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Open Market Investment Bank of Vexillium

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



  • Corporation Name: Investment Bank of Vexillium
  • Headquarters:
  • Locations:
    • Tygeria
    • Kalidan
    • Endor
    • Zakuul
    • Bank branches on every significant / high populated planet.
    • Satellites and relay stations on planets and moons where there is already a demand for banking services.
    • Overall, they are present (in some form) on every developed planet and moon of the Eternal Empire.
    • Nelvaan (Outside the EE)
    • Christophsis (Outside the EE)
  • Operations:
    • Financial affairs
    • Disbursement of loans
    • Debt management
    • General banking activities
    • Money printing
    • Virtual banking transactions
    • Handling crypto currency matters
  • Parent Corporation: Vexillium
  • Subsidiaries: N/A

The bank is largely predominantly present in much of the Eternal Empire, with few planets having actual bank branches or buildings. This is not really necessary, as a satellite system has been built through which you can access all the services of the Investment Bank of Vexillium in the territory of the Eternal Empire and even beyond. Like all banks, they monitor the financial situation of the entire Empire, blacklisting companies or individuals if necessary, or even the state.

Their services can be used by anyone within the Eternal Empire, be it a company, a state, a noble house, or an average citizen. More than 90% of the Empire’s financial affairs are done through them, they also refer to the salaries of those working in the public sector. In essence, they count on the National Bank. This was already the case during the reign of Tacitus, not just because the Empress came to power.

They disburse loans, are connected to the stock exchange, and monitor and complicate physical and virtual trading and financial transactions. They are completely loyal to the Eternal Empire - though it is possible because power is currently in the hands of House L'lerim and they own the HPI Consortium - but they would not betray them.

In the event that a bank order is received from outside the borders of the Eternal Empire to do something in other regions or territories, then, if all this does not cause them bankruptcy or great financial loss, they will also undertake it. Because of this, anyone can contact them if there is a need for it.

Moreover, it is a completely fair bank, it is not intended to plunder and destroy companies, states, people, as that would be bad for them in the long run. For them, profit and constant high income are important.


The Investment Bank of Vexillium has really existed ever since Vexillium, only a long time ago, has not been as important as it was recently. After all, they used to be present on a total of two planets and on only one of them were they the number one bank. This changed when the Eternal Empire moved to the Unknown Region and began to expand.

As Vexillium became the most influential financial organization within the Empire, as HPI Consortium grew stronger, so did they. All this was necessary. Because the Eternal Empire is quite large and includes many planets, it was impossible to install a branch everywhere. On the one hand, it would not have been worth it, it was expensive to maintain, so they opted for repeater stations and satellites for planets and moons where quite a few people live and there is a need for banking services.

In the last few years since the Eternal Empire was located in the Unknown Region, they have managed to network the entire state in this way, making banking services available on all developed and highly populated planes continuously and without interruption.

Because they are now everywhere, so if the Eternal Empire expands, they can immediately introduce their services to the new planet as well.


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