Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Is It Worth Your Life?

Somewhere on Nar Shaddaa​
Just after nightfall​

Krueger coiled in disgust as the dirty rain of Nar Shaddaa entered his gills; his face contorted as he pulled his hood over to shield them from the downpour. The pitter-patter of the raindrops as they fell had drown out the ambiance of the city, instead filling it with the wet sounds of splashing into puddles, and the loud pings of the rain against the cheap metal awnings over some of the storefronts.

There were few people walking around at this time of day, and especially with the rain, just a few vagrants helping themselves to some of the small noodle or caf shops that sprinkled the area. Krueger made his way through the streets, appreciating at least the moisture and humidity that the rain had brought, despite it being polluted. He was on a mission, and not one that he would normally take. Krueger likes to hunt; he relishes the chase and the feeling of getting to kill a foe, he craved that. Here he was though, on a retrieval job...trying to find a Hutts' slave girl who had tried to run away. Intel suggested she hired a merc who sympathized with her, and helped her sneak from the Hutt's grasp. While Krueger knew he couldn't harm the Zabrak slave, his employer said nothing about the company she kept. Krueger's toothy smile grew at the thought of getting some fresh kills for his Goddess; it had been a while since he's been on a proper hunt. He continued to snake his way through the streets, making his way to one of the nearest obvious place for a someone would go to try and escape offworld.

That's when Krueger noticed it; a smell, a slight smell that lingered a ways in the distance. It was a sweet smell, like a perfume, which definitely did not belong in an area like this. And what is this? Krueger said to himself in surprise. The slightest scent of tibanna gas entered his nostrils. It was a smell that he has grown accustomed to...a smell that defined someone recently refilling their blaster. It was only a trace amount, but that with the ever-lingering perfume meant Krueger found his mark.

And like that, the chase was on.
What does a sniper and artist have in common, deta
Rain, though most people view it as a nuisance Formrota did not mind, growing up on a desert plant most her life the pitter patta of water falling one oneself was a welcome relief even if she had long left her home behind in her many travels. The cloaked woman stalked through the streets of Na Shadda, the rain dripping from her attire, boots splashing water with each step, the smoggy air being dissolved in the down poor, bringing it down the planet’s surface, '... yes another reason I wear a mask 24/7'.

Though hanging head low in a way that no one would notice her face, Formorta could still see those around her. Most of those who she passed were the usual Na Shadda locals, smuggler, scummy lower level dirt bags, mercenaries, whores and more though one lumbering hulk cause her attention. A hulking mass slowly stalking by, more stealthily then she would have expected for such a big man... beast? 'interesting, why they being careful'?

Whatever the case she assumed the man was on some sort of mission, but her on Na Shadda, with a body like that, he would stand out like a sore, thumb, even the greenest of mercenaries would be able to see this guy coming, unless said goliath had some sort of camouflage to compensate for such a large frame. Whatever the case it peaked her mind enough to warrant some sort of investigation, seemed to be the number one ways of earning credits these day, follow some sort of trail and get caught up in an adventure, then for unknown reasons get paid.

Krueger followed the scent trail eagerly, keeping watch for visual contact as well; although many species became lost in the dark, Krueger found himself at home in it. His night vision allowed him to easily maneuver through even the darkest of areas, which only lent to his tracking abilities. As he weaved through the buildings, the scent of the perfume became stronger; he was getting closer. Feeling he was almost on top of his prey, Krueger slowed down and began creeping lower to the ground, practically moving on all fours. He started to channel his focus into an ability he developed when he was young, and his form became slightly cloaked to the average onlooker. Though not skilled enough to fool someone in open broad daylight, Krueger's smaller frame and the lack of light only added to the effects of the cloak.

He moved slowly as he approached a junction, spying a small crowd of people moving up and down the street. Krueger took the time to assess if his mark was nearby. Scanning the large alley, there were only a few notable characters; a large being lumbered nearby...almost stealthily which Krueger made sure to note, a shadowy hooded figure, a merc-y looking duo, and some women of the night. None of them seemed to be who he was looking for, though the smell of the perfume was intoxicating now. Worried that one of the women nearby shared his mark's taste in scent, Krueger eased closer to the working ladies to hopefully deny his suspicions.

Audren was not happy to be on this planet again. Well, moon if someone wanted to get specific, but populated more like a planet. An overpopulated and crime-ridden planet. Then again, what was one to expect from Nar Shaddaa? The place had been a scumpit for millenia. A good place to hide, but a terrible haven. Whether or not the Hutts controlled the system, they were in charge of the moon and the planet it orbited and it showed.

The place stank.

This wasn't the sort of place he could simply fly into broadcasting official identification. Well he could have, but it would have gotten him undesired attention. Neither Jedi or respectable company owners were often seen here as themselves. This meant the Tarlanc was too much. He'd brought the Faradrim instead, a Nephilim-class corvette commonly associated with bounty hunters. Having recently been crewed and barely seen its first action, the ship was unlikely to be recognized. Now to do the same for the owner.

The Master's long blond hair, fair skin, and bright blue eyes tended to catch eyes. And the pointy ears of course. He thought there was even a bounty out on him, though it was only ten thousand credits if he remembered right. Even so, he had opted to keep things relatively simple. A temporary dye had darkened his hair, which was tightly tied back. It, along with the ears and eyes, were concealed behind a full visor which was itself shaded by a hood attached to a weatherproof cloak. It was not unpractical given the weather and many of those about the place were wearing them. The helmet fit seamlessly with the armor; it was after all a matching set. Prototype, but a working one. His lightsaber was hidden in a pouch at the back of his belt, and he carried a sheathed blade and holstered pistol in addition to a snub-nosed carbine slung over his shoulder. The getup was a tad more than the pistol and maybe breastplate that others in the vicinity wore, but here and there a few similarly-armed could be glimpsed.

For all that he didn't like the situation, the Sephi knew that he'd put himself here. One of the businessmen he knew through Ceredir had approached him asking for a favor. A relative of theirs had recently escaped Hutt custody and was holed up on Nar Shaddaa, needing a way offworld. She had a merc with her, but there was a bounty on them. Audren had agreed to help in exchange for the favor that would be determined at a later date. He'd been given a way to authenticate himself and a location, to which he was now on his way. While he wasn't specifically watching for suspicious people, he did keep a sense and watch on his surroundings. This was the Smuggler's Moon after all.

[member=Krueger] | [member=Formorta]​

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