Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Introductions welcome here!

Tsaa Choka

Hello all and welcome!

My character is Tsaa Choka and is a Yuuzhan Vong Warrior and ranking Warmaster

Feel free to say Hi and introduce yourself as well

Thion Genya

Repentant before the Gods
Hey all, big fan of the Vong War storyline and enthused to be part of the faction.

My character is one of the Repentant, fighting to earn acceptance among the Vong and favor in the eyes of the Yun'o.
Hello all!

Loved the Vong war books.

This guy and his followers old Stormtroopers who are tired of Empires.

Reformed into a Legion Element, to sacrifice themselves for the glory of the Gods. And crush some weaklings. Enthused to see the Holy Covenant do some Holy Crusading.

Lets burn it down.

Beltamo Zeal


Warmaster of the Domain Atona who wander the Unknown Region have decided to join our brothers and Sisters. Being a Warmaster in name alone, Zeir is from the Shaper Caste while the Atona Domain is a Shaper, Warrior, and Worker combined Caste. We were forced to adapt these skills as we were alone in the Void away from the rest of our kind. We are blessed to be shown the light of the old ways.

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