Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadows of Redemption: Jade v. Pantora



In the heart of the Galactic Core, the high-profile trial of Romi Jade, a revered Jedi Master turned alleged perpetrator of war crimes, commences on the bustling planet of Coruscant. The legal stage is set for a dramatic and unprecedented event as Romi Jade, standing in the spotlight of the Galactic Justice System, begins to unveil her testimony. Legal officials and counsel have expedited the proceedings, starting the process with the first part of Jade's testimony taking place on Coruscant before her extradition, seeking justice for alleged crimes committed on the ice-covered world of Rhen Var and the subsequent consequences that rippled through the galaxy, leading to the events on Pantora.


The corridors of the Galactic Justice Center buzz with anticipation as legal officials, representatives, and onlookers gather for the opening chapters of a trial that will echo through the annals of history. Romi Jade, a figure revered as a Jedi Master, now stands at the center of scrutiny and judgment, her past haunting her in the present.

The courtroom is a symphony of hushed whispers and the occasional camera flash, capturing the gravity of this momentous occasion. As the trial begins, Romi Jade takes the stand, her presence commanding attention. The air is thick with tension as she starts to recount the events on Rhen Var, her testimony a mosaic of redemption and remorse.

Legal experts and counsel carefully dissect her words, seeking truth amid the shadows of her past. The audience, both in the courtroom and those tuned in across the galaxy, awaits the revelations that will shape the narrative of this high-profile trial. The stakes are high, and the echoes of Rhen Var and Pantora reverberate in every word spoken.

Watchers can expect exploration of justice, redemption, and the complexities of morality in a galaxy torn by war. As Romi Jade's testimony unfolds, the trial on Coruscant becomes a mere prologue to the greater drama that awaits on Pantora, where the echoes of a troubled past will be heard in the hallowed halls of justice. The galaxy holds its breath as the shadows of redemption begin to dance on the galactic stage.

This unprecedented trial, heavily publicized and televised across the galaxy, invites viewers to bear witness to the unfolding drama, as the Jedi Master grapples with her past and the consequences that will shape her future. The galactic audience becomes a jury of millions, collectively pondering the true nature of justice and redemption in a galaxy far, far away.


OOC Notes: This is meant to be a public trial so IC reactions, thoughts, feelings, judgements, protest outside, etc, whether you're in the room or watching from afar are welcome (up to you). I will be mostly posting her answers to questions by both the Prosecution/Defense over a series of posts.

For Context (In order):
Ripples in the Sand
And Punishment
And Consequence
Metropolitan Museum: Echoes of the Jedi


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The atmosphere in the grand courtroom is tense, with a hushed expectancy lingering in the air. Spectators, legal experts, and members of the Pantoran Assembly fill the room, their gazes fixed on the central figure – Romi Jade. The lighting is somber, casting shadows that dance along the towering walls.

The vast, austere courtroom loomed with an air of gravitas, its walls echoing the weight of the impending trial. Romi Jade, a revered Jedi Master, stood at the center, surrounded by a sea of faces—eager to witness the unfolding drama. The room held a hushed anticipation, a prelude to the legal symphony about to commence.

The courtroom, adorned with symbols of justice, exudes an air of formality. A holographic display projects the Pantoran insignia, a constant reminder of the charges brought against Jade. The witness stand, where Romi sits, is bathed in a focused beam of light, accentuating her presence.

The room is a mosaic of faces – stern-faced observers, curious onlookers from various worlds, and the legal teams prepared for battle, one could even feel the audience tuning in remotely. Among the assembly, a palpable anticipation fuels whispered conversations and speculative glances.

Lead prosecutor, Shara Dal'Von, rises with measured purpose, her gaze fixed on Romi Jade.

"Honorable court, esteemed jurors, and citizens of the galaxy, today marks the beginning of a crucial chapter in the pursuit of justice. We stand here not to necessarily condemn a Jedi, but to unravel the truth surrounding the events on Rhen Var and here on Pantora. The prosecution aims to collect the pieces of a complex narrative, seeking clarity and accountability. as the Jedi say, may the Force guide us in this endeavor."

Rising in defense, advocate Taryn Kyrel addresses the court.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the court, esteemed jurors, and citizens, we approach this testimony with a commitment to transparency and truth. Romi Jade willingly participates, not as a gesture of evasion but as a testament to her dedication to accountability. We acknowledge the gravity of the charges, but implore the court to consider the broader context. Let this testimony be a step towards a fair and unbiased trial."

The room shifts as the opening statements conclude. The prosecution and defense, like chess players contemplating their moves, exchange glances. The tension escalates as they transition into questioning Romi.

The prosecution leads, approaching the stand...

"Describe the specifics of your allegiance to the Sith Empire during the events on Rhen Var. What role did you play in their strategic planning?"

