will start jamming all communications soon, so I will telepathically reach out to you." She ordered, pausing as she thought about the possibilities of an enemy specialist in mental Force abilities. The probability of that was exceedingly low, as her field was a niche among niches, and so, she dismissed the Captain to execute her commands before dashing out of the bridge.

Engaging the stygium cloaking generator on her Storm Commando armor, she proceeded to the battlefield only a few hundred meters away, quickly reaching a secluded incline that overlooked the battlefield. Alliance Starfighters were strafing the Sith cultists and falling out of the sky, adding to the chaos of the battlefield. It was clear that the reinforcing Storm Commandos shifted the momentum onto the side of the New Imperials and their allies, but they were clearly weaker, bogged down with fatigue and heavy losses.

Arming her sniper rifle, Iryss began to methodically shoot down high priority targets within the waves of Sith cultists, hoping to weaken the morale of the incoming onslaught of flesh and metal.

The Cast of Misfits
The Storm Commandos:
Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad

The Mandalorian:
Amon Vizsla

The Pilot Without a Ship:
Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi

The Jedi With a Ship:
Kir Dantos Kir Dantos

The Corellian Alliance Soldier:
Trevin Neros Trevin Neros
Azumi was baffled by the finger pointing. The attempted union of Mandalorian, Imperial and Alliance had clearly resulted in less than stellar results.

"Disappointing," she said, before starting to unpack her medkit and administered a shot of bacta to Amon Vizsla.

"If you do find the person responsible for scouting this area, why don't you leave me alone in a room with him for...." He turned to Amon and shrugged his shoulders as if looking for his input. "I would say ten minutes would be plenty."

As if on cue, Azumi looked up at the II Doppelsöldner above. She had heard of Major Iryss Young in passing, but had yet to meet her. The Major was a force user, which had Azumi wondering what exactly seperated her from the Sith Lords she once served under. While she tended the Mando's wounds, battle droids deployed from the corvette.

"The Major will not be pleased," Azumi too smirked behind her helmet, "rather you...than I."


FN-988's interceptor plummeted to the ground, his ejector seat landed close by. The Sith troops had seemingly left him for dead, but Den Lister was resilient. He scurried out of the cockpit and made a mad dash towards the closest allies. As Sith-Imperials began to drench men in fire, Lister dropped to the floor and hoped to whichever God that he would not be spotted.
Closest Ally: Kir Dantos Kir Dantos
222nd Nova Corps - Twilight Company

"This Jedi is going to get us killed," muttered one of the marines crouching beside Marcus. They'd all walked into this trap and there was really no one to blame but themselves. Sure, the NIO's intel was bantha poodoo, but it should have been the job of the SIA to make sure their ally's information checked out, and apparently they hadn't done their due diligence. A stray blaster bolt caused the trunk Marcus was hiding behind to splinter, showering his visor with splinters and charred wood. The Jedi made his move which meant now the Sith were trying to cover their flanks. Their cover was blown.

"FOR THE ALLIANCE!!" One of the troopers shouted, leaping from the ridge into the muck below. He was cut down immediately by enemy fire but it was the push needed for the rest of the 222nd Twilight Company to take action. Marcus cursed loudly as he jumped from the ridge as well, landing with a sickening squelch. He only let his boots sink in enough to ensure he wouldn't slip on his first step and then burst into a sprint, tucking his head and barreling through the wild blaster fire.

"Fragger out," he shouted over coms as he pulled a detonator from the belt strapped across his chest and depressed the round red button. It beeped and a timer began running down in the corner of his screen. That same HUD began blaring as a particle bolt came his way. He dropped into a roll and when he came up he tossed the detonator into the Sith soldiers, the palm-sized explosive erupting on impact with the ground. The Sith were pinned between two opposing forces now, but even still it seemed like an infinite sea of black armor. They needed support, but long-range coms were out and he wasn't sure how long they'd survive on their own. He wondered how the advance force was doing.