"I held the rank of a Shadow Hand, in majority of cases it was the title given to the second-in-command of the Sith monarch. In my case, it was considered a term equivalent to an agent. I was indentured to a Sith Lord, known then as Darth Arcanix. I was not privy to any strategic planning revolving around the planet's subjugation. That was above me."

Romi Jade meets the prosecutor's gaze with a steady, unwavering look. "During the events on Rhen Var, my alleged allegiance to the Sith Empire must be understood within the context of my role and position within their hierarchy. I held the title of a Shadow Hand, a term that, in the Sith Empire, is commonly associated with the second-in-command to a Sith monarch. However, it's crucial to dispel any misconceptions about the significance of that title in my specific case."

"In many instances, a Shadow Hand is considered a high-ranking position, akin to that of an apprentice or agent. It possess no level of authority and influence, and it is essential to recognize that my role was not one of strategic planning or decision-making at the highest echelons of the Sith Empire. Instead, it was an indenture to a Sith Lord, in this case, known as Darth Arcanix."

"As an agent under Darth Arcanix, my duties were primarily operational. I executed tasks assigned by my Sith superior but was not privy to the intricate details of strategic planning surrounding the subjugation of Rhen Var. Those decisions and plans were beyond my purview; they were made by higher-ranking Sith authorities who held command over the overall strategy of the Sith Empire."

"While my actions during that time may be viewed through the lens of my affiliation with the Sith, it is crucial to understand the limitations of my role. I was an operative, tasked with carrying out the will of my Sith Lord, and often forced to do so. However, any involvement in strategic planning or decisions pertaining to the planet's subjugation was beyond my station. My focus was on the execution of specific missions, not on the broader strategies orchestrated by the Sith Empire's leadership."

"As we navigate through the complexities of this trial, it is my sincere hope that the court recognizes the nuances of my position within the Sith hierarchy and understands that my role was one of indentured agency rather than authority in the grand scheme of Sith Empire's strategic endeavors."

"Hmm, Given the nature of your actions on Rhen Var, can you attest to your mental state during that period? Were there external factors or influences that contributed to your decision-making?"

"I...was in a constant state of anger, irritation, pain. However, that was on purpose. I was tortured, and manipulated into perceiving things differently than they had occurred. It was all a scheme to keep me malleable; useful."

Romi Jade takes a moment to gather her thoughts before responding to the probing question. "The nature of my actions on Rhen Var was, indeed, shaped by a tumultuous mental state during that period. I want to be transparent about the fact that I was in a constant state of anger and irritation. However, it is essential to delve into the circumstances that contributed to these emotions and the external factors that played a significant role in decision-making."

"I acknowledge that my mental state during that time was not one of my own choosing. I was subjected to a series of torturous experiences, manipulated into perceiving events and circumstances differently than they had occurred. The constant state of anger and irritation that I experienced was not a natural manifestation of my character but a deliberate manipulation intended to keep me malleable, to keep me useful to those who sought to control me."

"I want the court to understand that I was a victim of a scheme, a web of deceit and manipulation designed to exploit vulnerabilities within me. The intent was to cloud my judgment, to make me a pawn in a larger game. The external factors that influenced my decision-making were carefully crafted to serve the interests of those who sought to subjugate not only me but the very principles I stood on as a Jedi."

"I was not in control of my emotions or perceptions during that time. The constant state of anger and irritation was a byproduct of the psychological manipulation I endured. It is crucial to recognize the distinction between the Romi Jade who seemingly willingly embraced the dark side and the Romi Jade who was coerced into a false reality, her sense of self distorted for the benefit of others."

"I was not acting of my own volition but under the influence of external forces that sought to exploit and manipulate my very essence."

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers


A crowd meant money. There were protesters of one form or another, pamphleteers, solemn standers in support, etc., on its way to a thousand disparate people within a hundred meters of the Galactic Justice Center's security gates.

Certainly not a united crowd. All the better: based on what divided them, Jerec Asyr was doing a brisk fething business.

"Slap on the wrist at three to one, three to one, yes gentlebeing, last chance at this rate, rate update in-"

A holosign above him registered a variety of odds. For every bystander who turned away in disgust, someone else placed a wager on potential outcomes and incidents such as:


The odds kept shifting. Jerec had never felt more alive. Quekko would've been proud.
Be careful what you wish for.
Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor and his wife, Chrysa, sat side by side in the grand courtroom, their presence a testament to their unwavering support for their dear friends, Jedi Master Romi Jade and her husband, Johannes. The room was filled with an air of tension, as the trial of Master Jade unfolded before them.

Caltin's heart weighed heavy within his chest, torn between his loyalty to his friend and the unsettling truths that were being revealed. Master Jade, a respected and revered Jedi, stood accused of a crime that seemed inconceivable. The charges against her were grave, and the evidence presented was compelling, leaving little room for doubt.