Combat Armour // Rifle // Vibroblade //

If she had just stayed a contractor, she wouldn't be here. If she'd only just stuck to her guns and focused on the credits, not letting little animatronic voice in the back of her head get the better of her decision-making.

"You know, there are other reasons to fight than material wealth."

At least there was dental subsidized when actually signing up as a part of the Defense Force. And if anything went wrong with her weapons, there was a stipend to help cover them..those were still fiscally rooted reasons for finally signing up. That other purpose the artificially intelligent metal guardian had alluded to continued to evade her.

And it certainly wasn't found here.

This was an inglorious wasteland, where the nameless came to die. Lifeless corpses strewn about the battlefield were testimony to the plea for reinforcements which today was under the alias of Midnight. Appropriate. Beyond the eleventh hour of desperation and in nightfall the slew of Alliance troopers unloaded from their positions to the planet below.

The repulsors on her jetpack eased her to the ground. Largely avoiding the slippery slide through the mud and placed her right behind the charge of the Jedi newbie. They seemed to be cropping up everywhere these days, and as much distaste as she had for their seemingly infectious dogma and the apprehension around their unholy powers, they were useful on a battlefield.


And lurch! They were away and into the thick of it. Bodies met bodies. Orders and requirements imbuing the spirit of the soldiers. All just doing what they were told. It was hard to tell from the angle of some of their helmets, but Gala swore she could see the enemy smiling; revelling in the bloodshed. Her face was exposed, there'd be no question in the glee that manifested on crooked lips with each puncture of her blade through the light armour of the Sith. A weapon in each hand, she cut, weaved, dodged, slid, twisted through the onslaught. Some only got knocked in the leg by the Mirialan, someone else responsible for completing the task, and others needed no further attention. Short puffs of plasma behind her saw any that had only been wounded by her dual swords acted as confirmation for the damage dealt. Momentum was the premiere objective, cutting through to provide relief for their imperial counterparts.

Gala skidded to a halt, dodging beneath an angry emerald streak of plasma that singed the edges of her hair. She'd have no chance for revenge, the shooter, whoever it had been, was engulfed in a superheated blossom that stretched and consumed organic silhouettes in its explosive wrath.

As if emerging from the flames themselves, another Forcer emerged. Its shadow was soon set aglow by the crimson of its blade. A Sith. Something clenched at the back of her throat, and she projected forward to the Jedi's side; stumbling slightly in the grip of the muck. "That one's all yours, hot shot."

And if it wasn't..she'd have to hope she had enough reserves charged up in her vibroblade to contest against that kyber-fuelled weapon. Or maybe the other Jedi would become useful.

Whirling back to action, either side of the armour-clad soldier became little more than a flurry of movement. Soldiers that had survived the explosion roared forward, angrier than before, flames still clinging to pieces of their armour. She didn't need to see beyond their visors to see the venom in their gaze, the fury behind their movements. A blue gaussian bubble appeared over her forearm just in time for her to raise it parallel to her chest, the arm-shield deflecting a spatter of bolts meant for her heart. These quarters were close enough for her to trace the bolts back to their owner, and her dark gaze focused in on the shooter so brazenly claiming responsibility for the attempt on her life.

This time she could enact her own retribution; without another grenade devouring the privilege. The shield lifted again, covering her face as she zig-zagged as best she could through the mud and obstacles (..soldiers). Focusing all contentious targeting on the Empire's shooter. Within a meter, she dropped low to the ground so her hip skid through the mud. Trajectory and momentum alone would do her little service, and she kicked her jetpack into gear to accelerate her speed.