As the prosecution laid out their case, Caltin's mind raced, desperately searching for any shred of evidence that could exonerate his friend. He had known Master Jade for years, fought alongside her in countless battles, and witnessed her unwavering dedication to the Jedi Order. The accusations seemed so out of character, so contrary to everything he believed her to be.

But the evidence was damning. Witness after witness testified against Master Jade, their words piercing through Caltin's heart like a lightsaber. He watched as the once vibrant and confident Jedi Master stood stoically, her face a mask of composure, even as her eyes betrayed the turmoil within.

Caltin glanced at Chrysa, her expression mirroring his own internal struggle. They had both seen the strength and love shared between Romi and Johannes, a bond that had weathered the trials of war and the challenges of the Jedi path. It was inconceivable to them that such a union could be tainted by the darkness that now threatened to consume it.

As the defense began to present their case, Caltin's hope flickered like a dying star. The arguments put forth were valiant, but the evidence against Master Jade was overwhelming. Doubt crept into his mind, clouding his judgment, and he found himself questioning everything he thought he knew. At the same time though, memories of events past seemed contradictory to the presented evidence. She was a pillar of the Jedi and deserved a fair shake. Would this be one?

The trial dragged on, each passing moment further deepening the chasm within Caltin's heart. He desperately wanted to believe in his friend's innocence, to stand by her side and fight for her, but the weight of the evidence was crushing. The truth, no matter how painful, had to be acknowledged. She may have made these grave mistakes, but we're her triumphs not worthy of a second look?

They had witnessed the fall of a Jedi, all too many times. Too much repetition of the shattering of a once unbreakable bond. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope remained. Caltin vowed to stand by Master Jade and so did Chrysa, to help her find redemption and reclaim the light that had been lost.

Together, they would face the uncertain path ahead, drawing strength from their friendship and the unwavering belief that even in the darkest of times, the Force would guide them towards a brighter future.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The news had been something... more so when she had heard from Junko the announcement at the one conference... it had been a little disheartening. She knew some of this process well enough and sat there mostly watching it. The jedi was watching as she remained there in the seat on her ship. She shifted and shimmered the image as it was around her. Reflective surfaces a window one could look through with enough talent in the force itself. She rarely ventured into Alliance space unless she had to but Romi Jade Romi Jade was a friend or at least she thought so.. there was a lot she learned about second hand that was being done and would have helped with had she been asked. "May the force be with you." She said it while listening more to her and what was there.

A crowd meant money. There were protesters of one form or another, pamphleteers, solemn standers in support, etc., on its way to a thousand disparate people within a hundred meters of the Galactic Justice Center's security gates.

Certainly not a united crowd. All the better: based on what divided them, Jerec Asyr was doing a brisk fething business.

"Slap on the wrist at three to one, three to one, yes gentlebeing, last chance at this rate, rate update in-"

A holosign above him registered a variety of odds. For every bystander who turned away in disgust, someone else placed a wager on potential outcomes and incidents such as:


The odds kept shifting. Jerec had never felt more alive. Quekko would've been proud.

In her opinion, trying a Jedi was one big kangaroo court. Was anything going to happen? Not in the slightest. Somehow they were going to make money too, as a wise Ithorian stated long ago, they all smelt like burlap and money.

Walking up to the bookie, Dells narrowed her eyes. It looked suspiciously like the Ithorian who had a fit that would rival that of a hormonal teenage girl. All because they wanted to save him! Could have left them in that planetary well of gravity to rot. See what one got for trying to be an upstanding citizen? Hand fell to her blaster just in case but the prospects of the bookie making money would no doubt outweigh anything else.

"Fifty credits down on 'slap on the wrist' . Talk about a waste of tax payer credits.... Hey....don't you owe me and a portly Nun a drink?"
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Hand fell to her blaster just in case but the prospects of the bookie making money would no doubt outweigh anything else.

"Fifty credits down on 'slap on the wrist' . Talk about a waste of tax payer credits.... Hey....don't you owe me and a portly Nun a drink?"

Jerec's hand fell to his own blaster. Despite this being the big city, a tumbleweed rolled by.

But she, like many people he appreciated, had her money on 'slap on the wrist.' And he did theoretically owe her that drink.

He detached his hand from the blaster and input the wager. "Fifty at three to one, done and done. I'd make a crack about taking your credits but the smart money's on slap on the wrist for extrafething sure. Jedi millionaires, I tell ya."
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Location: Patora
Objective: To make her former master happy
Tags (nearby): Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Romi Jade Romi Jade

"This is a waste of time," Cori muttered to her former master, who sat beside her near the back of the courtroom. "We are at war. With every moment that passes, the Mandalorian Enclave moves against us, and what are we doing? We are fighting amongst ourselves about things that happened a long time ago."

Her former master sighed, shifting his attention from the proceedings to Cori. "This trial is important to me, and it should also be important to you. The way the public views the Jedi order has shaped the course of history for millenia. If we were to let this woman get away with war crimes, then we are no better than the most tyrannical of dictators. It is our sacred duty to carry out justice, even against other Jedi."

"If you say so, Master Casspian," Cori crossed her arms. "But it's not fellow Jedi who are carrying out justice. These people," she gestured towards the prosecution, "Aren't force sensitive. They're just a bunch of civilians who are judging one of our own even though they know nothing of the force, or what it can do to a person."

"And yet, you still came when I asked you too," Adelio Casspian countered. "You aren't my padawan anymore. You came of your own free will."

"I foresaw myself here," Cori shrugged. "So I decided not to defy fate."

"I don't think that's the only reason. Perhaps it's because you also miss my wise counsel?"

"Ha! You wish, old man."

The duo both smirked at each other for a moment, before turning back to the proceedings. Listening to Romi's answers to the prosecution's questions, Cori placed her hand over her heart in sympathy.

"She was tortured! They have to take that into consideration," she whispered to Adelio, her voice filled with emotion. "How can they say it's her fault? She was a victim of the Sith, they are the ones responsible, not her!"

"You think too much in black and white, Cori," her master replied sagely. "But you will find that he world exists in shades of grey."

"Cryptic as usual, huh?"

"I'm simply telling you to keep an open mind."

"Alright." Cori straightened her posture and focused on the court before her. Her master had told her to keep an open mind, but what if she had made it up already? And worse, what if she was wrong? All these questions swirled in her brain as the trial dragged on...



"The court has received files from a senior judge of the Outer Rim Coalition, a previous Jedi Council member who served as Master of First Knowledge. These files suggest that you were under the influence of Sith poison during your time on Rhen Var. Can you confirm or deny this assertion, and how do you explain its potential effects on your actions?"

"Yes, I was under the effects of what we call Sith poison. I was captured and tortured at the Citadel, a prison constructed on the planet Lola Sayu by the Sith Empire. I was then injected with the poison."

A beat.

"Sith poison is a biological weapon created from Sith alchemy, a dark sided science. It can either be ingested or administered by medical means, like via syringe, and when ingested or absorbed in enough quantity, it essentially multiplies the rage felt by a person. Though, it acts more like a disease after it assimilates to the victim's body, setting off chemical reactions that can and will rapidly diminish one’s ability to resist the pull of the dark side of the Force, and anything that stems from it; It makes them malleable.

At the time I was in a state of insecurity, a place of doubt and fear that gave way to other dangerous feelings, and it's in part why some Jedi codes speak against such emotions. Having the Sith poison brought those emotions to a whole new level of intensity, affected my moral compass, and decision making, and that made me easily influenced by others who sought to use me to their benefit."

Romi Jade meets the probing gaze of the prosecutor with a solemn expression. "I do not deny the assertion that I was under the influence of Sith poison during my time on Rhen Var. It is a truth that lies at the heart of the events that transpired, and I am prepared to shed light on the insidious nature of this biological weapon and its profound impact on my actions."

"I urge the court to consider the impact of Sith poison not as an excuse for my actions but as a contributing factor that altered the landscape of my judgment. It is my hope that the court recognizes the insidious nature of this weapon and its role in shaping the events on Rhen Var."

"Can you describe any symptoms or alterations in your thought process that you may have experienced while allegedly under the influence of Sith poison. How did this influence contribute to your alignment with the Sith Empire?"

"Well, as mentioned, not only does the poison multiply rage, it also makes resisting the pull of the dark side an even harder task, because you become more susceptible to it and anything that stems from it. I was able to stave off the effects for a long time, however Darth Arcanix knew that she could use her powers to enhance the effects of the poison and completely force my transition. I became a pawn in her game.

To ensure my loyalty and make me more malleable to her suggestions, Darth Arcanix placed dark runes on my mind. These runes served as a malevolent force, embedding themselves in my thoughts and emotions, creating a nexus of influence that warped my perception of reality. It was a sinister technique aimed at ensuring my alignment with the Sith Empire and eliminating any semblance of resistance."

Romi Jade addresses the question with a measured tone, choosing her words carefully. "My proximity to Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , who was a significant target for the Sith, whom Arcanix had a vendetta against, made me a valuable asset in their eyes. The Sith exploited my connection to him, manipulating me into turning on my friends and using me as a weapon against those who sought to oppose their dark agenda. Coren just happened to be one of my greatest friends..."

Ah, Coren Starchaser, a name with which you are so historically tied to, can you describe and provide context into the nature of your relationship with Coren Starchaser during this specific period of time? So that the court understands, you were more than friends even at one point?

Romi Jade takes a moment to compose herself before addressing the question. "Coren Starchaser is indeed a name that echoes through the corridors of history. Starchaser and I…worked very closely together, our relationship, particularly during the period in question, was deeply entwined with the turbulent events of the war, a time that forged bonds both on the battlefield and within the Force itself."