Sprays of mud worked as a disgusting veil to conceal some of her actual whereabouts until the sole of her boot kicked out and against the ankle of her opponent. His footing had been strained, and with the weight of his armour he wavered as she adjusted the angle of her pack to project her up a bit more. The entire action forced the unfortunate marksman down on an upward cutting blade that, fully-charged, penetrated the vulnerabilities of his armour and through to the flesh beneath. Blood was drawn; but not enough to end the life. More than enough to sting. He gasped out an agonizing groan, stretching a blind kick at his attacker which landed in her gut. Together, they staggered back. The shooter dug for another holster, and Gala adjusted her grip to elbow-wrap his arm. It was like holding duracrete. She pulled herself upward, the pain in her stomach fading to thunderous. Someone shouted, the roar of gunfire sounded louder, deeper, like something else. More animal.

The shooter's other arm brought down hard against Gala's temple. Everything got a little quieter, more distant.

Her awkward wrestling got a little looser and method took over. The barrel end of the blaster pointed at her, as wide as a cave, before a blinding swipe motion severed the forearm from the shooter's shoulders. And with a quick knee up, and a boost from her pack, found the sensitive spot between helmet and neckline; making a final cut while her vignetted vision slowly restored.


Seydou of Thyrsus

Trevin Neros Trevin Neros Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi
Amon impatiently waited for Captain Azum to administer her unasked medical help. There was a time and place for recuperation and it was not now but he let her tend to his injuries. An injection of bacta certainly gave the needed rejuvenation effect he craved for. Meanwhile, the Mandalorian half-listened, half-didn't, to what the Alliance soldier was babbling about. Credits, leases, stipends and all that were of no concern nor understanding to the Vizsla.

That's until he actually came up with a good idea out of the whole rant.

"You will both need to make yourselves useful to pull this...plan." Amon said, tone neutral. "If you're only good at giving shots of bacta, then you'd better stay here." the T-visor glared at the New Imperial officer then at the Alliance ranger. "And you--if your skillset's limited to just yammering then you should just watch."

"If not, then--"

He stood up to a crouching position and pointed at the flaming debris ahead of them. "They're already moving but we're closer." Amon gestured at a bunch of silhouettes pacing towards the crashed starfighter. "You will take their attention because you're loud enough. Give us enough time to rig it then retreat towards the starfighter." he curtly nodded at the ranger then the T-visor fell upon the captain. "Me and you - together. You're gonna rig it."

"Hopefully you don't make it explode prematurely."

"Let's go."

He gave zero karks about chain-of-command. Strength dictated that in the Mandalorian culture. They'd dealt him a shit hand, now it was time he dealt the cards. His way.


Bayaz Bayaz Gala Geert Gala Geert

The charging marine and the dual wielding swordswoman certainly took the spotlight on the battlefield. Amidst torn bodies and torched ground, Marcus Rail's men would realize their charge was far too successful for comfort. The Legionnaires had pulled back and left the Alliance Marines in the middle of a quickly deployed mine field.

Someone hit the button and it was hell on earth.

Meanwhile, the spectacular bravado of the bladeswoman was to be halted and her theatrics paid for with her own blood. Six orbs of steel rolled towards he, an eerie clicking with their fast paced movement. They halted, unpacked into large quadrupedal droids with two twin heavy blaster cannons. No questions asked, they unleashed a pounding of blaster fire upon her. Fire so heavy it tore through armor and ground bones to dust.

The Alliance's arrival was expected. A traitor in the midst.

They were being encircled.

A commanding officer somewhere cackled.

An Alliance officer somewhere counted the cash.

Iryss Iryss

The ISB officer's well placed shots found their targets, sowed chaos and messed up order. It took the Sith a long stretch of time before the chain of command regained its integrity. The mess had forced them to cede ground to both the "Pre Vizsla" defenders and to the Alliance Marines storming from the flanks. Nonetheless, a veteran executive officer took the reigns after his undeserving of his rank commander had his head splattered by a sniper shot.

Enemy at the gates.