"Our synergy became the bedrock of our connection. It was during the Battle of Coruscant, a pivotal moment in the conflict, where the Galactic Alliance faced its darkest hour. The intensity of that battle gave way to not only a crucible for the galaxy but also the crucible of our spiritual connection—a Force bond that transcended the physical and the mundane."

"Our collaboration on the front lines led to a closeness that extended beyond the camaraderie of comrades-at-arms. In the aftermath of Coruscant's fall, we found solace in each other's company, a brief respite in the chaos of war. The force of our bond, both literal and figurative, drew us into a brief period of dating, a connection nurtured by the shared weight of our responsibilities and the understanding that time was just not a luxury we could afford..."

"As comrades, we faced the Sith Empire on multiple fronts, united by a shared purpose and a commitment to defending the galaxy. Our bond, forged in the crucible of conflict, became a source of strength amidst the chaos. It is crucial to understand that our relationship was born out of necessity, a response to the harsh realities of war, and the unique circumstances that bound us together in our fight against the Sith."

"As we stood side by side on those battlefronts, the Force linking us in purpose, it's essential to recognize that our connection was a testament to our resilience in the face of adversity. The complexities of our relationship during that tumultuous time should be seen as a reflection of the challenges we faced as warriors on the front lines of a galaxy in turmoil."

A beat.

"Today, Coren is very much still one of my greatest friends. We've seen a lot together."

Yes, it's our hope that with his testimony as well, the court can get a full scope of your relationship dynamic.

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Jorus watched the trial coverage on a little screen by the light of laser chopper arrays. He'd propped up a chair on a gantry overlooking a conveyor belt of vast befouled ground meat. He was eating a burger, locally sourced.

"The court has received files from a senior judge of the Outer Rim Coalition, a previous Jedi Council member who served as Master of First Knowledge. These files suggest

"Feth yes," he said. "The mail came through."

The force of our bond, both literal and figurative, drew us into a brief period of dating

He choked on the burger.
Wearing: This and This

Armed With: Capture Pistol, Nathan's Lightsaber


Personal Identification

Jedi Turbospeeder (Silver)

Medical Interface Visor (Custom Appearance)

Field Medic Ring


Antidote Kit

With: Nytesmyth Academy Graduates

Graduate Composition:

Nurses (300)

Physicians (40)

Triage Specialists (80)

Biohazard Physician (30)

Graduate Equipment:

Stimpak (3 Each)

ECM-598 Medical Backpack (Triage, Physicians)

2-ZH Surgical Droid (Biohazard Physicians)

Flexpoly Bacta Suits (1000)

PMC-210 Medical Capsules (300)

Field Bacta Tanks (20)

Pulmonary Resuscitation Kit (100)

PFG-700 (10)

Hover Gurney (80)

Mobile Surgical Units (14)

"The suit, of course, has been manufactured to your exact specifications..." The old tailor said as Nathan checked out himself in the mirror, in a dark blue three piece suit with matching tie and white undershirt

"Armor weave, full mobility with interior pockets large enough to hold a pistol. Room in the sleeves to fit an action holster..."

Nathan gave no reaction on his face. He had trimmed his hair and slicked it back, completely shaved his beard, and styled the remaining mustache into a handlebar style. Extra curly. Nathan was nigh unrecognizable.

"Thank you." he said curtly, paying the man five hundred credits and walking out to a silver, nondescript Turbospeeder with no identifying marks other than license code.

Since becoming aware of Romi Jade's impending trial, he had done everything possible to prep for it. He knew trials of Jedi were always heated affairs from what his father taught him. People who resented Jedi often used these moments as opportunities to point out everything that genuinely was wrong with the Jedi Order in addition to all their other gripes. And when the authorities inevitably chose to keep relying on Jedi...

Nathan had donated Ionized Stun Pistols anonymously to any security forces present, and had chosen to bring personnel from his Medical Academy to be there on a humanitarian basis in case violence or even some sort of attack occured. Well aware of the potential for chaos, the authorities had graciously accepted their assistance... especially when they had learned there was over three hundred thousand credits in reserve to help repair any damage the building where the trial was taking place might suffer from protests...

He had informed Jax Thio Jax Thio he would be at the trial if he needed to find him, acting as an on call volunteer medic. He didn't trust anything going right today. What if some whacko in the court was somehow in a position to harm the one on trial or even someone else and make the whole situation worse?

Sure enough, the outside of the building was packed as he pulled up, putting on his medical Interface Visor, taking out his medical equipment, walking past throngs of protestors. Their chants and slogans ran together, becoming gibberish.

The concept of so many, packed so closely together, was alien to him. In the Gulag Era, it had been extremely dangerous to gather together. Eight feet apart at all times. But the Plague never behaved like a normal disease when it came to transmissibility.