An equally skilled sniper of the Sith-Imperial Legionnaires, somewhere but also nowhere, lied low and fired at Iryss' position. His firing was nearly accurate but too hasty. Should she become aware of that oddity, she might come to realize that through the shadows two Sith apprentices, still in the Academy thus wielding vibroblades rather than sabers, crept up to her position aiming to slit her throat with extreme satisfaction.
"If you're only good at giving shots of bacta, then you'd better stay here." the T-visor glared at the New Imperial officer.

Azumi was finished with the bacta injector. She set the empty canister aside.

"Perhaps you'd rather I let you suffer?" she asked, "what a waste."

"They're already moving but we're closer." Amon gestured at a bunch of silhouettes pacing towards the crashed starfighter. "You will take their attention because you're loud enough. Give us enough time to rig it then retreat towards the starfighter." he curtly nodded at the ranger then the T-visor fell upon the captain. "Me and you - together. You're gonna rig it."

The Mandalorian was arrogant, but smart. Azumi was amused at the plan to use the soldier as bait. She scanned the vicinity for further life signs, anything still alive was a threat. She spied some Sith Imperials and gestured to Trevin Neros Trevin Neros .

"Less talk, more action. Get out of the way," she mocked him.

Azumi stood up with the Vizla and started to race towards the TIE fighter, utilising the trenches it had left in the ground as cover. She managed to catch her breath part of the way and backed up against the makeshift trench walls. She theorised that the Mando's beskar would provide the most efficient defense. The Captain retrieved her slicing equipment from her flight suit and handed the kit over.

"Rig the weapons systems and engines," the Captain explained, "I'll use the slave circuit to trigger the ion drives when we're clear."




Surface of Fornax
The Battlegrounds

As S-IMPs fell among the ranks of mindless cultists, it was clear that the army was slowly devolving into a mob, and mobs would be far easier to handle. Despite her cloaking systems and invisible sniper bolts, the Sith were space wizards and managed to scope out her position by sensing her presence in the Force. Although she was a more than competent Force user that could conceal her Force presence, she cut off her abilities to fully masquerade as a normal, mortal officer of the New Imperial Order. She reserved her Force abilities for only the most critical missions or when she was undercover for ISB, keeping the extent of her powers as a closely guarded secret.

She groaned in frustration as the first sniper round pierced the nearby ground, forcing her to evasively dodge to the side. The sniper rounds were clearly not directly aimed at her but instead, her general vicinity and thus served as an irritating, potentially lethal distraction.

After a few rounds of sniper rounds, she noticed that they pushed her to retreat backwards and in the last possible moments, she noticed two Sith apprentices seconds away from striking. Swinging her sniper in full force around, she fired at the closest one, nailing the Sith in the chest and the figure crumpled to the ground. The other, however, was able to take full advantage of her exposed presence and madly leapt forward, aiming to pierce her skull.

Parrying with her sniper rifle would take too long and so, she could only resort to dodging sideways and dropping her gun, feeling the full brunt of the Sith's momentum crashing into her just as the Sith sniper nailed her square in the back with a sniper round.

Her Storm Armor was able to hold, but her back plate was heavily damaged. The reflect coating was more or less destroyed, leading to her position being completely exposed.

Fortunately, her armor's power suit components and bodyglove's reactive fabrics were still functional, and she immediately bear hugged the apprentice and crushing their rib cage and spine. Brutal crunching and cracks rang through her ears as the Sith vomited blood and bile all over her face plate.

"Frak you, you disgusting vermin." she cussed as she let the body plop on the ground. Picking up her sniper rifle, she dashed toward the II Doppelsöldner, narrowly dodging incoming sniper bolts. Her sniper was nearly depleted, and there was no way she would be able to locate and fire upon the Sith sniper fast enough before she was killed.

The Cast of Misfits
The Storm Commandos:
Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad

The Mandalorian:
Amon Vizsla

The Pilot Without a Ship:
Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi

Tags: Amon Vizsla Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi

OOC: ( Iryss Iryss I don't get included in the cast??? This is going to ruin my SAG Credits!)

The Mandalorian quickly took the lead on HIS plan but Trevin did not really speak up. He had heard of the Mandalorians and how the operated, and quite frankly, he was just excited to get to work alongside one. He did not care if he took Trevin's plan and made it his own. He also tried not to grow upset at the prospect that he was now being used as the bait but he guessed it had its own sense of bravado and bravery behind it. It was also a chance to impress the Mando, but, he was sure years of being around other Mando's would make it hard for him to stand out. None the less, he planned on surviving the day, and this was their best option to survive No Man's Land.

"Less talk, more action. Get out of the way,"

"She said, while talking, and not actioning," Trevin mumbled under his breath as he sighed and checked his carbine. He guessed now was as good a time as any to use his brand spanking new jet pack. When the two darted off, Trevin grabbed two grenades off his utility belt, and he flew up into the air. He launched both grenades with one hand and then darted right into the direction of the silhouettes. "HEY UP HERE! YOU SILLY SITH BITCHES!" A small explosion rang out in the middle of their ranks and Trevin began firing while flying through the air.

Throughout his life he had always been put into compromising situations but always made it out alive. Most of the men around him called him lucky, but, Trevin thought their was more. It was on fully display as he zig zagged up in the air all while dodging blaster bolts. They seemed to always JUST miss him. As if the man upstairs wasn't yet done with Trevin and refused to let him die. He was a talker, he admitted that, but he was also a damn fine soldier. That was on display as he accurately took down one after the other in all the chaos. The bait was working, though, as he glanced back and saw that the other two had made it and were getting ready to rig the ship.

This one moment, however, was the distraction that would potentially be fatal. He felt a sharp pang in his shoulder as a shot landed true and he let out a loud yell. Through training and years of practice, he did not drop his rifle, or his focus. Instead he returned back to the action and kept firing. However, she wound was extremely painful, and he could not keep it up for much longer. "Bought you guys as much time as I could." Trevin said into the comm as he turned tail and flew back towards the line of troops.

He landed harshly and could not keep his legs under him. He rolled over, still out of cover, and turned on his back to watch as the invading Sith continued firing upon him. Refusing to die without fighting back he fired blindly back into their lines before he felt hands under his shoulders. He let out a yell as he was dragged back behind cover to see Drave and Lilst.

"You're a madman, Sarge!" Lilst said incredulously.

"You should be dead! Most of those men out there were firing right at you!" Drave spoke with worry in his voice as Lilst tended to the wound in his shoulder.

"Watch for the explosion, boys," Trevin said with a grin as he propped himself up to watch as Amon Vizsla and Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi were surely going to be making their way back to Trevin and his men. "We are gonna create a nice little fireworks show."
Fornax, Glythe Sector,
On the battlefield the Battfield,
Midnight Squad (Temporary Assignment)
Rik Perris Rik Perris Amon Vizsla Gala Geert Gala Geert Iryss Iryss Bayaz Bayaz

Some of the soldiers had backed away when the armour clad warrior had revealed his crimson blade. Even some of the greener Sith Imperials stared in awe at the weapon. The two force users stalked each other, akin to hunter and prey but it wasn't clear which of them occupied a particular niche.

"That one's all yours, hot shot."

"Yes thank you for your insightful comment." He retorted, turning back to face his new adversary. The Zabrak Sith burned with hatred for his ancient enemy and Kir met him with the same poisonous stare. The two grew closer.. and closer until the two blades came to blows, green on red, red on green, their two blades crackled together violently, mirroring their user's emotions. The red double bladed lightsaber came down in a slash, Kir parrying it away before coming up in a high block. A quick succesion of attacks from the Jedi killer left him on his back on the floor. Just as the Sith was about to land a hit, he kicked him, recovering. "Hey Rik! Some help would be nice right about now!" As he signalled his ally, the battlefield erupted with a great explosion which was enough to throw the two back, he hadn't been near the blast radius so was able to get back up easily.