The throngs pressed each other, reporters from a dozen different news stations all covering it. He personally did not care if Romi Jade Romi Jade was convicted or not. Her sins were not his, and he was already damned, so it wouldn't matter to him if their positions were reversed--he was still doomed in the end, whether he succeeded or not, whether he saw the inside of a courthouse or not.

Still, he would be lying if he denied having a personal interest in the trial for its own sake.

After all...having grown up in such a savage time, Nathan had never actually witnessed a live trial of a Jedi.

He spotted the Academy personnel near the court grounds, waiting to treat anyone who might be hurt for any reason. They wore dark blue medical scrubs, their faces stern as they watched the crowds nearby.

Maybe he was overreacting. Maybe he was paranoid. Maybe they would not be needed at all.

But was it really paranoia if there really were threats out there looking for occasions just like this?

He showed his ID, and his lightsaber, and he was allowed into the courtroom. He noticed Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , the other man out of time in the room and his handlebar mustache twitched involuntarily as he impassively took a seat in his assigned row, watching all the pomp and circumstance and flowery excuses flow, and waited, just waited for the chaos to start...
Lake Country

Cira sat perched on the edge of her plush couch, her gaze fixed on the holographic display broadcasting the trial, a frown drawing over her brow. The room was bathed in the soft glow of the screen, casting a dim light across the walls adorned with subtle artwork and hundreds of books. Outside, the sun was setting over lake country. It was winter, snow drifts swirling as the chill filled the air along with the scent of freshly brewed caf.

Cira's fingers absently traced an idle pattern on the armrest, the data pad of archiving information on the Eternal Empire temporarily forgotten. Soft waves of mahogany hair streaked with silver were softly pulled back from her face, the extended length in a high ponytail. Another trial. Another potential distraction from the truth. Then again, she was so disconnected that her musings were all conjecture. Things weren't always as they appear in these high-profile trials; deeper motivations might be at play.

Cira sighed, her brow furrowing, speaking aloud to her partner, Sarge Potteiger Sarge Potteiger , "This doesn't make sense. Why is the focus shifting to her alleged relationship with Coren Starchaser? What does that have to do with the charges?"

Then again, Cira never understood the intricacies of personal relationships and how the various iterations of the Jedi Order and the Alliance worked. Her past life as the Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate didn't equip her for politics as brutal as holo media propaganda. Ayden and Teagea had taken care of that. Her sole focus had been on rebuilding and surviving. Known as Preacher of the Jedi Order, perhaps Brandon would know well enough to explain to her the intricacies involved.

Cira couldn't shake off her confusion as the trial continued to unfold on the holographic display. The twists and turns of the proceedings left her with more questions than answers, and the cryptic implications about Romi Jade's past lingered in her mind, stirring a sense of foreboding about what revelations might emerge next.
Seated at a table in the shadows of the room's gallery, void black eyes traced the lines of the dimmed datapad on the table in front of him. As with many collections this was a place of solitude and learning, spiced, at times, with flavors of personal enjoyment. They were a pair of the strangest variety. Loners, together. Hermits, never far from the other's mind.

Binary stars, prisoners together, their companionable silence was backlit by both holodisplay and the light reflecting off the carpet of unbroken gray cloud letting snow accent the beauty of Lake Country.

Lost in a monograph on the naval architecture of the Venator-class star destroyer, he certainly hadn't paid attention to his common law wife or what she was watching.

But, like a pair of hands clapping behind you in the darkness, some words or phrases could jolt you from even the most distracted of thoughts. Coren Starchaser was one. They had scarcely known each other but they had overlapping circles of influence and acquaintances, depending on where one looked. And as he himself had faded from the public eye so had Coren grown.

With rapid blinks of surprise, he lifted his head and straightened his posture. Fingertips carefully brushed across the screen of the datapad in a pantomime of closing a book. The screen shut off.

"I'm sorry, Lady," he began, using her old title as was his habit. "I was not aware you watched the daily serials. There are any number of charges related to dating Coren Starchaser I'm sure but... forgive me." Trailing off again, his eyes drank in the scene on the display. Blinking again, he set a palm to the table and slid his chair back carefully before setting a hand to his knee to help push him to his feet.

"Is that the Galactic Court of Justice?" 'Bewildered' didn't even begin to describe his tone.

Cira Cira
Galactic Justice Center — Courtroom

There'd been a time, many years ago, when a hermit named Quill had rescued a very young Sith acolyte named Tilon from a massacre. Jedi politics, Jedi sins, had cast the aftermath into turmoil over and over. But Romi Jade Romi Jade had been there for Tilon in the days when trusting Jedi had seemed not just risky but objectively unwise. Long after his teacher and adoptive father left the Jedi entirely, Tilon had chosen to become a Jedi Knight himself — in large part because of Master Jade's example.

He was here today to support her and to bear witness, both for himself and for his father. The elder Quill couldn't visit an ecumenopolis. Tilon, an independent Jedi living on Manaan, outside Alliance territory, merely found Coruscant uncomfortable. He could manage uncomfortable. Being here for her, facing up to the truth, was important.
He detached his hand from the blaster and input the wager. "Fifty at three to one, done and done. I'd make a crack about taking your credits but the smart money's on slap on the wrist for extrafething sure. Jedi millionaires, I tell ya."

Dells hand moved off her own blaster. Seemed they had found a common enemy : Jedi.

"How do they all have so much damn money? They must raid the worlds they glass beforehand."

Before she could turn to go, Dells watched the testimony of said Jedi play on the jumbo-holo up high above Jerec. There was a lot of rambling about a relationship with....Coren Starchaser? Really?!

Delila scoffed. She had met him and personally he didn't do anything for her. No better looking Jedi around and the Romi woman had settled on him?

Now if she was waxing poetic about Xin Boa Xin Boa and his bedroom skills leading to war crimes on trial he would kill her. Did these Jedi have no filter? How did a bad or good romp in the hay justify the killing of innocents?

Eyes fell back on Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr .

"You know what? Another 50 credits down on secret love child and 50 credits down on 'sex made her kill everyone'. I got a good feeling it's going to be one of the two."


Location: NJO Temple

A Jedi Master on trial for war crimes? This wasn’t something you saw everyday. So naturally the padawan was going to be at least a little invested in it. He initially imagined it as some frivolous lawsuit made by some of the many detractors of the Jedi. But then again, ‘war crimes’ are pretty serious. But most notably to him was the Jedi Master in question. Romi Jade.

Ko himself hasn’t had much interaction with the woman, but he did meet her once with quite a few of his fellow padawans on Eadu. He started to listen to the broadcast of the trial in his dorm at the NJO temple. On his desk he had the cane-sword his master had constructed for him. Gently taking it apart to do some maintenance on the blade. All the while he listened closely to the trial.

Naturally it felt like a punch to the gut to learn that the esteemed Jedi Master was once in leagues with Sith. He paused from his maintenance to continue listening to the response that Romi gave. They were some rather lengthy explanations, he almost worried that she was oversharing, even if it was to offer insight for the trial it seemed like a poor legal defense.

If Ko had teeth he’d grit it under his mask. This Dorin sense of morality and quickly assessed that she deserved to have the book thrown at her and taken out of the picture, permanently. Arguably the biggest crime here was the fact that it had taken this long for this trial to even get here. Ko wasn’t sure how much of the knowledge was public. Maybe all of it was secret, he’d certainly never heard of any of this before. Fortunately Ko wasn’t the judge here with the final say since he’d condemn Romi as guilty right here and right now, and so would any other self respecting Kel Dor.

Anything less than total mind control was just filler details. Distracting complexity and nuance to the situation. His black and white sense of justice meant that things were either right, or wrong. Any ‘grayness’ was just a smokescreen to garner unwarranted sympathy and make courts and ‘justice systems’ drag their feet on doing what needed to be done.

As Ko sat in his dorm, listening intently he felt a pang of energy from the echo stone he wore around his neck. Quickly reminding him of the small gift that Romi had given him and the others at Eadu. A wave of disappointment washed over the righteous Kel Dor as he grabbed the crystal ready to tug it off of himself.

But he stopped himself for a moment as he listened to more of Romi’s testimony. Hearing that she had been subject to a ‘Sith poison’ which quickly reminded him of the dreadful encounter he had on Hetzal Prime, where he had been subjected to something quite similar to what she described. Where vengeful rage clouded his judgment and saw him tap into darkness for power. It was also when he lost his eyes as well.

In that moment Ko caught himself feeling a sense of sympathy for the Jedi Master. In his own moment of poison fueled rage he fought some particularly menacing Drengir. Using that moment of unfiltered passion to punish and hurt the botanical monsters. He despised himself afterwards for that. But also was thankful that he had not subjected anyone innocent to the wrath of his altered state.

Feeling conflicted with himself now he let go of the echo stone and leaned back into his seat. Unsure what his verdict would be now. Letting out a sight Ko leaned over and turned off the device that was broadcast. Not really wanting to listen to it anymore and just feel more uneasy because of it. Learning that Romi had a Sith episode was already upsetting enough. Taking some deep breaths Ko continued to finish the maintenance on his blade before assembling it back together. Still wearing the echo stone around his neck and feeling the faint beat of its energy.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

"How do they all have so much damn money? They must raid the worlds they glass beforehand."

"Right? They've torched...just off the top of my head, that Exogol place, a chunk of Mirial, Ahto City on Manaan...I've known folks who've gone scavenging and found bupkis. Cleaned out."