Kir put a hand out towards his opponent, pushing forward and letting the Force work through it, resulting in Gent being shoved backwards, which gave him a chance to recover himself and call for backup. He noticed that someone had launched spheres which quickly morphed into droids. Giving himself more room, he pulled in and leapt across the battlefield to go assist his blade-wielding ally, the Sithie not too far behind. Landing near the scene of the bout, the droids now had something extra to shoot at. "Watch it Gala!" He moved his blade in a circular motion, a flurry of blaster bolts coming off of his blaster. He remembered that Master Treicolt had noted that these droids had a weak spot up at the top, if he could exploit that, he'd be able to take them out.

He ran past the droid, weaving and dodging blasterfire. To his left, he noticed that the sithie was hot on his tail so he'd need to move quickly. Like he'd done earlier, he pulled in and leapt up into the air once again, landing on one of the war droids. He raised his saber above his head and stabbed down into the head of the droid, his emerald blade going right through. It started violently shaking before shutting down finally, as he jumped off, another droid seemed to have got the message and started blasting indiscriminately. He managed to block and dodge the first few volleys, but a blaster bolt grazed his shoulder, singing his flight suit. He cursed to himself, flexing his arm to try and get some feeling in it.

Kir had to deal with it for now, as the casualties from the explosion lay strewn across the ground. If he didn't react now, he might've become one of them as the now very angry Sith had caught up with him. He put his saber out in front of him, the two moving back into a stalking motion before jumping towards each other, blades locked as the engaged in fast paced combat, a quick parry. A low block. A spin. A crack, the two seemed like in a blur with their rapid movements.



V A N D A L _ A C T U A L
VANDAL // 12/12
Armor | Rifle | Pistol | Grenades

“It’ll be more dense with hostiles up ahead, sir. Probably won’t be able to keep this veil much longer,”

And just on cue, the Sith were hot on the trail. Pickets, early warning units had spotted them and began to move up and around the Storm Commando unit. Through the underbrush the only immediate indicate of Sith assailants was the sharp crack of crimson blaster bolts charring the ground and cover around them.

<"Yup."> The characteristic one word response before the clatter of duraplast against the dirt marked their presence in the night. They were close. With a bright green filter of night vision over his HUD he was able to pick them out. They were moving up to surround their position and quickly.


This is what the Storm Commandos were always trained for. To be outnumbered, on the backfoot, against the wall. No choice but to bite back.

<"Vandal ten-twelve, you read?"> The Lieutenant sounded out to the Storm Commando looking through the scope of his sniper on overwatch.

<"Copy, Vandal Actual.">

<"What's the look on their movements?">
Enclosed in their own pocket surrounded by the enveloping enemy, with the Sith troopers still firing down on Amon's forces to their back they were a neck in the noose.

<"They're closing the distance, moving up to block you in.">

<"Copy. Crik. Take up the E-WEB and aim it back at the Sith closing up on us. Keep suppressing fire, keep em back. Rest of us, we're planting charges along our position. We'll keep moving up and lay off the fire to entice them in, then we'll send em flying back to Korriban.">
Berik sounded out through the squad based comms. With his command sounded through he moved up behind a piece of rubble before pulling an explosive charge from his pack, setting it down and arming it against the slab of duracrete.

An unorthodox command but they had to take the initiative in being the difference maker to supplement their inferior numbers and position.

<"One charge down."> Berik sounded out. If the concentrated blast as a result would give them anything, it would be further chaos along the advancing Sith.

CHAD COMMANDOS // Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad
STRIKE FORCE // Vitani Azumi Vitani Azumi
ISB SUITS // Iryss Iryss
ALLIANCE // Trevin Neros Trevin Neros | Gala Geert Gala Geert | Kir Dantos Kir Dantos

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