"You know what? Another 50 credits down on secret love child and 50 credits down on 'sex made her kill everyone'. I got a good feeling it's going to be one of the two."

The money vanished. "Now those are some good angles. I'll give you five to one on both of'em. Real nice payday if your hunch is good." Jerec promptly added SECRET LOVE CHILD and SEX MADE HER KILL EVERYONE to the holosign, plus the relevant odds.

A Sullustan shoved in. "Sir, I said they were sleeping together, I wagered twenty at five to one-"

"Yeah, yeah, here's your hundred, get outta here."
Romi Jade was not a name that Colette was all that familiar with. Naturally she had seen the name float around here and there as she caught up on the years of history that she had missed as a child that had been part of an isolated tribe on a forgotten planet, but Romi Jade was in reality just one more name in an already humongous pile of names, just like Auteme and Corvus. They held no importance to her, and despite being Jedi in nature she still asked herself what it mattered for.

Given the circus around this particular name though, perhaps she should have paid more attention? Colette wasn't a technophobe, not really, but she still saw no point in watching 'telly' as some might have called it, but today was just one of those days when it seemed that everyone and their dog was glued to the screen and giving themselves headaches over whatever the hell was going on. Or well, so she assumed on account of the fact that most screens she ever looked at tended to make her head pulsate and throb with a migraine if she stared at them for too long.

So, playing the smart card she chose to listen as opposed to watch. Her eyes closed as she took in the very long and very complicated way in which the Jedi Master seemed to speak. At some points the girl even lost track of what they were saying as she struggled to understand some of the bigger and flowery words used.

For example, what the hell was synergy? The more time Colette spent trying to figure that one out based on the context, the more she missed from the rest of the speech.

In essence, it would seem that Romi had been struck with a poison of the mind in which her thoughts were technically her own and her actions were also technically her own, but the choice to act on them was not. Or, was that wrong? The more the kid thought about it, the more she swore that she could feel that migraine come about, the very same that she would have had if she had looked at the screens.

In the end the question that she couldn't find an answer to was whether or not a person who is under the influence of a drug or poison can be held responsible for the actions they commit when under said influence. On one hand, Jade was the victim of a crime, but on the other hand her time under this poison also made others her victims.

What a mess. Perhaps the problem wasn't so much that both things happened as much as the fact that both things were tried at the same time. Romi was a victim, that much was evident to some extent provided that she wasn't lying. But at the same time there had to be some form of justice for the crimes she herself had committed too.

She could hear the quiet grumbles of the ones watching the screen that Jade would be acquitted on account of being a Jedi, but surely that wasn't the case? Colette looked at the small crowd and pushed from the wall so she could think. Jedi had to be held accountable too, even in circumstances like these.

In the end Colette figured that prison time was warranted. Even if focus would be on rehabilitation for a thing that Romi had been 'cured' of, it was much more-so a case of closure for those affected by the time when she did, as she herself admitted, have a lapse of judgment.

To grossly oversimplify, was a drunk driver not also guilty of the crimes committed while under the influence? To allow someone a pass just because they were Jedi would be a travesty even Colette would struggle to swallow.

No, Romi had to be found guilty as long as enough plausible proof of her crimes could be presented.
Location: Green Devil Inn - Coronet City - Corellia
Theme Music

Watching the screen, Julius sighed. A patron turned to him as he snapped the towel off his left shoulder and through the air, dead-eyeing a buzzfly at several paces and snicking said towel back into his hands to wipe at his bar. Said patron, a grizzled old CorSec type, shook his head.

"Can't rightly make sense of what these robed bastards think they're doing, above the law. You put me or you in her place and we'd be dead before the day's end. No fancy trial, no holonews circus. Just an unmarked back-alley grave."

Musing, he turned a scarred and bare eye socket that had the best augmetic a veteran's pension could provide (which was to say next to nothing) to glance behind Julius. A faded collection of pictures of Sedaire, Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , Romi Jade Romi Jade , Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill and others from the Outback and various Orders covered the back wall, and a lightsaber hung in a transparisteel vault behind the bar along with a set of green robes. Biological eye widened in realization and he half mumbled an apology.

"Sorry, forget you're one of 'em some times Sedaire. You're alright though"

"Don't mention it Gordon. That was a long time ago. None of us are what we used to be anymore. Hell, I'm a respectable businessman now, not a Jedi... And she damn sure doesn't deserve the name if that's what she is. Supposed to be better than that. "

Memories of Romi pulling him out of one of his drunken stupors when his wife had vanished and presumably died flashed unbidden, and Julius resisted the welling of rage in himself, and the disgust. Merely shook his head and passed his conversation partner a pour from his personal flask nodding to indicate it was on the house as he lifted his own cup of Reserve to the wall of pictures, ignoring the vainglorious pleading ramblings of his once associate.

"To better days Gordon. To better days."

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